xHalesx — Illuminated Torch [Official Reference]

Published: 2016-11-09 09:35:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 662; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Well guys, now that I can move on to working on much more personal artworks and stuff, I've decided to this time use that to my advantage to introduce a new Flame-Light Pony OC! Here I give you my new Flame-Light Pony, Illuminated Torch! I think you can all guess what she's based off of... if you can't, it's a Redstone Torch from Minecraft. I've had this idea (to make a FLP based off of a Minecraft Redstone Torch) for a long time at this point, but I never ever got the time to do this until now. The first problem was that I didn't have ANY idea how to draw her at all and I had no ideas for her design whatsoever. The next one, when I had a slight idea of her design, was that I was too busy with other stuff like requests and all that to do that. Now, I've finally been able to finish this, and I honestly just experimented with this as I went, but god damn I'm pretty happy with the result! To be honest, I'm still not sure on this design yet so it may change as time goes on but hey, I think this looks pretty good c:. I'm also not sure on a name for her either, I think that's the part I've had the most troubles with, so that may change as well, but I'm fine with the name I gave her currently. I was pretty hesitant to make her these colors, actually, due to me have Charming Cherry, but I decided to go all out with the red and white here, and instead of pure white, I actually did a very very very very light gray, sorta like Rarity's coat. 


By the way, her eyes are NOT SPARKLY. This is just a part of the style. I repeat, her eyes are NOT SPARKLY! They DO have the flames in them, though. This is a part of the species! Please, please, PLEASE look at this unshaded version of this picture if you cannot determine what is my style and what is part of the species!: sta.sh/02bj6yjngjcb

So, I hope you guys like her! I'll have alllllll her information below for ya to read up on her if you're interested (I would recommend doing this, but don't feel compelled to!):

