Zavraan — ELDT - Double trouble

#crashman #detective #elecman #geminiman #megaman #quickman #electrive #zavraan
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Electrive detective - chapter 9 - Double trouble


It looked like things weren't looking good for Elecman. Things looked bleak and it felt as if he had to do this all by himself. the following day, he decided to deliver his theories to Gerald; Who also didn't seem to support him.


"Elecman, I also find it very strange that these recent attacks have happened to you. Now to believe that it's just an unbeblievable series of coïncidences which may lead to you thinking that Albert is behind this, also sounds a bit ridiculous."

"You wanna know what's ridiculous? The fact that no one, incleuding my own best friend doesn't want to assist me with this case that's still on going!" He replied, walking back and forth.

"Still on going?"

"The public has already been given false evidence thanks to Quickman and his story, but they are also in grave danger."

"So the case about Armando and Paul isn't solved according to you?"

"And Someone like you has to believe me."

"Elec, I want to. I really do."

"Then why are you objecting?" He asked out loud, putting his hands on Geralds' desk.

"Because I can't publish a report to the newspaper company unless I get strong evidence! It's not that I don’t want to believe you; I'm just not sure what's true or not in this situation."

"I suggest that the public safety department should take a stroll in the entire state to check on all the robots."

"What are you saying?"

"If it's true that most of the attacks on me were due to malfunction, then it's necessary to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Suddenly, their conversation was interupted by Quickman who stormed in; He had some documents in his hand and had a serious yet worried look on his face.

"Sorry to interupt you Gerald, but this is urgent!"

"What are you doing here?" Elec asked, not happy to see this idiot next to him.

"I'll explained right away." He said, giving the documents to Gerald.

"State your report."

"A majority of the state have filed complaints about a lot of machinery shutting down at random, not working properly and even going against some of their orders."

"You mean robots?"

"Not entirely. Other kinds of technology are involved. The gigantic computers we use to scan our systems for any glitches are now taking forever to even spot one of them, A lot of TV's needed to be repaired, radios arn't recieving signals every once in a while...even the radars of the military are beginning to act strange."

"Wow...that sounds, a little unsettling." He replied.

"It sounds as if a certain Albert whily is screwing with our devices." Elec stated, looking towards Quickman with angry eyes.

"Why do you think that he's-"

"I KNOW that he is. Or are we going to agree that people just wanted to get attention?"

"Didn't say that. But we all know that the doctor lost his life during the winter."

"Yeah. And you lost your concious when you met me."

"Boys, let's not jump from one conclusion to another. Quickman, we were talking about the public safety department checking every robot within the state."

"For what reasons?"

"So I could finally convince all of you idiots that Albert is behind this."

"With what kind of evidence?"

"I'll proove that they didn't attack me because of something cliché. I'd suggest you, along with some of your human friends to patroll the city while I'm going to rewrite your ridiculous story." He replied, leaving the office and closing the door.

"Good day sir." Said Quickman, not amused by his behaviour.

"Seriously, what's wrong with him lately?"

"Elecman is just having a difficult time trying to figure out the truth. Believe me, I feel his frustration, but we all know that as a detective, you must show the public trustworthy and concrete evidence of your case."

"Well, since he gave me that suggestion, I believe I could save him some trouble by assembling a small team and cecking to see if most of our people are safe within their own homes."

"Asking to see if every persion in North Carolina has a malfunctioning robot seems a little extreme my boy."

"Ofcourse it is. That's why they should spread the word and tell everyone they know about this issue."

"Good point. I'll be sure to make a call to the safety department. You're excused."

"Good afternoon sir."


Meanwhile, Ring, Top and Heatman were doing their job together. Looking at reports from people and organizing them.

"Geez, never had so many of these coming up in one day." Said Heatman.

"I've seen ten cases of murder, five documents of missing people, three papers containing evidence of a suspicious stalker and only one big file reporting missing jewelry."

"Not to mention a whole phone book about you complaining about the complaints." Said Ringman, teasing his colleague.

"Very funny."

"It will be when the others actually make one. By the way, has anyone seen our angry detective?"

"Yep. Coming in at 12 O'clock." Heatman pointing towards Topmans' direction. The robot immediately flinched, not knowing if he was going to take his anger out on him.

"Uhm...h-hey Elecman." he said nervously.

He didn't respond and stopped next to Ringman, looking down at the documents infront of him.

