sealocalypse — ||TBT|| Kestrelfeather of Thunderclan

Published: 2014-05-04 04:10:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 2377; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 7
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Kestrel - For the color of his fur
Feather - After his departed mother, Featherbreeze
Squirrel, Kestrel


Fifty-Five Moons [as of December 2016)









Petrelsmoke  / sealocalypse / Skyclan Warrior - Gray-and-brown marbled tabby with a white underbelly and paws, most of the right side of his face and his left front leg is white, with the leg bearing a brown paw.  Has dark blue eyes, though one is missing, a scar on his muzzle, and a crooked tail.

Mochapaw  /Attic-Salt-Storms / Skyclan Apprentice - Brown and white splashed she-cat with blue eyes
Kindlesnap  / LunarShadowCreations / Skyclan Apprentice - Off-white calico she-cat with blue eyes
Ruinpaw  / WackyTwillight / Skyclan Apprentice - Dark brownish-gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes



Featherbreeze/ NPC/ Thunderclan Warrior - Dark brown tabby she-cat with many battle scars, amber eyes


Ice-eyes / NPC / Windclan Warrior - Gray-and-white tabby tom with ice blue eyes


Ratgaze / NPC / Thunderclan Warrior - Dark brown tabby tom with ice blue eyes, white tailtip and dash on chest.

Ambermoon  (mother's side) - Thunderclan Warrior

Lilyheart (father's side) - Thunderclan Warrior


Stormcloud (mother's side) - Thunderclan Warrior
Mousewhisker (father's side) - Thunderclan Warrior


●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Rough

●●●●●●○○○○ ➟ Dry

●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Smooth

●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Soft

Short| ●●○○○○○○○ |Long

Brief description: Slender brown-and-white tom, bearing battlescars on his left shoulder, flank, and face, and one on his mouth with dull blue eyes.  Right half of face is scarred from burn, has bitten-off tail, and blue eyes.
Breed:  American Shorthair x Moggy


[Caring] Since he was a kit, Kestrelfeather has always been caring.  Showing it, however, had been a challenge, but having matured enough to understand his mistakes in his ways of doing things has made him care first, ask questions later...most of the time.  If you're a Windclan cat, don't expect much.  Not yet.

[Quick-Thinking] Bearscar's trickery and training has helped the tom in one thing:  He uses much more logic than he did in the past with his choices, and he's quite fast at coming up with plans, too. Hey, though through a tyrant, it is possible to grow in good ways...right?

[Ambitious] Kestrelfeather has always admired Maplestar, and liked the stories of leaders past.  This cat always dreamed of being a big, strong leader, but not so much as to harm another to get to that goal.  This may be, at least a little, a way to spite Ice-eyes to him, to show him that he's a better cat than his traitorous father could ever hope to be, and to make him regret the day he left 'the strongest clan'.  As time has passed, his ambition had grown, but Bearscar smashed most of it to the ground with the death of Ratgaze.  But, maybe it's still there, underlying..? 

[Loud]  This is a cat that never learned the meaning of 'inside voice'.  He loves hearing himself talk, and will go on for hours and hours trying to prove a point that some cat probably already got the memo about days before.  His loud voice and personality often gets him into trouble, quite easily, at that.  It doesn't help that he doesn't exactly have too much strength to back up his boasting.

[Uncertain] This once foolish cat has outgrown his immature behavior, and uncertainty of what he was doing, right from wrong..uncertainty of him even being a good cat?  It's all there.  He IS a much better cat than he thinks he is, but how can he prove it with his innate, underlying fear of Bearscar?

[Moody] As of late, Kestrelfeather's quick-temperedness slowly turned to being moody, extremely so.  A lot of the time, mostly when he's on his own, he'll grow extremely depressed about the events of the past few moons.  It doesn't help that he can't see Marbleheart much, which only worsens his spells.

Bisexual, leans towards she-cats.
Splashed pelts especially.  Bonus points for being splashed with white or brown, or both.


Featherpaw was a promising apprentice, one who seemed to be rather confident, one that would soon become one of the most promising warriors Thunderclan had likely ever seen.  She tried her best to be pleasant to most cats in her clan, but there was one cat who aggravated her the absolute most.  A new, younger apprentice by the name of Icepaw.  The mischievous tom seemed to never listen, often skipping out on his own training to go on his own adventures, and most of them seemed to end up taking place wherever Featherpaw was near.  One thing seemed clear to the rest of the clan, and that was that Icepaw seemed to pad after the brown tabby she-cat too much for it to be considered anything less than a silly crush.  Featherbreeze's general dislike of Ice-eyes continued when they were named warriors, and the now ignorant, foul-tempered tom was thought to return those feelings now, but that all changed when Ice-eyes saved Featherbreeze's life during a battle with Shadowclan, to which, in a later battle with Windclan, Featherbreeze returned the favor.  This finally seemed to knock sense into the two, and as they began to converse more, chemistry showed itself, and the two soon were mates.  As leafbare approached, it was discovered Featherbreeze was now expecting kits, but with her catching greencough, it was clear that the birth would be sketchy at best.  Ice-eyes fretted over his mate quite a lot, always making sure things were comfortable, and for the time of the birth, it was as if things with the sickness were finally smoothing over.

