Fara4X3 — CdR: Rene app

Published: 2013-08-19 03:12:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 2812; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 2
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Description hey kay so this is a thing hope ya'll like kay go ahead and read *burrows*


Name: René Dauphine

Age: 21

Birthday: May 5th

Species: Human

Appearance: Chestnut brown hair, green/hazel eyes, tan skin (he's pretty sure he's a mix a generation back), 6'2", 182lbs

Faction: Diamond

Job: Gunslinger

✖ Because of his upbringing, René is very poised and polite, at first, anyways. He tries to not let anything bother him, and he makes sure that if something does, you will never know until he tells you. And he will most likely never tell, even if he's known someone his whole life. He strives to be strong and put together, now that he is the man of his house. Even as he's separated from his family, he intends to keep that trait no matter what.
✖ René is a pessimistic man, as of late, so he can be very harsh. He likes to call it being realistic, but his words can be blunt if he doesn't know or care for you. It's his way of staying on top of things. When he starts getting sarcastic is when you should take what he says personally.
✖ When he is among a group, his youthful humor and charm peeks out, and even his old player ways can seep in if there's a lovely lady in his presence. He loves to poke fun with women, in a gentlemanly way, of course. He thrives in groups, and is more comfortable than when with just one or two people. Because of recent events, however, he tends to keep to himself and speak only when needed, as to avoid conflict. He's not unapproachable, simply quiet. He will go to you if you seem lost or confused, though, and will politely guide you with a smile. It certainly helps if you're a pretty young lady, though.
✖ Don't think that René is a gullible person in the slightest. He likes to consider himself an educated man of class, not a lazy simpleton with a lucky family background. If something seems off or confusing or just plain wrong, he will find out the reality of the situation and act accordingly. If he meets someone who's a cannibal, for instance, he's not going to excuse that fact simply to gain a new, "cool" friend. He would rather be alone than have to worry about having his arm chomped off. Gain his trust, and he can try to look past the blindingly obvious. He'll feel insulted, otherwise. This is also why he could never grasp religion, and why he does not wish to now, even more so than before.
✖ He does not care for stupidity or ignorance, but can be understanding if he's given reason. On the flip side, don't act as if you know everything. He does not care for people who believe they know best, or like to jab their opinion in in a cruel or disrespectful way, and he does not keep quiet about his displeasure in those situations.
✖ That all being said, once you know him well enough, you find out quickly that René is pretty silly, sometimes to the point of being inappropriate, in an attempt to brighten dark situations. He also is not as smart as he would like to say he is, and he can make bad calls even when the answer should be obvious. He's shameless with his body, as well, as he feels no insecurities about himself physically. He tries to play happy-go-lucky when he's around people he knows. It helps his insecurity of being inadequate, a thought that was instilled into him by both his mother and father in varying ways, though mostly his mother. As he says, "Why try to be perfect when you can perfect being foolish~?"
✖ He is quietly loving and warm with his siblings and those he considers to be his closest friends and family, and can be incredibly protective when he takes a deep liking to someone. He dreads the day when his sisters start looking for husbands for that reason.
✖ Because of his siblings, he has a deep love for children. There's no need to act a certain way around them, which allows him to be the big brother type that he loves to be naturally. If he sees children, he'll be right with them, playing and talking and making friends in an instant. He's just a big kid, really.
✖ Because of why he had to join the circus, he can appear to be indifferent to performing, but when his act begins, he is sharp and focused and very serious, running by instinct after his numerous lessons in his craft. If he has multiple targets rushing him at once, it can even look like he's having fun, in a dark way. He takes after his father with that trait. No matter how foolish he may be outside of his act, he is simply perfection in the ring. Anything less, and he might as well be dead. Another thing he got from his dad lol

History: (This is long, so I'll have a summary at the end for those who don't care for word walls. OTL)

