ChatlaninKyr — Yushzzukians

Published: 2016-08-09 22:16:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 2854; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 3
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    Considering all the forms that intelligent life can take, some sophonts try to divide aliens into "more or less conventional" and "exotic". Usually these criteria are totally subjective and depend primarily on the sophont’s species. There is also an opposite view, stating that all sentient species are equally unique, and that trying to find any criteria of "ordinary" is meaningless.
    Nevertheless, there are species that stand out even against a huge variety of the sentient beings of the galaxy.
    Yushzzuk is a planet with an atmosphere of inert gases, oceans of liquid ammonia and average temperatures ranging from –110° to –30°C. Although any oxygen-breathing creature would describe this planet as uninhabitable without hesitation, an evolved ecosystem of anaerobic organisms thrives on its surface. Among the higher life forms of the planet are the Yushzzukians: a rare example of a naturally evolved low-temperature intelligent species.
    Low temperature means a lower rate of chemical reactions, and hence slower biological processes. Indeed, from the oxygen-breather’s point of view Yushzzukian organisms act and react very slowly, but their evolution process is almost faster than that in "warm" ecosystems. The reason is that although Yushzzukians and related species are hermaphrodites, each mating involves not two but four individuals, significantly increasing diversity of genetic material transferred to offspring. Yushzzukian physiology also partially compensates for their slower biochemistry: radial symmetry allows them to move in any direction without turning, their senses are equally keen in any direction, and the ability to distribute attention allows them to perform multiple complex tasks simultaneously. Since the higher organisms of Yushzzuk receive everything necessary for living only through food, they need to eat more and much more frequently than oxygen-breathers. Yushzzukians have four long tongues that evolved to catch or pick up everything edible within reach at any moment. In addition, the limbs evolved from tongues are used as a mean of communication: Yushzzukians communicate through sign language.
    Another important feature of Yushzzuk is the absence of oxygen in the atmosphere. While mastering of fire was a first step to civilization for many intelligent species, Yushzzukians had to go other, more difficult way. They based their civilization on the selection and breeding of new species of animals and plants. For example, instead of metalwork, Yushzzukians cultivated plants with durable wood that grew in the form of needed instruments; the place of hearths was taken by special animals that “cooked” food in their own stomachs and regurgitated it back; bioluminescent organisms were used for lighting, and so on.
    For many thousands of years, the complexity of cultivated organisms gradually increased, and their functionality expanded. Flying and running postal animals delivered parcels across vast distances, ships bred from large marine animals cruised between ports, living instruments worked in the workshops. In laboratories microscopes displayed what they were seeing, creating an image on their skin using chromatophores; other lab animals synthesized new chemicals. Ultimately the progress in biology and chemistry led to perhaps the most important event in Yushzzukian history: the discovery of DNA. The ability to directly manipulate features of created organisms offered incredible prospects. Over the next century, the Yushzzukian civilization changed more than in previous ten thousand years.
    Unfortunately, progress affected not only the peaceful aspects of life. Yushzzukian history has plenty of wars, and their weapons were developing along with other technology: from primitive bows to mechanical crossbows made of grown parts (melee weapon would be useless for Yushzzukians because of their sluggishness); from mounts to independent terrestrial and marine warbeasts which identified enemies by smell. At the time of DNA discovery Yushzzukian armies were equipped with pneumatic guns firing poisonous insects, terrestrial, marine and air warbeasts and, of course, bacteriological weapons. Genetic manipulation sharply increased lethality of existing weapons and allowed development of new ones that were immediately applied in frequent armed conflicts. As a result, despite the desperate attempts of certain pacifist groups, the next series of regional skirmishes escalated into a global war with the use of mass destruction weapons. Advanced Yushzzukian civilization ceased to exist.
    For a mechanistic civilization with its dependence on subsoil resources global catastrophe usually puts an end to development: if all easily accessible deposits have been drained, survivors do not have a resource base for a full recovery. But bio-shapering Yushzzukian civilization used renewable resources exclusively. Therefore, it recovered relatively easily... and then perished again because of the same mistakes. Yushzzukians were entrapped in the cycles of revival and destruction.
    The help came completely unexpectedly: at the beginning of the fifth cycle Yushzzuk was discovered by the expedition of the Itkushzi . The planet at that time was in a very poor condition. Two of the four continents were completely uninhabited due to aimed epidemics destroying all higher life forms. Natural ecosystems were superseded by genetically enhanced agricultural species left unattended. Wild trees growing parts of mechanisms, tools, furniture, clothing and the like became a common sight (fortunately, thanks to an equally rapid expansion of food crops Yushzzukians didn’t starve). Warbeasts gone wild represented a serious danger not only for lone travelers, but also for whole settlements.
    For both Yushzzukians and Itkushzi it was the first encounter with alien intelligence. It would be difficult to imagine sentient species with more different worldview and way of living. But, strange as it may seem, the contact resulted in fruitful collaboration that eventually grew into a friendship and even, one might say, in a symbiosis. Itkushzi helped Yushzzukians to recover after the last cycle, provided technology for space exploration, and ultimately kept the civilization of Yushzzuk from a new self-destruction. Yushzzukians showed mechanistic aliens the capabilities of biotech, and, most importantly, helped Itkushzi to develop much-needed generalization and multi-tasking skills. Eventually, although an Itkushzi and a Yushzzukian can’t even stay in the same room without special life-support suits (with the exception of a few highly modified individuals), the role of each of these species in the history of another can hardly be overestimated.


