FOWLLYN — Baaaaaaaaby Boy. Baby

#groupapp #primarina #swaggymon
Published: 2017-09-30 09:47:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 7402; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 2
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Name: Miguel Mario Moretti

Age: 19 years old

Birthday: 14th of February 

Sex / Gender: Male | He/him

Height: 6'3" feet

Weight: 200lbs

Species: Primarina Brindle 

Special Traits: Speckly ears and nose!

Ability: Liquid voice (hidden)

Liquid Voice turns the Pokémon's sound-based moves into Water-type moves.

Thanks to this ability, Miguel is able to have fantastic range with his voice, often using it to make stupid noises that sound like he's underwater, when he's not. It's a fun party trick!*

Nature: Quirky

Characteristic: Impetuous & Silly

Hometown: Sootopolis city | Hoenn

"When you're RIFE with DEVASTATION,
You're a toymakers CREATION
Trapped inside a CRYSTAL ball!"

[Total MP: 21]

 Baby doll eyes

>>The user stares at the target with its baby-doll eyes, which lowers its Attack stat. This move always goes first.<<

One sunny day on the playground in primary school, one child decided it smart to insult Miguels mother. It was the first time Miguel used a move, and after assaulting this child with his sparkly anime eyes he then proceeded to whack them in the face with a flipper. 

Miguel uses this move pretty much everyday, activating it will make the victim more drawn to his eyes and face area, little sparkles being emitted from his pupils. The move will set down the victims attack stat by a single stage, and if Miguel uses the move for a prolonged peirod of time his eyes will start to hurt, the sparkles having a chance to float into his eyes and cause some pain, but the move also has a chance to flat out fail entirely if it was used before in the battle, leaving him there only fluttering his eyes at his opponent and looking really dumb. The move can also cause his vision to go blurry if he attempts to use it to many times. The more he flutters his eyelids the more sparkles he can generate.

 Sparkling Aria

>>The user bursts into song, emitting many bubbles. Any Pokémon suffering from a burn will be healed by the touch of these bubbles.<<

First learnt when he evolved straight after getting into a fight with his twin over peanut butter by screaming and summoning some bubbles, which promptly exploded on him and drenched him. 

Sparkling aria allows Miguel to create multiple bubbles, or one big bubble. The bubbles look different from any average bubble, and they're summoned from him when he belts out a successful musical note, the bubbles power and stability varying on how successful he was with his volume and tone. For example, a shaky, screechy note will make an unstable bubble, while a short series of notes all with good pitch will make many soft bubbles. The goop that comes from these bubbles can be used to heal burns, but trying to do this in battle is not advised due to the amount of pain that can come from them, depending on the amount of power he puts into each burst. But with the power of sparkling aria now using it out of battle is a good way to get rid of any nasty burns, and if needed he can even use it as sun screen. It'll just look weird, like some seal dude spitting on himself. Gross.

Sparkling aria can be executed as a move in two ways; either by Miguel sending a torrent of large, hard bubbles when he belts out a long, drawn out crescendo right at the target. Using this makes it hard to aim where the bubbles are going considering they're escaping him at such a high speed. Normally when he performs this his eyes will have to be snapped shut, leaving him vulnerable to other attacks. When a bubble does happen to hit something it will burst on contact, the initial bursts feeling as though the opponent is being pelted with tennis balls at a high speed.  

The other way Miguel can administer this move is by building up one, large bubble and sending it flying towards the opponent. The bubble is easily popped, and when it is it can cause INTENSE knockback, and the liquid the bubble is made out of can cause a nasty sting, inflicting damage. It's incredibly flimsy and he only uses it when he has too, but if used in a gentler  sense he can trap people inside the bubble. Inside the bubbles it's hard the breathe, and the outside world can look distorted. Pokemon can get out easily by thrashing around, and they won't fly off into the air!

 Dazzling gleam

>>The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.<<
Move learnt from a TM, after seeing the capabilities that sparkles could have from having the move baby-doll eyes Miguel knew he needed a more reliable sparkle move.