René Dauphine was born into a relatively wealthy family. Though originally residing in France, with the struggles their home country was having, his father knew that staying there would burden their financial standing. Two years after René's birth, his father and mother moved to the English countryside.
  Rene's father was a rather cruel man, in theory. Though he need not worry for his finances, as his family line had always held high standing, he intended to do all he could to keep it that way, resorting to dirty contracts to keep himself-- and his family, he liked to add-- comfortable. While his father remained estranged from his mother and 6 siblings-- Daine, Christane, Josette, Noël, Sofie, and Sylvie, in order of their birth after René--, he seemed to have a soft spot for his first born son. He taught him all of the details of politics and the slickest ways to get ahead in life. He even let him play with his guns at a young age, training him personally with the art of gunslinging. His mother, on the other hand, who was a devout catholic woman, hated the violent and cruel ways of her husband. So on the occasion that he went away on long trips, she took the time to teach all her children-- especially René-- the ways to be decent and good people.
  René for the most part had a very fine childhood, exploring the city they lived nearby and having a few short but exciting "romances" with the girls of the city. The mixture of his father's and mother's teachings left him in an awkward position when it came to most things, though. Many times, he could have had his way with the local girls or in groups of his own age because of his privileged upbringing, but instead he simply let the opportunity go, cursing himself for letting it slip afterwards. Because of this, he didn't make very long standing friends. His strongest relationship was with his siblings, and especially with his sister closest to him in age, Daine, whom he shared nearly everything with. Daine served as his true moral compass, as she had talked him out of many bad decisions over the years.
  A few months into his 21st year, René began to fully notice a tension between his mother and father. They had always had their silent bickering in the night, but it had become much more vicious as of late. The silent battle between René's mother and father had been based on one major thing; his father's greed. He would do almost anything to gain more power and riches, and his loving, nay obsessive wife feared for his very soul. Every night, she would pray to God that his greed would be purged from him so that he wouldn't live with eternal damnation in hell, but as the years went on and his influence on their children showed even more, her hope for him, and her children, in turn, dimmed. 
  Finally, one night, after months of screaming fights and fearful whispers in the dark, something happened. René was sleeping soundly, for once, when he was awoken abruptly by a maid. He grumbled a complaint at first, but when he was told of a fire spreading quickly through the house, he got right up to help with the evacuation. He had secured his brother and sisters, yet there was no sign of their parents, so he quickly sent his siblings outside with the remaining maids and rushed upstairs to find them.
  When he made it to the master bedroom, however, he found a strange sight. His mother, kneeling in front of the cross in their room, seeming to be praying even as the fires were beginning to creep into the room.
"Mother, what are you doing?! We need to get out of the house! The maids have called for help--"
"All those that have sinned shall burn in the lake of fire, and their souls will rise to God and be born again."
René stared in confusion at his mother's mumbling as he went over to her, trying to bring her to her feet. "C-Come on, mom.... Staying in here any longer will get ourselves all killed.... H-Hey, where's fa--"
"Your father has been saved. He has been given another chance. Only through the fire may we be saved; only by blood."
"Mom, you're really starting to scare me. What are you saying--where is father?"
"Your father has passed into the holy realm, dear René, and soon so shall we all. Our greed will not destroy us, but the flames of righteousness shall free us.~ ...I have done what is right by the will of God this day.......~"
"... You did this..."
  It was not a question, but his disbelief voiced it as such. His mother would not answer, regardless, as she had begun reciting verses from The Book, and that was all the answer he needed. With one last glare of confusion, betrayal, and disgust, he rushed from the room, seeing his father's two best pistols in a glass container next to the door and snatching them up as he ran out.
  René's mother and father died in their house that day, along with two maids still trying to save the house from any more damage. One of the maids was gracious enough to let the newly orphaned children stay at her house for the time being, but René was not willing to live in such poor conditions. He began looking for a new home for his family.
  While most of their close family had moved from France as they had, their aunt Lillian had traveled back in recent years. Because she was very close to René's father, she wrote once a month to the family to tell them of her experiences and the news. In her latest letter, she had expounded on just how wonderful life had been.
