JediJaras — DAI Inquisitor and other PCs

#lavellan #cadash #adaar #heraldofandraste #inquisitor #trevelyan #dragonageinquisition
Published: 2023-05-21 11:44:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 1275; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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So, I did at one point plan to do a playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition, but it ended up being such a resource hog on my computer that I couldn't get past the prologue, so I've decided to give a brief rundown of my choices based on the Keep. Then, starting tomorrow, I'll finally get to playing the Mass Effect trilogy while waiting for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf to release.

Like in DAO, I've made up OCs from the origins I didn't choose to be the Inquisitor, all of whom end up joining the Inquisition in my personal headcanon. For the Inquisitor herself, I chose Adaar, the Qunari since, given the backstories given, a mercenary hired for security purposes would have both the means and the motivation to be so close to Divine Justinia when everything goes wrong.

From left to right:

Herah Adaar (Mage, Knight-Enchanter, romanced Scout Harding, voiced by Sumalee Montano): Inquisitor and proclaimed-by-everyone-except-her Herald of Andraste, she's very frustrated that what was meant to be just another job turned into something much more dangerous and unexpected. Grudgingly, she takes on the task of Inquisitor, even before she is officially given the title, but treats it as job. She doesn't always agree with her companions, but tries to keep them in line and gradually warms up to a few of them. Takes time to warm up to people, but once someone gains her trust, it's for life, unless they abuse it. After the events of Trespasser, she gladly disbanded the Inquisition and retired to Kirkwall, where she, along with her lover, Scout Harding, set to the task of finding and stopping Solas.

Maxwell Trevelyan (Mage, Rift Mage, romanced Dorian, voiced by Harry Hadden-Paton) - third son and fourth child of Bann Harold Trevelyan and Lady Alice, shunted off to the Circle as soon as his magic manifested (his eldest brother, Esmond, was discovered to have mental disabilities and packed off to a monastary, and his second brother, Wystan, joined the Templar Order, leaving their sister, Evelyn, as their father's heir). When the Mage Rebellion began, Maxwell left the Ostwick Circle and joined up with Fiona's rebels at Redcliffe, but when Magister Alexius showed up, Maxwell ran off into the Hinterlands, being captured by apostates in the Witchwood. When the Inquisition defeated them and freed Maxwell, he gratefully asked to join the Inquisition and was accepted. When Maxwell's father died and Evelyn's succession rights were challenged by one of their many cousins, Herah accompanied Maxwell to the funeral and helped solidify Evelyn's rights, while also encouraging the siblings to reconcile. After the events of Trespasser, he became a member of the College of Enchanters, acting as their representative with the Imperial Circle of Magi while still finding time to visit his family.

Ellana Lavellan (Archer Rogue, Artificer, romanced Iron Bull, voiced by Alix Wilton Regan) - One of Clan Lavellan's many hunters, she was always fascinated in building traps, against both wildlife and intruders, and trying to think one step ahead of her enemies. Sent by her grandmother, the Keeper of her clan, to spy on the Conclave, but only made it as far as the Storm Coast when news of the Breach reached her. Then she ended up attacked by the Blades of Hessarian, beginning a guerilla war against them. She was upset when the Inquisition recruited the Blades, but offered to join regardless in order to complete her mission. Ellana eventually struck a rapport, and then a relationship, with the Iron Bull. After the events of Trespasser, she travelled to Wycome and rejoined her clan, helping to rule the city using all she learned during her time in the Inquisition, and keeping her eyes and ears open for Solas' agents.

Edric Cadash (Dual Wielding Rogue, Assassin, romanced Josephine, voiced by Jon Curry) - a Carta enforcer and part of the branch based out of Valammar, Edric started to get worried when his fellows began being influenced by and fighting over the red lyrium. An opportunist who saw where the wind was blowing, he formally defected to the Inquisition and helped them put an end to the smuggling operation. He initially planned to start up his own criminal operation under the Inquisition's watch, but a combination of Leliana's close scrutiny, fighting alongside Herah and working and falling in love with Josephine made him genuinely want to become a better man. After the events of Trespasser, he joined Josephine in Antiva, helping her run her family business, with a little help from House Cadash.


The Wrath of Heaven - denied being chosen by Andraste.

In Hushed Whispers - mages allied.

In Your Heart Shall Burn - declared for order.

Here Lies The Abyss - Stroud was Warden contact, Marian Hawke made the noble sacrifice, Grey Wardens allied and rebuilt.

Wicked Eyes And Wicked Hearts - Celene rules alone, Gaspard executed, Briala exiled, Florianne killed.

What Pride Had Wrought - respected temple tradition, allied with the Guardians, fought and defeated Samson, Herah drank from the Well of Sorrows.

Doom Upon All the World - Leliana became Divine Victoria.

War Table Operations - Inquisition forces deployed regularly, Sutherland's Company was successful.

Judgements at Skyhold - Magister Alexius forced to work for the Mages, Grand Duchess Florianne's trade routes returned to the reigning monarch, Magister Livius Erimond executed, Ser Ruth exiled to the Deep Roads, Samson given to Dagna for study, Chief Movran the Under armed and exiled to Tevinter, Mayor Gregory Dedrick given to the Grey Wardens, Crassius Servis recruited as an informant, Mistress Poulin sentenced to rebuild the town of Sahrnia.

Jaws of Hakkon DLC - shared the truth about Inquisitor Ameridan.

The Descent DLC - saved the mines, stopped the earthquakes.

Trespasser DLC - Bull remained loyal, disbanded the Inquisition, vowed to stop Solas at all costs.

Cassandra - rebuilt the Seekers of Truth

Solas - freed his friend

Varric - tracked the red lyrium source

Sera - recruited, killed Pel Harmond on her own, kicked out after companion quest

Vivienne - not recruited

Blackwall - released and given to the Grey Wardens

Iron Bull - saved the Chargers, became Tal-Vashoth

Dorian - reconciled with his father

Cole - made more spirit

Leliana - inspired, made Divine

Josephine - dealt with the Du Paraquettes via Leliana's assassins

Cullen - told not to use lyrium

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