A-Someday-Dreamer — [AoC] Reggie Barnes

#app #application #group #pokemon #roleplay #rp #scrafty
Published: 2016-10-11 19:30:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 882; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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....I honestly have no self control whatsoever. And this group seems pretty chill/casual so I wont have to worry about taking breaks cus of school lol;;

This app is a severe wip atm cus I'm posting this at school but I'll finish writing it later~!


Name: Regina "Reggie" Barnes [prefers Reggie]
Gender/Sex: Female
Birthday: November 30th
Age: 25
Nature/Characteristic: Impish / Sturdy Body
Height/Weight: 6ft / 180lbs [muscle weight]

Job: Self Employed: Reggie doesn't really have a "legit" business, she enjoys tinkering with machines and anything mechanical, large or small, and scavenges for scrap pieces and junk to make and fix things with. Sometimes she'll make weapons or protective gear to sell off for some profit to keep herself from being forcibly evicted from the warehouse like building she lived in. 

Class: Teamless


Species: #560 Scrafty 
Type: Fighting/Dragon 
Ability: Anger Point

When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a critical hit , Anger Point maximizes its Attack  stat by raising it to +6 stages (regardless of its current stage).

Anger Point will activate even if the Pokémon's substitut e is hit.


x4 x2 x2 x2 x2

Reggie is very...punchy, for lack of a better word. And kicky. Punching and kicking moves are her main draw in a fight, so she's very hands on and up close with her foes. This leaves her open to a lot of special attacks up close that she wouldn't be able to avoid easily, and her speed being on the lower side usually ends in her getting blasted more often than not. 

When she gets into a fight, one of her biggest strengths is also her biggest weakness. When she's fighting she gets into the zone, she is so focused on her foe and landing as many blows as possible that finding an open in a hand to hand combat scenario can be difficult, but at the same time if you manage to catch her off guard when she's in her "zone", that leaves her completely vulnerable for a short period of time where she can be easily knocked back. 

If you scorch her scales with hot enough flames, they will fall out and leave that patch of bare flesh vulnerable for attack until they grow back over time. 


   ½×  ½×  ½×  ½×  ½×  ½×

Pro-tip: Do not get her angry in a fight. Most of the time she simply becomes incredibly serious, but when fighting in a rage she is completely 100% savage and will not hesitate to go for vital body parts that could end in permanent damage, maiming or sometimes even death. She has a horrible temper because of her dragon typing that she has a hard time keeping under wraps. But it comes in handy for her a lot...not so much for those who trigger it.

Her Legs are actually stronger than her arms, do not let her high-jump kick you. 

Her tail is rather short but it's just as powerful as her legs if not more, do not let her hit you with it either.

Her fangs/teeth can puncture metal.

Her hide is very tough because of her dragon typing, the scales being fire resistant and difficult to puncture. 


 Iron Head
 High-Jump Kick  
 Ice Punch
 Drain Punch
 Thunder Punch
 Knock Off
 Dragon Claw[TM]
 Head Smash
 Bulk Up[TM]
 Dragon Dance
 Dragon Tail[TM]
 Poison Jab[TM]
 Rock Slide[TM]
 Fire Punch



◗◗+Friendly | +Laid-Back | +Perceptive

Reggie is a very friendly, cheerful and laid back individual. If met in a neutral or joyful setting she will not hesitate to greet you casually, even if you've never met before (though this often leads to her forgetting to even ask for a name, she's only a little forgetful.) She's not the best at making friends since she tends to impose herself a little if she knows you have food, but hey, she tries her best. If you manage to get close to her, she will go out of her way to do pretty much anything you ask of her that is within her power to do. Usually that includes beating up enemies or forging a new weapon for them from some of the scrap metal out of her collection. But those are things she normally wouldn't do for anyone else unless absolutely necessary, so don't take those favors lightly! She's also very perceptive, able to think on her feet and find a way out of situations on the spot. 

