viovinn — {tGB} Parker

Published: 2016-04-01 21:24:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 3950; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 11
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[ 3.12.17 | And she's an adult ;w; I actually hate this ref whoops but oh well. ]

Update: Parker was caught in the blast that was Qiarah while on her way to visit him, and died in the big boom 


Name| Parker
Meaning: Park Keeper
Reason: She likes flowerS?? Maybe?? who knows

Kit-Name| Asti
Named after Castail

Nicknames| Nasty (Fadri), Nasty Asti (Also Fadri), Siti (Kino), Pippa

Gender| Female

Birth Season| Autumn

Age| 18+ months

Rank| General

Tribe| Light

Skill| Secondary
Skill 1| The Chemist |  You now have a general knowledge of the makeup of organic material (general function of animals + plants and their flow of energy). You can also pick up on other animals’ blood flow to distinguish what is around you.
Skill 2| Scientific | You now have a greater understanding of the makeup of organic material to the point where you can understand how it grows and is created, and can understand toxins and chemicals to a degree which can allow you to create poisons. Offensively these poisons can be used to create mild sickness -- you are not yet skilled enough to be immune to these poisons yourself.
Skill 3| Blood Magic Beginner | By obtaining blood from prey animals, you can create toxic substances which can be used to sicken other cats (or yourself) if ingested -- but only sicken. It is very unlikely that these tier poisons will cause any permanent damage.
Skill 4| Blood Sucker | Should you obtain a drop of another cat’s blood, you can physically weaken this cat (without touching them) by sapping their energy. More experienced secondaries can transfer this energy to themselves, however this skill must be used very carefully -- the risk of poisoning yourself with the cursed blood is high.
Soulbond| Lucas
Skill 1| Neutrality | The primary user is now immune to the secondary users powers; but the primary user may still heal the secondary user.

Former Mentor| Baldr

Apprentice| N/A

Tattoo| Green-Light

While Parker has grown since kithood, she hasn't really blossomed as much as her peers. It's clear now that she's taken after her mother in height, she will never be tall - but that's ok with her. Kinda. She's got the muscle to put force behind her punch, she doesn't need to look intimidating too. (That doesn't mean she doesn't try, though). She’s small, short, stocky and covered in a layer of sleek fur. It’s of a creamy, off-white base, with patches splotching over her shoulders, and smaller spots and speckles on her hind legs. A mask seems to cover the top half of her face, including one and a half of her ears, and the tip of her tail is also coated in a spot. A small, heart-shaped spot also caps her nose. These are of a bright ginger base, and have darker stripes running across them. They resemble her mothers greatly, with the exception of the dorsal stripe that comes from her father.
The skin that is visible is a pinkish color, found on her nose, the insides of her ears, and her pawpaws. Her eyes shine out in a bright, grassy green color, unlike her parents’ blue.
While she bears no scars yet, one of her most notable features is the short, stubby tail that pokes out of her rear. It’s a little less than half the length of a normal tail.
Overall, she bears greatest resemblance to her mother.
She has also picked up two accessories recently, the first a bracelet that  adorns her leg made of woven grass and decorated with a single shell. The second is a rat femur she bears on a necklace.

Breed: Moggy [ Somali x Snowshoe x Toyger x Havannah Brown x Birman x DSH x Bengal ]
Height: 9 inches
Weight:  7.5 lbs
Fur length:  Short
Fur texture:  sleek
Pattern:  Patched tabby
Coloration:  Cream and Ginger
Special features:  Short tail
Scars:  None
Eyes:  Grassy Green
Scent: An odd conglomeration of scents, the most prominent of which is the sent of flowers.
Accessories: Grass and shell bracelet, made by her with the aid of Kokkinos. one of a pair she shares with Ryder. A rat femur on a necklace, gifted by Fadri.
Previous Refs: x


Myer-Briggs Type: ENFP
Variant: Turbulant
Practicality is not exactly Asti's strong suit, especially not when it comes to the way she views the world around her. That's not to say that she's got her head in the clouds, exactly, but she tends to have an idealistic view of the world. She dreams of a perfect one, and always has an image of her mind of exactly how she thinks everything should be - of how it would be if it were perfect, if it were exactly the way she expected it to be. Her goals are often grand and unrealistic, and she'll often be disappointed by how the world actually works, but that in no way means she's going to give up on her ideals. Asti's got a knack at hiding her disappointment, though, and she will always strive to make the world as she imagines it ought to be.