Only his most USED and treasured attack, besides it being really weak and borderline useless unless he wants to annoy someone to death. Miguel uses his dazzling gleam to create little sparkles around him whenever he needs to.... sparkle! It's what he does. The sparkles aren't very concentrated and often happen in small glittery chunks anywhere around his face or hair areas, and they definitely aren't strong enough to cause to much damage, however they can work, if concentrated, to create a large white flash. Doing this will take a lot of concentration from Miguel and it can cause eyestrain if it's emitted to close to someone. However due to the weak nature of the move, if he did try to emit a large burst of energy, it could end up backfiring and temporarily blinding him. The move when used as an actual attack is not fun. Using it to many times makes it weaker and weaker though, sparkles getting duller and duller. He use to be able to use it about five times throughout the day, but now that the move has gotten a bit more power he can use it about seven times- as long as it's in weak, glittery bursts, over exerting it can be detrimental for him.

 Shadow Ball

>> The user hurls a shadowy blob at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat. <<

" I feel a little under the weather," He drawled. " Like theres something absolutely nasty inside me,"

In it's weakest form, Miguels shadow ball isn't as floaty or clear as a well trained one. It's grimy, mucky, and disgusting to look at, not being able to stay afloat, and he not having the energy or training to even fire it very far. He manifests shadow ball in his body and fires it out of his mouth, with proper training he could have enough energy to fire it from his hands but right now it's just a very self-destructive shadowy hair ball. As soon as the thing hits the ground (with a wet slap, mind you) it'll lay there for about 30 seconds and then seemingly melt away- it is made of shadow after all. Barfing the thing up causes Miguel a lot of pain, and he doesn't have a lot of control over how or when it happens.

 Hidden power

Miguel awoke one morning, had a shower, and then started to see that electricity danced over his limbs. Like any growing boy he called his brother to help him and freaked out for about five minutes until he realised that it was just a new move. He blamed someone else and then started to test his abilities, which aren't much! Right now the most miguel can do with his hidden power is give people an annoying zap on the shoulder, like when you rub your socks against the carpet and touch your sibling (something he is VERY accustomed too) if he over exerts himself the move will simply backfire onto him, giving him a jolt. 

"And whichever way he TILTS IT
Know that we will stay RESILIENT
We won't let them break our spirits!
As we sing our silly song~!"



| Goofy | Caring | Selfless | Protective | Positive | Loyal | Fun-loving | Romantic
| Nihilistic |Self-confident | Loud | Dramatic |
| Violent | Merciless | Judgmental | Passive aggressive | Reckless | Immature |

It's very easy for Miguel to make himself the center of it all, using his size and expression and sheer mass to nudge himself into the spotlight and boldly proclaim his presence. He's not easy to approach, seeming rather accusatory and nasty to any outsiders, and willing to pick fights with anyone at the drop of a pin. He likes the attention, and it's hard to tell if he's being sincere when he picks petty fights over the smallest things just for the amount of disbelief that can wash over his victims during this moment. Miguel has a blatant disregard for the law when it isn't benefiting him or his influence, often relying on his money and his social status to magically lift him from problems.

Miguels stance on life itself is that nothing matters so enjoy yourself anyway. This thought process oftentimes clouds his judhement, using it as an excuse to do reckless and damaging things towards himself and others. He enjoys a good thrill and a rush of adreneline, finding it can keep him going for longer than any drug. He loves his family and friends but can be a bit to immature and dramatic, but he's easy going and optimistic, always looking forward to the future and on the brighter side of life. He's confident in himself and others abilities, and on somedays can be a walking motivational poster.

Those who can actually get to know him- whether forced or not -can learn to see past the disgusting lollipop covered outside of Miguel and get to the real thing, the tootsie pop. Miguel is very, very protective over the people he loves, often going to great lengths to fix himself or help them through situations just so he can see them happy again. He isn't judgmental or selfish when it comes down to them- although he is far from being his normally goofy and eccentric self. He takes pride in getting other people to smile or even just give him an amused chuckle, the love and life of his family and friends mean the world to him, and he isn't afraid to get dirty to keep them happy. While he is a caring individual, he can get incredibly violent when he feels the need too, not afraid to diving head first into fights. He takes everything he does as a grain of salt and doesn't understand the true weight of his actions due to his background.