    Рассматривая все те формы, которые может принимать разумная жизнь, некоторые софонты невольно пытаются разделять инопланетян на «более-менее обычных» и «экзотических». Как правило, критерии эти абсолютно субъективны и зависят в первую очередь от того, к какому виду принадлежит сам софонт. Есть и противоположное мнение, утверждающее, что все разумные виды одинаково уникальны, и пытаться найти среди них какие-либо критерии «обычности» бессмысленно.
    И тем не менее существуют виды, выделяющиеся даже на фоне огромного многообразия разумных существ галактики.
    Юшззук — планета с атмосферой из инертных газов, океанами жидкого аммиака и диапазоном средних температур от –110° до –30°C. Хотя любое кислорододышащее существо без колебаний назовёт эту планету непригодным для жизни, на его поверхности процветает развитая экосистема анаэробных организмов. Среди высших форм жизни планеты — юшззукиане: редкий образец низкотемпературного разумного вида, развившегося естественным путём.
    Низкая температура означает более низкую скорость протекания химических реакций, а значит, и биологических процессов. С точки зрения кислорододышащих юшззукианские организмы действительно реагируют и действуют очень медленно, однако темпы их эволюции оказываются едва ли не быстрее, чем в более «тёплых» экосистемах. Причина в том, что, хотя юшззукиане и родственные им виды являются гермафродитами, в каждом процессе спаривания участвуют не две, а четыре особи, значительно увеличивая разнообразие генетического материала, передаваемого потомству. Физиология юшззукиан также частично компенсирует более медленную биохимию: радиальная симметрия позволяет им двигаться в любом направлении, не тратя времени на разворот, органы чувств одинаково хорошо воспринимают происходящее со всех сторон, а способность к распределению внимания позволяет выполнять несколько сложных действий одновременно. Так как высшие организмы Юшззука получают все необходимые для жизнедеятельности вещества только через питание, пища им требуется значительно чаще и в больших количествах, чем кислододышащим. Четыре длинных языка юшззукиан развились для того, чтобы прямо на ходу ловить или подбирать всё съедобное, что оказывается в пределах досягаемости. Кроме того, развившиеся из языков конечности используются для коммуникации — общаются юшззукиане языком жестов. Или жестами языков.
    Другая важная особенность Юшззука — отсутствие кислорода в атмосфере. В то время как для множества разумных видов первым шагом к цивилизации становилось освоение огня, юшззукианам пришлось пойти по более сложному пути. Основой их цивилизации стала селекция и выведение новых видов животных и растений. Например, вместо металлообработки юшззукиане выводили растения с прочной древесиной, вырастающие в форме нужных инструментов; место очагов для приготовления еды заняли животные, доводящие пищу до нужного состояния в собственных желудках и отрыгивающие её обратно; биолюминесцентные организмы использовались для освещения, и так далее.
    В течение многих тысяч лет сложность выведенных организмов постепенно возрастала, а функциональность расширялась. Летающие и наземные почтовые животные доставляли посылки через огромные расстояния, корабли, выведенные из крупных морских животных, курсировали между портами, живые инструменты трудились в мастерских. В лабораториях микроскопы отображали увиденное, создавая изображения на поверхности кожи с помощью хроматофор; другие лабораторные животные синтезировали новые химические вещества. Именно прогресс в биологии и химии привёл к, пожалуй, самому важному событию в истории юшззукиан — открытию ДНК. Возможность напрямую манипулировать признаками создаваемых организмов открывала невероятные перспективы. В последующее столетие цивилизация Юшззука изменилась сильнее, чем за предыдущие пять тысяч лет.
