nocterre — crowhaven: mari

Published: 2018-09-20 18:35:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 642; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Name: Marie Valencia Marcet

Nickname(s): Mari

Gender: F

Sexuality: $

Age: 21

Grade: Freshman

Level: Fresh Meat

Birth Date:  August 27

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Height: 5’5” / 167cm
Weight: 125 lbs
Hitpoints: 5

Homeroom: Math
Extra Curricular:

Ability Points:

  • Strength: 1
  • Movement: 1
  • Constitution: 2
  • Occult Knowledge: 0
  • Charisma: 1



 Optimistic | Flexible | Hardworking

  • Mari never dwells on the negatives of any situation and always charges forward. She believes that thinking about such things is a waste of time and energy when she could be actively changing things. Events and experiences that appear negative are flipped for any advantage Mari could gain. Being outwardly positive is important to her because it directly impacts how others see and interact with her, making them more open to talking, and consequently, striking deals with her. In her eyes, thinking that the worse can happen means that it will, and you have already given up.
  • Open to change, Mari leaves her options open in order to ensure she is able to choose the best possible outcome. Playing hand in hand with her optimism, she can quickly adjust to changing circumstances and not be stressed by unexpected developments. With the ability to turn situations around to her advantage, Mari jokes that she is like a greasy salesman, always on the uptake, but without the grease.
  • Whenever she sets her mind to something, Mari is determined to make it a success. Mari chases her goals doggedly, sometimes almost desperately as seen by others. This is a direct result of believing the world revolves around money, and she must put all her efforts into being financially secure. Although she is one-track minded on this particular issue, she is tenacious in all things she deems important.

 Collector | Thick-Skinned | Shrewd

  • Everything can come in handy. Mari saves things thinking that they will be of some use to her soon or in the future. Items often accumulate in her room however never become too much to handle, because she is constantly selling them off or as she calls it, “moving inventory”. Rarely do these items that she acquires and sells have sentimental value, however the ones that do she cherishes and holds close to her heart. Everything has value, and a price.
  • Rarely getting defensive, Mari prefers to let things slide like water off a duck’s back. A few years of being a salesperson taught her that having a thick skin is necessary, otherwise she would become self-destructive upon dwelling on criticism and complaints from customers. Nothing would ever get done if she were to take everything to heart, so she has learned to let things go easily and rarely becomes seriously upset.
  • Shrewd at heart, Mari’s skillset makes her strong at business matters. Sharp, resourceful, and perceptive, Mari does well in talking and selling to customers, leading her to be one of the best employees on sales teams. However, her shrewdness is sometimes not received well, as she relentlessly pursues her own goals, ensuring that they are reasonably successful, without considering others.

 Selfish | Lonely | Money-minded

  • Putting herself first, Mari is used to only caring for her own feelings and situation. It is difficult to even share simple things, like snacks, when the only one she has ever shared things with is her father. This selfishness also extends to matters of her heart, where she rarely reveals her feelings and thoughts, hating to give up parts of herself. Giving makes Mari feel that she is losing control, and becoming vulnerable.
  • Growing up with a single parent who had to work long days to support them has led to Mari being a lonely person. Although she is sociable and outgoing, she never becomes more than acquaintances with other people. Part of this is due to her upbringing, where she believed that she only ever needed her dad, and part of it is because of work, where she has become quite distrustful of others who are always looking to profit, just like her. She only depends on herself, and so, Mari has never considered that she could have friends not related to work, or people she could trust in other matters of her life.
  • Workaholic is not a term Mari would describe herself as, however she is money-minded to a fault, thus spending all her time working and thinking about business ventures. As far as she is concerned, life is a mad dash for financial security until she hits retirement. Mari inflates the value of money to where it equates to happiness, so it is difficult to maintain a good relationship with her when finances come into play.



  • Money
  • Flying in the skies
  • Browsing photography blogs
  • Cooking
  • Simplicity & economic, modern design
  • Holidays
  • Cute desserts, and pancakes
  • Theme Parks


  • Winter
  • Salads
  • The smell of smoke
  • Scary movies….sad movies….movies that are anything but funny
  • Khaki anything
  • Irresponsibility
  •  “Romance”
  • Seagulls




Mari was born to two teenagers not quite ready to take up the mantle of being parents. Fearful, excited, and awed by his girlfriend’s pregnancy, Mari’s father, Colton, decided that he would take responsibility and care for the upcoming baby. His girlfriend disagreed and did not want the baby, not wanting to give up her dreams and future so soon. Over the course of the pregnancy, it was agreed upon that she would give birth, only pay support, and leave his life, as the entire ordeal soured their relationship.

Nine months later, Colton welcomed Marie Valencia Marcet into the world, promising that he would love and protect her no matter what. His parents ultimately refused to spend time or help with Mari, saying Colton was foolish in deciding to keep her when he practically a child himself, and feeling that he had shamed the family by having a child out of wedlock. Colton decided to finish high school and then work various jobs while raising his daughter.

Mari’s dad was the center point of her life as a child. Colton took care to make sure she was able to grow healthy and happy, and so Mari never questioned why her mother was never around, because she was content with just her dad. Every day it was just Mari and Colton having adventures. Idyllic memories of her dad making breakfast, pushing her on the swings, celebrating holidays…so on and so forth. Her heart swells with great affection when she thinks of those times. However, Mari was not without lonely times when her dad could not find someone to watch her when he went to work. Too young to understand at the time, Mari did not know of their financial situation, such as her dad skipping meals to make sure she was well fed.