Name: Illuminated Torch
Gender: Female
Species: Unicorn; Flame-Light Pony (uncommon)
Age: Unknown, but looks to be around 19-20
Occupation: None, but she is very good with fixing or tweaking things and also programming things or making/fixing circuits and wires (although she tries to avoid doing this)
Hometown: The Everfree Forest
Family: When she was alive: A mother and two older sisters Now: An older sister (they aren't actually related but call each other sisters and have adopted each other as such) named Scorching Torch thesteelstallion.deviantart.co…
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Taken (by Lantern (owned by The-Sheamus-MLP )) the-sheamus-mlp.deviantart.com…
The first day that Illuminated Torch met Lantern, she knew that there was something special about her. Illuminated Torch getting closer to Scorching Torch also managed to get her closer to Lantern as well. Over time, Lantern and Illuminated Torch became best friends. Lantern continuously came to Illuminated Torch if she had any problems, and the same was for Illuminated Torch. However, over time, Illuminated Torch started growing feelings for Lantern. She was very unsure about having a love life though, so she was very hesitant to put her feelings to the test and to ask Lantern if she felt the same. Illuminated Torch kept her feelings for Lantern very secret until she, one day, decided to tell her sister, Scorching Torch, about them. Her sister instantly pushed her to confess. Illuminated Torch was still unsure about her feelings and if she wanted a relationship, but after much pushing and forcing from Scorching Torch, she finally admitted her feelings to Lantern. Lantern was flattered, and admitted her feelings back to her. This is when they decided to try out a relationship together. Today, they enjoy spending any minute they're able to get together. Due to Lantern being the founder of their species, Flame-Light Ponies, Lantern can be very busy from time to time, but that doesn't mean that they don't get free time and alone time together. Due to Illuminated Torch's innocence, she enjoys snuggling and cuddling with Lantern, and they've never done anything sexual together. Illuminated Torch is still unsure about her relationship, but at this point, she is starting to realize she actually loves Lantern. Illuminated Torch is fearful for the future of their relationship since she's never done anything sexual before, but Lantern is willing to wait as long as she wants to. Illuminated Torch tries to protect Lantern and Lantern does the same for her. Overall, Illuminated Torch is happy and feels lucky to have met Lantern.
Personality: wise, playful, happy, silly, is good with fixing things and programming, loves other ponies, very outgoing, innocent (pretty much anyways), can be oblivious at times, but this is rare, loves cute things, loves delicious food, very kind, very forgiving, very grateful, very generous, hesitant, cautious 
fixing things, programming wires (but she tries to avoid doing this), Minecraft/Ponycraft, redstone torches, her friends, her older sister, Scorching Torch, her marefriend, tools/working with tools, pizza, fire (obviously), the color red
water, her sister's stubbornness, her marefriend's curiosity when it gets dangerous, faulty wires, broken things, difficult ponies
Fears: water, wires (she's afraid of being electrocuted... again), losing friends/sister/marefriend 
(she doesn't have very many fears, she's a pretty fearless pony)
Bio: Illuminated Torch definitely changed from when she was alive. Now, she is more laid back than she used to be before. Illuminated Torch is a pretty calm pony, but she is very outgoing and talkative when she wants to be. On top of this, she is a pretty great pony, as she is very kind, forgiving, grateful, and generous to other ponies. Her kind heart can often get her into troubles, but she doesn't let that stop her. She is also a very wise pony, mostly due to Scorching Torch and her prior knowledge of fixing and programming. She is a playful, silly, and happy pony and although her personality differs a lot compared to her sister, is always the best around Scorching Torch. She is also mostly innocent when it comes to her mind. She's not a sexual or dirty-minded pony or a pony with a sense for dark humor and jokes like these usually fly past her head. Even with all of these great traits, there are some downsides as well. Firstly, while Illuminated torch is one of the best mechanics and programmers you will ever meet, she is a very very cautious pony when it comes to fixing and programming, so this can slow her work down. She is just afraid of suffering the same fate as she did when she was alive. She is also a hesitant pony. She is uneasy and unsure about fixing and programming wires, so she is always trying to find ways to avoid doing this. Illuminated Torch plays Ponycraft/Minecraft with Scorching Torch in her free time. When she's not doing either of these things, she's usually hanging out with her marefriend, Lantern and spending some quality time with her. Illuminated Torch enjoys having friends and talking to others, although she does enjoy having her fare share of alone time as well. Illuminated Torch doesn't have much fears, since she is a pretty fearless pony, but she is afraid of water, because of being a Flame-Light Pony, and wires due to her getting electrocuted leading to her death in the first place. As for her dislikes, the only main thing she truly dislikes is her sister's stubbornness since it is difficult to deal with, and this is also why she dislikes dealing with difficult ponies. She dislikes broken things as she is one to fix anything she can, and she also dislikes faulty wires, and you should know why by now. She also dislikes her marefriend's curiosity as it can get dangerous at times so she has to stop her from endangering herself. 
