viovinn — {tGB} Fadri

Published: 2014-01-26 21:16:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 6981; Favourites: 56; Downloads: 22
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3.13.15| Completely updated his app! He won't be returning just yet but why not get a head start on his stuff, right?
10.16.15| Guess who's going on another adventure :^)
2.22.16 |  NEW REF BBY he's showin off the booty 


Name| Fadri
Meaning: Peace Ruler
Reason: Completely unknown. Fadri thinks peace is boring.

Kit-Name| Rowan
Named for his russet colored fur

Nicknames| Rockhead, Tree-Rock-Cat

Gender| Male

Birth Season| Summer

Age| 5.5 years

Rank| Scholar

Tribe|  Earth

Skill| Primary
Skill 1| Keep this in Mind| You can store memories or messages electromagnetically in root systems of plants or trees.
Skill 2| Let it Grow| You have the ability to summon and give life to flora of all kinds.
Skill 3| Heard it through the Grapevine| You can communicate directly over long distances via the root systems of plants and trees.
Skill 4| These Vines are Mine | You can summon vines to obey your every command! More experienced Earth-Tribe cats are able to secure themselves in vines and use them to travel through the canopy, swinging from branch to branch
Skill 5| Natural Camouflage | You can summon flowers, grass, and/or mushrooms and cover yourself in a natural camouflage!

Apprentice: none
Former Apprentice: Green-Earth Kirkwood

Tattoo| Pink-Earth

Fadri is an average-sized tom, with short fur covering most of his body. The exception to this is his tail which flares out behind him in a feathery manner, coated in long, fluffy fur. This base-coat is a russet-red color, occasional seeming brown in appearance. A single stripe runs around his neck and down his back, turning into mackerel tabby markings on his hindquarters and then into tabby stripes on his tail. Fadri's ears are covered in this color, and three tabby stripes blossom on the side of his face. A single stripe runs right above his paws on his hind legs. A pale off-white colour coats most of his forelegs, his belly, lower chest, and parts of his hindlegs and paws, also appearing on his tail-tip and nose, as well as under his eyes. The tom's darkest color, a rich reddish-brown covers his front paws, ear-tips, as well as becoming a bit of a dorsal stripe. Perhaps his most striking feature, however is the brilliant sapphire color of his eyes. He has a small snaggle tooth, and hopes he will someday grow out of it.
By way of scars, Fadri does not have many. A small nick in his right ear is the most noticeable of them all, the only others a small scratch on his hind right leg, right above his paw, and a scar right below his left eye. Two small golden earrings are the only adornments this tom has, and they cling to the lower portion of his left ear.  Thanks to Green-Earth Mar, Fadri now sports some new scars! Claw-markings adorn each side of his flank. He has also lost an ear, and due to his time in exile, has a few more scars, the majority of which are covered by his fur.

Breed:  Somali x Havanna Brown x Toyger x Snowshoe
Height: 11"
Weight: 10lbs
Fur length:  Medium
Fur texture:  Smooth
Pattern:  Mackerel Tabby
Coloration:  A trio of reddish-brown capped with a creamy white
Special features:  Missing an ear, long-furred tail
Scars:  Flank,  Under eye, around ankle
Eyes:  Azure
Scent: Crushed leaves and Oak trees


Myer-Briggs Type: ENTP-A [The Debater]
Cardinal: Adventurous

 There is only one thing Fadri actually fears in the world, other than that, he’s quite fearless. He’s got a thirst for adventure that will - and has - take him far and wide, and he craves those new experiences like no other. He’s not exactly brave, as that would entitle facing fears, but he’s most definitely an adrenaline junkie. He thrives off of risk-taking and things that make his blood pump and would normally require courage to undergo. The thought of impending death won’t hold him back from anything, he’s the kind of cat that if he dies, he’ll embrace it. He just want’s to experience as much, do as much, go through as much as he can while he’s still alive. He’s only got one life, after all, and he’s determined to live it. Fadri is far, far from the cat who will back down because something scares or intimidates him, hell, he’d probably never even admit to himself that something does. Except that one thing.

 Very, very few things actually managed to get under this tom’s skin. Fadri can take almost anything that comes at him and not be phased, including the death of ones he cares about, the end of everything he knows, and so on. He could almost be describe as mellow or laid-back, actually, if it weren’t from his tendency to try and work others up. Fadri’s the cat who will see a kit trapped under the ice and be unbothered if he can’t save it. He doesn’t user easily and is normally quite passive about things, and has a mental calm that’s almost unnerving. He’s not the kind of cat to worry about, well, anything really, he doesn’t get annoyed easily and threats don’t disturb him they amuse him. In fact, Fadri tends to look forward to the follow-up of threats, cats who want to kill him or the like are seen as challenges, and he loves challenges.

