Fara4X3 — Symphoria Ataccato App Noa

#noa #symphoria #symphoriaapp #symphorianoa
Published: 2016-08-25 18:39:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 379; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description So. It is time to try for . Let's go.


Name: Noa

Age: 21

Height: 5’4”

Race: Elven-Hybrid

Class: Traveler/Scout

Division: Staccato

Voicewww.youtube.com/watch?v=d2XyWhw3-JU  (chant singing) and Emi Evans  (casual singing)

Weapons: A dagger she keeps on her thigh at all times, her guitar strings, and her voice, if needed.

Skills: She focuses on survival and quick fatalities. Best in one on one situations.

  • Wind Slice - Uses the wind to quicken her movements when using her dagger/strings. Makes her attacks seem invisible when fully focused. Multiple use offensive.
  • Wind Dance - She guides her strings with the wind into a circular motion around a single opponent, closing in on the enemy until they’re torn to shreds. Multiple use offensive attack with limited range. Left defenseless while performing. Also can be a strong defensive if set around her, but she’s left blind. 
  • Sonic Boom - With one loud shout, the opponent/s are sent flying back and stunned. If aimed correctly, if the opponent collides with something, they’re most likely to be incapacitated, if not killed. A limited use defensive attack.
  • Battlecry - If cornered and/or hysterical, she sings a battlecry which initiates her full control of wind, pushing the opponent back and attacking with her strings all at once. Has yet to be beaten, if only because she’s only done it once before. A single use attack, she is left severely weakened afterwards. (The song she performs )


Fire - 1
Water -
Earth -
Lightning -
Wind - 5
Plant -
Ice -
Light - 1
Dark -


STR - 5
DEF - 3
MAG - 15
STA - 7
SPD - 13
ACC - 7


[ Soft-Spoken | Self-Conscious | Mistrusting | Presuming | Non-Confrontational | Passionate | Selfless | Loyal ]

She’s a soft-spoken type of person. Introverted and always thinking 10 steps ahead, making her slow to act and trust, mainly with Hybrids. She’s also a little bit quick to assume, as I again mention Hybrids, and keeps her race on the down low because of this. But regardless of the silent treatment you may receive and her RBF, she’s at heart a gentle soul with a great passion for whatever she does, whether she’s working or playing. She listens with full attention, as if your words are the most important thing she’s heard, and will do all she can to help someone in need. When she fights, although she’s precise and quick, there’s always a tinge of fear in her eyes, and when pushed enough, can lead to hysteria. She’s very slow to anger, but fear can be much stronger. Because of this, she keeps to the back of a group and picks off loose hairs, heals, or scouts ahead. 

Likes: Singing, listening to stories, starry nights, breezy days, rain, birds, friendly people, people watching, being alone, working, reading

Dislikes: Singing (It’s… complicated.), enclosed spaces, violence, loud noises, her wings


You can skip the details, but here’s a summary: When Noa was a kid, she helped an elf escape her Hybrid village because they were going to kill him, and her mom got pissed. After she finds out her mother’s keeping her captive in her home because her father was a powerful Elf lord whom her mother had seduced then killed, and she also stunted her wing’s growth, Noa killed her using a mix of guitar strings and her voice. She escaped the village, joining pirates for a few years, disguised as a man, and picks up some fighting skills. During a raid, Noa came across one of her brothers, and they fought over the death of their mother, where she killed him brutally using, again, her guitar strings and her voice. Shaken, she decided to leave the pirates and go on a journey of self discovery. Noa joined Staccato to be of use to others, and help people who can't otherwise help themselves.


    Although born a mix of Elven and Hybrid, Noa had little to no contact with her elven side as she grew up nestled in the Toccata Mountains, and didn’t even know she was part elven for a large portion of her childhood. Her mother, a bird typed vixen of a Hybrid, kept a strong hold on her growing up, as she was raised with her "pure blood" hybrid brothers and sisters. Her wings, stunted in their growth as a child, couldn’t catch up to that of her siblings. She was resigned to stay in the house, hid from the rest of their community, shunned and ridiculed by her mother. As Noa cooked and weaved, she learned she had a talent for using the air to quicken her tasks. She asked her siblings if they could play with wind, and they said only elves could do that by themselves.

    In her preteen years, a young elf man came to the village, and the community prepared, as they always did, to kill the elf. It was Noa’s family’s time to take the guest into their home. While her family was out, she took a chance and spoke to the man as she worked. He marveled at the fact that she could control wind, noting she must be mixed; her ears pointed gently at the ends. As she asked more questions, and she did her part to keep him in the house and entertained with her guitar, the two became very close. After a week, Noa finally became too guilty to hide the truth from him, telling him of the village’s plot to kill him the next day. He thanked her, leaving a change of his clothes for her to keep for the future, telling her it couldn’t be safe for her here either. In the dead of night, she helped him escape as the village slept.

