World-Hero21 — It's really useless in 1st World countries.

Published: 2014-07-13 06:55:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 77865; Favourites: 570; Downloads: 24
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• Closing comments on this.
I'm sorry, but I'm getting sick and tired of arguing with people in general. (And getting the same recycled arguments over and over and over and over again.)

• HOLY SHIT ON A STICK. Does nobody pay attention to these descriptions anymore?
READ THE DAMN DESCRIPTION BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR COMMENT. Seriously, I'm getting tired of repeating myself here and getting the same comments over and over again...I've actually lost count how many times I've had to repeat myself here.

Please stop pointing out the stamp that was made in response to this, which I have already debated about months ago. I'm getting tired of receiving those comments too...If I get another one, I'm not even going to respond. She made it pretty obvious she was going to refute this stamp by faving this in a certain folder, and she also Mentioned this in her rebuttal stamp. Not trying to be even more of a bitch here, but trust me, I've seen it already.

This post is now my new favorite masterpost. The other one suddenly took a turn for the worst in accuracy/reliability. (e.g. I know how to do accurate/effective research, thanks.)

This going to be one of the stamps that I'll allow comments on. But comment at your own risk.

NOTE: Please don't tell me how I really need feminism because of how weak and fragile women are, how men will treat me badly, how it got me my rights in the beginning, how I don't know what feminism is, what feminism really means etc.
1. You're just giving me more ammo to use against you and proving my point without even saying a word to you. You do realize that...Right?
2. Believe me, I know what feminism means. I've had it up to my fucking eyeballs with people asking me that or giving me the definition, so PLEASE. STOP ASKING ME IF I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS.
3. Telling me "UR WEAK AND FRAGILE AS A WOMAN!! ONLY FEMINISM WILL HELP YOU WITH THAT!!" is degrading. I'm not going to sugarcoat this shit anymore. You shouldn't say that depressing shit to anybody, feminism or not, and you are a horrible person and you should feel bad if you do. Do you honestly believe that hearing someone tell me that I'm weak and worthless will make me feel better about myself? Fuck you, I'm not a goddamn victim. So please take that depressing attitude and go fuck yourself.
4. Telling me that women/feminists are not responsible for the problems they've caused men or other people is absolutely fucking bullshit, as well as sounding incredibly selfish and insulting. So is blaming men for their problems when most of their problems are actually not their fault.

I posted this to Tumblr earlier, but I feel explaining more here. 24.media.tumblr.com/2ff2b0c48f…

For starters, I'm a 24 yr old woman who's seen plenty of Tumblr feminism to really turn me off from it. Although my best friend/girl-crush is a real feminist (and probably one of the most sensible people I've met), I'm fed up with it and find it pretty pointless in my life so far.

1. I live in a First World country (US) where women are the most privileged. So please whine more about how "oppressed" and underprivileged we are by cat-callings and sexual ads while you sit on your ass in front of a computer with a roof over your head and easy access to a kitchen, hundreds of phone numbers to a variety women's shelters and other government programs, with no worry of dying or being injuried while at work, and bask in the privileges of not being required to be drafted into the military and getting off very easily of being convicted of a crime.
..."Women are oppressed and underprivileged in the US," my fucking ass. Radfems wouldn't know real oppression if it was stuck 3 feet up their ass. Try living in a Third World country or under tyranny with no education for women, rights to own property, or you're treated like dirt for being female...and then talk to me about being oppressed.

2. I have never been oppressed for being female. Not fucking once. I agree that this is not the same for every woman out there. But this and most of these are my own personal reasons for being against feminism. In fact, I've been more oppressed/harassed BY FEMINISTS than I ever have by any man. Simply because I disagreed with them and spoke against their fucking bullshit.

One spammed me with 50 notes of "stupid cunt" for posting this stamp...As if that was somehow going to convince me to support feminism. Yep, you sure showed me!  
...You fucking idiot.