"Need help?" He asked, still keeping his unhappy expression.

"We could always use a hand."

"Anything standing out among the rest?"

"Y-yeah, there's a mystery going on at a particular jewelry shop. For the past three days, more and more of these gems have been stolen. Police have spoken with some witnesses, but their explinations arn't helping that much."

Topman explained, giving the information to Elecman. He looked closely at the pictures, showing images of the shop and jewels that were taken away.

"What kind of material are we talking about?"

"Diamonds, rubies, crystals and pure silver. What makes them stand out is their value. Even rich folkes refuse to buy them unless they can afford it."

"How much are they worth?"

"Put an entire year of your pay check together and only then could you buy one of these diamonds." Ringman replied.

"Seriously, what do you need from such material if the only reason you want to get it is to earn money? Oil is more valuable than a bunch of sparkling rocks." Heatman stated.

"Good point." Elec replied.

"So um...are you still mad?" Top asked.

"Yes. But I won't rip your head off because of it. And I'm not going to let some cover ups ruin the entire investigation."

"Cover ups?"

"Those explinations sound reasonable, but false at the same time. Never assume it's one way; Always go both ways until you get an anwser."

"Thanks a lot for that information we already knew." Said Heatman.

"Perhaps you could come up with something to cheer me up, mister match which got stuck in the lighter?" He teased.

"Perhaps mister lighter does have something to tell you. I know that all these events have almost turned you into a vulcano, but there has come something good out of the all the misery."

"Which is?"

"After the case with Snakeman, the people who owned him finally managed to get more help in order to save missing or abused animals."

"They are even about to start their own campaign to earn money so they cold travel the world and rescue endangered species." Said Ringman.

"Well, ok. That sounds good."

"We were also able to send back oilman. Turns out that there was a major glitch in his system which caused him to go crazy; But thanks to us, he didn't hesitate to get back to work and the oil company has earned a lot of dollars these few days."

"Yeah, that's comforting. Except for the fact that I lost half od my paycheck because of the damage." He replied.

All this good news didn't seem to put Elec out of his misery. He was too focused and frustrated.

"Anyway, I'm gonna take these-" But when he turned around and took two steps forward, Elecman didn't notice he bumbed into Alisa's left arm. She was holding a box, containing the circuitry they found in the warehouse.

"Oh, Alisa, I-I'm so sorry."

"No, it's fine. I wasn't paying attetion for a second." She assured.

"Oh, you wern't? I mean, yeah. I didn't look for you either. I mean- I didn't know that- Are those the parts we found?"

"Yes. Me and the other technicians are going to take a closer look to see if we can figure out what machine it was designed for."

"Alright. Good luck."


As he watched her walk away for a few seconds, the others noticed a faint smile on his face while looking back at the desk filled with documents.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the only way to make our detective stutter." Said Heatman.

"What?" He said, looking confused towards him.

"Don't pretend we didn't see that."

"See what?"

"As a little guy, I saw all the clichés. The accidental bump, nervous while talking, the warm smiles while looking into each others eyes~"  He stated, blinking his eyes and posing like a girl.

"So what are you implying?"

"Even I saw a spark in your eyes for a second there." Said Topman.

"Yeah, becarefull you don't give her the shock of her life when you turn the lights off in the bedroom." Ringman teased, gently nudging his left arm with his elbow.

"Boys, the more you're going to say it, the less chance it will happen. Besides, we've only known each other for less then a year."

"So? I think you make a pretty cute pair. Besides, was it exciting during your previous case?" Heatman asked, looking towards Elec with a suggestive expression.

"It was terrifying."

"So you stepped in to protect your fiancé?"

"She's not my fiance." He replied out loud.

"And when that big robot came towards her, you pushed her beautifull complection out of the way and fell ontop of her chest, leaving an akward silence while the bad guy got stuck in the wall with his head-"

"That didn't happen!"

"You gazed into each others eyes wondering: Why didn't we do this before? Better yet, let's do this again in-"

"Heat, I'm not gonna ask a second time!"

"But what if she kisses you the wrong way? What if she snorts like a pig or goes around with her tounge like a-" But before he could tease him any further, Elecman closed the lit above Heatmans' head; The robot opened it himself one second later.

"You know, there are other ways to shut me up."

"This was one of them. And I'd like to talk about the case of the missing diamonds. Who wants to come with me?"