"They are calling it the Belle Epoque, dear Francis. The beautiful era. And it most certainly is. So many lovely art galleries and shows to see, so much life has been brought back to our homeland! Ben's even gotten me into reading some books I had never dreamed I'd be interested in. You must come and visit me with your family, regardless if your wife is happy with the thought or not! Our boys miss your children terribly. If you're worried for space, we've purchased a lovely little apartment here, and soon shall upgrade when Ben finishes up this latest project. Don't be afraid to stop by!"
  It looked promising. Too promising to pass up. After gathering what money was left in the bank and mailing Aunt Lillian their reason to visit-- hopefully, for an extended stay-- René and his siblings all boarded a boat to return to France.
  Once they arrived, the group took some time to relax using the remaining money they had left after purchasing train tickets to the city their aunt was living in. René decided they deserved some quality treatment after what they had went through. All was going according to plan. But it seemed he had flaunted their small wealth too openly.
  The night came when they would board the train to their new home. René sent his siblings to the train station, giving Daine half of the remaining money just in case the kids wanted anything. She warned him of missing their departure, but he brushed it off as her paranoia. After separating from his siblings for the time being, he walked around the surrounding area, taking in the sights, but not so much the people. Aimlessly wandering, he soon found himself in a less glamorous part of the small city. "How far away from the station am I...? Perhaps I should head back now..."
  Just then, he was pulled into an alley by a pair of strong hands around his mouth, soon grabbing his arms and pulling them behind his back as well. He cried out and tried to kick his way out of his grip, but his efforts were only met with a creaky laugh and an order for his money, made more real by a knife to his back. Out of instinct, René pulled his arm free, reached for his gun hidden in his jacket, and shot behind him. He felt a small, sharp pain in his back, but it soon vanished, and he was left only with the sound of a body hitting the ground. He turned to look, and felt his stomach drop at the sight.
  He had just killed a man.
  He stared in horror for a moment, thanking whatever would listen that no one had heard them, and soon he began to walk back quickly to the station, realizing as he went that the time of departure was closer than he realized. He nearly sprinted to make it on time, but as he slowed down at the boarding dock, he heard the sound of the train in the distance, seeing its lights fading from view. Daine had been right. He missed the train.
  René felt himself falling into a state of panic. His siblings would be safe on the train, and he had made arrangements for them all to be picked up when they arrived, but they were without /him/. They must be worried to death over his whereabouts. What money he had wasn't enough to purchase a new ticket, and how far it could take him by carriage was not enough to make it there. There wasn't even enough for him to stay the night somewhere.
  What was he supposed to do now?
  As if answering him, he glanced to the side just then and saw a poster pinned to a board in the main lobby of the station. Pictures of acrobats and jugglers mixed with darker images of broken beauties, wild animals and caged men caught his attention and seemed to dance before his eyes. His youngest siblings loved circuses, and it surprised him that they had not seen this beautifully elaborate poster before.
  Feeling a strange urge to go and check it out, he went to the location listed on the poster, walking into a clearing in the woods and finding four tents surrounding a tall tent, all of them glowing multiple colors from the inside. The energy filling the air calmed him, and yet put him on edge as he walked through the grounds and watched the crowds take in the atmosphere. René smiled ruefully to himself. "If I had known there was going to be a circus in the area, I would have brought everyone to see it before we left..."
  As he walked around, he couldn't help but feel that he had been here before. In a dream-- no, not a dream, but as a boy, it had felt like it. It was before they had moved from Paris. His father snuck him out of the house as merely a 2 year old, to see the show there. He had dismissed it as a dream, after years and years, and now he was here again, it seemed, immersed into the music and the lights, reliving the dream...
  As he neared the tents themselves, he noticed a small sign that said that there were jobs open. He chuckled to himself at the thought of joining up in such a thing, but then stopped as his eyes fell on one of the jobs that was open.
  ".... Maybe... a job here wouldn't be such a bad idea..."
  René quickly shook the thought away. Working at a circus? A profession that his mother had said only the poor, foolish, and mindless held? Living amongst the strangest and, truly, the lowest of the low? He could never dream of involving himself in this.
  But then a thought came. Circuses travel around. If he rode the caravan long enough, he'd reach Paris at some point soon. Then he could quit and resume what was left of his normal life. It may even prove to be fun, using father's old tricks for once.
  The hazy memories of his father leading him into the big, bright tent danced behind his eyes...
  ".... What have I got to lose, right?"