3. A feminist once said...
  • that I'm a weak, stupid, and worthless "slut" for consenting to only ONE guy. And yes, they actually did use the word "slut" to describe me and other non-virgin women.
  • Women who consent to guys shouldn't even be considered "real women."
  • Non-virgins can't be raped because "once you consent to one man, you consent to ALL of them." (quote is not accurate)
  • that she drugged herself, then falsely accused 3 men of rape and ruined their lives out of revenge, simply because they were making fun of feminism.
  • that I'm a "patriarchy-supporting douchebag" for disagreeing with the movement.
  • that I'm a "clueless, fucked up, sexist, hypocritical twit" and a "delusional nutcase" who doesn't have my priorities straight for speaking out (like this) against the movement.
  • that I'm a "traitor to my own gender" and "the human race in general"...because I spoke out against them.
  • that men are to blame for male problems and women are not responsible for male problem, even though male problems like false accusations, male-rape, and male-abuse are mostly perpetrated by women and why male victims are not taken seriously by the rest of society.

4. I don't need any movement to feel "empowered." I like independence and I'm naturally optimistic to where I won't be depressed for very long. Seriously, I don't need much of outside help in encouraging myself or being confident as a young woman.

5. Feminism doesn't give a shit about men's issues. Except for my feminist friend IRL, not one feminist has shown me that they actually do care about the issues men face, despite the fact that they're always claiming that their movement is about equality between the sexes. This is a PERFECT example of what I mean.

6. Feminism has harmed people. I'm sorry, but "feminism hasn't hurt anyone" is a load of horseshit. With any issue, feminism likes to push the blame onto men ALL THE TIME, even when they're actually innocent. That's hurtful.

••Other sources Bad Women and "Feminist Terrorism master post"

And don't get me fucking started on Anita Sarkeesian , that Canadian red-headed feminist , or the wage-gap myth....Which was debunked by real feminists, by the way.
Speaking of which....

Equal Pay Act of 1963
...Which states that it is already illegal for employers to pay someone less for their gender on the same job. And it's rather irritating that Pres. Obama and Congress seem to be forgetting that this law already exists.

In other words, feminists are comparing wages the wrong way.
If you really wanted to point out any wage gap, then compare wages of men and women working the SAME JOB. Not all jobs are the paid the same, as each career field is paid depending on the risks it takes, travel/transport costs, how expensive equipment is for the job, etc. And it's been seen that women are more likely to choose jobs with more flexible schedules and have less risks, while men choose jobs in more dangerous fields and work for longer hours per week. For example: Construction, engineering, or medicine are jobs that pay more than a secretarial or managerial job...And men go for jobs like the first 3, while women are usually going for office jobs.

Hell, I'm an artist in the animation industry. For an artistic career, it's a pretty high paying job. But compared to a job in engineering...? My job is going to be paid less because of the less amount risks involved.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard that excuse, I could finally move out of my parents' house.
I know there are real feminists who aren't a bunch of immature spoiled brats and actually care about the issues men face, but I have yet to actually see any of you step up and tear into the radical feminists for embarrassing your movement and/or kicking them out of the movement. All you've done is ignore them and continue to let them run amok in your group. The anti-feminists are the ones that seem to be doing most of the tearing. And you wonder why we're against you? Clean your house because that's where these radfems are coming from.

They're in YOUR group, ruining YOUR reputation. Therefore, they're YOUR problem. If you don't want to kick them out, at least fucking discipline them; stand up and tell them that you won't condone their behavior. Because if they were in my group, I would shove a foot up their ass and ban them from the group. I have zero-tolerance for disrespect, bigotry, and immoral behavior...I'm not afraid to tear into anyone for being an asshole. Hell, I'll even do it to friends if I must... Just the other day, a mutual friendship with someone came to an abrupt end because they were acting like fucking disrespectful and hypocritical twat, simply because someone had a different opinion than what feminism wanted. They blocked me when I called them out on it, so I laughed it off.

Bottom line: feminism is not about equality these days. It's about who's better than the other. If feminism is really about supporting both sexes, then it needs to prove that through actions.

And I'm sorry, but I don't believe that we're living in a patriarchy. Since I could easily walk away practically scott-free from a murder conviction, abuse the ever-loving shit out of the legal system, can easily accuse a guy of rape and be instantly believed without any evidence at all, etc––just for having a vagina––makes me firmly believe that we're actually living in a matriarchy. At least in the US, we are.

Won't be surprised if I start losing most of my watchers for this stamp.