Kestrelkit was the smallest of the two kits that were born on that cold night, looking like a clear mix of his mother and father, while his brother, Ratkit, bore a striking resemblance to their mother.  For the first couple moons of their life, things were worry free, and they acted like how most would depict kits, running under the paws of unfortunate warriors, and playing catch with mossballs.  Featherbreeze was a remarkably good mother to them, always having an eye on them, at least, in the beginning.  However, that all changed as her greencough suddenly worsened, and the fact she had kits, making her body weak, on top of being one of the senior warriors now, she didn't have the strength to fight off the sickness any longer, and passed on.  Kestrelkit and Ratkit, at the time, didn't understand loss that much, as nobody really could figure out a way to explain it to the motherless kits, so her death hardly effected them.  However, Featherbreeze's death effected their father more than anything.  Devastated, he immediately distanced himself from his sons, hardly speaking to them, let alone looking at them.  The brothers didn't understand why their father suddenly seemed to hate them, and rather than get sad about it, the emotion that plagued them was anger.  They didn't do anything wrong, why did he have to treat them like this?  The night before the kits were to be apprentices, the brothers decided to become great warriors like their mother, who they now only knew through stories as being brave and noble.  They'd prove to their father that they would be great.

Finally the day arrived where the two would be able to train, and Kestrelkit especially could hardly sit still as the ceremony proceeded.  He and his brother were granted a couple of senior warriors as mentors, Kestrelpaw getting the notoriously good hunter, and kind heart, Twigtail, while Ratpaw got the easily annoyed, strict fighter, Troutpelt.  Troutpelt was one of the warriors that the brothers would always prank, so the warrior wasn't fond of the brothers to begin with, being especially hard on his apprentice, while Twigtail was a phenomenal teacher, always knowing just what to say to steer away any confusion or negativity from her promising apprentice.  The she-cat soon became a mother figure to both young tomcats, which was surprisingly appreciated, more than the duo realized.  On a day when Twigtail was asked on a special patrol to gather herbs, leaving her apprentice under the supervision of Troutpelt for a hunting assessment, it was discovered that Kestrelpaw was deaf in one of his ears, and Troutpelt, thinking he was faking the disability, scolded him fiercely for this, which to a point broke Kestrelpaw's spirit.  When his mentor returned, and heard the news, and what Troutpelt had done, she soothed Kestrelpaw, assuring him that, despite this disability, he still had potential, and that he'd be a stronger warrior for learning to hunt and fight despite this problem.  This incident, following the many others that seemed to happen with Troutpelt around, made Kestrelpaw the more irritable brother, while Ratpaw now was quiet, having begun to understand his seemingly bad-tempered mentor more.  Despite the silver tom's demeanor, he really only wanted to do what was best for his clan, after all.
When the brothers were 11 moons old, on the cusp of becoming warriors, Ice-eyes, who had been increasingly distant from their lives, made an announcement;  He was leaving Thunderclan, to join Windclan, pledging his love for a cat named Reedfur, and in his own over-dramatic fashion, that the cats in Thunderclan were dead to him, every one, since Featherbreeze's death, and blamed the entire clan for her untimely demise.  This sent the brothers over the edge, and as their father ran out of camp, they moved to run after him, but Troutpelt stood in their way, stating that they would gain nothing from attacking their father.  Ratpaw, knowing that his mentor was right, stood down, while Kestrelpaw, fed up with the tom, and sent over the edge by hatred, attacked the warrior, clawing out his eye in a ferocious rage, before stopping, realizing what he'd done.  The event had consequences, and Kestrelpaw's warrior ceremony was delayed for three moons.  This devastated the tom, who became quiet over the moons, watching with aggravation when his brother, alone, got his warrior name.  When those moons passed, he became a warrior alongside a younger group of apprentices, which embarrassed him like nothing else.