Summary of history: René is the eldest son of seven in a high class family. When he was growing up, his father taught him his personal style of gunslinging. Because of personal and spiritual differences, his parents fought a lot. When he is 21, his mother finally snaps and tries to kill her family to save their immortal souls, only succeeding in killing her husband and herself. René decides the best course of action after this is to live with their Aunt Lillian, who lives in Paris, France, and is enjoying the best of the Belle Époque. All goes well until they are about to take their last transport to get to her, where René is attacked in the night while exploring the city. After killing his attacker and finding he has missed the train that had his siblings on it, he is forced to find some other way to get to them, as his bit of money is not enough to get another train ticket. He walks aimlessly in the night until he is led by strange signs to a circus in the woods. He sees it has an opening for the job of Gunslinger. Deciding he has nothing left to lose at this point, he applies for the job, hoping the circus will travel to Paris so he can reunite with his family, and also get some extra cash and good times on the side. Little did he know how strange this circus really was...

Likes: Hair buns, children, long baths, cold nights (because he can let his hair down comfortably and wrap himself up in a blanket), women (eyebrowwaggle), (more to add later)

Dislikes: Bad hair days, smartasses, overly excited people, talks about religion, people trying to touch/steal his stuff, haircuts (more to add later)

✖ Parents - Francis and Josalyn Dauphine (both deceased)
✖ Siblings - Daine (19), Christane (17), Josette (14 years), Noël (10), Sofie, and Sylvie (twins, 6)
✖ Other - Aunt Lillian and Uncle Benjamin (or Ben), their sons Marc (20) and Oliver (18)

Relationships: Very close relationship with his sister Daine and writes her whenever he can. Other than that, he'ssingleladies.

Voice: Joseph Gordon-Levitt (with Bradley Cooper french u w u //SHOT)

✖ He always ties his hair up in a messy bun when he's not doing anything of importance, because it gets in the way otherwise. Because his hair is so long, though, his buns generally don't stay up for too long, and he has to re-tie his hair frequently. 
✖ -He walks around in the nude comfortably when the days come to wash his clothing. He grew up with a bunch of children. As if he cares about some semi-public nudity. Of course, this changes a bit when he realizes just who he's living with at this circus...
✖ after settling in with the circus, he mails his siblings (mainly Daine) all the time, just so they know he's ok. They may even come visit a show, if there's one in Paris...
✖ -Along with religion speeches, René's mother taught all her children some sort of musical instrument, as she had been a bit of a virtuoso at a young age. Because of this, René is adequate in multiple instruments, dominating in piano in terms of skill. If he finds a piano around, you might be lucky enough to catch him practicing a song~

RP methods: Script and Paragraph (Script for casual and Para for more serious stuff~). Skype and notes are most comfortable for me (Skype, for sure). You'll see me in the RPchat a few times, though~ Justdon'tignoremeandI'lljoininhohoho
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Comments: 30

StrageMurcielago [2014-04-25 22:40:35 +0000 UTC]

oh wow- I just saw his app.
He seems so charming and cute >3<
//mayiimposeonanrp? //newtothecirque //coversface

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jellolas [2013-09-04 13:54:00 +0000 UTC]

Whoa! So cute
I hope to rp with you sometime! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to jellolas [2013-09-04 19:10:41 +0000 UTC]

He'd prefer handsome, buuuuut

x'D Thank you very much~ And yeah, me too~ c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Absolute-King [2013-09-04 01:23:03 +0000 UTC]

nice to meet you mister

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to Absolute-King [2013-09-04 01:51:21 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Absolute-King In reply to Fara4X3 [2013-09-04 02:57:50 +0000 UTC]

I gotta brush dat sexy hair

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to Absolute-King [2013-09-04 03:40:13 +0000 UTC]

go for it, he won't mind

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Absolute-King In reply to Fara4X3 [2013-09-04 04:19:52 +0000 UTC]

are you sure? I don't want to get shot XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to Absolute-King [2013-09-04 13:07:15 +0000 UTC]

xD He really does not care until you try cutting it. u 3 u

.... so don't do that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Absolute-King In reply to Fara4X3 [2013-09-04 16:24:45 +0000 UTC]

got it, no cutting
mermaids like to brush pretty hairs
specially humans

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to Absolute-King [2013-09-04 21:12:16 +0000 UTC]