"I can tag along." Said Ringman.

"Good. Just don't anger me with a certain female robot or I'll zap you back to the office."

"No problem."




After a long day of looking for the missing diamonds, it was time to go home. Elecman was leaning against the car door with his arms crossed, waiting for Crashman to come outside of the office. While he waited, his irritated expression was still on. Moving his fingers up and down to show his patience was running thin. For a few moments, small electric sparks danced on his hand; He then stopped himself by snapping out of it. But shortly after, sparks began to form again and formed a fist with his left hand to stop it. He sighed silently, but again, the sparks appeared shortly after. He was highly irritated, impatient and frustrated. But then he shaked for a second, as if a cold chill was rolling down his spine.

At last, he finally heard footsteps coming from the building. He looked and saw his friend coming towards the car.

"What took you so long?" He said, opening the door, stepping inside.

"Gerald wanted to know more details." He replied.

The two robots were in the car, but there was still tension between the two since they didn't even bother to look at each other.

"Any trouble?" Elec asked, turning on the vehicle.

"Not that I know of."

The robots seemed cranky, not showing any other emotion as they spoke. The hudson drove away, illuminating the street since it was already dark. Clouds crouded the sky; Not even a faint ray of sunlight was able to penatrate it. A few minutes later, Crashman broke the silence.

"I had a case of stolen firework. ...Dangerous firework."


"Turns out that the bad guys were just a bunch of twelve year old kids guided by stupid teenagers. They got cought.  And luckily, Quickman was there to help me. Making sure I didn't had to carry all the stuff on my own. He just got back from patrolling the city, being a good guy, willing to keep everyone safe. So if you have anything to say about-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Elecman took a sharp turn to the right and accelerated.

"Hey wha- What are you doing!? ...Home is THAT way!"

But minutes later, when his friend was still yelling at him, recieving no response, he stepped out of the car when he parket it near the port.

"Hey, where are you going!? Are you still gonna ignore me!?" He said out loud as Elecman walked away quickly.

"Oh, Oh I see. Try making me worry about your safety while you pretend to be gone. Well, not falling for it."

He looked away, but after many seconds the trick seemed to work. Crash couldn't help grabbing the door knob and running towards the direction his friend was going.

"Elecman!" He yelled, but when he looked to his right, he saw the robot resting his arms on a metal fence, close to the edge of the ocean. At first he was a bit confused, seeing his friend gazing into a dark horizon which was barely visable. He walked towards the fence and layed his non-hands on it. Taking a glance towards Elec, then looking away. Both said nothing as the detective continued to stare ahead.

"So...you're still going to ignore me?" Said Crash, trying to get an anwser.

"I'd really like to hear your opinion on all this. Seeing how angry and fed up your circuits are, I'm only curious to see if-"

"Shut up!" He interupted, making Crash flinch.

"Please! Just shut...up! I'm trying to keep a cool head here, ok!? I don't care anymore about you not believing my theory! I'm trying...to prevent myself from going insane! So please..." After his statement, he rested his tired head on his left hand, letting out a deep sigh; His expression faded from angry, to sad.

For a few moments, Crashman was silent and realized his wrong doing.

"Ok....I'm sorry." He replied softly.

"...But, if I'm allowed to say this...besides your guitar, it seems that the sound of the ocean calms your nervs?"

"...It's not the first time I visited this place. Before I was able to play that instrument, the vastness and sounds of the ocean were able to keep me sane."

"I see...Still perplexed to know that such a big water puddle keeps you from creating a lightning storm."

"Well, it's the only place where I can rest my mind. I imagine myself peeking into the calm and quiet depths...Forgetting all about humanity, stress...no responsibilities..."

"No TV?"

The two chuckled a bit and continued to look into the darkness ahead.

"Does this mean you're not angry at me anymore?"

"...You see, sometimes you make me furious." He replied, with his friend looking away a bit.

"...But it's only because I care about my best friend."

With that, an innocent smile appeared on both of them; But their heart to heart moment got interupted when they heard a sound coming from the cargo area. It sounded as if someone was dragging metal on the ground. The sounds dissapeared as soon as they came. The detective and his friend approached the big cargo boxes and stopped next to one.

"What should we do?" Crash whispered.

"I'll go in and investigate while you follow me at a safe distance."

"Alright. Be carefull."

