Tattered-Dreams — Teepee Trials: Woodland Paths

Published: 2014-01-02 22:01:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1413; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 0
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Okay, please bear with me here, folks. There's a fair bit of text, but there's a fair bit of info you'll need for later. I've tried to explain everything and I'm sorry it it seems a little complex at first. Ultimately, we're going for as interactive an experience as possible, so hang in there with us

Main Camp Miniwakan Map - Still looking for some names for sites, if anyone's got ideas!

This Map
This is a cropped version of the full camp map (thumb above). This one is designed to focus on the network of paths that have been naturally worn into the woodland of Camp Miniwakan. These paths are littered with items all through the year, and as many are naturally occuring, hacking out in the woods is an easy and fun way to gather materials for crafting things back at camp. Otherwise you'll find you have to buy items in the supply tents ['buying' here meant in game only; for this Teepee Trials there is no real monetary value to various items. Artwork of purchasing items is necessary, however. More on that later.]

There are a variety of different paths, and looking at this will show you where they lead, and reading the information below will tell you more about them.

This map will prove vital when it comes to our Vision Quest. More info on that next month

Types of Path
Main Woodland Paths: There are six main paths, also known collectively as 'The Web'. Each path is also separately named, making it easier to meet up with friends while out on the trails. These paths vary from narrow and windy to fairly wide and straight, but the smallest can comfortably fit either two horses side by side or allow for two way traffic. These paths do not loop back, so unless you turn around and follow them back again, you will have to swap paths to return to camp, or gallop back across the plains. These are marked on the map in COLOURS.

Connection Paths: There are five connecting paths that have been worn into the woods as shortcuts between the main paths. The paths range in ease of use. The path connecting 3 and 4 (I and J) is quite wide whereas the path in South Wood by the Graveyard is very narrow and densely wooded. These are marked on the map in BLACK. It is important to note that none of the connection paths can be used in the Vision Quest. For that, only the main paths can be used. When out hacking for fun, they are open.

Open Paths: Open paths are the small stretches of the six main paths that are not also marked with a letter. This means there are no items to be found along them. They are marked on the map by WHITE BOXES. It can also be noted that it is possible to switch paths if you're on an open path that runs alongside another This means any white box that surrounds two coloured trails. You cannot switch paths if there is just one trail in the box. There are six open paths on the map, three of which you can switch trails on, and three of which you cannot.

Cross Roads: These are trail crossings only. Crossings in the water and over bridges are detailed in the full map. Cross Roads occur in the woods wherever two trails overlap. At these points, you can switch paths from the one you're on to the one that overlaps yours if you want to. Changing trails at crossroads is the primary way of getting about the woods. Cross Roads are marked on the map by WHITE CIRCLES.

Items on the Paths
Where Items can be found
There are 15 identified items to be found in the woods. All of them can be found on the main trails shown on the map.

Most of the trails have more than one item on them, and the items do not overlap - Each item has a section of the trail where it can be found, and each corresponding letter has markers to show you where it can be found (|---A---|). These items cannot be found or acquired on the stretches of path beyond their section.

Set Items and Custom Items

All 15 items have been decided on based on a few things. How useful they're likely to be for theoretical crafting, how natural/likely they are to have been used by plains tribes and how fun they'll be to collect, mainly. Hopefully, most things you can think to make that fit the theme of the week, you can make with the items already available.

If there is a custom item you want, there's a couple of ways to go about it.

Firstly: 'Buying' it in a supply tent. Since we've not done inventory lists for the supply tents, anything could feasibly be kept there, even items we haven't mentioned.

Secondly: Note us at the group about an item you'd like to have available. Tell us what it is, why you think it would fit and why you want that/can't use anything else. We'll either consider a way of adding it, or tell you why we can't. If we get enough people wanting other items that are suitable, we may open up an option on the map as a 'Custom Trail'. And that's all I'll say for now.

This is important info, peoples

You can ride out onto the trails to gather materials at any time.
The connector paths may be used when out on free time to make getting between trails easier.
In order to 'gather' the items, a bonus image must be drawn of your characters out in the woods. A single bonus image is proof of the collection of up to 5 items.
If you want seven items - you need two bonus images.
For the sake of sanity and drawing arms, this time around, items you gather do not run out. If you want to do another image of gathering more things from the woods, you can, but you won't run out of paint or buffalo wool thread if you 'use' it too much. Of course, using stories to mention you've done another trip for supplies is a good idea, just for the authenticity

When gathering items, you have to follow the paths, using the information about getting from path to path above.
You CANNOT jump from the end of Path 5, near the Graveyard, straight to Collecting Item B on Path 1. You need to switch paths twice, at a fork and a crossroads to get there. Or use a connector path and skip out Path 3 alltogether.
You CAN get from the end of path 4 at the bottom of White Sand Beach to the start of Path 2 in the Buffalo field by going around the woods. Outside of the woods, you can simply gallop/ride to get to another trail.