Stamp template © zilla774.deviantart.com/art/St…
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Comments: 833

World-Hero21 In reply to ??? [2016-04-27 05:32:05 +0000 UTC]

>"When i was young women couldn't rent a car, or a hotel room.  They couldn't get a credit card or car insurance unless they were married.   Women changed those things.  There were no Battered Women's Shelters or Rape Crisis Teams. Women built those things."
Yep. But times have changed. They've changed drastically too. I'm sorry, but it really annoys me when the older generations try to pull the "When I Was Your Age" argument, as if times haven't changed at all. But I'm not trying to deny that women didn't do any of that. Not to mention, that stuff is sort of irrelevant; I know what Susan B. Anthony did and all of the other famous feminist have done years ago, and it's great what they did for women, but that's not the point here.

>"But why are feminists supposed to do these things?"
I never said feminists have to build male shelters or make outreach programs in prisons. It would be great if you could, but the simplest thing for feminists––for anyone, really––is to speak up about those things and advocate support. Which is what I'm trying to do here.

>"Men need to stand up, and do these things for themselves, just like women did in the 60s and 70s."
They ARE doing these things. But guess who keeps putting them down and preventing them from succeeding? Feminists. Read the links in #6 of my description for proof.

>"Men still make more than women, they still have more positions of authority, the power is there, they just need to organize and make their voices heard."
Yes, because they choose jobs that require risking their lives. And jobs that have more risks = higher pay. Women are more likely to choose jobs that don't require such steep risks, like office jobs...That's why it seems like they're paid less.
Positions of authority? Hillary Clinton is in a position of authority. There's women Supreme Court Justices. There are tons of women in positions of authority. Women even make up about 62% of the wealth in the US. Women are the winners in custody by default. Hell, female rapists are allowed to demand child support from their victims. There's even a story (that I'm sure I linked in this stamp) about how a lesbian couple were able to demand child support from the male sperm-donor, even though he already waived his parental rights.

>"Feminists have a full plate (like the ground women are losing in Reproductive Freedom), they don't need to take on men's issues, it certainly isn't their responsibility.  It's men's responsibility."
Why so segregated? Feminists always talk a great deal about how their movement is supposed to be about "equality," and yet, here you are, claiming that male issues are men's responsibility only. That doesn't sound like "equality." That's segregation. And last I checked the history books, segregating people turned out to be a really bad idea. You can't fight inequality between genders with more inequality.

>"I personally know feminists who would support male rape crisis teams in the prisons, and battered men's shelters - but men need to do the heavy lifting and get that started, not women."
I do too. But they also agree that feminists and women need to help men in solving male issues. You say that male problems are men's responsibility and not women's, but is there something wrong about standing up and supporting men in solving their problems? There are plenty of male feminists who support women and help to solve women's problems. But when it comes to male issues, men should just be left to fix them by themselves. That's basically what you're saying here. And that sounds pretty lazy and selfish of women, in my opinion.

We're all human. It's everyone's responsibility to make sure that everyone––male or female, black or white, gay or straight––has access to resources that should be available for everyone. Society has pampered women so much, it practically fears them now. Nowadays, if a woman complains about a man, even if the man is innocent, society is still quick to punish him anyway. It continues to put women on the pedestal by giving them all of these resources to fix their problems, and while men and male victims are trying to advocate to solve their own problems and gain the same resources as women have, women throw rocks at them and our society lets them do it (again, read #6). It's almost like feminism actually doesn't want equality at all. Most feminists seem to want women to be superior instead. And unfortunately, those feminists are the loudest in your movement. So before you tell men to speak up more and have their voices heard, how about you tell the self-proclaimed man-haters in your movement to quiet down and stop ruining your movement?

Sure, the only right/freedom we don't have yet is reproduction rights. But the only place where I fully support feminism is overseas. That's where feminism is really needed. Not in a First World country, where women get all the resources and help they could ever want, are practically allowed to walk away scot-free with murder or rape, and can make all the false accusations they want without any proof...While men get little to no aid at all, aren't taken seriously as abuse victims, and are automatically assumed guilty without proof.

We need egalitarianism or humanism. Not an "equality" movement that only caters to one gender and doesn't lift a finger to help men.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KittenDiotima In reply to World-Hero21 [2016-04-28 05:41:22 +0000 UTC]

My comment was in reply to your assertion that "5. Feminism doesn't give a shit about men's issues."
Just because feminists aren't sharing women's rape crisis teams, or women's shelters, or creating male rape crisis teams doesn't mean they don't care about men's issues.  I know many feminists who are in solidarity with battered husbands and male survivors, but as i've said, feminists have our hands full at the moment defending Reproductive Freedom.  Men are going to have to start those movements before women - any women, feminist or not - jump on board. It isn't the job of women who believe in equality to fix the mess men made.  Men aren't being served by the police, because of male attitudes toward male rape and battered husbands. Women aren't responsible for that mess, men are, and really, only men can clean it up.  

