FOWLLYN — Ethan Gannerham

Published: 2017-08-01 09:10:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 1555; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Ethan Gannerham
Age: 24 years
Birthday: 20th of July
Sex / Gender: Cis male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 196lbs
Species: Lurantis
Special Traits: 
Ability: Contary
Nature: Quiet
Characteristic: Quick to flee
Hometown: Hearthome, Sinnoh


  Solar blade
Ethan harnesses the power of the sun and powers up one of his scythes, turning it razor sharp and ready to cut its way through anything! The blade is incredibly hot, and emits a huge light from it when first used. The attack needs time to charge, the first round being used to suck up the light and heat around him and the second turn being used to release it into a firey pillar. If coupled with sunny day however, the attack does not need to be charged, and instead erupts into a blade of light instantly when used.

However, turning your hands into sun-swords for awhile isn't exactly beneficial for your body; especially when you're quite literally a plant. Using the move to much can leave burn marks on his arms, and therefore he doesn't use Solar Blade a lot. The burns have never been to severe, but he's been warned they can leave 3rd degree burns.

 Sunny day

Although not to powerful and not one that sticks around for to long it does help Ethan a lot in battle. The lurantis will summon a ball of light, shot out from the tips of his fans and sent floating into the air. The light mimics the heat and ferocity of the sun, powering up his moves and helping him see and feel better in battle. Instead of staying on the field for five turns, Ethans Sunny day will only hang around for 3 due to the low power of the move. Whenever another environmental status is on the field however, the ball of light will dissaper.

Out of battle, Ethan can use the move in a variety of different ways, summoning it at lower power to produce a small orb or make a fake sun for some plants. 

 Double team
The weakest move in his arsenal but far from the least useful, using double team will create many almost transparent copies of himself, allowing him to confuse the opponent for a short time before he can charge and attack them. The copies cannot be held around for long, and the move is normally only used in dire situations. The move also makes him incredibly dizzy.


| Kind | Social | Talkative | Cautious | Hopeless romantic | Push over | Private | Distant |  


Ethan isn't the type of person to assume anything bad about anyone on first glance, he's not presumptive in the slightest and is just the biggest goodie-two shoes anyone would ever meet, he's rational but all too soft when it comes to telling the cold hard truth and can't push his opinion in the best of times, although he is a hard worker and feels as though he has lots of grand ideas he'll never be the one to share those in a group setting.

He can be skittish when it comes to groups or overly loud places, preferring to keep to quieter groups of people. He does enjoy the company of others however, and will often go to extreme lengths to keep himself in company and can often be peer pressured or pushed to do things he normally wouldn't. He's not the most strong willed, and because of this he can be seen as a pushover, often allowing other people to step all over him if they present their purpose in a stronger and firmer way. He isn't one to fight others with words.

Every step he makes is thought through, he's often seen as quiet and hushed until he's made a good judgement on his partners character and disposition, keeping himself guarded emotionally. He doesn't make 'friends' easily and instead keeps in others good graces, not knowing the line between friend and friendly acquaintance, which makes his frequent and shallow crushes on others more the harder for him to deal with. He's a hopeless romantic who doesn't know how to properly pursue the numerous pretty people he gains an affection for.

Although talkative he isn't one to talk to much about himself or his life, theres so many other topics and things he can think of, why should he talk about himself? He'll dance around subjects or just not respond to questions he doesn't want to ask, changing the subject or creating a diversion for him to get out of the situation. He doesn't know how to really control his emotions and finds that dancing around the subject can lead him to ignore anger and sadness all together.


Little Ethan Gannerham was raised by an odd family for his kind, he wasn't raised by his birth parents; his mother putting him up for adoption as soon as he was born. She was to young to raise a child, and he was considered an 'accident.' To his adopted parents however, he was far from such. His mother and father were a pair of religious Biberal- Charlotte and George, opting to instead adopt instead of having kids of their own. 

Sinnoh was full of family, and Ethan found himself bonding with his mothers sister, Aunty Clementine. She'd absolutely smother her nephew with gifts whenever she came to visit from Kalos, telling him all about her work over there with animal shelters and her- now small -business that she was working on growing. All this talk from his favorite aunt quickly ignited a flame in the Formantis, and Ethan developed a passion for animals and helping others. His parents would find their little boy frequenting the park more and more often, and through his interest in ferals and such he quickly gained an interest in nature, and soon moves. Clementine was supportive! His parents however, were on edge about it. Although they weren't against the usage of moves, they weren't exactly for it. They had seen studies, heard about the violence of move-users, and weren't exactly to supportive.

Ethan persisted however, he wanted to learn how to use moves for seemingly pure intentions, and pretty soon, after watching their son practice his 'skills' in the mirror whenever he had free time, they relented and signed him up for lessons on his seventh birthday. He was elated, and enthusiastically practiced and trained in the dojo he was assigned to. He loved the classes, and for the longest time they became the highlight of his young life. His schooling however, was taking a dark toll on him. He wouldn't tell his parents, but he was beginning to be targeted for repeated bullying. His self defense classes worked to make him feel safer during these times; but he refused to use his moves on the bullies, he didn't want to make his parents think he was using his skills for rough housing, and he didn't want to get in trouble. It started out mild, they would throw some teases at him, things that could be construed as kids lightly joking around. They got worse however, and even though he had tried to go to a teacher about it, that seemed to only make it worsen. He clamped up, and went quiet.

His Aunts visits had become less frequent due to her work, and he began to feel like the black sheep of the family as he started to get older; everyone in his family was from the field egg group after all; he considered himself weird compared to them. He grew more distant from his extended family, turning into a pushover when it came to them, or anyone outside of his parents, really. On the field it was a different story; He was in control there, and he didn't hesitate or hold back when using his moves; he was working his way up, but when he went back to school, or when he was reminded of how different he was, he was pushed back down again.