What is the point of having rules if they can’t be broken? Fadri doesn’t care much by way of rules that are in place and whatnot, he’ll follow them if he feels like it, but if he doesn’t? Nah. If he gets caught for it, all the better, too. Granted, he realizes that there are some he really shouldn’t break, especially not if he values being in the tribe, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to test the limits. Some rules he finds to be just plain-old stupid, others seem like such a waste, or an adventure that’s just being denied because cats are too afraid do to something. He doesn’t set much by store of the rules, and if they’ll help him, fine, but if not - especially if severe punishment is promised- they’re more like a challenge. How many can he break? He’d certainly like to find out.

There should be no doubt in any cats mind that Fadri is a flirtatious tom. Whether he does it because he really and truly finds himself attracted to someone, or because he aims to make other cats jealous or uncomfortable, no cat really knows - not even him. He’s very playful, a tease, doesn’t really usually have any true intentions behind his words or actions, but he won’t - or, rather, wouldn’t have - stopped them if they go further. Finding himself with his paws ready to pad after Charley wherever she goes hasn’t stopped this, if anything else it’s encouraged it - he enjoys watching her get jealous and take on other cats. He’s not strictly one to fluty with only one gender, either - no if he thinks he can make a cat uncomfortable, he’ll bat his eyes and plant innuendos everywhere.  Honestly, he'd probably even flirt with some cat just to get their hopes up and them watch them fall, even.  He enjoys the banter it brings about, that, too, is for certain.

Fadri does have a keen mind, though. He’s quick to pick up on things, to learn, and he’s great at coming up with plans or ideas. He’s an intelligent cat, sharp-minded and eager to learn what he can. It’s rare that there’s something that’s difficult for him to comprehend, though whether or not he chooses to act like it is another thing. He’s not a genius, not close, but thought doesn’t take much effort. He’s gained wisdom ,some at least, over his few years of life, but his cleverness is far more heard towards learning, adapting, and figuring out puzzles rather than innate knowledge. In fact, you begin with, you could probably say Fadri learns things so quickly because once he knew nothing at all. He’s almost intuitive when it comes to certain things, though.

 Fadri’s a selfish cat, really. He’s only concerned with himself, what he can do, his interests, etc. If someone else’s interest mesh with his own, or he can use them for his benefit, great! IF not, well, it would be a cat he truly considered in high regard for him to go along with or do something they like. For the most part, though Fadri’s only real concern is himself, he wants to do what he thinks is fun, would rather other cats take care of him than him of others, etc. If it doesn’t benefit him he sees no point to it. his profit and pleasure are all that matter; and consideration for others, well, that comes later in his case. He’s not necessarily self-absorbed, as he doesn’t much care about himself, he just wants what he wants and is generally unconcerned about what others do, unless they match up with his own desires.
He is, though, quite self-assured. He knows his limitations and what he can do and he’ll always voice his thoughts with little fear of being challenged or having his thoughts cast aside. If they are? No big deal! His self-worth doesn’t rely on what other cats think of him. He’s bold, essentially careless, and not at all worried about what other cats think about him. He finds no need to get irked if someone disagrees or calls him stupid. Instead, he’ll take it as a challenge, if anything - and he loves challenges. There’s no use, in his mind, to be anything less than confident in himself. Like, honestly no point what-so-ever, he’s never even considered being less. The assurance with which he takes each step is something he was almost born with. Besides, he's never failed himself, so why doubt?
If there is one thing Fadri really and truly loves, it’s trouble. Causing it, being in the middle of it, watching it, he absolutely adores it, and it’s for this reason that he always looked for ways in which it can be provoked. It’s never intended to cause harm or true trouble, and is generally only meant to be in a playful way, but if it goes farther, hey, who’s he to stop it? He can be quite annoying, poking and prodding others (both figuratively and literally) until he can find the things that will get under their skin the most or send them after him in a rage, or even until he can get them in trouble with someone who’s walking by. He annoys watching the arguments or the fights that it causes, and likes to see how far a cat will go to prove their worth or bravery. Little things, mostly, not truly meant to harm but he’s also been known to attempt to convince a cat to touch the poisoned wall, so the thought of harm won’t exactly stop him, either.
Other Traits:   Lazy, Instigator, Braggart