He nodded yes and began to wonder in the labyrinth of cargo boxes, while his friend was following him. He looked around, listening to see if the sound would come again. And it did. This time, it was a bit louder, so the one causing the noise had o be close. Elecman stayed calm and cool, but had his guard up incase something unexpected might jump up.

Before he passed another box...

"Looking for someone?"

He let out a short gasp and turned around with his hands ready to fight.

"What, bad conscience?"

A moment later, his eyes were filled with confusion when he looked at a robot, leaning against the cargo box. He looked quite unique. He had a flat face, green eyes and a line going down his cheeck. As if it was a tear painted black. He had four rhombus shaped pieces on his forhead, as if it was a crown. He even had a suit just like Elecman; Only this one was dark navy blue.

"Who are you?"

"You mean: Who are we?"

Elecman was dumb founded to see another robot looking exactly like the one he laid his eyes on. They stepped forward with confident smiles on their faces.

 "I'm Geminiman. That's latin for twin. Which...well, you can figure it out."

"But you can call me Gastor." Said the other one.

"And you can call me Pollux."

"Wait, what is-"

"It's based on the greek myth of the constellation. With that, there won't be much confusion."

"Well, ok. Nice to meet-"

"AH, don't. Touch me. You've got germs all over the place." Said Gator, taking a few steps away from the detective.

Pollux laid his hand on ELecman's shoulder, pulling him closer.

"One HUGE difference between me and him, he's EXTREMELY conceited."

"And I have no regrets." Gastor replied.

"Alright. But let's get to the obvious. What are you doing here?"

"Sorry, can't tell. It's confidential."

"But what is-"

Better question is: Who are you, and what are YOU doing here?" Pollux asked with Gastor looking suspiciously at the detective.

"My name is Elecman. And I came here because I heard a strange sound. But now I see that-"

"-We were the ones bussy over here, very good. But what were you doing BEFORE that?"

Meanwhile, Crashman listened from a safe distance; knowing he couldn't peek, he listened carefully.

"Uhm, well...you see, I've been having hard times lately so I came here to calm my thoughts."

"So you're dealing with a mid-life crisis, no?"

"Something like that. It's...personal."

"Well, you've come to the right robot."

"Because we have the anwser to fix whatever is making your life miserable." Gastor replied.

"Follow us." They both said.

He follow along with Crashman. Elec had to come up with a good act in order to gain his trust; Whatever this unidentified robot was doing, it couldn't be a good thing.

"I have to say, you look quite familiar. Your clothing atleast. Are you a buissines man?" Pollux asked.

"Yes. I am."

"Seems like bussines man isn't doing very well." Said Gastor.

"Let's just say that my boss and many others don't appreciate my efforts."

"We can relate. Both of us used to walk down that path of fear and despiration."

"But one day, all of that got blown away like a sigh of relief when our NEW boss, offered us a job which not many people or robots would choose to take." Said Gastor.

"So what is your new function?"

Pollux grabbed a few suitcases hidding between two cargo boxes, opened it to reveal something Elec didn't expect.

"Though I wouldn't call it a thug life, we do specialize on stealing expensive materials without leaving a trace. These for example, are jewels, rubies, crystals and even a few diamonds." Gastor explained while Elec stared towards the stolen material he heard about today.

"With the help of twin power, retreaving whatever our boss wants in his office is no problem at all." Said Pollux.

"Like taking candy from a baby." Said Gastor.

"Wow I...I have to admit. That's pretty amazing."

"Indeed it is."

"But uhm, I'm not sure if I could trust someone like you though. This entire situation feels very alarming if you ask me." He said with a suspicious eye.

"Why don't you tell me everything?"

"Sorry. Like I said, it's highly confidential and my boss wouldn't be happy if I told someone like you more secret information." Said Pollux, closing the suitcase and putting it back where he got it from; Turning his back against the detective.

"Unless...you join the party." He turned around slowly with a grin on his face.

"Then what do I have to do?"

"Oh, nothing much. Let's just make an appointment to meet up somewhere, I'll bring you to our boss, you say hi, he sais whatever, we all brink coffee and E-tanks blah-be-die-blah you agree to our terms and that's when you've officially joined our group. Then I'll tell you everything." During his explination, he circled around Elecman, putting his hand on his shoulder; He noticed the cogent behaviour in his body language and facial expressions, but wasn't about to fall for it.

"I hope that you'r one of those who keeps his promise."