Highschool rolled around the corner when he hit 14, and he couldn't of felt less ready. He went into it with such low expectations, and everything there made him flinch and cower. He became cold and reserved, sitting away from other kids and learning to absolutely hate group work. He quickly began becoming more independent, more focused on himself and his own goals than anyone else. He didn't need friends, he just had to focus on his future, his undecided future. He liked battling, and he was becoming great at gardening, as well as animal care. It was during this time he had started to contact his aunt through the internet, to see how she was doing as well as to see how a future in animals was working out of course.

During an incredibly heated fight at his dojo years down the track, Ethan claimed victory in a tournament and evolved into a Lurantis. He was quite the sight at the time, losing the baby fat and becoming his new graceful self. While he was elated at the change, he was met with a lot of, mixed reactions. He was taller, and a lot more pointier. The way he moved at first was stiff and calculated, like a bug would. He was twitchy. He was weird. And he knew his parents knew this, and he knew they weren't as elated as he was. He didn't tell his aunt about his evolution, but he stopped emailing her. He started to get quieter towards his parents, and he felt as though he was living the worst parts of his life already so early.

This however, all changed. He was 17 when he got the opportunity of his life, and he couldn't of been happier. He had been accepted to come and train in Alola with some elite fighters, it was a sort of camp, teaching potential battlers the ropes in a professional and healthy setting, as well as promising an all expense paid life in Alola for a year. His parents we're, surprisingly for Ethan, so proud of him. They we're elated their little boy was working his way up in the world and they were so proud of his work. He couldn't say he wasn't shocked at this, but he was so, so thankful for their support. He loved his parents, and he had hoped that even though he would be far from them during this, that it would strengthen their bond.

Training in Alola was easily the best thing he had ever done in his life, he was around other like minded people, people he could relate too. The training was done on Akala Island, normally in the jungle. The training there was going through the entirity of the summer, but deep down he had known that wouldn't be enough. Being in Alola had changed him for the better; he could easily express himself through battle and dance- which he had picked up while living down there. He had actually started to make friends and, gain mentors and knowledge about himself.

He knew what he wanted to do; he wanted to continue to live in Alola. The island was like a dream to him, and coming back to Hearthome felt like a stab in the gut. The only thing he was really looking forward to was to be reunited with his parents; who accepted him into open arms as he babbled mindlessly about everything he's worked on and trained for. He told them about the people he's met, the places he's seen, the amazing and diverse wildlife and the food, everything he could think of. He had his life sorted, he had a plan! And his parents were right there behind him, he wasn't a kid anymore, he was 18 and ready to start his life and he needed to tell his Aunt about it.

Their talk was tense for awhile, she was annoyed it had taken her nephew so long for him to email her, but after he told her everything that happened and everything he had been through, she relented and listened to him. He wanted to start and work at her shelter, to gain some animal handling skills and start to build a life for himself. She was proud, but still reluctant. He was still a little kid, and she didn't want to do anything without his parents permission. But his parents we're happy for their boy, and wanted to do what was best for him right now.

It felt fantastic to be with his aunt again, but the world around him was daunting. He started to learn Kalosian as he helped around the shelters she had established in Lumiose, and as the months turned into years he had ended up running the shelter he had only worked in before. One day when he was surfing through his emails, he saw he received a letter from a 'Mr.cool', about a opportunity to join the AN.

Was this a joke?

He knew what the AN was, and even though the email outlined they weren't extremists, the amount of things on the news stopped him from answering right away. However, as time went on and he saw things emerge, things that showed the news could be lying, he started to question things as well. It was a scary time for him, he was worried about the rising tensions and also at how move users were being looked at.

He was so curious about it all as well; if the AN sent him the email then they must already know who he is, there were to many questions. And so he accepted.

Cafe Affiliation: Avior
Cafe Proposal:

I've heard of the AN before on the news, the different extremist acts you have committed and such and the murders of the three. Theres so much going on right now though, and so many conflicting messages... Was the pro-news story by you? Were you the ones to expose the hidden camera footage? I'm not sure how much is true, I would like to know. I would like to help.

To be honest I had started to loathe the AN in the last few months; you had been giving such a bad, bad name to move users, people like me who have use their moves to help with them in everyday life, and I was so worried that your actions would erase the art from society. Though, I am curious about the organisation, so I would like to join. I hope you all aren't extremists, as you say.


- His mouth, although it can be entirely opened whenever he needs or wants it too, often spreads completely when he's experiencing intense emotions

- The blades on his arms can fold completely under if he needs extra dexterity in his hands.

- His pink chitin feels more like a flower petal, while his green chitin would feel more buggy.

- He doesn't have a nose; he 'smells' with his antennae like a regular bug would. 

- Much like a plant he needs to have sunlight in order to keep himself healthy and bright, without it his colours fade. It takes a lot of work to maintain his colouration, and he spends a lot of work on his appearance.

- He smelly flower boy who smelly like flowers

- He has a habit of covering his mouth when he speaks, eats, sneezes (like a good boy) and drinks. When asked about it he'll brush it off as him being polite.

- He's a big fan of giving others physical contact like hugs and light touches, but when it comes to contact himself he often shys away from it.

- Loves feminine things! His family never really questioned it, thinking that he was just drawn to it due to being a lurantis.


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Comments: 2

upui [2017-08-25 20:23:48 +0000 UTC]

what a good buggo i love his quote

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Candy-waterfalls [2017-08-25 04:47:14 +0000 UTC]

*take him home* mine now

👍: 0 ⏩: 0