To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Sesame Street, we're going to learn about something sad for a moment, death. In 1982, Will Lee, a guy who played Mr. Hooper died from a heart attack. One year later, it came the Sesame Street episode about the adults explain Mr. Hooper’s death to Big Bird who doesn’t understand why his friend is not in the world anymore. Deceased or passed away means not living anymore. Death of people is an everybody’s final sad thought, because after everybody dies, they’ll leave the world and they’ve ended up in Heaven. Heaven does exists and Heaven is a real place because God created Heaven. Fortunately, people and animals will go to Heaven someday. Heaven is the real happy ending. Heaven has no anger, no sadness, no fear, no disgust, no extinction, no homework, no crippled, no homeless, no weapons, no tired, no suffering, no diseases, no nausea, no sickness, no drunk driving, no hurting, no predation, no hospitals, no unknown, no bills, no problems, no passwords, no losing things, no long lines of people, no punishments, no crying, no paying, no sneezing, no deaths, no failures, no ambulances, no maybes, no surgeries, no losing, no cavities, no commercials, no rage, no profanity, no war, no calories, no weight gain, no guesses, no presidential elections, no funerals, no mortgage payments, no lying, no stealing, no alarm systems, no frustrations, no upsetting, no traffic jams, no allergies, no inconveniences, no money, and no alcohol, because Heaven is an eternal life. But Big Bird can’t go to Heaven because Big Bird is a character. Characters are imaginary. All imaginary things can’t go to Heaven.