"Does a Gemini look like a liar to you? Bussines-man?" He replied, taking a few steps forward along with his twin; Away from the detective.

"You do sound very confident in this."

"Why wouldn't I be?" He said, gently sweeping off some dirt from his suit.

"Well, I have to say that I'm convinced."

"Good. Didn't expect you'd be in this fast."

"Ofcourse you don't. Because I'm convinced that you're the one behind the stolen jewerly incident." As he spoke, Elecman grabbed the neck of Pollux and threw him towards one of the cargo boxes, preventing him to do anything by holding his arm and neck.

"Let go of me!" He said, but Elec wasn't going to let him escape.

"Tell your boss you had to pay for your dues and spend a few nights in a room you can't escape from." Elec replied.

But then he heard a humming noise right next to him. It was Gastor, pointing an arm canon close to his head. The mouth of the device was burning white with a cyan glow around it. Pollux then kicked Elecman off of him and even had his own arm canon ready as well, pointing towards the robot who backed away.

"Guess you won't be joining us." He said with a smug face.

"Besides, we don't want a detective going through our stuff." Said Gastor.

"Though we do want you want for different reasons." Elecman looked to his right, surprised to see another Geminiman robot walking towards him, along with his own arm canon.

"But first..." Said another one sneaking up behind him.

"It's time to shut you down." Another one said. Now there were five Geminiman, coming from different directions, surrounding Elecman so he had nowhere to go.

"What is this!? You're based on twins!"

"Sorry, can't say. It's confidential." Pollux anwsered before all of them fired. It was a short ray of a lazer with a cyan glow around it. But as it hit the ground, it didn't crack or even burn the ground. Infact, it reflected off of the hard surface.

Elecman began to avoid all the incoming attacks while the robots surrounded him; circeling around him as if a pack of wolves tried to corner their prey.

Crashman ran towards the scene, shouting Elecmans' name which distracted the detective for a moment. A lazer reflected just at the edge of his golden bracelet around his wrist, he then shot a thunderbeam towards one of the Geminimen who shot it at him. But when the lightning reached the robot...he disapeared with a glitch like effect.

"What?" He said softly, before Pollux hit the back of his head.

"Surprised Electrive detective?" He teased.

Elec shot another shot towards him, but then...he dissapeared too. Shortly after, Pollux attacked from another angle. Elecman repeated his attack, but everytime he did, the Geminimen dissapeared with Pollux treating his opponent like a punchbag.

Crashman was also trying to defeat them...with no luck. He constantly tried to hit one with his drills. The robots seem to enjoy his frustration, making weird faces and poses to anger him even more.

"So when are you going to stop hitting the air?" He asked, standing infront of a cargo box. He stabbed his drill which spinned at a rapid speed into the robot, but again, he dissapeared; Creating a hole in the box.

"Stop being a smart-egostistical jackass and fight me like a man!"

Shortly after his reply, a lazer hit his leg, but there was light damage.

"Crash!" Said Elecman before getting tackled by Pollux. He wrapped one of his arms around his neck, pointing his arm canon next to his head. He quickly punched it upwards, causing the lazer to hit a crane, then reflect down towards the ground, then towards Crashmans'explosion proof armor, towards the ground again and off of the crystal crown from Pollux. Elecman grabbed a hold of him, throwing him a few feet away. He quickly shot his laser, but the gold inhiboter rings reflected it upwards. But when Elec shot his thunderbeam towards the downed robot, it disapeared again. He heard laughter within the laberyrinth, knowing his opponent was enjoying playing with them.

He looked around, aggitated while Electricity danced around his fitsts. The two circled with their backs pointed towards each other, ready for any surprises.

"Oh, I can't believe you still haven't figured it out yet. Some detective you are, bussines man." They heard from the right.

"What is your major malfuntion, smart aleck!?" Said Crashman.

"Just try to find the REALL me."

"Oh, so we're going to play hide and seek? Really mature!" He replied, running towards Pollux who took off.

They ran towards the direction he was going, but while they were doing so, the other Geminimen were shooting towards the robots. They avoided with quick menuvours while following their opponent. Then they showed a head gesture, knowing Crash had to go the other way so that he could stop Pollux from going anywhere.

Eventually he was stopped by Elec, who had his hands ready to shoot lightning. Before he wanted to turn around and go the other way, Crashman was coming from behind. He had nowhere else to go, so he had to give up.