Prologue | Anything can happen in the... Mountains
Oak and Fox knew nothing of the tribes. Growing up, they heard mentions in passing, of stories from long ago and the original homes of their great grandparents. They knew that the odd markings that suddenly appeared at the six month mark were somehow tied to the tribes, but anything more that that was lost to them. The tribes were just a fantasy, one hardly remembered.
The pair grew up together- not family, but near enough that they became friends early on in life. He was a season or so older than she was, but it didn't bother the two, they were best friends from a young age. By the time they were adults, it was clear to see that they were completely taken by one another, and yet neither could get the courage to confess to one another. It wasn't until they were around two season-cycles that anything happened.
A winter storm blew into their rocky home on the mountain while Oak and Fox had gone out hunting one day, and hurriedly they took shelter in a crevice. One thing led to another, and before the storm had passed three days later, the two had confessed their love to one another, and agreed to become mates.
After confessing to their families, the two moved into a separate cave, not too far from where they'd been raised, and in the summer following those heartfelt confessions, they welcomed a litter of four to the world.
Chapter One |  Before the Tribes
Rain, Rust, Riot and Rowan were thus brought into existence.
Their kithood was easy, romping and playing on the mountainside, under the watchful eyes of their parents. Occasionally, the quarter got visits from their grandparents, though the aging cats never stayed for long. Rowan was the cautious one of them, Riot the most rambunctious, Rust the outgoing and Rain the leader. The four got into trouble nonstop, often running away and finding hiding places, resulting in scoldings from their parents and stern glares that generally kept Rowan cave-bound for a few hours longer than most of the others. Eventually, though, they would coax him back out to play, and the shenanigans would continue.
And yet.... Growing up on the mountainside was dangerous. Before the autumn was out, Rowan and his siblings had been nearly snatched up by the local hawks several times, and it was only Fox's warning shouts that kept the kits from tumbling off the side of the mountain. Crumbling rocks lay everywhere, and any strangers who passed through were hardened, unwilling to interact with the kits and hardly speaking to their parents.Prey was relatively hard to find - though much less abundant than in the tribelands, it was all Fox and Oak had ever known- and so the cats were lean. When winter rolled in, the mountains grew devastatingly cold, and the little family huddled together for warmth in the caves, hunting only briefly in the warmest point of the day - which was still bitterly cold.
When Fox died the late winter following their birth, the little family was devastated. She'd come down with a cough in the harshest of winter months, but appeared to be getting better preceding her death. Oak mourned for months, becoming lethargic and hardly ever leaving the cave he'd chosen as his home with his mate. Riot was the first to kit to leave, fed up with her father's apathy towards the world she left suddenly, giving her siblings a last goodbye before disappearing over the rise of the mountains ready to see what she could discover.
Rowan stayed close to his father, hunting for the tom while Rain provided him with water, and the three kits cared for Oak until one day he didn't have to any more- the tom was back to his old self, or seemed to be. Thankful for their close care, Oak gifted each of his kits with two of the piercings that adorned his ears.  Content to see their father back on his paws, the remaining three kits went back to their old ways, including Oak where they'd once had Riot. It was only then that the young cats first heard mention of the tribes- a brief explanation that the marks on their fur had some tie to do with it. Having nothing more to go on, though, Rowan brushed off the thought of tribes - what even did the word mean? - but Rust became fascinated. Before long, he, too, gave his family an adieu and departed from their mountain side home in search for the tribes.
It was late spring when Oak encouraged his two remaining kits to venture off on their own, as well. Rowan was reluctant, but with a heavy heart he and Rain departed, promising their father that if they could not find anywhere, they would return to where he lived - now with his parents, for he did not want to be alone - and continue life as it was.
When they stumbled upon the tribes, Rain and Rowan were shocked - what were so many cats doing in one place? Rowan became fascinated, but Rain was not thrilled. She kept him company for a few weeks as they watched how things went on, but when he announced he thought he wanted to join him, she wished him good luck, and promised that she would return if ever her mind changed. Saddened but eager, the young tom approached the cats.
Chapter Two | Tribe Life
Life in the tribes wasn’t awful. Fadri found himself being more carefree, more daring than he’d ever been before. Danger was his best friend, the daunting tasks that had left him so cautious back in his former home held no more weight over him - death, he didn’t fear. Fadri found himself settling into Earth-Tribe fairly well, though he struggled to make friends there it wasn’t difficult for him to fit right into the routine - and grow extremely bored with it, extremely quickly. He’d just missed one of the things that would have been most exciting, and the tom found himself cursing his previous caution.
Boredom led to adventures, and Fadri found himself running into and making friends in two she-cats in particular. The first was a Pink-Orange-Shadow named Artemis, a cat who had the power to control souls and had an affinity for the same delicious plant as he.  The second was a firry-spirited she-cat by the name of Charley; intriguing to him in her small stature and bold words.
One day, during the sandstorms that grasped the land in his late adolescence, the two she-cats encountered one other while in Fadri’s presence. Needless to say, it didn’t go down very well between the Orange-Fire and Pink-Orange-Shadow, and the then Blue/Green-Earth had to haul his only two friends back to Light-Tribe camp in order for the to heal. Artemis’s life was cut short, though, as an infection seeped through her burns and killed her, leaving Charley as Fadri’s only living friend and giving him far, far more reason to be interested in her. She’d essentially killed a cat, and the tom couldn’t help but find that quite, well, attractive.
No one to know what it truly is to miss a cat, Fadri found himself not mourning the death of Artemis, but instead praising the survival of Charley. It wasn't much longer after that that the tom came to find his sister, Riot, wandering about near the tribes territories. He spoke with her at length that day, and at the end of it somehow managed to convince her to join them, leading to the Fire-Tribe tattoo loosing it's black and becoming orange instead.