    К сожалению, прогресс затронул не только мирные стороны жизни. История юшззукиан изобилует войнами, и их оружие развивалось наряду с остальными технологиями: от примитивных луков к механическим арбалетам, собранным из выращенных деталей (оружие ближнего боя было бы бесполезно для юшззукиан из-за их медлительности); от верховых животных к самостоятельным сухопутным и морским боевым зверям, определяющим врагов по запаху. На момент открытия ДНК на вооружении юшззукианских солдат в числе прочего были пневматические ружья, стрелявшие ядовитыми насекомыми, наземные, морские и воздушные боевые звери и, конечно, бактериологическое оружие. Генетические манипуляции резко увеличили смертоносность существующих  видов вооружения и позволили разработать новые, которые незамедлительно применялись в частых вооружённых конфликтах. В итоге, несмотря на отчаянное противодействие отдельных групп пацифистов, очередная серия региональных стычек переросла в глобальную войну с применением оружия массового поражения. Развитая юшззукианская цивилизация перестала существовать.
    Для механистической цивилизации, потребляющей ресурсы недр, всемирная катастрофа обычно ставит точку в развитии: если все легкодоступные месторождения давно выработаны, у выживших нет ресурсной базы для полноценного восстановления. Но биоформная цивилизация юшззукиан использовала исключительно возобновляемые ресурсы. Это позволило ей сравнительно легко восстановиться… Только для того, чтобы вновь погибнуть из-за тех же ошибок. Юшззукиане оказались пойманы в ловушку циклов возрождения и разрушения.
    Помощь пришла с совершенно неожиданной стороны: в начале пятого цикла Юшззук был обнаружен экспедицией иткушзи . Планета к этому времени находилась в плачевном состоянии. Два из четырёх континентов были полностью необитаемы из-за направленных эпидемий, уничтоживших все высшие формы жизни. Природные экосистемы были вытеснены генетически усовершенствованными сельскохозяйственными видами, оставленными без присмотра. Дикорастущие деревья, выращивающие детали механизмов, инструменты, мебель, одежду и тому подобное, были обычным зрелищем (к счастью, благодаря столь же быстрому распространению пищевых культур юшззукиане не голодали). Одичавшие боевые звери представляли серьёзную опасность не только для одиноких путников, но и для целых поселений.
    И для юшззукиан, и для иткушзи это была первая встреча с инопланетным разумом. Сложно было бы представить разумные виды, более различные по образу жизни и мировоззрению. Но, как ни удивительно, результатом контакта стало плодотворное сотрудничество, со временем переросшее в дружбу и даже, можно сказать, в симбиоз. Иткушзи помогли юшззукианам восстановиться после последнего цикла, предоставили технологии для доступа в космос, и в конечном итоге своим примером удержали цивилизацию Юшззука от нового самоуничтожения. Юшззукиане познакомили инопланетян-механистов с возможностями биотехнологий, а главное, помогли иткушзи развить столь необходимые навыки обобщения и многозадачности. В конечном итоге, хотя иткушзи и юшззукианин не могут даже находиться в одном помещении без спецкостюмов с системами жизнеобеспечения (за исключением отдельных сильно модифицированных особей), роль каждого из этих видов в истории другого сложно переоценить.
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Comments: 37