"Am I supposed to surrender now?" He said with a smirk onhis face.

"You bet." But then, another laser shot Crashman from behind. Elecman quickly shot his thunderbeam, but Pollux stooped, allowing the electricity to hit his best friend.

"Crashman!" He said before getting kicked in his legs.

He fell down while he saw his friend getting another punch from their opponent.

"Hey!" He said out loud. Pollux turned his canon towards him, shooting another laser which he avoided.

"Leave him alone!" He yelled, fireing another thunderbeam, but again...he dissapeared. Concerned about the health of his friend, he dashed towards him to see if he was alright.

"Crash! Are you ok?"

"I'm...I'm fine...I'll be-" He then pushed his friend away with his non-hand before another lazer could hit him.

"I'll be alright! You have to find the reall one!"


"Just go!"

The detective ran away from the Geminimen who chased him. He then realized something while running through the laberinth.

"Find....find? ...That's it!" He turned around, shooting his electricity towards the group. While three of them dissapeared, two of them dashed behind the cargo boxes. Elecman had to react quickly, grabbing the Searchsnake robot he had in his pocket.

"Searchsnake: Online!" He said to the little snake. His eyes flashed red and raised his head.

"Searchsnake: Attack the robot!" He commanded. The eyes flashed red again and began to look around. But then, a hand grabbing him from behind. He reacted quickly, using his elbow to hit Pollux, but he already let go, delivered a few punches, then kicked him two meters away. By now, the detective wasn't able to recover quickly. The robot walked like a confident bad guy towards Elecman.

"You know, I'm a little disapointed." He said, unaware that the Searchsnake robot locked its eyes onto him and slithered towards his target.

"I've been told that you're a special kind of robot, so I expected a little more." He continued. Then, it became clear what his trickery was. four holographic copies of himself appeared; Emerging from his body, forming a group as they walked towards him.

"But we'll fix that." They pointed their glowing canons towards him, ready to disable him.

"For now, you'll have to- OW!" His clones and Elec looked surprised at his sudden reaction.


His clones watched in awe while Pollux was dancing in pain, not knowing what was biting him.

Elec tiped his hat down a little while showing a cocky smile; Satisfied to know his plan worked.

"Aah! Something's biting me! What on earth is- OOOOW! Aaah!"

Then, the little Searchsnake bit the device located on his back which gave him to ability to create his copies. The bite caused them to disapear for good while Elecman walked through them. Finally, he managed the grab the little snake.

"A snake!? A robotic sna-" But he chocked a little when the detective grabbed his neck tightly, throwing him towards the ground and stomped hard on his canon, disabelizing it.


He then kicked on his chest and held his leg ontop of it.

"Searchsnake: Come here."

The snake responded and slithered towards his hand.

"Looks like it's time for me to say it."

"Ngh...what, that you're the big man?"





Shortly after, he took the culprit back towards the police department. A few policeman watched in confusion while Elecman took Geminiman towards the room where Oilman was held captive. Crashman followed. "Listen up hotshot, when I get my metalic hands free you'll recieve the longest punch marathon of your life! I'll be make sure the make your endo skeliton look like roasted chicken bones when I'm- OOow! Shot pinching me!"

His cocky talk continued before Elec threw him towards the wall in the little cell. Other human detectives like Peter and Emma.

"Geez, could you throw me a little harder next time?" He said, rubbing his cheeck while Elecman walked towards him. Crashman stood next to the door so he wouldn't make a dash to escape. Meanwhile, the others were watching.

The two robots were close to each other, sizing each other up.

"Well? Do you have any other witty insults? No enlgish slangs you wanna throw at me?" He then raised his left hand between them with his two fingers creating electricity.

"You better tell me who you are and who build you. If not, then I'll make sure you'll never be able to wake up again."

"Ooh, I'm so scared~" He replied.

"Why don't you start from the beginning? I can sit here all night listening to your backstory."

"What, you have nothing else better to do?"

"This is my work. So start talking."

"And why should I tell you what I know?"

Finally, he had enough and grabbed his neck, pushing him against the wall. Right now, Geminiman showed a slight spark of concern.

"Because if I don't get any anwsers, I could loose my job, my home, my life or even the city. I know you're linked the the doctor and I know damn well what he's trying to do. And he wouldn't want parts of his creation scattered across the state, wouldn't he? So for the last time...spit it out!" He said with a growl in his voice, giving him a painfull nudge. He hesitated for a few seconds.