Much like any other kit, there's a sense of curiosity that will not leave Asti be.  She's always sticking her nose in places it hasn't been (and often shouldn't be), trying to find out more, to learn more, about, well, everything. She has an insatiable need to know as much as she can, see as much as she can, and learn as much as she can. This can often lead to trouble as she'll wander off to explore things to ask questions she really shouldn't, but that's not going to stop her. This little feline has an arousing interest in the world around her, in how things work, and she's not one to let it be until her curiosity has been satisfied. There's not much that, at the moment, doesn't capture her curiosity, though she certainly finds some things  more fascinating than others. It leads her into excessive mischief-making alongside her siblings, but its all in good fun, right?

Asti is quite an extrovert, enjoy the presence of others, conversing, just being not-alone. That's not to say that she can't handle time on her own, but she much prefers to be in the company of other cats, be they family, tribemates, or even complete strangers. She's not necessarily always friendly to these others, but whether or not she likes them, chances are she likes being around them, because hey! If she doesn't like someone, well, certainly they're the best kind of cats to pull pranks on, right? It doesn't matter if they like her back! She loves group activities, and being part of a team, working with others is much, much more fun to this little she-cat than working on her own is. It can make even the most boring tasks interesting, in her mind, so why on earth would she want to be alone? Everything she does - from sleeping, to running, to, well, anything, Asti much prefers to do in the company of others.

To say that this she-cat inherited her mother's temper would be nothing short of accurate. As friendly and social as she can be, when Asti is quite subject to dramatic mood swings that pop up for the littlest of reasons, that can lead to severe anger, glee, hatred, etc. Everything could be just fine one instant, but if a cat says something or implies something that Asti dislikes, it'll only take seconds for her to switch, become an angry, violent little kit. Even in play-fighting with her siblings, this is prone to happen: at some point in the fighting she'll go from playing to actually moving to real fighting, with the goal of winning - and getting them to do what she wants. She can just as easily go from a bad mood to a good one, but it's less likely to happen. If something doesn't go her way and Asti can't pitch a fit or fight someone about it, she's will, eventually, go and sulk in a corner, glaring and or growling at any that come her way.

Asti has a boundless energy, much like most kits. She's always ready to go, on her paws and moving around, excited to do things, and bursting with activity. She's a very lively kit, bouncing from one task to another with a kind of vivacity that really makes you wonder how she's one of the chubbier of the kits in her litter. Asti is rather full of life, animated to the point that even her expressions end to be almost dramatic in their form. She's enthusiastic about  life, about living, with a keen interest in everything around her and a streak of exuberance that would let her run until past the time she's collapsed. In conjunction with this, however, Asti falls asleep very quickly - there's no calming down, she'll just lie down and pass out. Or just pass out while running, or playing, collapsing on her siblings.

As her temperament suggests, Asti is ruled by her emotions. She has a tendency to act on impulse, react because of her emotions, than use logic or reasoning to short through things. This isn't to say she's never logical or reasonable, just that Asti goes first to the emotional response, before putting thought into it. She feels each emotion intensely, oftentimes to the point of seeming over-dramatic - or being crippled by them. She's terrible at hiding them, too, with each one being openly displayed on all her features - it's very easy to tell what mood Asti is in, what feelings she's got.  It leads her to be a very passionate kit, but also fuels her temperamental attitude and occasional belligerent tendencies. Her emotions are her driving force, their impacts seen in nearly everything she does; it is thanks to them that she has such violent anger, thanks to them that her energy is so boundless, and so on.

