Originally, I wanted the lead in my story, Kindra, to brandish a large war-hammer, not as big but still in the same vein as Amy Rose from Sonic the Hedgehog. Something light-weight but large to inflict damage. But that got me thinking; beating things and people into a broken pulp is a horrible way to fight, because... there just seems something morally wrong with that, especially if I'm wanting to establish a certain methodology to Kindra and her clan of warriors, not to mention the level of realism in this fantasy world. In a more practical sense, I also debated whether a war hammer would even be workable as a traveling weapon. Would it have to be two-pieced with telescoping ends? Would it have to be small but could be expanded? Would it be an intricate weapon, or a simple one? And then I thought about what sense it made for her to even have a war hammer within the story. A war hammer, in most cases, serves no in-universe practical purpose, as it's really only good during the heat of battle. But a blade, though, could have various other uses.
So I shifted gears and started with this set of 7 short-sword designs. Once again the colors aren't entirely something that will carry over to the final design, but are rather a way of differentiating each of the shapes and styles of the hilts. I'd like something that has a form and shape with detailing that fits the final armor design, feels related to them if not crafted by the same blacksmith. A pair of blades that can be worn comfortably at the sides, but can also be switched to a back-mount. Still not sure about that part, actually.