Vumpalouska [2018-04-15 16:49:43 +0000 UTC]

Damn, a species that foolish and short-sighted would probably have deserved to perish. They're clearly Darwin Awards material.

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to Vumpalouska [2018-04-16 12:54:26 +0000 UTC]

Personally, I'm of opinion that we are in no position to make such judgements. Yushzzukians are products of their evolutionary history and environment, just like any other intelligent species. In-universe, bio-shapering civilizations have less motivation and capabilities to expand into space, and that usually stalls their development and increases possibility of self-destruction.
It should also be taken into consideration that, despite numerous pessimistic predictions, Yushzzukians eventually found their place among other spacefaring species; the current Itkushzian-Yushzzukian civilization is a thriving society. So I guess if this short fictional story has any sort of moral, it is something along the lines of everybody deserving a chance and suchlike banalities

Also, pardon me, but I'm a bit curious: if it so unfortunately happens that the civilization in which you live destroys itself (let's face it, there is such a possibility), will you automatically nominate all the members of this civilization's species, including yourself, for Darwin Awards?

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Vumpalouska In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2018-04-16 15:46:10 +0000 UTC]

A species can only be judged as a whole by its eventual survival or failure to survive. In the event of repeated, self-induced global catastrophes, the most aggressive, short-sighted gung-ho members of society should be gradually weeded out - unless these tendencies are deeply rooted in the core psyche of the species, probably making them unviable without outside intervention (which was likely the only thing that saved the Yushzzukians).

Well, I guess the Yushzzukians did eventually survive, though they cheated by getting help from an interstellar alien species. (Personally, I think they should have fought a few more wars and hope that ultimately, their species would be rebuilt from a very small stock of nonaggressive survivors...)

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to Vumpalouska [2018-04-16 19:51:00 +0000 UTC]

But that's the problem with mass destruction weapons — they tend to kill everyone, not just the most short-sighted gung-ho members of society. Furthermore, in the following post-downfall years, when bands of marauders and wild warbeasts threaten remaining communities, a certain amount of aggressiveness is necessary just to survive. Later, when communities grow into new nation states, they start to compete for territory and old technology, and once again aggressive actions can be quite profitable for the time being. So the problem is a bit deeper than a number of warmongers who just don't die out.

All of the aforesaid doesn't mean there weren't any Yushzzukians who wanted peace. At the height of each cycle, there always were anti-war groups trying to prevent conflicts and limit the use of MDW. They studied the history of previous cycle(s), used varying tactics and sometimes reached temporary success. But then, it is indeed possible — and much easier — to ignore all these insignificant details and simply judge the species as a whole.

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IchthiusRex [2017-11-11 15:10:43 +0000 UTC]

I've read and reread this description about 7 times and each time it has not only succeeded in creating a realistic and believable history but also blowing my mind with the sheer difference from what I have come to expect from sentient aliens. Great job in every regard!

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to IchthiusRex [2017-11-12 19:43:30 +0000 UTC]

Many thanks!

I admit I do aim for avoiding some widespread cliches in my sophonts' descriptions, but still I'm curious, what is it that you usually expect from sentient alien species?

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IchthiusRex In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2017-11-12 23:58:19 +0000 UTC]

What I have come to expect is for alien races to mirror a specific culture or aspect of human society without any of the variations for technology development and even behavior regardless of the state or world the aliens are in. The world alone would cause very different technology, behavior, trends, needs, wants, even violent interactions (although likely for similar reasons as humans such as food or territory). All of the previously mentioned criteria need to be approached from the view of an alien and likewise would have very different sequences and unique results. For example, the Yushzzukians nearly wiped themselves out with aimed epidemics and environmental catastrophe caused by their biological technology. Unlike here on earth where we have never developed such biotechnology and instead use an array of bombs to reek mass destruction. This difference (although having a remotely similar outcome) is usually overlooked or briefly stated without having any major outcome for the aliens and their advancement to space-faring, sentient beings. Even though I have seen an increase in the number of aliens created with these values in mind, it is still usually done in the previously stated sloppy fashion in order to achieve a more relatable feel.