As she grew older, she noticed the little things, such as how tired her dad was some days, and times when food became scarce or she could not afford to go on a class trip. She ended up rarely participating in school and friend activities. This led to Mari being labeled as someone who preferred to be left alone outside of class, instead of someone who could not afford to have fun, which was exactly what she wanted. She believed then that the cold truth of reality is money makes the world go round. Mari began to spend her free time picking up any gigs she could find, starting from simple chores for her neighbors to participating in weekly trade markets. She was well-liked by many of the older people in her neighborhood and was taught many things from fixing houses to growing gardens. “Jack of all trades, master of none,” she called herself.

Colton was pleased that Mari, who had grown up happy and healthy, was finding her way in the world and working hard to secure her future. He finally felt more stable and could relax in worrying about Mari. Around the ending of her teen years, Colton tiredly confided in his daughter of his dream when he was young: to fly the skies. Seeking for some independence and wishing for his happiness, Mari convinced him that she would be able to hold her own and so, Colton went to a university with an aviation program. Mari gave him half of the money she had saved from working as a salesperson at multiple stores and in the end, decided not to go to further education herself in lieu of pursuing her own business.

With the rest of the money she saved, Mari started her own grassroots business of acquiring and selling items, regardless of whether the item is commonplace, antique, or exotic. Although she only works on searching for items and clients in her spare time as she works other part-time jobs, she looks forward to growing her small business.

Upon being accepted to Crowhaven:

An unassuming envelope lay at the corner of the table, below several opened bills. Picking them up, Mari laid the ones she planned on paying off in another pile. The rest she skimmed over, planning to trash them until she reached the last one. It appeared to be from the results of a doctor’s visit, and shrugging, Mari haphazardly opened the top. A precursory glance told her that she was quite healthy, and the young woman contemplated shredding it for disposal until she found there was a sheet stuck behind the blood test results.

Crowhaven Academy? Never heard of it. Mari frowned, turning the sheet in her hands, letting the weight of it register. The letter appeared quite prestigious.

At the very least, I could afford to go, but why would I want to? Mari had placed high hopes in her small business, and was planning to work on it for the next few years. A ringing sound caught her attention, and she walked over to pick up the phone from its stand in the hallway of her home. It was time for a weekly call with her dad, and Mari cheerily told him of events from her past few days. Suddenly remembering the letter she was still holding, she brought it up closer and read off it.

“Weird, right? What kind of school just sends an invitation with test results?”

Colton laughed on the other end of the line, but his voice became serious as he urged Mari to truly consider attending. Going into upper education could only benefit her future, he said.

After the call, Mari went to bed, mulling over what her dad had said. It was true, the things she would learn could only help her. She may also never get a chance like this again, and her business could be put on hold as she was the only one working there, and only during her spare time. Her last thought before falling prey to Morpheus was about the potential for success after graduation, having decided she would attend.


    ·         Doesn’t really have any interesting or fun hobbies because she’s so focused on one thing, which makes her difficult to talk to about entertainment. For fun, she just browses media like everyone else, but doesn’t put too much stock into it. The stock market on the other hand, she keeps an eye on occasionally. Mari is considering investing in the future.

    ·         Mari likes reading magazines and browsing photography blogs to look at things she wishes she could spend on or do. She especially likes theme parks after having gone to one with her father as a child, but refuses to go now because she finds it a waste of money.

    ·         Likes desserts, a lot. Mari likes pancakes the most, and calls it a dessert, even though Colton argues that it is definitely breakfast food. They fight over that and whether tomatoes are a fruit or vegetable on a monthly basis.

    ·         Refuses to drink anything but water, thinks juices are too sweet and coffee too bitter. On the other hand, she likes chocolate, however never adds it to her pancakes. She eats them without anything added, like the devil lmao

    ·         Rarely gets sick for whatever reason. She just thinks she’s lucky, but she’s stupidly healthy.

    ·         Mari likes color coordinating her outfits, especially her hair ribbons. She continues to wear them because her dad tied her hair that way as a child, and she happily recalls those memories of him brushing her hair.

    ·        Doesn’t believe in romantic love because of her parents, thinks relationships never amount to anything good. Still cries if she watches a sad movie, though.

Notable physical traits: 

Long hair, tied in pigtails with double ribbons.


  • Status: open
  • Ways of Contact: discord
  • Style: hc + art? Lmao > third person, para, lit, script
  • Open to shipping/headcanon: yea in the sense that I like drawing art of 2 char interactions LOL
  • Timezone: CST


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Comments: 4

Fuyukiru [2018-09-28 23:15:52 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nocterre In reply to Fuyukiru [2018-09-29 00:15:53 +0000 UTC]

senpai :/ pls no hazing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fuyukiru In reply to nocterre [2018-09-29 00:44:53 +0000 UTC]

Funny u should mention hazing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nocterre In reply to Fuyukiru [2018-09-29 12:07:52 +0000 UTC]

u have the same bday u wont do shit LOL i leave her in ur reliable hands

👍: 0 ⏩: 0