Once the tattoo on his shoulder finally became entirely green, Fadri found himself yet again bumping into Charley. It was a night of adventure, of sneaking into places they shouldn’t be and having a much fun as they could - gaining Charley a new nickname. 
It wasn’t long after that that the Green-Earth gained an apprentice, Kirkwood, and met some of his newer Tribe-Mates, Neytiri and Mar.  His relationship with Kirkwood was bad at best, Fadri couldn’t help but find the tom annoying and aggravating as none of his jabbing remarks seemed to shake the Blue-Earth’s cool. Neytiri was interesting, far, far too interesting - and he’d be joking if he claimed to have never felt a form of attraction to the older cat. And Mar? Well, he was just a blast in Fadri’s mind. A decent fighter, a barbed tongue, and true, he had a bit of an interest in Neytiri it seemed, which was unfortunate but Fadri could deal. The scrap he and Mar got into was nothing short of thrilling for the young tom.
An encounter with a Orange-Fire who called herself Silver was soon to follow, and shortly after that came the presence of another she-cat named Linnaea, and a Blue-Fire who gave him the name of Shade. Silver was interesting, Linnaea easy to manipulate, but neither truly left a deep impression on the tom. Shade, on the other hand, did, perhaps solely for the fact that he'd left Fadri with the promise of a favor to be returned some day. He wasn't quite sure what he'd ask of the tom, but Fadri found he liked having something owed to him.
Finally, the day came where true excitement began to ensue.  At a gathering, cats appeared, strange ones. Powerful ones. Fadri was fascinated by their presences, by their powers, and most of all, by the trouble they seemed to be causing. Willingly, the tom crossed over to this tribe of 'Golden Butterflies' eager to stir up something in the tribe lands to rid it of it's boring tendencies. Unfortunately, life with them didn't seem to be much better- Fadri wanted fun he wanted fights, he wanted to see the fear, the shock on the faces of the tribe-cats. It was quite hard to do when the only task he was given was hunting.
It was then that he lost his ear, upon returning from a nighttime excursion to go adventuring with Charley. He didn't much mind the loss of his ear, if anything, it only made him more determined to go out more often, do more things that would be breaking whatever 'rules' these cats had in place
His stay with them was cut short, though. One one of his excursions, the tom bumped in to his ginger-and-white feline friend again, only this time she was different. Now a Black-Fire, with a wound over her eye that he could smell infection on, Charley had been cast from Fire-Tribe. With her was a tom named Psych, who had seemingly followed her into exile. Determined his friend wouldn't die such a lame death, the russet tom rushed back to the Golden-Butterfly camp, where he convinced the Yellow-Light to heal the reluctant Charley, and made his official departure from the Butterflies. While he still found their cause to be nothing short of intriguing, he found the need to ensure Charley didn't die from something stupid to be greater.
Chapter Three | Wandering Souls
Not long after that, the green left Fadri's tattoo and he knew the reign of the Golden-Butterflies was over. He didn't much mind, honestly, it had been far more boring than he'd ever anticipated. Rather than try to go back to his tribe, though, the tom decided to stick with Charley and Psych. They were the two cats who interested him the most- well, mostly Charley, but Psych had certainly grown on him - and with Neytiri having been knocked up by Mar the last he'd heard.. well, Fadri didn't think it was in his best interest to go back to Earth-Tribe. There, he'd be tied down by rules, have to put up with Kirkwood again... it was far more pleasing to his mind to remain a loner by the side of his friends.
It was towards the end of autumn that a new change came about. It wasn't expected, though the tom had been quietly dreaming of it since before his tattoo turned green. Charley had woken him up and the conversation, well, one thing led to another and at the end of the discussion the two had agreed to leave the tribelands. They would go adventuring in the world beyond, someday to return but not yet. There was much of the world they wanted to see, why sit here with tattoos that wouldn't grant them anything?
They gave Psych their goodbye, Fadri giving Charley one of the precious golden earrings from his father to give to their friend, before sending him off to Fire-Tribe to rejoin and giving brief 'see you later's to a few of their friends before departing for the world beyond.
They were hardly a day or two into the mountains when the color returned to their tattoos. It was a blessing, of sorts. Charley no longer had to endure the heavy snows that were falling around them with only their body heat and fur for warmth, and Fadri, well, he certainly did enjoy the use of his skills.
They didn't last for long, though, until the tattoos disappeared. Admittedly, it was a little worrisome for them to have done so, but upon hearing the voiced concerns of his friend, the tom merely shrugged his shoulders. Maybe they'd just wandered too far out of range of the spirits. It was possible, wasn't it? The whole thing about the golden butterflies, after all...
At some point early on in their adventures, the duo stumbled upon the former Silver-Fire, Castail, and a young she-cat named Audry. They adventured with the other pair for a while, thanks to Charley's bond with the former leader, but before long were off on their own again.
And so their adventures continued, crossing many lands, defending themselves against other cats, other creatures, simply having fun. And, boy, Fadri was glad for it. 
As the seasons turned, the pair started to speak more and more often of the tribes back home. They'd been wandering for over a season-cycle now, perhaps it was time they return...?
And so they headed back, meandering, taking their time and quite possibly getting lost, for there were far, far too many adventures they had, and the way back was easy to forget. They did, eventually, manages to find the place where they'd met Castail and Audry, only to find the old tom had died. Fadri was relatively unfazed, but concerned as it devastated his companion.
Despite this, their adventures continued, no true mind being paid to where they were going (the conversation to go home had happened, but it was so much easier to adventure than to try and figure out the path back to the tribes).
And so, life went on, the duo now a trio, but with no less adventures than before.
Eventually, however, they'd found a few cats who whispered of cats with tattoos - some of them colored, still - making their way north, it seemed. North.
Why were tribecats moving north?
Curious, they sought out these cats, wondering if familiar faces would be there, wondering why.
And at last, they found them.
Questions - a quest. Something interesting? An adventure! It didn't take long for the pair to decide to join up with the group, eager to learn more about what lay beyond. Fadri found himself feeling almost smug, even: They'd been wandering this territory for well over a year. They probably knew things about it, knew cats around, that could help the tribe-cats far more.
And at the end of it, they would be allowed to return home.