Other Traits:  Playful, Romantic, Spontaneous, Passionate, Sassy, Competitive, Jealous, Posessive, Ambitious, Nosy, Determined, Mischevious, Manipulative, Whiny


Prologue | Friends and Family
Charley and Fadri had a long history of banging and not having kits, and this made Charley sad. They tried stealing one, but attempts are not always successful. Finally when they were back in the tribelands one of their bangalangs actually succeeded and Charley started growing fat, so they moved to Earth-Tribe and had babies.
Chapter One |  Here I am
Asti was born the last in a litter of five, alongside her brothers, Azel and Kinos, and her sisters, Reily and Lassy. For the first few weeks of her life, all she knew was the nursery, and her parents. Oh, and Grandpa Kokkinos, of course. It wasn't long, however, before she befriended the dark-furred kitten named Ryder and started getting into all kinds of trouble. Her first three months were filled with such things,  sneaking out of camp, picking up pretty trinkets (and burying them under Kokkinos's nest), romping around the camp with her friends and siblings. Trying to get affection from her careless father. Getting 'rides' from Kino. Ignoring what went on in the rest of the world - it was all great fun, really. Once day she and Lassy decided to go visit the caiman skull sticking out of the wall, and being the smart kits they were, went and touched it (because it couldn't really actually be poisoned, right?). This resulted in them getting pretty sick, and so the pair had to go and get themselves all healed in Light-Tribe. It was there that she received her tattoo, while asleep in the healing den on the night of the gathering.
When she woke up, it was with a bit of nervous anticipation that she learned she had a light-tribe tattoo. Her parent's had never liked the tribe, calling them weak, but it was a chance to prove she was herself, not to have to wear the shadow of her parent's legacies. And, too, it was exciting to learn that Ryder had gotten the same tribe!
Together the two moved to Light-Tribe, and under the care of the various nurse maids came to learn about their new tribe and tribemates. It was... alright at first. It was a strange tribe and famine seemed to be sweeping across the lands, leaving Asti hungry much of the time, but she and Ryder learned to cope (with, at least on Parker's behalf, several trips to Earth-Tribe to get prey from her grandfather and mother). It was during this famine that several events began to take place in Asti's life. Fights began to break out between tribe-mates, cats were going hungry, and Asti became quite frightened of a tom named Shino. Light-Tribe expanded their borders to try and get more prey, a decision that caused conflict between the tribes. Earth-Tribe, Asti's kithood home, chose not to respect them. The second notable one was an encounter with what she deemed to be a shadow spirit, who brought her prey and told her she had to make the gold-light eat it first. The patched tabby did so, and it became known that the prey was poisoned.
It wasn't long after that that the Silver-Earth raced into camp with Kino and Ryder, both ill and limp from having digested some of the poisoned prey. Asti did her best to help the healers, but grew frightened as Shino attacked the Silver-Earth, her grandfather, and ended up hiding in the den with the two healing cats.
Things didn't really improve after that, but as her Ceremony came around, it seemed that tensions were finally starting to lessen - or perhaps that was after. The time was all really a blur for the young she-cat, but she did manage to glean one thing: Her father, a cat who'd never seemed to care, had come to her ceremony.
It was then that she was given a new name, and Asti became Parker.
Chapter Two | Trial and Conflict
 - Starts training under Baldr
 - Meeets Benny, has a fun time w/him, makes him swear to keep an eye out for Kino, promises to teach Benny all she knows about fighting if he does the same for her
 - Starts to train under various cats, determined to learn to fight even if she's a healer
 - Keeps Benny up to date w/her training, teaching him as she can
 - The volcano goes boom
 - Tries her best to help heal the cats
 - Meets Benny while in WT's caverns
 - Goes back to WT as much as she can to make sure no one is hurt/tries to help as best she can
 - Finds out her Ma is pregnant again, gets hecka upset :C
 - LT has to move to WT territory, she's overjoyed to be near her grandpa and ma again
 - Meets up with Benny on one of her trips back, they go on an adventure
 - Continues to train as a healer and a fighter
 - Spiegal and Lucas start dating. Parker is jealous. Avoids them whenever they're together.
 - Meets Sitka. It does not go well. (She doesn't hate him. She just sees him as someone she needs to be better than at everything.)
 - LT moves back to LT land. She is glad. It means she doesn't have to think about her mom replacing her
 - Try and strike a deal w/ ET about herbs. A plan for a herb garden is made!!
 - Grandpa Kokkinos says no unless LT returns the territory
 - LT obv says no
 - Parker feels betrayed by her grandpa's request, starts feeling bitter towards him
 - convinces her Fathri to be part of a patrol to come help grow them herbs to take care of.
 - Spike is attacked. Oh no.
 - Lucas and Spiegal break up. She's now confused becasue who is she supposed to dislike?? Just avoids talking about the breakup w/them really.
 - Starts dating Benny
 - Asks Lucas to be her soulbond when they get older - he says yes!! She's so happy
 - A ghost appears and Lucas is attacked by someone - she's determined to find out who and make them PAY for hurting her bffl future soulbond best buddy man
 - Ma has her kits. Parker helps deliver them!! She's not too happy that there are six, though. Seriously, Ma, six? One would have been bad enough.
- She becomes an Adolescent! Slightly sad that her tattoo isn't (can't be) pink but she'll get over it.
- Graduates 8)
- Agrees to Soulbond w/ Lucas !!
- The tribes get chased out :C
- Works with LT to try and make them stronger, living in the camp with ET and AT as well
- goes on one of the rock-finding/scouting
- Fights with the tribes when they go against the enlightened
- Ridiculously happy to have returned to her home
- Gets back used to things, is appointed as one of Light-Tribe's Generals when  Rookson announces that LT will have soldiers now.
- Kinda goes through like 3 apprentices in a short s pan of time, all of them choose to study something else so she's left there having half-trained like 3 of them
- Lucas is caught up in a flow and dispapears from LT. Parker is heartbroken and sick with worry over her soulbond
- She almost leaves to go afterr him, but as she goes to tell Rookson what she's doing, she found out he's passed away suddenly overnight.
- Is royally pissed off and very broken at this point, like, her father-figure and her best friend have just... vanished.
- Mopes a lot. Especially when the spirit chooses Qi as the new silver - he's like her brother but she's kinda disappointed that, well, the spirit didn't choose her
- Gets over herself though, and does wahtever Qi needs of her - she knows it's as hard on him as it is on her
- Gets an apprentice again, a little tom named  Hiro
- Spends tim ehelping out where she can outside of camp, it's hard to stay in Light-Tribe but she refuses to leave it
- Learns her Fathri died. Feels kinda bad that she doesn't feel as sad about him as she does about Rookson dying.
- Visists her Ma frequetnly.
- Konig disappears.
- Qi appoints sOMEONE ELSE as deputy, at this point she's furious w him
- basically a ball of mad n angry who only really feels like herself when she's around Benny, and even then it's not always
- Visits her mom and siblings a lot, determined to do better
- Qi steps down
- Ma leaves
- She and Benny break up, mutually deciding it's better off