"So when you've BUNGLED all your BANGLES
And your loved ones have been MANGLED
Listen to the jingle jangle
Of my GYPSY tambourine~"


Miguels life is a dream floating on whipped cream, born to a successful and VERY caring crime lordess he didn't know much about his father other than he's incredibly dead from trying to reclaim him and his twin brother after he came to his mother to try and sneak some parental rights into an agreement. He wanted to have some control over what he considered to be his children, and he wanted to be a father. The relationship he had with their mother wasn't meant to be matrimonial, and he wasn't looking for a relationship by any means- sometimes accidents happen, but these were his children, and shouldn't he have a right to them? He had only even found out about their existence after they were born too, leaving him more determined to try and take the pair- or even just one - with him. She respectfully disagreed with this plan and murdered him. His mother wasn't out to share her children, and when she agreed to meet with his father in a scheduled location she ended up murdering him, framing it as an accident. She's a busy women and didn't have time to attend to things she considered trivial, and when her children were on the line she saw framing and murder as an easier option, and in this situation, who wouldnt. When you're a very busy Crime Queen theres a lot of stuff on your mind. After they had a heated conversation, none of them meeting an agreement, his father got into the car, drove off, and immediately crashed because his breaks mysteriously stopped working. It was a truly tragic road accident, many tears shed, how dare you point the finger at her, she's a single mother trying to raise children you fiend. Miguel however does not know about this, and even if he did he probably wouldn't dwell too much on it. The Morettis in general are a weird mix-match of species and bonds, but he was incredibly close with his siblings growing up. It was a little hard for him to get to much spot-light, so as a babby he had developed eccentric and eye-catching habits such as, but not limited too; throwing his arms around in huge sweeping motion, sparkling, speaking in a VERY loud voice much to the dismay of his more introverted siblings and whining. 

Growing up, and even today, Miguel was a huge mama's boy, being able to cry on command and get his siblings in trouble at the drop of a pin is a power that he doesn't mind using whenever he feels like it. He was taught that family is everything, and his siblings mean the world to him, gaining special bonds with each. Of course, due to the large size of the family there were challenges he had to face, and considering, due to their very crime savvy background that each child was trained in hand to hand combat, lock-picking, and stealth it made things a bit troublesome when it came to things like privacy and personal matters. And as a child, because he wuvved his siblings so much, Miguel made it a personal challenge to try and break into every room in the house when he could. It was cute when he was five, but now he's greeted with weapons and a cold hard WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS whenever his siblings hear the slap slap slap of his flippers running down the hall to their rooms. 

The knowledge that the Morettis are connected to multiple different crime families didn't exactly invade his mind until he was older. He doesn't really care though, he was kept out of the family business and is only truly connected to them by association, something that bothered him and was a leading factor as to why he desires so much control and power. He doesn't need you to become a cRiMe LoRd MoTher he can do it on his own.

Miguel took a liking to music, theater, soap operas, and basically anything else he could get his grubby little hands on. Being the child of a crime lordess came with challenges, such as a busy mother, and when she was around, she had a whole HERD of children to divy her love between! It just wasn't fair, he grew jealous of his siblings easily and very bored of his own things just as easily. His school life went smoothly, being incredibly extroverted meant he could find and make lots of friends easily, and he LOVED being the center of attention, and he started to LOATHE being compared to his twin. He didn't ever hate his twin though, he loved him dearly, but it started to rub him the wrong way. He wasn't compared to any of his other siblings, all of them being different pokemon, and he couldn't wrap his little child brain around it. The more he was compared the more he wanted to stand out and be different! Through his early, early schooling he was known as an incredibly charming and bright child, who loved his siblings and the other children around the school yard. It was even in the school yard an incredibly detrimental habit of his formed, one he wasn't aware even existed yet, and it all started with beyblade.

One day in seventh grade Miguel wandered onto a group of his comrades crowded around a fruit bowl ripping off little pieces of plastic into it, of course the subject didn't interest him straight away until something more interesting was added into the mix; gambling. The other children were betting ALL their pokemon cards on which little piece of plastic would absolutely destroy the other piece of plastic, and did he want in. It was a fool proof system for him! Go in with twenty yu-gi-ohs, and leave with one hundred!! Genius? Genius!! He was so proud of his little achievement, and the rush it gave him, that when he proudly trotted home he gifted one of his sisters with a Red eyes black dragon card! Oh he was more than proud! Such a lucrative business and so easy to exploit too. It wasn't long until he had developed a short lived obsession for the 'sport' of watching beyblades beat the shit out of each other and raking in yu-gi-oh cards. Through all the gambling he did at school, there was no money involved. There was only ever Yu-Gi-Oh, it is the lifeblood of the year level and it could've damn well been considered money with how greedy all the children were about it. The habit of him and his yu-gi-ohs went on strong for his entire school year, and over that time he learnt some skills that'd he'd tuck away. The 'game' dwindled out by the end of the year though, not by his own accord but by the accord of the amount of children who had gotten tired from losing their Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and not wanting to look like a loser, he moved on with them.

