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Alternative/Extra/Deleted Scene: During Bloom’s and Duman’s PvP duel, the HLs were supposed to, u could say, ‘commentary’. But, for obvious reasons, got scrapped due to this chapter getting too long. Also, starting from this scene, Gantlos and Ogron were supposed to ask more questions and that we would have been able to see more of Gantlos’ intelligence when piecing together Bloom’s plan with Bloom confirming his logic from time to time. Due to entirely cutting off HLs’ ‘commentary’ during this PvP duel, I was able to cut their questionnaire shorter, again, due to this chapter getting way too long. Besides, these three questions are the more significant ones compared to what I had initially intended.
Director's Commentary: Here’s one confirmation if u guys didn’t catch this during Bloom’s and Duman’s PvP duel. This happened (and thus why this is ‘black and white’ b/c it happened in the past) during FLM CH 10 Page 57, and one hint I’ve given u guys is u might be able to see what Bloom had done with her glove on FLM CH 10 Page 59. This also confirms that the “slice” from FLM CH 10 Page 59 is Bloom’s Fiery Shield spell cutting Duman’s face and thus, the left bloody scar u saw on him for the majority of this duel.
*remembering Fiery Shield’s description box*…If Bloom’s Fiery Shield is “transparent”, how come Duman didn’t at least see what Bloom was doing with the inserting gems in her glove behind her shield spell?
Again, depending on the user’s powers and abilities. In general, any spell, no matter the lvl of difficulty, can be powerful as long as u keep ‘feeding this’ (limitations and exceptions may vary). In this case, as Bloom said in this scene, she definitely didn’t want Duman to figure out what she was actually doing. Hence, her Fiery Shield became ‘brighter’ aka ‘inputting more of her magic into this’. B/c, for instance, there’s a possibility that Duman might have sensed all those light gems (obtained in FLM CH 8) and thus, could have ruined Bloom’s plan.
To confirm, why did Bloom use the gems (obtained in FLM CH 8) in the first place?
Remember how Madam Griffin was struggling when random mini portals opened, and gems were falling everywhere in her office? This was due to the gems being infused with light magic. At this point, Bloom knew Griffin was the “Top Head”. If someone as powerful as Griffin couldn’t ‘handle this situation’, what would have happened if this was done to Duman, right?
Despite Bloom most likely not knowing her fairy nature (at least not yet), does she know she uses light magic at this point?
Yes and no, at least not in a ‘magic terminology sense’…not yet anyways. So, I say this is due to her instincts and experiences so far in Crimson Flare. Bloom knows that ppl like Griffin and Icy uses dark magic and she knows somewhat of the definition of this due to Griffin back in FLM CH 8. At that point, she knows there’s at least a ‘difference’ in how her magic works compared to Griffin’s, which she uses this knowledge to compare Duman’s magic with her own. This is also another reason why she used the light gems against Duman in this duel.