Color| Pink! Like her nose. She loves her nose.
Scent | Flowers !!
Prey | Squirrel
Place | Light-Tribe Camp
Cat | Lucas & Benedictus

  • Not being able to figure out what she wants 
  • Never being good enough
  • Shes not even sure anymore
  • for Lucas to come back
  • and for things to be good again
  • to know who she is 
Voice Actor
Natalie Dormer
Orientation: Heterosexual
Seems to prefer tall, dark-furred cats but honestly she doesn't know - Benny's the only cat she's ever been with.
Current Attractions:
NonePast Attractions: 
Orange-Fire Benedictus
I was very conflicted about taking her - I'd been intending to downsize my characters, not add another to the pile. But here we are. Oops.
I actually had this idea for her before we got the roll
Rain designed her and I fell in love with the hypo design and ta-daaa!
She's actually got a bit of a morbid sense of curiosity
Her face markings are not symmetrical!
She demands attention.   She may very well pitch a fit to get it.
Asti has an innate need to be everyone's favorite, and thus her attitude kindof fluctuates depending on who she's talking to in order to try and be their favorite. That being said, if ever she was told she wasn't someone's favorite, she'd either plot some way to be their favorite or some way to dethrone their favorite. She HAS to be the favorite.
She'll scream bloody murder when she fights/playfights, in an attempt to scare the other away/deafen them.
She's got some hella bad abandonment issues, thank u fadri.

