-Profile-Race: Human
Color: Gold/Blue
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Born: May, 14
Handiness: Right
Complexion: Fair
Hair: Gold
Eyes: Gold
Height: 5'6
Weight: 132 lbs
Affiliation: Beacon Academy
Team: N/A
Occupation: Student
Relatives: N/A
Likes: Admiration, Exploring/freedom, Red sap, Getting her way,
Dislikes: Being told what to do, restrictions, Red sap, The color Red, Losing
Semblance: Midas
-Appearance- Aurelia has extremely straight and smooth, golden blonde hair that is parted nearly perfect on both sides of her face. Her hair stretches longer towards the front, touching down just past her collar region, and chopped shorter towards the back, with her eyes being a similar shade of gold as her hair. Though she is kind of short, she is very athletic, for her age. Her clothes are an inspiration of both oriental and european styles. Her clothes consist of a royal blue shoulder cape with fur extensions around the neck area with gold trimming along its edges, and her emblem on the back.
She wears a Almond colored, leather corseted chestplate that extends down to a skirt with gold trimming that covers her dark leggings, and pair of royal blue arm warmers and Almond, black top zip-up boots, with white soles and fur extensions. She also has four separate pouches, two golden brown colored pouches attached to a similar colored belt with bullets around her waist with a golden lock shaped buckle. Then, there are the two Almond colored pouches for holstering her massive magazine for her weapon, strapped around each of her thighs.
She also has golden jewelry shape like overlapping belts around both of her arms and one around her neck. She is very fashionable, and wears only the highest quality of cloths and accessories money can buy. She hates the color red, even though she grew up surrounded by it, and only tolerates the schools red plaid skirt because she has to. She wears a blue vest worn by the males of Beacon with her uniform to make the uniform less of an annoyance. Her night wear is a long white gown with gold belts at the arms, white frills around the neck. The gown is also parted on the right side, near the thigh.
-Background-When Aurelia was younger, She lived in a estate along the edges of the Forever Fall, not far from the Railway line, and the souless terrors known as the Creatures of Grimm. Her mother and father were one of the many questionable 3rd Party entrepreneurs working underneath the Schnee Dust Company, so naturally she became the spoiled daughter of an extremely wealthy family, and father that would give her any and everything. Whatever she asked for, she received on a golden platter. She was given the money, presents, clothes, schooling, training, anything she wanted. It was suffocating, always being watched, and babied by her father who loved her more than anything, and a mother who never showed much interest in her desires. She became fed up and began retaliating, arguing over petty things frequently and sneaking out into yard closes to the forest. Almost everyday in the early mornings she would be in the huge yard of the estate near the entrance of the red forest with nothing but her nightwear on. She stand there, watching the fall of red leaves meet the red grass, which was usually ended by a lecture from her furious mother, and a kiss on the forehead from her father. He knew she was miserable, But he'd rather live with her hatred of him, than live with her death.
Not much else is known about her life beyond that point, or her purpose for coming to Beacon. When asked, she claimed that it was to prove to her father that she can be strong, and doesn't need him to watch over her. She gained quick admission to Beacon using funds collected from her family's household, not even a single transcript was present, just a huge check and a young girl, with a face so determined it was scary. For Ozpin, the look in her eye spoke more volumes than anything else and at the moment that was all he needed to be convinced. From the looks of her clothing and attitude, it is assumed that she comes from a well endowed family. Nonetheless, he let her into his school, for he knew there was only so much money could buy, and that she would have to learn the rest hard way.
-Personality-Because of Aurelia's high birth and upbringing, she comes off as arrogant and uppish most of the time. Having the wealth to get whatever she wanted turned her into a spoiled little brat at a young age, and it didn't get any better after she finally ran away from the estate she once called home. Since she was never allowed far away from the estate before coming to Beacon, she often touches things that are unfamiliar to her without permission and somewhat talks down to the people she addresses, without so much as an apology afterward. Sometimes she even completely ignores people because she is so absorbed in something that may have caught her attention. Despite her attitude towards her peers, she is not evil, just a little self-centered. That being said, she can be passionate, and is completely capable of showing kindness when her walls are down, though this is a side she rather hide from people most of the time, as it makes her quite embarrassed to show these feelings. Beyond that, speech with her usually tends to be blunt and straight to the point, standing strong behind her words, ideals and what she believes in.
She is generally aggravated at the sight of defeat, and too stubborn to let it go once all is said and done. She won't let herself give in so easily. Instead, she keeps trying until the outcome is right or at least more acceptable than before, sometime failing and making the situation worse. She's very cocky. There is literally no one she won't fight. She'll often take a bite out more than she can handle, which has come to be both her strength and weakness. She pushes, harder and harder to show that she can excel in anything she puts her mind to, like her father had before her. But even though she possesses the willpower, attitude and incredible combat capabilities to lead and be a great huntress, she lacks ¾ of what Beacon Academy is all about, teamwork.
Leadership and success demands a strong connection between it's leader, their teammates and others. Because of Aurelia's inexperience with people she often fails to remember the fundamentals. She tries to deal with situations on her own, rather than as a team. Aurelia despises being told what to do, and thinks that she should be treated and looked upon as royalty, and rarely listens to people. She is very incompetent when it comes to following the rules, resulting in her facing the consequence, regardless of the outcome and her good intentions. Her lack of freedom while growing up made her very rebellious when she was but a little girl, and it stayed with her as she grew older, becoming one of the many obstacles she'll have to overcome while attending Beacon. Although she is fairly intelligent, she likes to act like she knows everything because in reality, she knows little about world outside the walls of the estate she lived in most of her life.