Truthfully, other than rants like yours, i haven't seen any women, feminist or not, who have done anything proactive about men's issues.  Other than complaining about them in regards to feminism. Like you, what have you done for men's issues, outside of complaining about how feminists don't care about them? 

You're misreading my comment about history - it wasn't directed at you personally, i know that is hard to believe, but it's true, it wasn't about you. It was part of my reply to your above assertion.  Feminists in the past changed society - men in the present are the one's who need to change society, men are the one's who need to "give a shit about men's issues."  I have met more feminists who care about men's issues than i have men.  Of course, on the internet i've encountered men who supposedly care about men's issues, but all they really do is rant about how feminists don't care about them - they don't do anything proactive.  All they do is write stuff n the internet slamming feminism, and create anti-feminist fb pages, or anti-feminist stamps, etc - none of which is going to do anything to accomplish their supposed goals of supporting male survivor's of sexual abuse, and battered husbands, or bringing wider attention to the prob.  I've written more about men's issues, for instance, than you have on this page. 

You throw the word "segregation" around in a way that is, for someone who lived thru times when segregation was a political reality for many ppl in this country, insulting.  Segregation is a political device to take away someone's rights.  Using that word in this context is absurd, it's like claiming someone who disagrees with your politics is a nazi.  Yes, i believe in equality, that doesn't mean i have the time, the mental energy, or the money, to fight every battle over equality.

You claim you believe in equality, so, what are you doing to ppl in third world country's who don't have the same rights, or access to privileges as you?  What are you doing for the LGBT community in this country.  What are you doing for transgender rights? what are you doing about the current battle for the bathroom? what are you doing to support the black lives matter movement? Equality is a broad thing, and just because you're not proactive on all fronts doesn't mean you aren't supportive.  /≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

World-Hero21 In reply to KittenDiotima [2016-04-28 07:43:20 +0000 UTC]

"feminists have our hands full at the moment defending Reproductive Freedom."
Being busy advocating for one political subject isn't what I would call "having your hands full." To be quite honest, advocating for reproductive rights is really the only thing I've seen feminists do. Everything else feminists seem to do is complain about how horrid men are, over the littlest things they do.

"It isn't the job of women who believe in equality to fix the mess men made. Men aren't being served by the police, because of male attitudes toward male rape and battered husbands. Women aren't responsible for that mess, men are, and really, only men can clean it up."
Are you serious? Women are the majority of the people laughing at male victims of rape or other abuse and are getting innocent men arrested and thrown in jail with false accusations, and you're blaming those problems on the male victims and telling them to clean up a mess that women caused?! Please tell me I read that wrong and you did NOT just blame the victims. If you are, then I'm done here. I will not stand for that, seeing as my ex was a victim of domestic abuse and was never taken seriously as a victim by the police.

"Truthfully, other than rants like yours, i haven't seen any women, feminist or not, who have done anything proactive about men's issues.  Other than complaining about them in regards to feminism. Like you, what have you done for men's issues, outside of complaining about how feminists don't care about them?"
A loaded question, nice. I've spoken out and argued against feminists for demonizing men and treating men like second-class citizens. You'd be surprised at how far that type of support can go. And that's at least better than staying silent and/or not lifting a finger to help them.

"I've written more about men's issues, for instance, than you have on this page."
Good for you. I just hope those pieces include not blaming men's issues on the victims.
"You throw the word "segregation" around in a way that is, for someone who lived thru times when segregation was a political reality for many ppl in this country, insulting. Segregation is a political device to take away someone's rights.  Using that word in this context is absurd, it's like claiming someone who disagrees with your politics is a nazi."
segregation |ˌsegriˈgāSHən|
the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart: the segregation of pupils with learning difficulties.

From what I learned, segregation involved separating white people from black people and ordering them to use facilities that were only meant for their race. i.e. "Whites Only"
And you said "[Feminists] don't need to take on men's issues, it certainly isn't their responsibility.  It's men's responsibility."