Before Death Bio: Before death Illuminated Torch was named Fixer-Upper (yes, that is a reference to something. If you can guess what it is, then you win my heart). Fixer-Upper had a wild personality. She was a genius, almost too much of a genius. She was very wise, especially when it came to common sense and knowledge about wires and fixing things. She wasn't like Twilight Sparkle when it came to magic, although she was more experienced in magic than other ponies and frequently used this to her advantage. She mostly used her magic for programming wires to work properly or even in new ways, or to help her fix things, but she did like to entertain herself and others with her magic as well. Fixer-Upper was also very outgoing, due to her job of working and meeting with a lot of other ponies. She was also kind, and she was very good at being professional. She spent most of her free time playing Minecraft (or Ponycraft, whatever ya prefer), just programming and making different kinds of contraptions with Redstone torches and Redstone dust and all types of programming devices in the game, since she enjoyed doing this, although she rarely really did anything else. Fixer-Upper didn't have lots of friends even with her outgoing attitude due to always spending most of her free time indoors, but other ponies still respected her for her kindness and lovely work. Fixer-Upper was known for one thing: being one of the best mechanics in Equestria. Okay, she was also known for more, that was one of the main things she was known for. Fixer-Upper could fix any physical problem you had, whether it be something with a sink, a toilet, a fridge, you name it, she was able to fix it. She was also a great circuit and wire programmer or fixer/maker to make them work properly. She was very very wise when it came to fixing things or programming circuits and wires in anything. Thanks to her practice, she became one of the best mechanics and programmers in Equestria. She would travel across Equestria just to fix and program things, and she loved it. Coming from a broken family, she finally felt happiness in her life for once, and, on top of that, she was making a lot of money for what she did. Her family was fixed because of this, and it made her the happiest mare ever. However, she wasn't so lucky. One fatal accident led to the ending of her life.
Backstory/Fillyhood & Teenager (before death): Illuminated Torch/Fixer-Upper had a very troubled childhood. She lived in a family of, originally, 5. She was the youngest in the family, having two older sisters as well. She had a mother and she had a father. Her father was a mechanic, so of course, he was very intelligent about what he did. Although, due to his job, he was out a lot, leaving her and her mother and her sisters at home until he came back. Her sisters and her, originally, hated each other. She thought her older sisters were jerks and preppy and stupid, so they had a hard time getting along. Although, that all changed. We will talk about that later, though. It all started for Fixer-Upper when she was just a young filly. Her interest in being a mechanic and fixing things or programming wires and circuits came from her dad. Since her dad was a mechanic, she wanted to be one just like him. She looked up to him a lot, and even found him to be her role model. So, he showed her the ropes and taught her everything that she needed to know. He even warned her about the dangers of programming wires and being a mechanic. She made sure to listen to him and she practiced in her free time to become as great as her dad. Although she loved her dad, she also loved her mother as well. Unfortunately, things became unlucky for the family of 5. Her father experienced a fatal accident, and he unfortunately passed away due to it. To put it more bluntly, while he was working on fixing some wires, he ran into a faulty wire and got electrocuted. Unfortunately, he did not live. The family of, now 4, were horrified and crushed to find this out. Fixer-Upper was very close to her teenage years when they had found this out. This had inspired Fixer-Upper to follow in her father's footsteps and reach her dreams of being a mechanic. Well, her family had started becoming broken as she grew older. Her mother had started going through depression and having troubles taking care of Fixer-Upper and her sisters. They were losing money, and fast. This not only inspired Fixer-Upper to start working for others with fixing and programming, but it had also brought her and her sisters much, much closer to each other. Fixer-Upper had discovered the game Ponycraft/Minecraft and very much enjoyed it, so she played it in her free time when she was able to. When she had found out about the Redstone features, she was instantly hooked, and her favorite thing had become the Redstone Torch. This helped fuel her inspiration with becoming what she would grow up to be. Fixer-Upper had shortly earned her cutie-mark after her first successful paid job for fixing some things in somepony's house, and even fixing the wires as well. This is how she knew this was her destiny and she got a job as a mechanic in the late middle of her teenager years. Her family was scared due to what happened to their father, but they were supportive of her and they now had somepony who had a good-paying job to bring in money for them. This happened to fix their family for the better, and her mother even got a new coltfriend.
Death Story: Fixer-Upper/Illuminated Torch experienced the same fate as her father. One day, Fixer-Upper was working at one of the calls she had gotten. It was a pretty tough call for her, since she had a few things that needed fixing, but she also had to reprogram an entire circuit, but she was willing to do the job. She first worked on fixing the things that needed to be fixed since it wasn't as dangerous as working with wires. She had started doing the wires, fearing for the dangerous faulty wires that were in the way. Well, she had a good reason to be afraid, because as she was working on one of the circuits, she had managed to hit a faulty wire. This wire electrocuted her, and bad. Unfortunately for her, she did not live through this. The electrocution caused her to die, right then and there. The last thing she heard was the sound the electrocution made. She woke up in a strange forest, but she knew that this was the Everfree Forest. She looked around, and looked at herself in a water pool and noticed that she had changed very significantly. She now had glowing red hair, a viewing window with a flame in it, and a tail with a flame on it. She was an entirely different pony. She was very confused about this. She was greeted by 5 strange ponies, one with which had a very small child on her back. They explained what happened to her and it all became clear what happened. Although saddened by her death, she and Scorching Torch had gotten along fairly well, and they got so close as to even adopt each other as sisters due to their similar interests. Scorching Torch helped her design what her light-source is now, and with that, she had renamed herself to be Illuminated Torch in dedication to Scorching Torch's name. 
Friends: Lantern Lights (owned by Wolf427 ), Chama Lune (owned by RazorSketches ), Jady Bliss (owned by blissfoxx ), Hemlock (owned by sSugarHigh ), Fluorite Beam (owned by Wolf427 and blissfoxx ) (she enjoys babysitting her occasionally), Oceania, Hell Strider, all my OCs (again, obviously lol). She enjoys making lots of new friends SO if you want your Flame-Light Pony to be friends with her, don't be afraid to ask~
Other facts about her that weren't stated above:
-Illuminated Torch is friends with all the Flame-Light Pony mascots due to being Scorching Torch's sister
-Illuminated Torch and Charming Cherry are friends due to sharing the same interest of color, and she does think Charming Cherry is, well, charming