-Goldbane-Weapon: Anti Material Rifle Axe (AMRA)
Type: Long Range, Melee
Weapon Derivation: Rifle, Polearm
Goldbane is the weapon given to Aurelia by her father. She had been home trained to use this deadly weapon since age 13. It is an Anti Material Sniper Axe (AMRA), combining the penetrating power of a strong rifle with the ruthless cleaving power of an axe. Magnets on her back, underneath her cape secure her weapon in place when it is not in use. The weapon has similarities in its design when compared to Ruby's Crescent Rose. The weapon is dressed in a beautiful golden coat with black trims. The weapon also has a contractible axehead and barrel, ejectable cartridges for swapping and reloading ammunition. Two distinct characteristics Goldbane have in comparison to Crescent Rose is it weighs less, and has the ability to fire rounds from both the top and bottom. Combat with the use of Goldbane is par to that of Crescent Rose, as both have intense recoil that can be used to launch and propel the user in the direction they choose, or enhance striking force dealt towards enemies. Goldbane has three different modes:
Click the picture's link to see gif
-Abilities-No matter the situation, Aurelia's motto is to shoot first ask questions later, after all an unsuspecting target is an easy one, so she is quick to try a get the jump on her opponent anyway she can. Starting, ranged is usually how she engages a target. She isn't the best shoot, but most of her opponents don't get the chance to tell that part of the story, as her accuracy is usually enough to get the job done. The amount of mobility she has with her Rifle mode allows her to move up onto a target while simultaneously throwing down rounds. From there, she can easily swap to her Axe or Halberd mode for a close and personal attack. She is quick on her feet, constantly pressing the attack and breaking the enemies defenses. She tends to favor attacks that alternate shots between the top and bottom barrel, causing her to rotate rapidly towards her enemy. She also uses a technique where she twirls her weapon like a Bo staff, while pulling the triggers to shoot in multiple directions without moving from her position.
-Semblance-Her semblance is called “Midas” (Basically, Picnokinesis) the ability to manipulate density/weight of her body. The effects of this semblance only work on her body and objects of a certain size. When her golden aura is activated, the sclera of her eyes turn black, and her irises turn a luminescent gold. Within a matter of seconds she can make her self hard as metal or light as air. The appearance of her aura when she becomes dense/heavier is that of a golden glint of light that shimmers across her body, comparable to light moving atop stainless steel on the shiniest katana, allowing her to deflect most physical attacks, or increase striking force. When becoming more light-weight she can move at extremely high speeds, leaving a golden fiery trail of pixelated aura particles that catches up to her when she stops. But even at top speed, Ruby still trumps Aurelia in that department. Because the effect only last about two second she tends to try and use her density in between the flow of combos as a counter attack to stagger or repel mid-sized opponents guard, but with larger slower opponents, she sticks to evasive combat, using her speed to get around her opponent's guard. Although her semblance seems invincible, that would be far from the truth. In reality her semblance is actually quite dangerous to use.
(Heavy) I============0============I (Light)
The scale represents Aurelia at the start of a fight, and a balanced scale of her Density. She must keep her scale in check throughout the entirety of her battles, to insure effectiveness in the fight. Becoming too dense will make her move extremely slow, while becoming too light moves her at speeds too fast for her to control, and decreases her striking power.
(Heavy) I======0=================I (Light)
Balance is kept by the amount of times her semblance is used and the amount of aura she has. The more she uses it, the more wonky and distorted the balance becomes. By using her semblance to shield too much, she tips the scale, making the efforts of its use more difficult, which in turn slows down her mobility and speed it takes to activate her semblance. As she keeps using her it, she'll begin to move much slower and slower to the point in which she becomes trapped in her own glow of protection like a statue, squeezing her until the aura shatters like little glass shards, leaving her incapacitated, or unconscious. (Aura in the red zone)
(Heavy) I=================0=====I (Light)
She can also find herself in danger if she becomes too light. Use of the semblance will become a hassle over time and harder to perform, and her damage will significantly decrease the more she uses her it for speed, to the point where her attacks are like a balloon flying against a brick wall. She also becomes dizzy after moving so fast for so long.
She has to be mindful about how and when she uses her semblance, or the fight can go south really quick. Between movements in a battle, she will gain distance from her opponent to balance her scale. It can be very easy for her opponent to take advantage of her semblance during a fight. Pressing the attack, and not letting up is a surefire way to tip her scales, and make it a much harder fight for her.
-Trivia-- Aurelia's name is derived from the Latin name Aureus meaning “Golden”.
- Aurelia has a love, hate relationship with Red sap for one reason or another (Reason why it is in both her likes and dislikes).
- I created Aurelia with the sole purpose to combat/contrast Ruby.
- Aurelia is built closely like an alter ego of Ruby:
Ruby is kind and pure, but can be a ferocious warrior when its time to throw down, While Aurelia is self-centered and bitter, but capable and willing to showing kindness when feels the need to. On top of that, the Handiness of both characters are opposite. (that wasn't on purpose)
- Aurelia is alluded to who? I don't know, you tell me who you think she is....
- Aurelia's semblance is called "Midas" because of it's golden colored aura.
- Aurelia's aura appearance during her semblance is based off the glow around Shino during her death, in ".Hack//G.U Trilogy" movie.
- Aurelia's emblem is an allude to her hardiness, her inability to be swayed on subjects easily and her promise to stand steadfast, and true to her ideals and what she believes in.