At last, after what seemed to be a hundred thousand moons, Kestrelpaw was named Kestrelfeather, after his mother.  The brothers were united again, being natural troublemakers, and always the ones to speak up with their opinions, and it stayed like this for about three moons, until Ratgaze found himself padding after another cat.  Yarrowheart, one of the cats that was named a warrior when Kestrelfeather was, had taken a fancy to the dark tabby, and it didn't take very long for them to become mates.  Ratgaze spent less time with his brother as time went on, which became the one thing that managed to sadden the brown-and-white tom, but the sadness, and jealousy, didn't last long.  The Scale plague hit every clan, and with no cure in sight, Yarrowheart grew ill, and Twigtail passed on shortly thereafter.  Devastated and angry, blaming Starclan for the sickness, his anger only grew as he comforted his terrified brother, and naturally, when a simple loner by the name of Titan claimed to know the cure, he didn't believe him.  Calling him a piece of foxdung, warning other cats to not listen to a pathetic loner, he finally shut his mouth when Maplestar scolded him in front of the other cats, but by now, it was too late.  While the clans did later take Titan's offer to find the cure, Yarrowheart died upon their return from the gathering.  Ratgaze, hearing of Kestrelfeather's behavior, flew into a rage, disowning him, and blaming him for for his mate's death.  Kestrelfeather, now lost, and devastated that his brother hated him so, soon found himself wandering the dark forest for guidance, and upon finding a cat named Bearscar, he begged him to teach him. Teach him to be stronger, teach him to know what to do, so he could win his brother back.  Bearscar eventually agreed, taking the tom as one of his many apprentices.  As time passed, at first, Kestrelfeather grew more violent, to the point of attacking a Shadowclan apprentice as 'practice', but that all changed when he found himself padding on the border with Skyclan on a hot greenleaf afternoon.  There, he met a beautiful she-cat named Marbleheart, and they started to meet quite often, sharing stories, complaining about Riverclan, everything.  And before long, the two became mates.  But the happiness that Kestrelfeather felt now, it was very short lived.  A fire broke out in Thunderclan territory as he slept, and in his dream, Bearscar gave him a choice;  Marbleheart or Ratgaze.  Choose who lives, or they both die.  Making the hardest decision of his life, he chose for Marbleheart to live, and watched in horror as Ratgaze was drowned to death in front of him, only to wake up with his face on fire.  Putting the fire out, and barely making it out of camp before blacking out, he realized to the fullest extent of what he'd done.  Of how his choice to train with the dangerous Bearscar would now effect him.  Seeing this, he swore to protect Marbleheart, even if it means his death, as he was no longer afraid to die.  
As the clans soon moved from their homes, Marbleheart revealed that she was pregnant with Kestrelfeather's kits.  At first, he was terrified, thinking of what Bearscar would do, if he tried to influence them, but he shook off that thought, knowing that it wasn't important.  He'd protect them, no matter what.  The kits were born without him there, which was painful, but he vowed to be the father that his failed to be, despite living in another clan.

 Time passed and seasons changed, and soon, not only were his kits apprentices, but he had an apprentice of his own in the feisty young Silkpaw.  While the excited young cat caught him offguard, he swore to himself that he'd work as hard as he could to mentor her properly, often times mimicking things from both Twigtail and, though not realizing it, even Bearscar himself.  His training with the menacing tom continued, as his nervousness about the large dark forest cat hurting his family persisted, but he was getting to be generally happier, despite his sadness about not being able to be there for his kits.  But then, things took a turn for the worse as one day, Ruinpaw visited him with the worst of news;  Marbleheart was dead.  The tom was grief-stricken, and secluded himself into his own thoughts, no longer talking too terribly much to other cats in his clan, not counting his apprentice.  Despite his great amount of grief, a deep, burning rage burned within him, and he confronted his mentor one last time, attacking him without hesitation, as Bearscar had promised Marbleheart wouldn't get hurt, and in the process, he was nearly killed, his tail mostly gone, and luckily not losing enough blood to perish.  Now, he's rather standoffish, but there's a sort of...wiseness he bears now.


 | Betrayed by:

 | Dislike

 | Hate

|Mortal Enemy

| Seeks guidence from

| Relies on

| Trusts

 | Likes

  | Friend

 | Good Friend

 | Best Friend

 | Attraction

| Crush

 | Major Crush



| Mates

| Can’t live without

| Old crush/ Love

| Respect

 | Admires  

| Mentor

| Apprentice

Featherbreeze: The memories Kestrelfeather still has of his mother are quite good, and he will always admire her as a strong, wise mother.

A burning rage remains for Ice-eyes, who he has deemed a traitor and a villan.  He's sworn to never, ever, forgive him for his treatment of himself and Ratgaze.

Ratgaze: "He's gone, and I..I can tell the fire wasn't what killed him.  Great Starclan...what have I done?."

Honeysplash: "He's gone...I'll miss him.  He was a great friend to me..."

Heatherlight: "I haven't talked to her much, but she's nice, and quite the warrior.."