What you need to include
We always encourage story writing to add to the rp experience, but short of that, collection images require just one extra thing. Remember ALL images should have your entry code clearly visible. Collection images require you to LIST the five items you picked up on the trails (explaining your route helps). This is both for you and for us to keep track of the things you've acquired.

       Items: A, K, M, G, D. (Buffalo Wool, Plants, Wood, Twine, Moss).
       Route: Path 1, left at crossroads to Path 4, right at crossroads to Path 5, onto Path 3 after Turtle Rock Crossing, left at crossroads onto Path 1, back to camp across the plains.

Regarding Collaborations for Collection Images
Yes, you may collaborate on them, however, there are certain limitations.
Both (or all) people involved can still acquire the maximum five items.
If the characters belonging to the collaborating artists are travelling together through the woods, they will obviously be on all the same trails, meaning both artists will end up with the same five items.
If the characters beloning to the collaborating artists simply meet up at some point - a crossroads, or on a bridge/crossing, for instance - then some of the items may vary depending on the separate routes each pair of characters takes.
You cannot collaborate with someone on a collection image if both artists choose paths/routes that do not cross or meet up, as your characters would not meet either.
A story, or clear sentence somewhere, explaining the situation is also required, so that we know whether it was a meet up or planned travelling
Both people involved must list the items they have gathered for that image (this is the same even if it isn't a collab. Collection images must list the items acquired and all images must show your entry code).

If you really want items *now*, you can do bonus images at any time, enabling you to collect up to 5 items.

HOWEVER, you won't *need* to do any crafting for a while, so if you want to hold off, there's a nice opportunity coming up in February, and that's all I'm saying for now

Main Woodland Path Listing Name Ideas appreciated!
Path 1 (PINK) Apache ?
- 4 Items
- Starts just East of the Buffali Field and finishes South of the Hook.

Path 2 (YELLOW) Blackfoot Run
- 2 Items
- Starts at the back of the Buffali Field and joins into Path 3 and 5 at Turtle Rock Crossing.

Path 3 (GREEN) Comanche's Bow
- 3 Items
- Starts at Turtle Rock Crossing and finishes along the West boundary of the Buffali Field.

Path 4 (WHITE) Wichita Walk
- 3 Items
- Starts out in West Wood and finishes at the South (low) end of White Sand Beach.

Path 5 (LILAC) Hidatsa ?
- 2 Items
- Starts on the edge of the North (high) end of White Sand Beach and finishes on the bracken path to the Graveyard.

Path 6 (BLUE) Ponca ?
- 1 Item
- Starts along the West spear of North Wood and finishes East of the NW river branch.

Item Listing

A. Buffalo Wool. Kept in two shacks by the side of the path - One shack contains the fresh, untouched wool and the other contains wool that has been spun into sheets/ quilts and sewing thread.
B. The Animal Shed. A shack by the side of this path contains a variety of (false) furs, including wolf, fox, rabbit, badger and others. There is also bins containing other useful assortments, like claws, teeth, horse hair.
C. Deerskin. Available at a little shack at the side of the path - already treated and cut into sheets, it just needs sewing to create garments. It can also be cut to create leather-like thread for stitching.
D. Mosses. A variety of them grow here, some are good for paints and dyes; others dense, good for insulation in garments. Still others are said to have mystical properties and can be wound into dreamcatchers or other trinkets for luck.
E. Pebbles, stones and flint. All these things can be found along the bank of the river and are good for crafting arrows, arming other weapons or use in crafts - such as mobiles, windchimes or dreamcatchers.
F. Herbs. A variety of herbs grow down here. Many are good for use in food or medicine, but some are believed to have specific meanings, and so can be used in crafts or the teepee.
G. Vines and twine. The woodland is dense here, and these grow naturally around the branches of the trees. They are useful for binding other things together, for use in sewing, creating ropes, bridles or other crafts.
H. Plants. All these are edible, adding certain natural minerals, vitamins and other supplements to the diet.
I. Feathers. This woodland path is along the natural North to South flight path of migratory birds, and many glide low through the canopy on their travels. As a result, the path and trees collect a variety of feathers over the seasons.
J. Plants. All these are very good for use in paints and dyes. The flowers tend to grind to warm, saturated colours - reds, yellows, oranges...
K. Plants. All these are also good for use in paints and dyes. These flowers tend to grind to colder colours - blues, greens, purples and browns...
L. Sand. Both the coarser fragments of sand and the very fine white powder get tracked up this path, both by wind and tide, and horses. Sand can be used for a variety of things from household to crafting.
M. Wood, sticks, twigs, bark etc. As a long path through the larger woodland, this has a fair bit of traffic, so there are many broken fragments of wood around, ranging from full branches to tiny needles. All of these can be useful for a variety of things in daily life to craftsmanship.
N. Semi precious and precious stones. Unsure how they got there, but they almost lead the way to the Graveyard. They're half buried along the path and gems can be traded, uncut, or they can be worked on and used in crafts or as higher payment if cut properly. Some stones are believed to have specific properties and there may be some with sentimental value to people.
O. Moist wood. A variety of wood types and, again, ranging in size, but as the wood is moist, it doesn't work for firewood so well. It is, however, easier to flex, bend and strip down for other uses.

