erin-hime — Genetic Crisis Designs

#blond #blonde #blue #boy #brunette #designs #female #floral #girl #green #male #originalcharacters #pink #purple #red #redhead #teal
Published: 2015-05-01 15:07:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 212; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 4
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Description Instead of just doing the new characters (and Bri), I decided to be nice and give everyone new outfits!  Hey, they deserve it. 

Danika:  Considering that Danika's offically a Rider now, I figured I'd give her an official Dragon Rider outfit.  I see it as sort of being the precursor to the outfit I drew her in as a teenager .  Basically, the concept is the same, her wearing pink now, and with her hair up.  I sort of like the girly bow on her, since it's a little different.  I actually was going to put her in a dress, because the other Rider females are in dresses, but...that's not Danika.  And she looks cute here.  (I also made her design look younger, because what I had previously still made her look too old.)

Bri:  You know, one idea I had about GO was that Bri was going to see Dr. Marius and he was going to give her a serum that would change her hair back.  Except I like it like this.    Her hair is just below her shoulders now.  And she rocks something of a Rider jacket.  It's not an official one, since she's not a full Rider, just an honorary one.  Basically, it's the normal bolero, with a hood attached for Sapphros.  I didn't include him because, you know what he looks like.  I also gave Bri capris instead of revealing her knee, and I like the look, actually. 

Damien: I felt the boy needed a change of shirt.  I actually like how he looks in it. 

Shaylee:  Ha ha, there's actually a reason why she wears her hair down and has gotten dressed up, and that reason is that dork in the eighteenth century frock coat over there.  >.>  I also gave her capris because the other girls had them, and I wanted her to match, and she ended up looking adorable in them. 

Ian:  Probably didn't actually have to do anything with him, but...whatever.  It's only fair.  He gets a shirt change as well. 

Liam:  I'd like to thank callisto-chan for modifying Liam's jacket so now it looks so much better than what I originally designed.    Technically, all Liam gets is a new shirt as well, a simpler one, but damn, he looks great in it.  He doesn't need anything fancy, since he's got that frock coat.  Which he's going to wear, damn it, because it cost him a lot and he likes it. 

Rachel: Rachel is the new character that was spontaneously introduced in GO.  She's the thirteen year old granddaughter of Sedgwick who Bri rescues, and then is adopted into the Wyatt family.  She's a fellow genetic experiment, who's been in the program for ten years.  As such, all her physical features have already changed.  She's actually a little flat chested, because she's only thirteen and hasn't started developing yet, but when she's done growing, she's going to look exactly like every other genetic experiment that survived.  Except her skin.  She's actually darker than most.  But she's a cute kid, and very much like Bri, if not a little shy.  I wanted to design something simple yet cute for her, and this is what I came up with.  I really like her boots. 

I really like how these turned out, if I do say so myself. 

Characters and image  erin-hime
Genetic Experiment/Genetic Origins/Genetic Crisis and all related characters and concepts © erin-hime
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Comments: 2

callisto-chan [2015-05-12 01:32:09 +0000 UTC]


damn. I know I should go from left to right and talk about all of the outfits in sequence, but you made Shaylee wear her hair down, and she looks amazing. Seriously, she stood out the most for me. Not just because of her hair, but that outfit as well. She looks ridiculously pretty, it’s…just…ridiculous. Also, the olive is an unusual colour, but I like it! It’s muted enough that it actually works really well with her coloration. (Also, ha! I support the idea of Shaylee/Liam. They can be called Shayliam )

I like Danika’s new outfit, since it suits her! It’s funny — when GE first started you’d never have expected Dani to be wearing pink, but then she goes and bonds herself with a pink dragon, and now she can’t get enough of the colour. I like how this seems to be a precursor to the teenaged Dani outfit, because that outfit was pretty awesome. I can’t blame you for wanting to do something similar. >.>

Ha ha, when Bri first got the two-tone hair, it was a bit of an adjustment…but now I can’t picture her without it. I mean, she could go back to the way she was, but I actually like that she’s learned to adapt to the blonde, and maybe even like it. it kinda reminds me of people taking something designed to humiliate them and actually rocking it in defiance. Obviously this isn’t quite the same, but Bri did have the blondness forced on her unwillingly, so to see her warm up to it, even like it, is pretty awesome. I like that she’ll keep it two-tone, mostly to spite Sedgwick. In fact, anything to spite Sedgwick is pretty awesome.