Marbleheart: "She's...dead....I can't believe it...did Bearscar do something, somehow...?  I'll forever miss you...I just wish we had more time together..."

"His pelt is a lot like...HIS pelt...but he's not like me or him at all.  He's quite the kind little furball, and I'm proud to call him my son.

Ruinpaw: "Though I don't understand this little rascal's admiration of such a scruffy, pathetic excuse of a cat like me, she has a lot of potential, and is fun to watch, that's for sure!"

"She's quite the sweetheart!  I'm surprised that cats around Skyclan haven't put two and two together with me being her father, haha!  I wish I could at least speak to her a little more, though.."

Kindlepaw: "She's my daughter, I get that, and I do love her, but....why does...she have to be named after...t-that..?  I can't stop the shivers that go down my spine whenever I think of it..."

Bearscar: "After that night with Marbleheart, he attacked me, and then, what he did to Ratgaze...I'll show him.  I'm not that strong yet, but if my plan works, I'll stop him from doing anything else.  Take that, foxheart!"

Nettleblood: "Ah, the little pipsqueak.  He's not that bright to mess with me.  Though, he does fight well, I gotta admit..."

Finchpaw: "Little Finch has quite a bit of potential, she reminds me a lot of my kits in a few ways...I hope I can watch her grow into a strong warrior."


The greenleaf wind blew through the forest, soon brushing through a brown-and-white tom's pelt.  He pricked his ears, tasting prey in the air.  Sweet, some prey!  Today's sure been slow.  Dropping into a hunting crouch, he crept towards the scent, soon spotting a mouse.  Licking his lips slightly, he slowly unsheathed his claws, squinting a bit, and, in a quick movement, he pounced, snapping the small creatures neck.  Kestrelfeather's lips curled up in a smile, standing up straight.  "Aw yeah, great catch!"  He shouted, but, he realized that was a mistake.  He heard a few birds overhead fly away, as well as cursing from a cat not too far away.  He'd surely scared away some poor soul's catch.  Hearing paws approach, he grabbed the mouse and fled, desperate not to get into trouble.

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Comments: 15

TwiliShewolf [2015-12-03 00:12:51 +0000 UTC]

Did I ever tell you how awesome it is to see how you've improved since back in our PMD-E days ;3;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sealocalypse In reply to TwiliShewolf [2015-12-04 19:20:48 +0000 UTC]

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LunarShadowCreations [2015-01-12 02:41:28 +0000 UTC]

*hummig merrily, clicks Kestrelfeather's app to redraw in ThunderClan head shots - freezes*

Me: le gasp! All this time, I thought Kestrel was a boy! But girl is circled, so that means...it's a girl!

*a few moments pass* nope, it says he's male, just a mistake.

What an emotional roller coaster! 

(Lol, you circled she cat on the app)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sealocalypse In reply to LunarShadowCreations [2015-01-12 03:08:12 +0000 UTC]

oH WOW thanks for lettin me know i'll fix that tonight 
i blame having written the app info at 3 am :'V

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RunrunMuffin [2014-07-09 22:11:25 +0000 UTC]

asdfghjkl he has a crush on Honeysplash
whispers/ but Honey's on there twice x3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sealocalypse In reply to RunrunMuffin [2014-07-09 22:23:19 +0000 UTC]

eyeeeeeep :'B 
shadily fixes

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ukariarti [2014-07-09 21:48:27 +0000 UTC]

His update looks great!!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

liracal [2014-05-05 20:35:14 +0000 UTC]

He is pretty handsome! ^_^
Would you like to RP withQuailfeather ?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sealocalypse In reply to liracal [2014-05-05 21:00:41 +0000 UTC]

thank you ;w;
and of course!  i apologize ahead of time for not having rpd warriors in ages before this

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

liracal In reply to sealocalypse [2014-05-05 21:16:38 +0000 UTC]

Oh don't worry it is fine! Would you like me to send a note so we can RP or do you prefer a different way?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sealocalypse In reply to liracal [2014-05-05 21:23:35 +0000 UTC]

yes, a note would be preferred!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

liracal In reply to sealocalypse [2014-05-06 00:58:45 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-05-05 18:05:49 +0000 UTC]

So....so pretty.... ;_; *touches*
Care to rp with Frostbite   or Shadesong ? ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sealocalypse In reply to Jax-of-Anarchy [2014-05-05 19:37:23 +0000 UTC]

thank you weeps
and of course!  i hope you dont mind the fact that i haven't rp'd warrior cats in a long time ;_;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LivewireSparks [2014-05-04 04:13:27 +0000 UTC]

holy crap dude I love his face markings, the whole split face was a cool way to go

👍: 0 ⏩: 0