Omigod! I don't get it!
Its okay! I anticipated this may be a little complex for some. I've tried to explain it, but if at any point I've confused you, please comment here and ask

And I'll ask for some help here, too. If anyone does get this (or thinks they do) and you see someone asking about something. Please, by all means, have a go explaining it. You may be able to explain it differently to me so that it makes more sense for someone else. We all learn differently

And that, finally, is all.

Thanks for getting to this point, if you're reading this part XD.

Time - ha! I lost count.
Image is the same as the main map, cropped and edited for use here by myself.
Art copyright to *Tattered-Dreams
Teepee-trials copyright to =strideroo , *Tattered-Dreams and *ReQuay
Do not take, copy, edit, redistribute or manipulate.
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Comments: 27

La-Siiu [2014-03-30 18:34:13 +0000 UTC]

I did not understand everything ^^"
Our participants fetch items, do we have to draw them or they are attributed by admin?

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to La-Siiu [2014-03-30 19:28:39 +0000 UTC]

In order to collect items, you have to draw your horse and rider out on the trails. This has been referred to by others as a 'collection image'. It is valid for just five items - meaning for each collection image you do, you can acquire five items from those listed.

However, you must be able to encounter all the items you collect on one ride, so you wouldn't be able to collect precious stones on route to the graveyard, for instance, if you never went down that path. You also can't jump from one item/path to another if they are not directly connected on the map - meaning you may have to use other paths to get where you want to go at times.

So long as the rules are followed (ie, that you don't jump paths entirely, or collect items you never would have come across) what you collect on a trail ride is up to you. Five items is the maximum per image. For any more, you need another drawing.

Assignment 2, which is currently going, does allow you to collect up to 9 items in a trip, though. For the details on that assignment, read the activity journal in the group (just two days left to get it in, though!)

Hope this helped

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

La-Siiu In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2014-03-30 19:37:24 +0000 UTC]

Ok thank c:
We choose the path to be taken and we note it in the description, it is good it? An image is enough for 5 items? (Sorry, I don't understand everything in English )

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to La-Siiu [2014-03-30 20:12:21 +0000 UTC]

Yes, in the description let us know which route/paths you took.

And yes, an image is enough for 5 items.

(if it helps, you can try putting the description under the map into a translator, too).

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La-Siiu In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2014-03-30 20:43:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you :3 It's all understood now c:

(Yes I do it but the translator from english to french don't work very well…)

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to La-Siiu [2014-03-30 20:59:08 +0000 UTC]

Good to know

(and that's true. They're not always great the other way, either).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

La-Siiu In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2014-03-30 21:21:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LeavingNeverland [2014-01-03 11:28:14 +0000 UTC]

You know what Tatty? You get a gold star. This is just... wow. All the thought behind it and the detailed trails and all the plethora of information. Girl. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tattered-Dreams In reply to LeavingNeverland [2014-01-03 11:53:37 +0000 UTC]


But honestly, thank you ^^ It did take a fair bit of work to get everything to fit together and work right, and then typing up what was in my head was kind of complicated, but I think its finally good to go

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LeavingNeverland In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2014-01-04 10:00:54 +0000 UTC]