So I "threw" out the term "segregation" as an example to show that you were basically wanting to fight gender inequality with more gender inequality, implying that women shouldn't help men fix male problems. That's like fighting fire with fire.

"Yes, i believe in equality, that doesn't mean i have the time, the mental energy, or the money, to fight every battle over equality."We actually have something in common for once then, because neither do I. That's why I'm here, because as I said above, this is better than doing nothing to help.

"You claim you believe in equality, so, what are you doing to ppl in third world country's who don't have the same rights, or access to privileges as you?  What are you doing for the LGBT community in this country.  What are you doing for transgender rights? what are you doing about the current battle for the bathroom? what are you doing to support the black lives matter movement?"More loaded questions...?

1. Same thing I try to do for men's issues; spread awareness of the problems in 3rd World countries because, just like you, I also don't have the energy nor the money to advocate for everything.
2. I'm asexual, as in having no sexual attraction to anyone, so I'm already in the LGBTQ+ community. And despite that I'm furious with them for constantly harassing me and gatekeeping me because they believe I'm straight and/or "not oppressed" as they are, I've gone to pride parades and have always supported my LGBT+ friends and relatives. I've had two gay uncles living in a domestic union since I was born. And on top of all of that, I advocate for asexuality recognition.
3 & 4. Same as #1 and #2.
5. I'm fully aware of how incredibly underprivileged black people are in this country, but as of late, I've stopped supporting the BLM movement. Like feminism, I will not associate with a movement that uses hatred to advocate their cause, throws temper-tantrums because the Paris attacks received more media attention than them and are quick to blame the police on anything, even if it's actually not the police's fault.

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ReclusiveChicken [2016-04-18 20:04:51 +0000 UTC]

Did the usual SJW brigade turn up?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

World-Hero21 In reply to ReclusiveChicken [2016-04-19 02:09:41 +0000 UTC]

Check the comments if you're interested.

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ReclusiveChicken In reply to World-Hero21 [2016-04-19 04:43:26 +0000 UTC]

Mmm, the one I was thinking about hasn't turned up. A few crying SJWs did show up, though.

Good points about egalitarianism.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Orivarri [2016-04-07 21:44:41 +0000 UTC]

The most discriminating notion for women is feminism, because it assumes that you have to create legislators that women are equal to men. Great work feminists. Really.

Using this stamp, thanks.

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Demalise [2016-03-13 07:37:11 +0000 UTC]

feminism isn't a bad thing, the thing is that many people take feminism to an extreme.  

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Violet-Hues [2016-03-03 13:22:29 +0000 UTC]

Using.  I love the description btw

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Winter-Hooves [2016-02-28 20:11:28 +0000 UTC]

A+ Stamp. Both pretty and has a much needed message.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Harseik [2016-02-18 21:14:18 +0000 UTC]

Man, oh man... how many gray hairs has this stamp given you?

You've offered an extremely well-informed and tantalizing read. Thank you very much, World-Hero21. I especially appreciate your steely nerves and steadfast rebuttals in the comments.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

World-Hero21 In reply to Harseik [2016-02-19 01:28:19 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tvr2002 [2016-02-15 03:14:14 +0000 UTC]

Well I do agree that it needs to improve through actions but we cant dictate how some people will see the term feminism.
Some girls might find it as a way to feel more powerfull as I`ve heard that some women feel that they are better than the opposite sex.
Though some people actually want eguality but their voices cant be heard throught the screaming of the ,,feminists,,(I mean the man hatters,people who think that feminism is a joke and all that,and of course the feme Nazis )
And the worst thing I hear is that they only think their rights matter ,and they get affended by everything.
And that's why some people call those groups of women Feme Nazis because they try to enforce their belifes onto people who don't see thing from their perspective.
And you gotta admit with out feminism we wouln`t be to as free as we are 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ariieve [2016-02-12 17:56:50 +0000 UTC]

the way a lot of so called feminists act, i agree. But feminism to me is simply equality for everyone. people being treated no differently because of whatever genitalia they happen to have. That includes men who are victims being helped. That means equality in military and draft. That means women who falsely accuse men of rape should be prosecuted. So i do call myself a feminist.. Just not what i tend to call a "tumblr feminist" or what most people call a "feminazi", because thats just female supremacy and misandry in a thinly veiled disguise

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Supercoco142 [2016-02-06 15:14:47 +0000 UTC]

Only the third-world does.