Fadri - Orange-Earth - Father
Charley - Black-Fire - Mother

Crowley - Green-Shadow - Brother
Scully - Pink-Water - Sister
Speigal - Orange-Fire - Brother
Dagmara - ???-Void - Sister
Extended Family
Hazel - Black-Fire - Aunt
Rain - Tattooless - Aunt
Rust - Tattooless - Uncle
Oak - Tattooless - Grandfather
Fox - Black-Earth - Grandmother
Talaru - Black-Shadow - Grandfather
Kokkinos - Silver-Earth - Adopted Grandfather
Aarui - Black-Fire - Grandmother
Ashon - Blue-Water - Uncle
Sparrow - Tattooless - Aunt
Crow - Tattooless - Uncle
Snow - Tattooless - Uncle
Ember - Tattooless - Uncle
Thunder - Tattooless - Uncle
Pyralis - Pink-Air - Cousin
Shiranui - Blue-Shadow - Cousin
Spire - White-Fire - Cousin
Myos - White-Water - Cousin
Krowe- White-Shadow - Cousin
Rudi - White-Earth - Cousin

Best Friend:  Benny

Mate: N/A



[ From The-Golden-Butterfly | A Roleplay with GingerFlight ]
He hesitated, paws shifting as his head was tilted towards the ground. He’d be staring at the earth beneath his feet, could he see, but he had no reason to.  He could feel the earth eel enough - the little sticks that got buried underpaw, the grains of dirt burying themselves between his pawpaws. In fact, he was pretty sure he could feel something moving dirt up against his paws- was there a worm there? He’d have to be an Earth-Triber to know for sure, but for now he was satisfied enough with guessing. It was something for him to focus on besides his own awkwardness, in any case. It was far more interesting, too. Unfortunately, it just didn’t seem to weigh in the air in quite the same manner.

Finally, her maw parted again and the words of the Orange-Shadow sliced through the air that had been thick with the silence between them, and the Green-Shadow let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. She was speaking. That had to mean she didn’t hate him, right? Or maybe it did and she was just speaking to be polite, but… If she hadn’t spoken, it would’ve been confirmation. This allowed for some wiggle room, he could cling to the hope that they could still be friends. Flickering his ears back at her denial of his correctness, Kyer shook his head. ”Still. I should have come to you sooner - and I shouldn’t have shut myself out like that. Shut the world out. Thank you, by the way, for trying to bring me back. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that.” Shit, what was he doing? He was babbling, letting his mouth run again. She didn’t need to know, hell, she probably didn’t even want to know half of what he just said. ” You don’t - you have no reason to apologize. You tried your best to help me I’d never hold that against you. And I wasn’t dealing with things - I was ignoring them. Pretending they didn’t exist. Maybe… Maybe something in what you said did help me. I don’t really know, I just know that I’m better now.” He shook his head a little, tail twitching. Everything he was saying wasn’t something he’d planned. He’d already gone through most of what he’d planned to say, and now? Well, he hadn’t expected this reaction to her. He’d expected her to stay away, or to say that he should be sorry, at least. He knew what he would say to those reactions. But this? He was at fault, he knew that, but why didn’t she see it?

He was taken aback, though, as she continued. Her mother? He’d never bothered to ask the feisty Orange-Shadow about her past, he was too involved in himself - in his friend, his family, his misery. Why hadn’t it occurred to him until now that maybe she’d had some of her misery of her own? She never shows it. But… did she? Was that why she was so sharped tongued most of the time? Suddenly a resounding interest in her family, in her past embedded itself in the tom. He knew she’d not been born in the tribes, but what beyond that? Did she still have family outside of the tribes? Had both her parents died, like Ameena’s had? Did she have brothers, sister out there? or were there any in the tribes? The realization that he hadn’t the faintest idea stocked, him. ”I’m - I’m sorry.” He mumbled again, mind racing with questions he knew would be inappropriate to ask right now but he was determined to bring up some time - providing she still wanted to be in contact with him at all.

