(This has no association with my CYOH series, this may or may not be part of something greater either.)
While the US is still a strong nation in the early 22nd century she must contend with new superpowers contesting her and chasing after her. Gone are the days of sole hyperpower status and dominion over the world. Now the US shares superpower status with others. From the jackboot wearing Eurasians and Chinese, to the free but troubled states of Europa and East Africa, and with other more ambivalent states such as Argentina, India, and the Levant.
The US has managed to maintain her democratic traditions through the wear and tear of the 21st century, strong and proud as ever- and the most democratic in ages, no longer restricted to the bipolar bi-partisan system of yore, the House and Senate are run through coalitions of parties and leagues of men instead of a singular power. Though the scars of the 21st remain deep within this new American society. The 2nd War on Terror has made America unwilling to step up to the plate- allowing Eurasia and other foreigners to influence the Americas it guards dear. Or the ever exacerbated underground race war that boiled into the largest battle on American soil- the Battle of the Rivers- fought from southern Illinois to northern Mississippi it created a literal scar on the US as homes, cities, and people were destroyed, decimated, and annihilated. Or perhaps a bit more shockingly to some, the slow removal of Christendom in the US. The Popes continued "progressive" streak, egged on by the EU and then Europa turned many off from Christendom in favor of more local beliefs or Paganism within the Americas- or a following of the Mexicans and Peruvians and disconnect from the main Roman Church.
All of these events and more culminated in the quick and semi-bloodless "Kvinist March", in it would change the USA forever. The Kvinists or "Fifth Positionists" would take hold in the minds across the US following thier rallies and protests across the US, inspiring others to join them. In much the same way it mimicked the Civil Rights Movement only a 100 years prior. Millions upon millions of Americas, from the destitute and the wealthy were determined to change the stagnating and decrepit 2-party state that had plagued American politics with inefficient back and forth dialogue, and bipartisanism. By 2089, the "Kvinist Revolution" has been complete, all without an official declaration of war and with only a few hundred martyrs.
Now the American people have greater and newer parties and organizations to better speak thier interests, no longer muddled down by "moderates" and megacorporations muddling thier waters. Let the American people sing!
-=-Current Party Guide of the Kvinist Era-=-
1. The Kvinist League of America- The Fifth-Position Party America needs that shall defeat the God-fearing Eurasians and the monarchist bootlickers in China! Let Kvinism never die, for if it does, freedom in the US goes with it!
Positions: "Fifth-Positionist", hyper classic liberalism, libertarianism, and lassiez-faire.
Aspirations: Maintain current American democracy and remove of the enemies that surround the US through any means necessary.
2. Tri-Libertarian Alliance- The Federal government is still too bloated, too big, and not free enough to truly maintain democracy. Not to mention millions of fellow 'Americans' lay under the authoritarian control of our enemies!
Positions: Libertarianism, anarchism, and constitutionalists.
Aspirations: Break the federal government down even further to make the states into independent nations bound by "a league of friendship". Intervene in authoritarian regimes across the Americas.
3. Amerikafausto- Japan while not a world power- dominates in her own right, and is successful without the needs and wanton destruction hat come with superpower status! For the stars to survive, we must look to the Sun.
Positions: Technocratic democracy, self-isolationist, and "Robokurashī".
Aspirations: Take after Japan and its "Robokurashī", to provide maximum pleasure and comfort to American citizenry. Accelerate technological development.
4. Vanguard Movement- America is to remain 'pure' and free of outside rot, from the wrathful Eurasians to the sloth-like Latins. If America remains pure our democracy can be retained.
Positions: Segregationist, light fascism, classical republicanism, and self-isolationist.
Aspirations: Expel "non-American" minorities and rebuild American society without the harmful effects of the Old World.
5. Greater America- Its clear that Quartism made Eurasia into a power that trounced the US, what if we were to adopt Quartism ourselves? Perhaps then we could finally become the sovereign of North America and regain our hyperpower status!
Positions: "Fourth-Positionist", classic fascism, classic socialism, and secular authoritarianism.
Aspirations: Annex the rest of North America. Either ally with Eurasia or destroy it. Democracy is highly optional.