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to IchthiusRex [2017-11-24 20:57:56 +0000 UTC]

That is indeed a very common approach to the creation of sentient alien species, and the majority of the audience seems to be satisfied with it, so I doubt it'll change significantly anytime soon. On the other hand, it makes finding works wich feature original, well grounded, thought-out and diversified aliens all the more interesting.

I really appreciate your high opinion of the concept of Yushzzukian species  I'll try my best to keep it up; however, I must admit there will probably be only a few, if any, comparably unusual civilizations in the setting due to several self-imposed restrictions to keep it consistent.

By the way, do you have or plan to make any sophont species yourself?

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IchthiusRex In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2017-11-25 18:37:56 +0000 UTC]

Yes, there is currently several I have been designing recently! The few that have received the most attention, however, are the tribal species of my alien planet: Annomolus (the reason for it being misspelled is an old joke that I never grew tired of). I plan on posting the Annomolus tribes soon, but, progress has been slow. Additionally, I have made other space faring races. Unfortunately, their progress has been even slower.  

As for my opinion, you deserve it! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ivelin-Fulmen [2017-09-19 20:03:21 +0000 UTC]

какие интересные, вот уж действительно инопланетяне, когда не знаешь, с какой стороны подойти в прямом смысле слова х) тяжко, наверное, с ними контактировать билатерально-симметричным)))

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to Ivelin-Fulmen [2017-09-21 20:59:31 +0000 UTC]

Подходить-то с любой стороны можно, для них разницы нет. Большую проблему представляют длинные паузы в диалоге и медленная речь, хотя и к этому можно привыкнуть.
А вот самим юшззукианам с билатеральными в этом плане куда сложнее общаться. Как минимум, жестами проблематично привлечь внимание софонта, смотрящего в другую сторону. Более медленный метаболизм создаёт им репутацию тугодумов, из-за чего некоторые кислорододышащие стремятся закончить за них фразы во время беседы, а то и вовсе сваливают посреди диалога, устав ждать ответ.

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Ivelin-Fulmen In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2017-11-02 20:34:14 +0000 UTC]

да, тяжко им с общением, вот так описываешь ты, как у тебя дела, а собеседник взял и ушел х)

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Midiaou [2016-08-17 21:51:58 +0000 UTC]

Wow, these might be my favorite sophonts of yours! I love the backstory that isn't human like and the alien look to it. Kudos!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ChatlaninKyr In reply to Midiaou [2016-08-27 12:24:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you
I honestly didn't expect anyone would like them so much

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salpfish1 [2016-08-12 22:35:36 +0000 UTC]

Really weird, and great design! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ChatlaninKyr In reply to salpfish1 [2016-08-13 15:49:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

I mostly think their design is quite simple though.

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salpfish1 In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2016-08-13 23:46:17 +0000 UTC]

It's still very cool. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Neframe [2016-08-10 16:14:53 +0000 UTC]

They are a really fascinating species.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ChatlaninKyr In reply to Neframe [2016-08-13 15:44:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Neframe In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2016-08-13 18:57:23 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome!

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CrossDevice [2016-08-10 00:11:49 +0000 UTC]

Another strange and interesting species~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ChatlaninKyr In reply to CrossDevice [2016-08-10 10:53:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks  Actually I drew them more than a year ago, but only now created a proper description.

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CrossDevice In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2016-08-10 11:20:02 +0000 UTC]

Not sure if I asked this before, do you come up with the stories first, or the creatures?