Nodding a little, the tom let out a sigh of relief that was quickly frozen in place. What His ear flicked, but otherwise he remained completely motionless, taking a moment to process her words before, with an air or resignation, he dipped his head. ” You’re welcome.” Was that his voice? That stiff sound reverberating in the air? ”For the mouse. I’m glad you don’t hate me.” Spirits, he didn’t think this could get anymore awkward but it had and he didn’t know what to do about it. That came out wrong. But would she really have said it if she didn’t mean it? His tail twitched slightly, the all-too-familiar feeling of sadness now present in his form. Her laugh sounded odd, distorted. Forced. Was she just saying that because she didn’t want to hurt him anymore? I can deal with being hurt, now. But her words had been said and that was all that he needed to here. She didn’t hate him. But she didn’t really want to be friends. I guess I can live with that. ”And - for the record, I do want to be friends. But I can understand if you don’t. I’ve given you no reason to want to be. You don't have to pretend.  I can just - I’ll just… go now. Enjoy the mouse - don’t kill the tree too much. Some cat might need to hide in it some day.” Dipping his head again, the tom took a step back, before turning away, his head hanging a little. I guess… that was kind of pointless.

Skype: Open (Prefered)
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TGB © viovinn  
Character © viovinn
Fullbody Art © faw-nn
Original Design © rainwolfeh

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Comments: 35

pavrzlove [2018-02-04 22:41:35 +0000 UTC]

aw its ok parker ur dad was very proud of u 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to pavrzlove [2018-02-06 01:38:33 +0000 UTC]

she sobs @ that... 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wiskrr [2018-01-28 22:48:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to wiskrr [2018-01-30 20:14:38 +0000 UTC]

Loosing Lucas kinda broke her whoops 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wiskrr [2017-03-19 01:57:42 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wiskrr [2017-03-14 00:19:58 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Toadfoal [2017-03-12 03:37:06 +0000 UTC]

dang it's been a year tho how did that happen

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to Toadfoal [2017-03-13 04:07:58 +0000 UTC]

idk it's been so ??? quick???
She n Lassy need to have a hangout when Lassy returns uvu

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Toadfoal In reply to viovinn [2017-03-15 07:20:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pavrzlove [2017-03-12 01:24:52 +0000 UTC]

my Dotter

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to pavrzlove [2017-03-12 01:41:17 +0000 UTC]

she big now
only not really LOL

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pavrzlove In reply to viovinn [2017-03-12 01:59:49 +0000 UTC]

its ok i still love her

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to pavrzlove [2017-03-13 04:08:06 +0000 UTC]

awwww she loves u 2

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Foxkino [2017-03-05 16:13:22 +0000 UTC]

Hi! Would you like to rp with either Clementine (making potential enemies because my girl can do it) or Auryn ?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bangarain [2016-07-02 20:54:54 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to bangarain [2016-07-03 01:48:15 +0000 UTC]

she a model
Parker: //poses//

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bangarain [2016-05-10 03:25:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bangarain [2016-05-10 03:24:26 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to bangarain [2016-05-10 04:33:10 +0000 UTC]

she gon Light-Tribe now

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wiskrr [2016-05-08 17:38:21 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to wiskrr [2016-05-08 20:22:01 +0000 UTC]

Asti: *smooches*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sshoes [2016-05-07 22:33:53 +0000 UTC]

God she is so cute hhh

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to sshoes [2016-05-08 20:21:51 +0000 UTC]

Asti: 8) *flaunts for ur benefit*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PenumbralWolf [2016-04-02 03:43:17 +0000 UTC]

Throws Kinos at her

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to PenumbralWolf [2016-04-02 03:48:48 +0000 UTC]


Skype or notes?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PenumbralWolf In reply to viovinn [2016-04-02 04:02:29 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm Skype? ouo
I don't think I have your new Skype anyway x'D or if you have a new one

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to PenumbralWolf [2016-04-02 04:30:05 +0000 UTC]

I do!! I'll pm it to you !

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BrinFreeze [2016-04-01 22:24:57 +0000 UTC]

omg new art!!

I cant wait for Ashia to meet her!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to BrinFreeze [2016-04-02 00:07:14 +0000 UTC]


yes me either!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wiskrr [2016-04-01 21:45:04 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to wiskrr [2016-04-02 00:06:57 +0000 UTC]

Asti: 8) Thank you, miss.*puts a paw on ur face*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bangarain [2016-04-01 21:30:54 +0000 UTC]

MY DAUGHTER. precious daughter.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to bangarain [2016-04-01 21:31:41 +0000 UTC]

Asti: RUBS FACE ON <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Baerrito [2016-04-01 21:28:43 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

viovinn In reply to Baerrito [2016-04-01 21:31:26 +0000 UTC]

Your grandterror

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