And finally, I will list the traits that I used for her!:

=Ultra rare
=Special type/trait

Light source that isn't fire or flames
Hair, eye, flame/light/glow and hoof gradients all the same color

Metal coaster tail

Fire/Flames for a light source
White or light colors

Viewing window source taking the form of the tail's light-source

Viewing window in the chest
Flames as eye shines
Mouth + tongue colors the same as hair color 

This is the light source that she is based off of: media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lffbf3…

I'm glad I finished it finally, though. Dayum son. That took way too long. Ah well, I hope you like it! I will DEFINITELY be adding more to her personality and bio and etc. since I feel like I don't have enough about her in terms of personality and likes and dislikes, so expect to see this reference sheet get updated with more information every once in awhile! ^^

I am done finally. Thank god. Have a great day/night everyone! <3

 This is for MY use ONLY!

Illuminated Torch, base dolling and artwork © ME

Flame-Light Ponies are a CLOSED SPECIES so you may NOT make your own!

 ©  The-Sheamus-MLP Wolf427 TheSteelStallion  AKA me,  RazorSketches , blissfoxx , and  sSugarHigh

Base ©  SelenaEde  selenaede.deviantart.com/art/H…

MLP:FiM ©   & co.

Minecraft & Minecraft redstone torch © Notch & Mojang

Time taken: I dunno

Program used: GIMP
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Comments: 20

blissfoxx [2016-11-12 05:14:54 +0000 UTC]

Too perfect for me omGGG   <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xHalesx In reply to blissfoxx [2016-11-12 10:07:06 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

blissfoxx In reply to xHalesx [2016-11-12 19:42:25 +0000 UTC]

NO PROBLEM <3 LOl yesss eUe <33

(Btw here: sta.sh/01tm7mnn84sp )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xHalesx In reply to blissfoxx [2016-11-12 21:43:45 +0000 UTC]



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blissfoxx In reply to xHalesx [2016-11-13 05:19:54 +0000 UTC]



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xHalesx In reply to blissfoxx [2016-11-13 09:38:00 +0000 UTC]

Lmao I realized that you didn't draw these XDDDD


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

blissfoxx In reply to xHalesx [2016-11-21 16:35:27 +0000 UTC]

Lol xD

IKR <3333

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The-Sheamus-MLP [2016-11-10 00:52:22 +0000 UTC]

Also can you had spaces between info because I swear I was trying to read it all day but I ended up reading the same thing over and over again at least 3 times xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xHalesx In reply to The-Sheamus-MLP [2016-11-10 05:17:10 +0000 UTC]




I bolded them for a reason XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-Sheamus-MLP In reply to xHalesx [2016-11-10 14:32:50 +0000 UTC]



I still read that one sentence too many time xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xHalesx In reply to The-Sheamus-MLP [2016-11-10 21:27:07 +0000 UTC]


I'M sorRY

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sSugarHigh [2016-11-10 00:43:45 +0000 UTC]


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xHalesx In reply to sSugarHigh [2016-11-10 05:16:42 +0000 UTC]


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sSugarHigh In reply to xHalesx [2016-11-11 02:01:04 +0000 UTC]

Anytime <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RazorSketches [2016-11-09 19:43:03 +0000 UTC]

She's so beautiful!! I'm loving the red and white c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xHalesx In reply to RazorSketches [2016-11-09 21:39:14 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh thank you!! I love it as well <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RazorSketches In reply to xHalesx [2016-11-09 21:42:21 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wolf427 [2016-11-09 17:15:24 +0000 UTC]

I love her design and stuff

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xHalesx In reply to Wolf427 [2016-11-09 21:39:04 +0000 UTC]

Thank you c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wolf427 In reply to xHalesx [2016-11-09 22:09:41 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome :3

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