This risk-taking activity soon died out early, thankfully. Though the rush and the thrill of it didn't leave him as easily, after leaving his primary school at the age of 13 and grabbing a few friends, the rambunctious pre-teens went out to try and mimic something that was shown on the bad idea generator of youtube. The lot of them went out around the city of sootopolis and started to hurl themselves off of rocks and park benches in an effort to try and 'parkour', it didn't really end in anyone looking too cool, but the boost of confidence and the true rush it gave him was to die for. Gambling was pushed right to the back of his mind, and there was no doubt his highschool life was going to be a new road for him. These behaviors didn't raise to much concern from his siblings, considering it was stupid thirteen year olds doing stupid thirteen year old things, and because of this it would only grow.

Just like with anything, going through teenage years leaves room for a lot of change and phases, and Miguel was no different. Having evolved around the same time as his twin, and ending up resembling him a bit more than he liked, he took a liking to leather jackets and myspace profiles to try and show how different and not like the other girls he really was deep down. Although he would outwardly become one of the edgy kids in the school yard, not much really changed for him in his personality or homelife; Rebelling is a bit hard to do when you're completely comfortable with your mother after all. He kept his goofy personality, but his risk taking was getting worse and worse. Parkour didn't even begin to satisfy the itch like it use to, and he had started to delve into more and more dangerous obstacles, not to mention the amount of fights he'd get into. Miguel was turning into a real dick-eater around 16, starting to develop flippant and risky world views, and strong morals and convictions that often conflicted. He loved his family, but if nothing matters to him why should they matter? Why do laws exist, why are people so serious? If nothing mattered then why do his thoughts matter? In the end, if nothing matters, why doesn't he just go with the flow, and take life as it comes? If the world is a simulation he's going to enjoy this simulation. He never discussed this 'World view' with his family though, considering they might brush it off as a phase, which it isn't! Just like his emo, goth, blackness darkness XXX gettup!

About a good year later he dropped the gettup and the risk taking behavior only rose, getting himself in underground fighting and it wasn't long before his oh so caring family got wind of it. A large chunk of his siblings didn't want to intervene with, whatever Miguel was doing. Miguel was a weird guy, and it wasn't like he didn't confide in people- however, it is in Brionne nature to act like everything is fine, it was actually his twin who took charge and bought the issue up with their mother. The punishment was anything but brief, and it left an impact on Miguel, he didn't want to be found out for such things again, especially with his many very, very snoopy siblings. He started to get sneakier, and extending his reach out to clubbing and such at the age of 17. At first there was an obstacle: the fact that he looked young, and well the fact that he was so young. Luckily for him forgery wasn't beneath him, so getting a fake ID would've been simple for the then Brionne, but why not go above and beyond? Why not evolve?

He had been thinking about it for so long, and the only reason he was holding back on it all was to avoid upsetting his twin brother, who he did want to distance himself from, but only in appearance, something he had been trying to do since he started on highschool- and with his whole 'goth' gettup dropped, but as he was rounding the corner of becoming an adult he saw it only fitting too! Feeling incredibly full of himself, Miguel evolved that day. He had plenty of battle experience under his belt after all, and in the moment he was more than proud of himself- a feeling he'll regret a little bit later. He was 'undercooked', should've waiting until he matured more before evolving, and he found his new body took time to get use too. Large flippers, a more destructive tail that had spikes on it and a long, boopy snoot made life difficult. Not to mention the amount of hair he got that requires only the most maintenance possible. And the starfish and head balls, which he continues to be baffled by. They're organic, but he can take them off? Bodies are weird and gross, but he tries to make the most of this evolutionary fault of his. It was also around this time that he forgot about the original clubbing plan until he was 18. Miguel regards evolving to be a "Pretty bad idea but still a pretty one because it involves me."

Things stayed relatively normal when he turned 19, except for his family wanting to pack up and vacation in Lumiose. It wasn't a bad vacation spot idea, but it really bummed him out that they were heading there right when Kalos was in the middle of a political war, it'd be a horrible hole of complaining old people and the like! How COULD he possibly survive that? He took a while to settle into his holiday home, and constantly complained for about a week straight before getting his nose deep into his old Hoenn troubles right away.  He's started to get a little more lax with keeping it a tight secret, as now mother isn't as close to him as she normally was. He keeps up a charade of good behaviour though, making sure to show him being only the BEST big-little-brother in all the video logs he makes for her every day, and she is blissfully unaware of most of her sons troublesome pursuits...