Chapter Four | The Return
And with the quest, they returned to the tribelands. It had been a long time since Fadri had seen the lands, and in a way he felt trapped again - was he to just return to his tribe like that? No, it didn't seem like the case. Instead, he and Charley continued on their own way, making it to Cats Eye before settling down, and staying there for the night, which turned into a week, which turned into a longer while than he'd expected. The temptation of having his powers back enticed the tom, yes, but the idea of returning to a life of such restriction bothered him. He loved the freedom of exile, the lack of rules, the savage beauty of a world without laws, and to join Earth-Tribe once again would be to loose it, he knew.
Charley, too, seemed somewhat reluctant to return to her tribe, and the tom resolved that so long as she remained tattooless, so would he. And perhaps even after, he'd let himself deal with the choice later.


Color| Green
Scent | Smoke
Prey |  Hawk
Place | In a Tree
Cat |  Charley

  • Butterflies
  • Causing trouble
  • Chilling with Charley
Voice Actor
Colin O’Donaghue
Orientation: Grey-Romantic Pansexual
While Fadri's not exactly picky, he's generally attracted to cats who pose a challenge. It's far more personality over appearance for the tom. He finds himself intrigued by cats who are spunky, intelligent, or just as daring as he. He enjoys cats who will 'put on a show' so to speak, be that challenging an opponent for his pleasure or something more... flirtatious. He's got a thing for cats who are daring, dangerous, deadly. To know that a cat has been killed at the claws of another, well, he'd certainly find himself nothing short of enchanted by the killer.
Current Attractions:
Orange-Earth Neytiri

