Full Name: Hopper Rowan (yes, named for the Animal Crossing penguin)
Species: Empoleon line
Origin Game: Platinum
Nature: Sassy
Moves: Aqua Jet, Ice Beam, Surf, Flash Cannon
I always choose water starters. Always. But then Turtwig came around and I went with a turtle over the water type. When I revisited Sinnoh in Platinum I came back for the Piplup, but Hopper will always have a massive persecution complex over it.
Hopper always insists on the best of everything, because he's convinced that everyone else has something better. He lives in a fancy villa at a fancy resort but it will never be enough. Most of the other Pokémon find him unpleasant, but the team he grew up with is fiercely protective of him. They know that he fights harder than anyone, because he doesn't think he's good enough for the people he loves.