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to CrossDevice [2016-08-10 13:40:46 +0000 UTC]

Usually the sophonts are created first. The concept of Thfs-chthk  Commonwealth has been in my mind for a while before I drew them, but it's an exception. Sometimes I have a vague idea of what the species' history will look like based only on unique fatures (for example, I knew Giekians ' story will include problems with First contact due to their communication method before I finished them). More often I draw species and then wait until some interesting concept of their culture appears in my mind, as it was with DapfnibTsieiuoItkushzi  and Yushzzukians. Right now I have two more finished species, but still haven't come up with anything that would make them more than just strange fictional creatures.

And what about your creations?

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CrossDevice In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2016-08-10 21:37:09 +0000 UTC]

I see~ Quite interesting.

Its usually the opposite for me, I have a base layout of a story, and then come up with a creature to fit it. Then make adjustments XD

I guess reptids are kind of an exception... they were visually designed first... but they've changed a lot visually from their original design, so in a way, it can still be interpreted as designed after their stories.

I have a few stories needing species. One at least is kind of important, but I don't really have the confidence to do much designing

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to CrossDevice [2016-08-13 13:35:52 +0000 UTC]

The only reason I design species first is that I have new ideas about design more often than new ideas about cultures. I'd probably done it the same way as you if I could.

Yes, I was lucky to learn about some of your stories, and, needless to remind, I liked them a lot. I still hope we'll see them more often in descriptions to your drawings

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CrossDevice In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2016-08-14 01:37:06 +0000 UTC]

XD, I wish I was better at coming up with interesting looking designs.

Who knows, things are pretty scrambled at the moment

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WorldBuildersInc [2016-08-09 23:31:31 +0000 UTC]

My very first thought was, and I quote: "Holy crap! That's such a cool design! Hell yeah!" XD

I really love the whole concept, every bit of it. The Yushzzukians' anatomy is so utterly strange, and the biomechanistic civilization reminded me greatly of the Tool Breeders from Nemo Ramjet's "Alltomorrows ".
You've done it again, Nick! Another fascinatingly alien species!

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to WorldBuildersInc [2016-08-10 10:48:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

Yes, everything we come up with has been invented before   But it's actually encouraging that I'm not the only one who imagined biocivilisation this way (i.e. as a more difficult path for species that can't use fire). I hope it means this fictional concept isn't just an accidental figment of my imagination, but has some common logical background.
However, I tried to make Yushzzukians' civilization less "exclusively biological", so to say. Just as human civilization, although mechanistic by this classification, uses cultivated plants, mounts, dogs and other animals, or even creates living root bridges  , bio-shapering Yushzzukians used mechanisms throughout their development, although on a lesser scale.

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WorldBuildersInc In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2016-08-10 16:21:39 +0000 UTC]

The whole idea is, aside from just being really cool, highly convenient for species whose environments would not be otherwise conducive to mechanistic civilizations.
I actually plan on using the biotech idea for a few of my own GDF species, like the Uzz (who inhabit a gas giant).

I actually didn't even know about those root bridges, so thanks for the link!

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to WorldBuildersInc [2016-08-13 13:16:46 +0000 UTC]

That is actually what I want to do as well. But I mostly plan to apply it to underwater sentient species (that actually was my initial idea for a bio-shapering civilization), since there aren't any sentient gas giant inhabitants in my setting, at least for now.
Meanwhile I'm looking forward to see your versions of biocivilizations

Yes, I was really amazed when I learned about these bridges. In my opinion, such an unusual way of creating structures is a great example of how diversified our cultures can be; and, when creating alien species, I try to give them potential for suchlike diversity.

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WorldBuildersInc In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2016-08-17 16:37:11 +0000 UTC]

I did come up with a semblance of an idea for how to facilitate metallurgic mechanism in aquatic sophonts: deep water hydrothermal vents often reach 400 degrees Celsius, which is enough to melt lead and make aluminum and certain other metals/metalloids easily malleable in a blacksmithing sense.

Diversity within a species is very critical for realism, and it's something I really need to work on in my own universes.

By the way, I had an idea just now regarding the Yushzzukians: due to their radial symmetry, they would most likely have what I termed "philosophical" sapience. Because they take in sensory information from all directions simultaneously and process it simultaneously, they would most likely be incapable of focusing in the traditional sense. Of course, to survive they would have to prioritize, i.e. "The predator coming from this direction is more important to react to than that blade of grass over the other way", but they would view everything holistically, unable to just see one part of things or concepts.