But what we DO need, however, is "Manism" We need to help Male victims now. Y'know why? 

When a girl gets abused, EVERYONE HELPS HER


(also, female abusers never do to jail)

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

aneonium In reply to Supercoco142 [2016-02-27 11:03:22 +0000 UTC]

i agree with what you're saying, but don't exaggerate your points.. manism is silly. the term you're looking for is egalitarian which focuses on all human rights issues, or you know feminism works too because feminism is about how female is equal to male.
and they don't go to jail because they think he's lying? you don't go to jail for lying. people are just less likely to believe you if you're a male abuse victim.
and female abusers do go to jail.

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Supercoco142 In reply to aneonium [2016-02-27 11:15:58 +0000 UTC]

I support egalitarism. The term "Manism" was a joke

well I hear alot of stories about male victims going to jail for self-defense against a female abuser.

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Yoshi1337 In reply to Supercoco142 [2016-02-12 02:48:42 +0000 UTC]


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YaKitten [2016-01-22 23:15:20 +0000 UTC]

I think I commented on this stamp a couple of years ago, back when I considered myself a 'feminist.'

Crazy to think, two years on and I can now see the redundancy and ridiculousness of the movement as is in it's current state and how their actions betray their words. Honestly, it's almost a massive weight off my chest. The views of people who spoke out against the feminist movement always bothered me for reasons I couldn't put my finger on. Turns out it was because they were right on most things and I just didn't want to admit how deluded I was. Oh well. I'm glad that I'm done living in willful ignorance.

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FlutterInRealLife [2016-01-20 19:36:45 +0000 UTC]

A person recently came to my profile to tell me this
"Wow you're an anti-feminist??  Great job spitting on your fore-mothers who got you the right to vote and made sure you were treated as an equal in society.  Educate yourself before going against the rights of your own gender you fucking retard. Watch Emma Watson's speech on being a feminist to cure your pathetic ignorance."

That is one of the reason why I don't like feminism. Ugh.

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DarkVikingMistress In reply to FlutterInRealLife [2016-03-23 10:42:18 +0000 UTC]

Well...the foremothers of feminism after fighting for political advocacy in their early lives mostly actually went on to probably raise families and promote gender roles anyways.
The first feminists were often quite conservative and also pro life.

The first feminists are NOTHING LIKE the current feminists. The current feminists= a lot of communists and Marxist sympathising people.
First feminists= likely conservative, probably didn't give a shit about social equality yet IE they might have slut shamed, enforced gender roles, been against abortion and prostitution as well as kinky sex.

I hate how feminists these days know absolutely nothing about the original feminists, and then they go on to spout that first feminists and all the waves of feminism thereafter are all just the same thing. Clearly history and different younger people moving in and out of the movement has changed it.

Also, it's ironic that she's a feminist but will treat women who disagree like they can't. So women aren't allowed freedom of speech, and freedom of association, or something?

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World-Hero21 In reply to FlutterInRealLife [2016-01-21 00:37:57 +0000 UTC]

Did you tell them that the "fore-mothers" would probably be incredibly disappointed if they saw how feminism was today?

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FlutterInRealLife In reply to World-Hero21 [2016-01-21 00:51:55 +0000 UTC]

She was so coward that she blocked me, so I couldn't reply x'D

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World-Hero21 In reply to FlutterInRealLife [2016-01-21 02:45:16 +0000 UTC]

Oh, you got one of those little cowardly whiners...I had a random radfem suddenly pop up in a thread on my other antifem stamps, leave a passive aggressive comment...and then block me right afterwords because I "wasn't worth debating with."
If I wasn't worth debating, then why did you bother commenting anyway...?

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catstam [2016-01-14 15:40:48 +0000 UTC]

anti equality good job asshole

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aneonium In reply to catstam [2016-02-27 11:05:43 +0000 UTC]

this isn't about anti-equality all they are saying is feminism is useless in the first world, and how women in the first world are complaining that they need feminism.

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catstam In reply to aneonium [2016-02-28 05:56:09 +0000 UTC]

feminism = equality

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DarkVikingMistress In reply to catstam [2016-03-23 10:34:52 +0000 UTC]

Not really, there are ideological and theoretical parts to feminism which don't pertain to equal rights, at all.