I also like her outfit! It’s a bit more muted than before, but it’s really nice — green looks surprisingly good on her, and I love that she has a Rider jacket-but-not-quite. After all, their mascot and his human should be able to fit in with the rest of the group. I also like the capris! I know you like showing off her knee, but this shows off her leg just as well, and looks really cute as well.

The sad thing is that it took me a minute to figure out what had changed with Damien. I know something had, but it still took me a minute. I like the new shirt though! it’s simple and it gets the point across. Actually, I think what I like most about it is the little lacing up front. I guess he’s taking cues from Liam’s old outfit. >.> The fact that you kinda reversed the colours, with the dark colour being dominant, is also quite nice. It’s just a subtle shift, but it helps change up his design just a little bit.

Ian’s change is pretty subtle, but I like how Liam’s going for a more casual look now, with a regular t-shirt. I like how he still has the pirate coat and boots, though. I know it’s silly, but I like the contrast between relatively normal outfit and…pirate coat. I’m sure he paid a lot of money for it, so of course he’s going to want to get his money’s worth out of it!  But yeah, I like that you did not get rid of the coat…because come on, the boy needs that coat. >.>

Rachel looks so cute! I didn’t have a very clear mental image of her, but I like this! She looks really cute. I think it’s funny that they actually don’t just want to make a blue-eyed blonde, COSMOS wants a pale blue=-eyed blonde, probably because it looks more…’natural’? If that makes sense. Sure, even though the poor girl doesn’t have the hair or eyes she was born with, I kinda like that her skin’s a little darker than the other experiments, if only because it’s like she’s still managing to defy COSMOS, if only by escaping and not fully completing her modifications. (Random, but I think it’d be hilarious if, for whatever reason, Rachel was a late bloomer/whatever serums they’d given her did nothing to change when she’d begin developing. Like, they think she’s going to start developing around 13, 14, 15, but it takes her a little longer than most and they’re freaking out because they think they’ve failed. I suppose it doesn’t really matter, since they’ve already changed the important stuff, but I’m just weird that way in that I think it’d be funny if one thing didn’t go according to plan.)

I really like her outfit. The dark/light colour combo she has going on is really pretty, and I kinda like the jumper-dress she’s in. It makes her look young and youthful, which is nice considering COSMOS is pretty much designing her to be a “perfect” woman. It just helps remind people that right now she is just a kid, and one that’s been through way more than anyone her age has any right to e. I mean, so has Bri, but Bri escaped. Rachel had no such luck, and had the additional indignity of knowing not only that her own mother didn’t want her, but her own grandfather couldn’t be bothered to raise her and basically sold her out, which is just…pure evil. Like, seriously, that’s stone cold. Any sympathy I might have had for Sedgwick, since I can be weirdly attracted to villains sometimes, was completely gone after that.  >.O So you can imagine I’m rooting very hard for Rachel to be the best damn Rachel she can be and learn that life actually can be good and decent and worth living, and manage to have a loving home life with the Wyatts.

I also like her boots. This is a complete mood whiplash, but I like her boots, they’re cool. You’re good with designing stuff like that.

Anyway, I love seeing all of these designs, since they all look really cool. I can’t wait to see how GC turns out! I’m sure it’ll be awesome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erin-hime In reply to callisto-chan [2015-05-12 13:58:49 +0000 UTC]

Ha ha, I actually like giving my characters new outfits for each book.  It’s just that I was trying to avoid doing that for GE, trying to be good and only designing new stuff for people who actually needed it…and I failed.  I failed hard.