Fadri has no concept of missing someone (he'll enjoy their presence when they're around, but if they're not, he doesn't really care)
Originally, he was going to be named Frederik
this is my first design for him, though quite edited from it's original form.
Catnip? CATNIP! Fadri enjoys his catnip uvu. It is also one of the reasons for his fear of butterflies, though.
He was high and sitting in a tree and a butterfly landed on his nose and he freaked out and fell and to this day he's convinced butterflies want to kill him and eat him. Not that he'd tell anyone.
He considers himself superior to tribe-cats because he beleives he's led a rougher life than most of them. The mountains are harsh, after all.
Fadri has difficulty bonding with others - in fact, its almost impossible for him to. It's not that he doesn't enjoy their presence, and for all intents and purposes, he may very well seem like a 'friend' to them, but he is unable to be attached. This affects all his relationships - friends, 'romantic' ones - while he puts on a sort-of show of being able to be attached, honestly? He can't. He lacks the emotional ability to love. This shows up in a couple of ways: He doesn't mourn when he's lost someone, he doesn't really care if someone dies or not, there's no driving need to see anyone again and again, he isn't able to miss someone if they're not there with him.
This isn't to say he doesn't enjoy being around others! He does like the company of other cats, and has those who's company is much preferable to others (Charley) but he isn't truly attatched - if they died or waltzed off somewhere else one day, he wouldn't really care.
it's difficult to explain but yeah


Oak - Tattooless - Father
Fox - Black-Earth - Mother

Hazel - Green-Fire - Sister
Rust - Tattooless - Brother
Rain - Tattooless - Sister

Best Friend: Charley

Mate: N/A


[ From The-Golden-Butterfly | A Roleplay with GingerFlight ]
He hesitated, paws shifting as his head was tilted towards the ground. He’d be staring at the earth beneath his feet, could he see, but he had no reason to.  He could feel the earth eel enough - the little sticks that got buried underpaw, the grains of dirt burying themselves between his pawpaws. In fact, he was pretty sure he could feel something moving dirt up against his paws- was there a worm there? He’d have to be an Earth-Triber to know for sure, but for now he was satisfied enough with guessing. It was something for him to focus on besides his own awkwardness, in any case. It was far more interesting, too. Unfortunately, it just didn’t seem to weigh in the air in quite the same manner.

Finally, her maw parted again and the words of the Orange-Shadow sliced through the air that had been thick with the silence between them, and the Green-Shadow let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. She was speaking. That had to mean she didn’t hate him, right? Or maybe it did and she was just speaking to be polite, but… If she hadn’t spoken, it would’ve been confirmation. This allowed for some wiggle room, he could cling to the hope that they could still be friends. Flickering his ears back at her denial of his correctness, Kyer shook his head. ”Still. I should have come to you sooner - and I shouldn’t have shut myself out like that. Shut the world out. Thank you, by the way, for trying to bring me back. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that.” Shit, what was he doing? He was babbling, letting his mouth run again. She didn’t need to know, hell, she probably didn’t even want to know half of what he just said. ” You don’t - you have no reason to apologize. You tried your best to help me I’d never hold that against you. And I wasn’t dealing with things - I was ignoring them. Pretending they didn’t exist. Maybe… Maybe something in what you said did help me. I don’t really know, I just know that I’m better now.” He shook his head a little, tail twitching. Everything he was saying wasn’t something he’d planned. He’d already gone through most of what he’d planned to say, and now? Well, he hadn’t expected this reaction to her. He’d expected her to stay away, or to say that he should be sorry, at least. He knew what he would say to those reactions. But this? He was at fault, he knew that, but why didn’t she see it?

He was taken aback, though, as she continued. Her mother? He’d never bothered to ask the feisty Orange-Shadow about her past, he was too involved in himself - in his friend, his family, his misery. Why hadn’t it occurred to him until now that maybe she’d had some of her misery of her own? She never shows it. But… did she? Was that why she was so sharped tongued most of the time? Suddenly a resounding interest in her family, in her past embedded itself in the tom. He knew she’d not been born in the tribes, but what beyond that? Did she still have family outside of the tribes? Had both her parents died, like Ameena’s had? Did she have brothers, sister out there? or were there any in the tribes? The realization that he hadn’t the faintest idea stocked, him. ”I’m - I’m sorry.” He mumbled again, mind racing with questions he knew would be inappropriate to ask right now but he was determined to bring up some time - providing she still wanted to be in contact with him at all.