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catstam In reply to DarkVikingMistress [2016-03-27 06:34:01 +0000 UTC]

yes, but the whole general idea of feminisim is that women/men anyting else are equal

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DarkVikingMistress In reply to catstam [2016-03-27 06:39:19 +0000 UTC]

Well I'm at least glad that you are more honest than a lot of feminists. I might not agree that all feminism is egalitarian feminism but seriously thanks for being honest. It's refreshing.

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catstam In reply to DarkVikingMistress [2016-03-27 07:30:56 +0000 UTC]

np mate

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aneonium In reply to catstam [2016-02-28 09:58:12 +0000 UTC]

feminism = the movement of women's rights so that they are equal to men
but what i'm saying is women in the 1st world are saying they need feminism, but privilege is already handed to them when they are first born. they are born equals to men already, so them preaching that they need feminism is just blocking out the fact there are countries with real womens issues aka women in the 3rd world where they are getting actively oppressed but nobody seems to care.

you can be a feminist and be privileged, but advocating that you need feminism when there are much larger issues out there is called being petty. 

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catstam In reply to World-Hero21 [2016-01-15 20:57:05 +0000 UTC]

sta.sh/02b27cno2tnd yall are dumb as hell. how dare women want the same rights as men. god fucing damn them

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World-Hero21 In reply to catstam [2016-01-15 23:23:28 +0000 UTC]

When did I ever say I was against women's rights? Besides, the last I checked, we already have the same rights as men. At least in the US. And to be against the idea of myself having rights would be self-hating.
So again, fucking read the descriptions, you dingus. I'm fed up with repeating myself on this shit to you and other radfems because you're all too goddamn lazy to read.

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catstam In reply to World-Hero21 [2016-01-17 20:18:44 +0000 UTC]


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wakaflockaflame1 In reply to catstam [2016-03-07 03:23:08 +0000 UTC]

I'm questioning whether you read the description....

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PaperFoldingRabbit [2015-12-31 16:18:28 +0000 UTC]

A friend of my uncle's is staying at my house and I don't think she's a feminist but....

She said there shouldn't be a woman president because women are too emotional :I

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catstam In reply to PaperFoldingRabbit [2016-01-14 15:41:11 +0000 UTC]

fuck you

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PaperFoldingRabbit In reply to catstam [2016-01-14 15:44:14 +0000 UTC]


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catstam In reply to PaperFoldingRabbit [2016-01-14 15:45:52 +0000 UTC]

with that logic, men shouldnt be president because they're too solid and emotionless :// how dare human beings have emotions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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PaperFoldingRabbit In reply to catstam [2016-01-14 15:46:50 +0000 UTC]

I know man,  it's stupid to think like that.

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tultsi93 In reply to PaperFoldingRabbit [2016-01-05 08:21:41 +0000 UTC]

Say to her that Finland's ex-president is a woman.

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PaperFoldingRabbit In reply to tultsi93 [2016-01-05 08:45:24 +0000 UTC]

I did not know that!

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tultsi93 In reply to PaperFoldingRabbit [2016-01-05 09:09:47 +0000 UTC]

Well, now you know. Her name is Tarja Halonen. Our corrent president is Sauli Niinistö.

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PaperFoldingRabbit In reply to tultsi93 [2016-01-05 09:10:27 +0000 UTC]

Was she a good president?

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tultsi93 In reply to PaperFoldingRabbit [2016-01-05 09:22:44 +0000 UTC]

Yes, really good. Everyone loved her.

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PaperFoldingRabbit In reply to tultsi93 [2016-01-05 22:02:46 +0000 UTC]

Well that's just great!

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World-Hero21 In reply to PaperFoldingRabbit [2016-01-03 00:57:42 +0000 UTC]

I would say that could be seen as generalizing women...It could also be a little sexist too. :/ I mean, yeah...Women are mainly more of the emotional type (not saying men aren't emotional, but women tend to lean more in that area), but that's still no reason why we can't have a female President. That's a pretty silly reason to not have one. The only reasons we need to not have anyone as a President is if A) they don't qualify, or B) they're just not fit for the role. (i.e. Trump, in my opinion...He really doesn't know how to run a country.)

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Wolfen1991 [2015-12-27 00:51:40 +0000 UTC]

your description say more than that stamp ever will. 

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