It sort of helps that Shaylee’s in the middle there, but my God, yesh.  I mean, we already knew that she was gorgeous with her hair down before, but…add in that outfit, and it just magnifies the pretty.  The olive was just me trying to be different, and I think it works really well with the red hair she has.  (And yeah, I’ve had them planned to be a couple since I decided to include him in the series.  Because I figured a pretty princess should end up with the rouge pirate captain.  )


Danika’s outfit turned out much better than I originally had, which was a dress, and…no.  Just no.  But yeah, I definitely never expected her to be in pink when I first started, but I also never expected to actually give her a dragon at any point in the actual story, so…yeah.  Luckily, she doesn’t care, and she looks good in pink.  I didn’t want to give her actually the outfit I designed for her when she was older, so a transition makes sense.  And it’s cute. 


Yeah, I agree that Bri’s hair was weird to begin with, but now…I can’t have her without it, since it looks too cool.  So she’s stuck with it forever.  But I also like the idea that all her changes are permanent, and that there’s nothing to reverse them.  Which is why Sedgwick getting her at the end of GE was a little horrifying, but luckily, it was something harmless like her hair.  She can get used to her hair two toned like that.  And I didn’t think about the defiance angle, but I sort of like that.  All Bri’s technically doing is just coming to terms with the fact that she’s been changed and she can’t do anything about it, but she’s actually sticking it to him at this point, since they all know she hates it.


I really like her outfit as well, since the warm tones look great on her.  And I definitely love the idea of the modified Rider jacket.  At first, she was going to get a full one, but I like the hoodie too much, so I came up with this thought.  And I’m surprised the capris looks as well as they do!  I do like showing off the knee, but as long as you can tell it’s a metal leg, then I’m okay with it. 


I really love Damien’s new shirt there, since it’s simple and awesome at the same time.  To be honest, I did it because I really liked the way Liam’s shirt looked in his profile, so I decided to give it to Damien.  Just a little detail, but it looks great.  I didn’t even realize I reversed the colors – this just looked good, so I went with it. 


Ian got a minor change just to be fair, but Liam needed to get rid of the whole pirate look.  He keeps his boots because they’re shoes, and there’s no need to get new ones, but his jacket?  He’s got to keep that.  It’s too awesome!  And the simple shirt under it tones down the outfit enough that he’s able to get away with it.  I love how he looks!  It’s funny how he doesn’t seem as arrogant here somehow.  Maybe it’s the lack of eyepatch?


Yeah, its funny, because I actually designed her and then wrote her, so I definitely had a clear picture of her.  But as for appearance, I figure, since they’re in space and all, the people shifted from wanting tan women to pale women, since they don’t really get that much sun.  So yes, on the stations, the ideal women is a place blue eyed blond.  But Sedgwick is a bit on the darker side, and his daughter inherited that, and they haven’t gotten around to lightening her skin yet.  She’s young yet, so she doesn’t have a need for it.  (To be honest, I’m sort of thinking at the moment that Rachel is like Bri, and that serum to enhance bust size actually doesn’t work on her (which they wouldn’t know about until she stopped developing) such that she’d actually be normal sized rather than busty later in life.  But given that fact, they’d definitely be flailing about, since she’s white, and they usually have the white genes down to a science.  )


I thought the outfit was cute on her.  Something that suggests that she’s actually younger than she actually is, to be honest, but it’s cute.  I’m sure, in all actuality, Bri would have been wearing something similar, since, while they’re trying to create the perfect woman, they wouldn’t want to give them anything complicated to wear at that point.  But yeah, while she is thirteen, and at that age where she should be trying to be more adult than she actually is, she’s been through enough that all she wants to do is go back to actually being a kid again.  So she probably has a mental attitude similar to Danika (which is why they become very good friends).    Which sort of helps her deal with the crap she’s been dealing with the past ten years, and why she’s already being the best damn Rachel she can without her actually meaning to.    But she’ll definitely flourish better under Ayame’s care. 


I love her boots so much.  So cute.  So much love.


These were definitely fun, and I can’t wait to see profiles for them (if you’re planning on doing that).  >.>   

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