6. 2nd Republican Party- Take a look at the 21st century, America entered stagnant and monotone. Through the hardships of the last century she came out a new nation, a proud nation, a better nation. We could learn from it. Hardship gives us meaning, and it gives us a true struggle.
Positions: Accelerationism, light authoritarianism, and "Napoleonic Republicanism".
Aspirations: Cause "ordered chaos" to keep America vigilant and powerful. Letting one "era" of American politics go on for too long creates stagnation.
7. Solar League- America is going down the drain and its taking honest hard-working people with it. We must escape this slowly failing Union and either make our own or rough it out in the frontier that is the future.
Positions: Secession, classic liberalism, libertarianism, and classic republicanism.
Aspirations: Secede from the Union through any means necessary.
8. The "Classical" Party- These 4th and 5th Positions will lead to the downfall of American democracy and will only serve to radicalize the next wave of Americans into some sort of crusade that'll doom us all.
Positions: Centrist, conservative, and traditionalist.
Aspirations: Return to the old party system, keep a few of the reforms, but generally "tone down" the radical new era politics.
9. Free City Coalition- New York is host to the UN, millions of people from every nation, and is far ahead of the bell curve. Staying with the Union has only choked New York's progress.
Positions: Secession, lassiez-faire, social democracy, and socialist.
Aspirations: Break as much of the New York metropolitan area away from the US and establish a new city of the future on the banks of the Hudson.
10. National Perfection Party- America is full of imperfections that flaw and ruin our democracy. These debilitating flaws have taken a toll on the US, and it has nearly destroyed the US and her people.
Positions: "Perfectionism", elitist democracy, progressive.
Aspirations: Achieve American perfection, return to the era of 1950's Americana, in which men and women can live anywhere, doors unlocked, and ensure the American people are never threatened. Never again.
11. House of Washington-Roosevelt- America is in ruin and on the fast track to destruction, what America needs is a strong leader, one who can bypass the slow and inefficient coattails of democracy. And one who is truly for all Americans.
Positions: Monarchism, authoritarianism, elitist democracy.
Aspirations: Crown the US the leader of the free world with the power of God, Country, and King. A homegrown monarchy is the best option for America- a lineage of America's greats representing all that is American.
12. South American Friendship League- Brazil is a rising power in the Americas, she has more people, and nearly more industrial power. We must mimic the Brazilian regime and turn the American ship around!
Positions: Brazilian federalism, conservative, and light technocracy
Aspirations: Adopt Brazilian democratic customs and strengthen ties with our fellow American nations. We can only be stronger if we act together!
13. Industrial American Alliance- Musk III will lead the country to greatness! Just as Musk I brought us to Mars, and Musk II brought us to the outer edges of the Solar System, Musk III shall remake Earth to be a better place for all!
Positions: Corporatism, libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism.
Aspirations: Reform the American nation to act more akin to a corporate nation-state. It must run as efficiently as possible if it wants to challenge her foes.
14. Compassionate of Solar and Christ- America nearly fell because she was full of sin. She was saved by our Churches formation and God's recognition of our faithful ways. We must spread these teachings to the rest of the nation.
Positions: Religious fundamentalism, progressive traditionalism, anti-secularism.
Aspirations: Turn America into the most pious and devout nation on Earth. Only then will we have a true Kingdom- nay Nation of God.
15. Neo-ANTIFA- The Union is plagued by fascists, Quartists, and other nasty right-wing tyrants. She must be freed of her violent tendencies and her anti-liberal policies, for the better of the nation.
Positions: Cyber-anarchy, pseudo-luddism, and Communism.
Aspirations: Hook up the American population to the great and almighty "Home Commune". We've finally figured it out. The only true way for Mother Anarchy to love her people is to make them all equal.
16. Southern League- Southern pride baby! The CSA was the best era of Southern history. Our own self-determination and our own independence. That's what the South needs to prosper.
Positions: Southern secession, libertarianism, conservatism.
Aspirations: The Southern US must break away from the rest of the republics. We are weighed down by them, and are smothered by the Yankee tyranny.