Continuing with his rather unorthodox habits, to protest the move ban Miguel got up, got dressed, walked out of his house, and joined a large number of extremist taking over the plaza later that day. He's an adult, he can handle it, he thought. The activities in Juane were an emotional roller coaster for Miguel, which was just what he was looking for, although his family was shocked but not surprised. It was, also inevitable that he would be caught on some of the cameras broadcasting the events of Jaune, and his mother became aware of his involvement here, he lived in fear of the stern talking that would come of this, but she was a women who was for moves, and no punishment came from it (UNLESS YOU COUNT THE LOUD, ICONIC MOTHER SIGH AND THE SHAMEFUL NOD OF HER HEAD TO BE PUNISHMENT)  It was here that Miguel first met some of the AN members, people he almost came to, admire? He had helped them during the fight, and the camaraderie between them and how they fought, it had really inspired him. He had heard of their many blunders, and was warned off them, but surely these people could not have committed those acts, right? His time in Jaune was unfortunately cut short when he was picked off by a cop early on. It was only after he was bailed out of jail that he started on the quest to dig up the AN's email, and after finding it he sent an email of his own to the organisation, expressing his desire to join the group.

Cafe Affiliation:

| Miguel has chosen Regor as his cafe due to the camradire displayed on the battle field |
| Also, their symbol reminds him of a dick and that makes him giggle |

Cafe Proposal:

 MY  I was a bit shocked when not only /I/ got this email, but so did my entire family! It's not hard to see why you'd want us on your side though, who wouldn't want us? After the events in Jaune you all did make quite a splash as The Extremist Group to be in!  But I think you made the correct choice fronting yourself as a powerful group, which you are, really. I was a bit suprised. I wasn't sure what I was expecting from you lot but.. The way you acted on the battle field? The passion and such you showed? It was very inspiring! And after looking through your... EMAIL I HAVE DETERMINED THAT I WOULD BE A VALUABLE MEMBER FOR REGOR!!!   I AM STRONG. I HAVE A LOUD VOICE, everything you need, really! And because of this I WANT TO JOIN REGOR!!! 



Tulio Luigi Moretti (Alolan Ninetales)
Luce Moretti (Brionne)
Rapheal Moretti (Mienshao)


Casey Moretti (Floatzel)
Marcy Moretti (Krookodile)
Liliana Moretti (Lycanroc)


 He love love LOOOVES his family! He'll go to huge lengths to change and better himself for them and although he can often be very goofy and immature he does love them deeply.

 Uses the words 'Nya' and 'Vore', as well as 'Glomps'. He doesn't make it very clear whether he knows what these words mean or not and often seems to use them fully unironically.

 He's a little insecure when it comes down to his appearance, especially considering he rushed his evolution as much as he did, but he tries to stay positive and make the best of things!

 Much like his physical appearance keeping traits from his Brionne days, he also happens to have a tendency to want to dance whenever he hears crying- ESPECIALLY if it's children. It isn't planted in his otherwise sadistic tendencies, just that he can't morally let someone cry (unless he made them cry.) Whether it's a child or an adult he'll track them down and ask them if they're alright, and if theres anything he can do, of course.

 He runs on respect women juice.


 Has fantastic range with his voice thanks to his Liquid Voice ability, because of this he can change the pitch from annoyingly whiny to smoother than run over butter.

 His pearls are also slightly discolored due to his early evolution from a Brionne into a Primarina. It however, isn't noticeable unless you were to really focus on it. On top of his pearls being discolored, his fur is also a very light blueish colour and some freckles from his Brionne days remain. 

 The spikes on his butt and tail are pretty sharp, and they don't come off easily either. They're basically like little horns, and they're as tough as them too.

 His starfish on his ears can be moved, but they normally stick on him to protect bugs from getting into his ears. They also help him sense things when he's swimming under water.

 He has a little band of other sound based mons who like to use their powers to experiment with what they can do with just their voices!

Full ref pic: sta.sh/01xfhfsxqewn


"Cus these chords are HYPNOTIZING

And the world is HARMONIZING

So, please children stop your crying!

And SING-A-LONG with ME~!"

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Comments: 4

StarsAndBoredom [2017-10-08 00:16:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FOWLLYN In reply to StarsAndBoredom [2017-10-08 00:27:13 +0000 UTC]


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LittleTwistedBunny [2017-10-06 03:48:07 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FOWLLYN In reply to LittleTwistedBunny [2017-10-06 03:50:44 +0000 UTC]


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

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