"Check my left pocket." He said.

Elecman grabbed a letter from his pocket while still holding him against the wall. But the note was empty.

"What is this?"

"Oh please are you that stupi-" He gave another hard push before  Gemini could finish.

"I'm stupid enough to know that there's a hidden message in this. Emma, could you get me a lighter?"

"Ofcourse." She replied.

"Elecman?" Said Crash.


"I know we've already made up, but I want to apologize."

"For your deluded behaviour?"

"I'm with you on this theory now. There's no way this guy could come up with a good lie to convince us it was all a misunderstanding."

"I'm glad to hear you say that."

As they spoke, Gemini got closer with Peter pointing towards his sneaky appraoch. Elec knew about this during his conversation and kicked the robot somewhere sacred, then used his hand to push him away without even looking back.

"Who knows what kind of information we'll get now."

Then, Emma arived with the lighter.

"Here it is."

"Thanks" While the two human detectives watched Geminiman, Elec put the small flame underneeth the note and saw that it said: Pitt Greenville, 248, 15:45

"Pitt Greenville, 248, 15: 45? What does that mean?" Said Crashman.

Elec took a glance towards the robot standing in the corner.

"We'll find out." He replied, giving the note to Peter.

"I'll report this to Gerald and figure out what the riddle is. But for now, this guy will take a nap." He said, walking towards Geminiman with his two fingers ready to give him a shock.

"Wha-wait what are you- no stop! Wait! WAIT!" He yelled out of panic before the electricity caused him to short circuit. His eyes closed and all movement was gone in the machine. This one gave the detective hope. Something so unexpected must be linked to the doctor.



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Comments: 16

StellaKnight20315 [2018-12-27 13:20:06 +0000 UTC]

gemini you little annoying / funny pice of shit fite me u crystal head

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JMXremix [2018-03-16 06:44:51 +0000 UTC]

Revengimini man x/

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RaccoonTwin-3 [2015-09-22 13:33:38 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to RaccoonTwin-3 [2015-09-22 15:08:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RaccoonTwin-3 In reply to Zavraan [2015-09-22 15:20:58 +0000 UTC]


Crash Man is always so funny.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KAPTAINCore [2015-09-18 02:42:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Thesckass20 [2015-09-15 07:46:11 +0000 UTC]

incredible work!
the artwork is  like a cake, the first part of the cake that tasted real good was the draw, with a great shading and scenery
but the icing on the cake was the epic writing by you, i enjoyed it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to Thesckass20 [2015-09-15 07:57:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HayaKenta [2015-09-14 21:48:33 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! I really gotta get back to reading this n stop being lazy. I always get bored tho unless there's action or romance. 😅 I love your art tho.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to HayaKenta [2015-09-14 22:02:04 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HayaKenta In reply to Zavraan [2015-09-15 00:45:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Guadisaves02 [2015-09-14 21:23:55 +0000 UTC]


I loved the chapter with Gemini, I thought he would come later but I'm glad he made his debut. Heatman gave me giggle when he was playing with Elec for his reaction to Alisa, the truth when they see your friends that you love a person, they start to annoy you like idiots. Something that made me very happy, really, was that Crashie and Elecman were reconciled , it was very ugly to see them so angry with each other. The part of the fight with Geminiman was the coolest of the chapter, Gemini is like a fox (or at least that's how I perceive him) because he is very cunning and tricky, I also found ingenious clones have proper names to differentiate them not to have to put Clone one, clone two and etc. The truth Elecman hoped it would use the small snake robot to stop the vain guy and did happen, I made my expression glory . And finally apparently improved the mood of Elec at the end of chapter, I hope will not lie again, at least not so soon. I love this story and much, Laura, a clap for you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to Guadisaves02 [2015-09-14 21:26:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DarkArtist491 [2015-09-14 13:16:24 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Nice job!
I especially like the "fake" effects for the copies of Gemini
By "fake," I mean different from the original

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to DarkArtist491 [2015-09-14 13:17:39 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarkArtist491 In reply to Zavraan [2015-09-14 13:39:41 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome!
You know, why don't you take a look at my page
I'm a pretty big Megaman fan myself and I'm about to post my classic series OCs (one for me and my girlfriend), so come check it out

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