Nodding a little, the tom let out a sigh of relief that was quickly frozen in place. What His ear flicked, but otherwise he remained completely motionless, taking a moment to process her words before, with an air or resignation, he dipped his head. ” You’re welcome.” Was that his voice? That stiff sound reverberating in the air? ”For the mouse. I’m glad you don’t hate me.” Spirits, he didn’t think this could get anymore awkward but it had and he didn’t know what to do about it. That came out wrong. But would she really have said it if she didn’t mean it? His tail twitched slightly, the all-too-familiar feeling of sadness now present in his form. Her laugh sounded odd, distorted. Forced. Was she just saying that because she didn’t want to hurt him anymore? I can deal with being hurt, now. But her words had been said and that was all that he needed to here. She didn’t hate him. But she didn’t really want to be friends. I guess I can live with that. ”And - for the record, I do want to be friends. But I can understand if you don’t. I’ve given you no reason to want to be. You don't have to pretend.  I can just - I’ll just… go now. Enjoy the mouse - don’t kill the tree too much. Some cat might need to hide in it some day.” Dipping his head again, the tom took a step back, before turning away, his head hanging a little. I guess… that was kind of pointless.

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TGB & Character © Vinscribbles

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Comments: 63

viovinn In reply to ??? [2015-11-06 03:04:39 +0000 UTC]


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Artistic-Twist [2015-03-18 08:26:17 +0000 UTC]


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viovinn In reply to Artistic-Twist [2015-03-18 17:01:05 +0000 UTC]

Fadri: Is that a problem, love~?

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bangarain [2015-03-13 23:50:03 +0000 UTC]

Charley: swoons loudly

Charley: I mean

Charley: nice pink. ewe

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viovinn In reply to bangarain [2015-03-14 01:40:45 +0000 UTC]

Fadri: I pull it off well, right?

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Jaddels [2015-03-13 23:32:31 +0000 UTC]

His headshot on the bottom looks like he's looking at the flower

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R0B0tak [2014-12-09 17:18:04 +0000 UTC]

I noticed you're lacking an ear.

Care to have your face be made more symmetrical? 


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viovinn In reply to R0B0tak [2014-12-09 19:12:02 +0000 UTC]

-snorts- Lacking one ear maybe but not lacking the ability to kick your ass.
Just try me, tribe-cat.

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R0B0tak In reply to viovinn [2014-12-09 19:47:46 +0000 UTC]


*realizes he's the deplorable 'tribe-cat' in this confrontation*

*begins to seriously reconsider his life*


Ha! Ahahaha! Well then, whenever you're ready, **** ****!

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viovinn In reply to R0B0tak [2014-12-09 20:15:00 +0000 UTC]

gdi why are there no OUAT based captain hook plz accounts

-distant laughter- I'm always ready, green-earth.

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R0B0tak In reply to viovinn [2014-12-09 20:50:31 +0000 UTC]

OTL maybe maybe maybe one of these could be an apt substitute?????
Romano OTL hetaliaplzs.deviantart.com/blo…
and IDEK but Prussia hetaliaplzs.deviantart.com/blo… he doesn't look like Fadri but he totally acts like him OTL
but idek ;C;

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viovinn In reply to R0B0tak [2014-12-09 20:52:33 +0000 UTC]

//saves those for future reference


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R0B0tak In reply to viovinn [2014-12-09 22:15:56 +0000 UTC]

*loves Prussia with a bloody passion* He totally IIIIS hahaha!
And I hope those were handy! OTL None of them are Captain Hook, but hey |-D

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bangarain [2014-12-02 01:34:34 +0000 UTC]

Charley: eue

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viovinn In reply to bangarain [2014-12-02 01:44:13 +0000 UTC]

Fadri: c;

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bangarain In reply to viovinn [2014-12-02 01:52:32 +0000 UTC]


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sshoes [2014-10-01 20:44:14 +0000 UTC]

Some of his info got messed up! ono

He's so cool looking though! One day I must rp with you. eue

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viovinn In reply to sshoes [2014-10-01 23:58:01 +0000 UTC]

hehe yeah that was a while ago i just never went back to fix it |D
Absolutely! I'm always up for rp's c:

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sshoes In reply to viovinn [2014-10-02 00:26:23 +0000 UTC]

As soon as I enter Chione back in, we definitely should!

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SozinThis [2014-09-02 02:12:20 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to rp with you if your not busy. <3 I want Jebizel to know all of his tribe mates. 

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MlSTY [2014-07-19 00:17:58 +0000 UTC]


Cheryl is in, wanna rp the two gingers? c:

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viovinn In reply to MlSTY [2014-07-19 00:23:21 +0000 UTC]

sure! c:
Can you start though?

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MlSTY In reply to viovinn [2014-07-19 00:36:45 +0000 UTC]

Sure vwv How wpuld you prefer to rp? Skype or notes? (I'm quicker on Skype btw) vwv

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viovinn In reply to MlSTY [2014-07-19 00:41:20 +0000 UTC]

Either is fine!
Skype works great for me -- missyvinciane is my skype name

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MlSTY In reply to viovinn [2014-07-19 01:32:52 +0000 UTC]

Addedd vwv 

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R0B0tak [2014-06-28 00:52:42 +0000 UTC]

Dat new app.