◗◗=Neutral | =Oblivious | =Curious

Reggie is the epitome of Neutral, rarely ever taking sides and even in situations where she's helping a friend against a foe, she is a completely neutral party in terms of opinions on the situation at hand, and is just there to do a job or favor. Don't ever ask her to settle anything between two people arguing, she will end up looking at both sides, finding pros and cons for both, and then not coming to a finite decision. Along with that, she's also fairly oblivious in specific situations, like she cannot take a hint to save her life, you have to be very blunt and straight-forward with her or you won't get anywhere. She is also very curious, and tends to inspect things she's never seen before regardless of personal boundaries or whether it belongs to her or not. Yet another time her obliviousness comes into play.

◗◗-Ill-Tempered | -Gluttonous | -Impulsive

The scrafty is pretty laid back for the most part, as long as you don't get on her bad side. It takes a lot to trigger it, but if you manage to set off Reggie's temper she is near inconsolable. She becomes overwhelmed with rage and zeroes in on the thing that made her angry, and lashes out until she's either taken down, or runs out of steam. It was a lot worse when she was younger since it was triggered more easily, but as a full grown adult the damage she's capable of is far more destructive. Otherwise mild irritants tend to just make her grumpy and you can expect her to be completely blunt with you when you do bother her. 

She is gluttonous, do not leave food lying out around her or it will disappear the moment your back is turned. One of the many mutations she deals with is her iron stomach, able to digest things that might normally kill a regular person to eat (metal, glass, etc) so if she is hungry enough and has no access to food, she will resort to eating the metal scraps that she scavenges. She is also very impulsive and will do things on a whim, and is prone to seemingly random bouts of violence that are more due to her impulsiveness. She tends to break a lot of the things in her own shelter because of this at times, and this impulsiveness is likely linked to her bad temper coming out as irresponsible random acts of violence to vent the pent up anger problems.


Reggie has been alone for as long as she can clearly recall in Home, living on the streets and only managing to survive thanks to her ability to eat and sustain herself on nearly anything, and her thick hide protecting her from threats. She can't clearly remember the names or faces of who she assumes to have been her parents in her memories, everything from her early childhood is a blur honestly. That isn't important though, what's important to Reggie is the here, and the now. Reggie lives in the moment at all times, because any day she could meet the wrong person or take the wrong turn down the wrong alley and end up a corpse, so she does what she wants to enjoy life to it's fullest in her own way...but every now and then, she'll have these dreams where she's surrounded and held close by something warm, and smooth like her own scales, and she wonders where she came from. 

She doesn't even really remember where she got her name, she knew Regina was the only thing she could remember clearly from her childhood, but her surname was a word she'd seen somewhere else and took it upon herself to complete her incomplete name, and it just stuck. From then on out she would sleep in a different place every night, and took to collecting scrap metals and broken trinkets to fiddle with, it was her only pass time growing up in the streets, and even though she was rarely successful, the few times she was she was able to resell the trinket for some money so that she could replace ruined clothing, or save for...something, she wasn't really certain what was important enough to her for her to horde her money, she didn't really need much in way of food, and shelter was always easy enough to come by, even if it wasn't the best...or the safest. Safety was something she definitely needed to take into consideration for her future, and thus Reggie would begin taking her tinkering and building a lot more seriously, and would temper her skills in metal forging with her fire punch to create crude, but effective weapons she could sell for cheap to those who needed them. She was able to save up for an old, run down warehouse like building, that held one, large empty space. She would make due with it however, glad to finally have a safe place to live. Setting up homemade traps to protect her new home from strangers and potential robbers who come to raid her horde of junk, and setting up shop there surrounded by "organized" piles of junk and scrap, with a makeshift fire pit for forging. 

Despite her curiosity she has little to no interest in searching for clues to her past, living in the now and supplying many a defenseless, homeless mon and criminal alike with weaponry to make a living. 


◗◗She might be oblivious but she catches on to "advances" easily enough. She's really picky about potential "mate's " (as she refers to them, she has decent social skills but a few things are awkward in how she views things like relationships.) though. 

◗◗She has SOME sewing skills, she had to learn because most of the clothes she comes across/gets by chance lack the hole in the back for her tail, so she has to make her own. 

◗◗She is a very sleepy drunk, but she also wants to fight everyone and it's a very odd and goofy mix.

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