Ohmy be gentle please

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Absolute-King In reply to Fara4X3 [2013-09-05 00:48:12 +0000 UTC]

will take me sometime but, I'll read his history
I'm really a slow reader

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Majorfreakingcupcake [2013-09-03 23:42:23 +0000 UTC]

Auuuugh ;u;

He's glorious-- It's so little that I find a character I WANT to rp with...

Problem is; I lack a CdR character.

Faaaaaate... Whhhhyyyy?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to Majorfreakingcupcake [2013-09-04 00:39:15 +0000 UTC]

x'DD You should try joining the next time they open~ It's a great little circus, yes~ e u e

And thank you so much~ ; w ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RainbowCandeh [2013-09-03 22:32:22 +0000 UTC]

dude he has my character's last name as his first name that's awesome lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DreamInSpace [2013-09-03 22:26:21 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to CdR!! ; v ; I hope we can RP sometime~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to DreamInSpace [2013-09-04 00:39:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~ ; u ; Me too~ c':

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tea-why [2013-09-03 20:52:13 +0000 UTC]

Omg I love this guy <3 he is so awesomeeee and sexe  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to Tea-why [2013-09-03 20:55:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank ya~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cillexb [2013-09-03 19:56:21 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to the Diamond faction~! u v u

René sounds like such an awesome character, personality, history, everything! I would love to rp with you sometime if you want... and have the time :'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to Cillexb [2013-09-03 20:45:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~ ; u ; Your scandinavian elf is absolutely lovely all around~ René will be most delighted to interact with her.  But really, I'm all up for rping~

Of course, college makes any rping harder, but i'll send a note your way asap OTL c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cillexb In reply to Fara4X3 [2013-09-03 21:13:48 +0000 UTC]

you're very welcome ; v ; and oh gosh thanks pfft

don't worry... I just started at the university so I totally understand :'D

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TigerBites [2013-09-03 19:45:51 +0000 UTC]

I love his history and personality! He seems so awesome~ We should RP sometime! Even though my OC is the farthest thing from a pretty lady lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to TigerBites [2013-09-03 20:16:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much~ c': Your troll dude is really cool, from what I've seen and... Eh. René will have to get over it. u w u I'll try to send you a note later.~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

talywankers [2013-08-21 00:14:25 +0000 UTC]


Seriously babbu this is great; your history plotline is unique and HOLY SHIT CRAZY RELIGOUS BITCHES ARE BEST YES. Plus René's quite the hottie—not ONLY a hottie but quite a realistic character, with an entertaining way of being not too nice. 


But you've heard this from me. Now beLIEVE WHAT I SAY I LOVE U

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to talywankers [2013-08-21 00:47:04 +0000 UTC]

OMGNOI'MGONNACRY I really appreciate the reassurance~ c': 



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bluevelvetwings [2013-08-19 03:44:41 +0000 UTC]

He is so awesome and original <333 I love his personality and his history seems like it would make a great book or movie. And he has a large family, which I love - I'm the oldest of six and I can relate to like, everything. I'm liking this guy like he's a real-life person, lol.


Nice job; good luck getting in~ Haven't seen a lot of Diamond faction apps, so I don't imagine you'll have much trouble~


oh and you wrote "gunsligner" in his history... just so ya know lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to bluevelvetwings [2013-08-19 04:06:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much~ I appreciate the outside opinion. ; u ; I worked hard to make him a well rounded character OTL

OhgeezthanksIdidn'tevenseethatspellingerror ;;;;;;  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bluevelvetwings In reply to Fara4X3 [2013-08-21 02:29:32 +0000 UTC]

How about if we RP when you get accepted, yes? :3

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Fara4X3 In reply to bluevelvetwings [2013-08-21 03:07:05 +0000 UTC]


Yeah, that'd be cool~ c:

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