It really shows! It's so well thought through! Your attention to detail is always starting. Once again, really really well done!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tattered-Dreams In reply to LeavingNeverland [2014-01-04 20:19:59 +0000 UTC]


Thankies ^^ For this I just got this huge idea knock me over the head and I had to go with it. I knew it would be wildly complex, probably more trouble than it's worth and leave too much room for disaster, but it makes it more interactive, so I had to try

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MissDudette [2014-01-02 22:44:48 +0000 UTC]

Golly wow, this is really something.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tattered-Dreams In reply to MissDudette [2014-01-02 22:56:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Glad you think so (test runs to see if it all worked just about killed me XD)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MissDudette In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2014-01-02 23:30:01 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I had that feeling reading through it. I'm like, pretty sure Tattie spent weeks on this.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tattered-Dreams In reply to MissDudette [2014-01-02 23:36:12 +0000 UTC]

Lol. Not quite weeks. It took maybe a few days on and off between Christmas and work to draw up, and then a number of hours just to type out and organise all the info. But if it seems like I spent weeks, then all the better XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MissDudette In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2014-01-03 00:35:46 +0000 UTC]

Well it might have 12 to 15 hours to actually do, but it has been weeks since you started it. Close enough. Again, lovely work. Makes the Trials a really cool place indeed!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tattered-Dreams In reply to MissDudette [2014-01-03 11:29:42 +0000 UTC]

True, very true

And thank you ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MapleFilly [2014-01-02 22:43:12 +0000 UTC]

Are our characters aloud to carry a small knife on them to cut things?

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to MapleFilly [2014-01-02 22:56:23 +0000 UTC]

Definitely I know there's a few characters who wouldn't go around without them

So long as your character knows how to use it, is safe about it, and doesn't go around wielding it to incite terror into others, I don't see why not - knives (or very primitive versions of them) would have been a standard tool with tribes.

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MapleFilly In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2014-01-02 23:10:47 +0000 UTC]

Awww darn, I was going to raid everyone else's teepees and steal their horses as well as every item they have created with hard work! Ok! Thank you for the quick answer! So, If I want any of the items in the list, then I need a collection image?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tattered-Dreams In reply to MapleFilly [2014-01-02 23:38:34 +0000 UTC]

Lol, nope - thievery is highly frowned upon XD

But no problem. And yes: one collection image allows you to acquire up to 5 items - but plot your route carefully, because you can't just leap between trails. (and I still advise holding off, if you can, because the February/Day 2 assignment may make the collection task a little nicer... *highly secretive*)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MapleFilly In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2014-01-03 00:38:53 +0000 UTC]

Ooooo... so sorry- one more thing. Do I have to draw a collection image, because I painted the inside of my teepee and my horse? Or are those things provided now? Also when are the images due? Just by the end of the trials?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tattered-Dreams In reply to MapleFilly [2014-01-03 22:13:42 +0000 UTC]

We decided that since no one was aware this was coming, you're not required to do collection images for art you've already done. The camp had a small stock of a few things that you used up for those images. However, any further images planned involving items you would find on the trails you do need to 'collect'.

As for when images should be done, its been said before, but: Bonus images that take place at any point of the week can be drawn and submitted up until the end of the trials. Bonus images that take place on a certain day, or expand/add on a certain activity should ideally be submitted in the same month as that activity day (it just makes more sense, as there will be a new activity the next month that you may want to draw a bonus picture for). However, you can still submit bonus art until the end of the event if you miss the end of the month.

For mandatory images of the daily activities, you have until the end of the month to submit it. So for activity 1 you have until the end of January. Activity 2 has to be in by the end of February etc.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MapleFilly In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2014-01-04 20:14:29 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for not explaining thoroughly , but I meant when are the collection images due?

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to MapleFilly [2014-01-04 20:23:44 +0000 UTC]

Lol, sorry for the huge explanation, then XD

For art you've already done that may have used items found on the trails, you don't need to do collection images. They're considered part of 'camp stock' (since people weren't aware collection images were required).

For any art you're planning to do that include items found on the trails, you do need a collection image. That image isn't due specifically, but you have to draw and submit it before the art featuring the items is submitted. So, if you don't need to use any items until April, you don't need to draw a collection image until then. If you want to start crafting and creating now, then you need to submit a collection image asap so you can begin.

Hope that makes sense

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MapleFilly In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2014-01-05 19:33:43 +0000 UTC]

Makes perfect sense! Thank you!

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Tattered-Dreams In reply to MapleFilly [2014-01-05 19:52:39 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

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