I'm updating mine, too! <3

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viovinn In reply to R0B0tak [2014-06-28 00:55:26 +0000 UTC]

Eheheh |D
Rain did an amazing job omg

I cant wait to see|D

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R0B0tak In reply to viovinn [2014-06-28 01:44:33 +0000 UTC]

;w; Yeah she did! ;w;
I can't wait to show! >D

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R0B0tak [2014-06-24 14:10:43 +0000 UTC]


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viovinn In reply to R0B0tak [2014-06-24 16:12:26 +0000 UTC]

Do you wanna start?

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R0B0tak In reply to viovinn [2014-06-24 21:22:26 +0000 UTC]

Whatever's fine with me! ;w; I'm a smidget busy this afternoon, though! D; Whither shall we begin? What is the place of Fadri's reckoning for the fight?

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viovinn In reply to R0B0tak [2014-06-24 21:51:50 +0000 UTC]

laughs hmmm
 -goes to look on the map-
Somewhere between Lifespring Pond and the Breathing Caldera, perhaps?

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R0B0tak In reply to viovinn [2014-06-24 21:54:57 +0000 UTC]

Mmmm~ I've never been there before! >W< That'd be sweet! *totally ships it*

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viovinn In reply to R0B0tak [2014-06-24 22:06:11 +0000 UTC]

Okay! c:


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R0B0tak In reply to viovinn [2014-06-24 23:29:52 +0000 UTC]

I almost wanna make it a comment RP, so Neytiri can watch! x'D

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viovinn In reply to R0B0tak [2014-06-24 23:33:46 +0000 UTC]

oh? /// \\\\ Could we make it chat or skype instead? I'm not too big of a fan comments orz

Also! Would it be based off the the stuff on twitter (aka are we gonna consider that cannon) or would they pick a fight in the actual rp?

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R0B0tak In reply to viovinn [2014-06-25 00:34:00 +0000 UTC]

*shot* I don't have skype and I can't do chat RP's! ;A; *shot* Maybe just a 1-on-1 note then! ;o; If that's okay!

I thinnnnnnnk we can concede the words they exchanged in twitter cannon (though not the fact that they actually used a social networking site to do the conversing ROFL) - and thence the fight can be picked! ?

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viovinn In reply to R0B0tak [2014-06-25 00:43:55 +0000 UTC]

That works fine for me! ^^

Yeah I don't think it would be too hard to do that laughs

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R0B0tak In reply to viovinn [2014-06-25 01:07:31 +0000 UTC]

Okay! x'D Sweet! ;w; I'll try'n send you the first note tonight? ;w; Unless you want to?

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viovinn In reply to R0B0tak [2014-06-25 01:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Go for it! xD
Starting with Fadri is always really hard for me orz

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R0B0tak In reply to viovinn [2014-06-25 02:21:25 +0000 UTC]


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wiskrr [2014-06-17 20:43:32 +0000 UTC]

I love this tom
Maybe we can catch a role-play sometime?

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viovinn In reply to wiskrr [2014-06-17 20:52:46 +0000 UTC]

Ahaha |D

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wiskrr In reply to viovinn [2014-06-20 13:13:14 +0000 UTC]

DD! Sorry for late reply, I had to go digging in my inbox ;b;
I can start if you'd like? Do you have any plots in mind?

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viovinn In reply to wiskrr [2014-06-21 02:48:40 +0000 UTC]

That's be great !
And ahhhh not really orz I'm quite bad at coming up with plots

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wiskrr In reply to viovinn [2014-06-24 10:55:35 +0000 UTC]

Maybe we can just go with the flow? Sorry for late reply ;n;

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viovinn In reply to wiskrr [2014-06-24 16:13:27 +0000 UTC]

That works for me!

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catheartstripe [2014-06-16 11:58:08 +0000 UTC]

He's hawt. x3 I have a question, though. What program do you use? I'm a nerd and I'd like to learn digital art but I don't know where to start. Nice picture btw

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viovinn In reply to catheartstripe [2014-06-16 13:32:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ! c:
I didn't draw it, actually, my friend did! I tend to use FireAlpaca, which is a free program, because it works better than SAI does for me, but I have also used Photoshop, Paint tool SAI, and GIMP!

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Wings-of-Change12 [2014-05-26 12:35:42 +0000 UTC]

So here's the cutie that gets to be Kirkwood's mentor. :3

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