    Her mother was furious in the morning when she found him gone, accusing Noa of developing feelings unnecessary for the task at hand, and declaring her a true disgrace among their kind. Finally done with wondering about her father, and bold in the wake of her first true betrayal against her mother, Noa confronter her, asking why she’d never tell her about her elven side. Her mother laughed in her face, saying her father was the reason she wasn’t a true hybrid. The elf, a powerful lord from another continent, had stumbled upon the village and while she kept him in her house, she had slipped and conceived with him. She killed him soon after this news came, and when she was born, she nearly destroyed her wings, leaving her weakened and unable to leave if she wanted to in the future. She’d stay here forever, a tool, a prisoner, and a trophy, as long as she was alive. She should be proud to kill those who ruined her life.

    Furious, Noa used wind to sweep up the strings of her guitar, tangling them in her hands and fighting her mother with them in a frantic fist fight. In the fight, her mother managed to cut her neck with her talons, but in the close proximity, she managed to slice her leg off with the guitar string held taut between her hands. Her mother shot up in the air with her wings, out of reach of her strings, then zoomed at her, ready to deal a fatal strike. Noa cried out, desperate and enraged, in a voice that seemed to shake the earth to its core, and the vibrations alone knocked her mother back against the beams of the house violently. She was dead on impact, as it had cracked her skull open. Fearful for her life, knowing someone must have heard her, Noa gathered the elf’s things he had left her when he escaped, and ran. Without stopping for days and days, she reached the sea. The clothes she wore and her hair, cut short from her fight, led the men running a boat at the port to believe she was a boy, and they saw she was hurt and bleeding. They asked if she wanted a job. Desperate to get away from land, she agreed immediately.

    Noa traveled by sea for many years then, hiding her ears and stunted wings with a shawl, her tireless dedication to work helping her earn friends among the men that she came to learn were pirates. Because of them, she learned how to navigate the stars and fight skillfully with a dagger despite being weaker than her opponent. She entertained on the deck with her guitar, healed the men after raids, and secretly helped the crew with her growing mastery of the wind, filling their sails for quick traveling. They liked to call her their lucky charm. She aided in many battles as well, her strings becoming her secret weapon as she zipped them through the air to slice her enemies throats. Noa did her best to make sure no one knew her ability, not knowing if the human crew would take kindly to her elf side. She never liked to fight anyway, and did only when it was life or death, which was rarely a thing.

    The years passed, and another raid was planned. The crew set its mark on a large village more inland than normal. One of the crew mentioned offhand that a hybrid with golden feathers was the head of the village, and Noa’s blood ran cold. One of her kind was here. She did her best to stay near the back of the group, hoping not to catch sight of someone who might know her. During the raid, however, she became separated. She searched fearfully for her crew and ran into a young man. They looked at each other, and she froze. This was her brother. He realized as well, crying out "traitor" as he unsheathed his sword. She did her best to fight with her dagger, but he was slowly overpowering her. He blamed her for the attack that had come upon their village years in the past, swearing that he knew she'd killed their mother as well. He soon backed her into a corner. Overwhelmed with memories and emotions, and his continued curses and jeers, she screamed a verse of battlecry, her strings falling from her bag and quickly zipping through the air to her brother. He survived the first cuts, only to cough out “And you use music… Revolting…” The strings mercilessly attacked him as her song continued, until he was not even recognizable; bloodied and gutted on the ground. Noa stared as she caught her breath and realized what she'd done. She covered her face and staggered away from the scene. The raid was a success.

    A month passed, and Noa found she was growing restless. She still was shaken from the last raid, and she couldn't keep her act up around those she considered her friends any longer. She had freedom, and now she needed to be alone, and herself. When they docked again, she left the crew to explore the land. After much wandering, she came to know of the Divisions of the land, and what they stood for. Remembering how her village had behaved, vaguely remembering the symbol attached to CoE, and recalling her brother’s final words, she felt a rekindled fire in her, knowing others were trying to help those who were defenseless and just trying to live.

    Perhaps she’d find out more about herself helping them.


  • She’d like to learn the violin, if only because it looks like a thinner and smaller guitar, meaning it’s a little easier to travel with.
  • While much more lax than before, she still covers her wings and ears with a shawl when out and about. Even then, she almost always has something to cover her wings regardless. (the app pic is an exception obvi)
  • She has a beautiful voice, but she rarely sings anymore because of the effect it has when she’s fighting. She’s become a little afraid of it.
  • She wants to learn all different types of magic, since she found out that you can do more than just wind spells and skills. She has a leaning towards Fire, Water, and Light
  • She’s been trying to teach herself to fly. It’s not working out very well, considering she keeps her wings tucked into herself most of the time, and their growth pattern hasn’t helped either, but she practices every day.
  • Her “dress” is really just her old captain’s night shirt that she “borrowed.”
  • Her old village was technically a cult, she's come to accept.
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Comments: 3

Zue [2016-09-17 14:25:40 +0000 UTC]

She's such a lovely character!! Her wings are so adorable, it's a shame she covers them up so much, haha~ ;; w ;; //

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fara4X3 In reply to Zue [2016-09-17 15:26:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!! ; u ; Yeah it's a lil sad, but what can you do. She's workin on it 👍🏾

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zue In reply to Fara4X3 [2016-09-21 14:40:50 +0000 UTC]

LOL yeaaah well who knows if one day she would feel better about it! Look forward to meet your child!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0