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to WorldBuildersInc [2016-08-27 09:08:24 +0000 UTC]

I think it's a very promising idea  The additional advantage is that black smokers form ore deposits around themselves (the black smoker chimney itself is, essentially, the deposit). But there are also a couple of potential problems. First of all, as I understood, most metals are emitted as parts of chemical compounds. The question is whether it's possible or not to extract metals from compounds underwater (using temperatures under 400°C), and if not, are there enough metals in the form of simple compounds. Second, as far as I know, black smokers only exist in deep abyssal zones, so either the hypothetical aquatic sophonts are adapted to high pressure (while aquatic life on Earth is most diversified much closer to the ocean's surface), or their planet has a different geology. By the way, maybe the "different geology" excuse can be used to rise the vents' temperatures.

I didn't think of Yushzzukians' psychology much, partly because I didn't want to make the description any longer. Your suggestion is very valuable not only because it expands their unique perception of the world beyond simple multitasking, but also because it can be expressed in just four words: prioritizing instead of focusing! And it perfectly suits what I wrote about their contact with Itkushzis. Thank you

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WorldBuildersInc In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2016-09-03 14:12:46 +0000 UTC]

I did a little bit of Googling and uncovered this forum thread , which is fortunately rife with excellent ideas on how an aquatic species could devise metal tools. In addition to the various theories regarding smelting, I think the electrolytic magnesium plating idea is a great alternative. I must say, though, the main issue with forging in vents (or indeed at all underwater) is that water boils at significantly lower temperature than even that at which lead melts, and trying to cast molten metal in boiling water is quite difficult. This could be negated by forging in an air or vacuum bubble, but where one would find the right conditions... that's a challenge.

You're very welcome!
I actually wrote an entire article on the different 'versions' of sapience, which can be found here if you're interested.

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to WorldBuildersInc [2016-09-04 13:29:35 +0000 UTC]

I agree that electroplating is another viable option. I'm not sure about magnesium, but it's because I don't know enough on the subject. Looks like magnesium must be heated anyway before it starts to react with water; and another question is: are there any accessible underwater magnesium deposits at all?
Anyway, all these ideas may be useful for designing underwater civilization, so thanks for the thread link

Well, I already said that I think focal/nonfocal classification is a great idea. But I have a question about the socio-personal relation: what about predators that hunt in packs? Is their sapience still classified as "draconic"? Also, I tend to separate "true" hive minds, where each individual is a sophont (such as your Thyorans or Protoss from Starcraft), from "one controlling mind"-type civilizations, which, arguably, are not even societies (the insectoids from Ender's Game belong here; I'd say the Queen has more in common with one of these specialists  than with a ruler of any kind).

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WorldBuildersInc In reply to ChatlaninKyr [2016-09-04 14:04:48 +0000 UTC]

If my memory serves me right, the magnesium needed for electroplating is actually dissolved in the water. You're very welcome!

Pack-hunting predators are actually classified under delphine. If you look at the social structure of a wolf pack, the community as a whole is considered more important than any individual, though the Alphas are regarded as the most important of the individuals.
Both hive-mind and single-mind civilizations technically fall under the collective classification, but indeed they are distinct subdivisions, just as a dolphin pod and a wolf pack are both technically delphine but differ in the specifics of the social structure.

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ChatlaninKyr In reply to WorldBuildersInc [2016-09-04 14:40:04 +0000 UTC]

My point is that a single-mind civilization has only one true sapient creature; and since you're classifying sapience, the other, controlled creatures of the collective should not be taken into consideration at all. Their apparent "self-sacrifice" is not true because there are no "selves" among them, while you define sapience as "awareness of self". Meanwhile, the controlling sophont might be egoistic to the point of draconic sapience, sending its subjects to certain death as easily as a lizard detaches its tail.

Also, here's a paradox (not really) for your classification system: Ppuntsavians are hive minds, but have primate sapience  

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