ThomasBlack1 — WoLF | Loner | Ragnar

Published: 2018-12-29 16:50:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 2516; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 0
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Joined jan 3rd 2019
Jan 5th Pandora added as Niece
Rank up tier 1 warrior feb 18th
Feb 25th updated pre-group history to give my boy some mileage and experience XD
Mar 29th rank up to tier 2
made him a year younger XD as to not turn old too early for me
June 1st thralled by Sanguis
Ragnar became a loner with the Sanguis exodus at the end of 2019 (27 dec) (Art by Houxe)

:: I D E N T I T Y ::

Name: Ragnar

    Alias(es):The lion

Sex: Male

Age: 8


Valley 25%

Bayou 25%

Steppe 50%

    Height: 39''

    Weight: 177 lbs

Voice: Liam Neeson as Aslan

    Mannerisms: When his head hangs low and he walks he has the gait of a lion

Physical Description: Ragnar is heavy built, with strong legs and big webbed feet, his fur is golden under a dark hooded mane and piercing blue eyes.

Pack/Guild: Asgard

    Rank:  Tier 2 - Helkas Warrior Thrall

:: P E R S O N A L I T Y ::

Traits: Loyal, Courageous, Warm, Simple, Devoted, Stubborn, Brooding, Fearless

In Depth: 

Loyal - perhaps even to a fault. Once you have snuck under his skin he will stay your friend, he deeply cherishes the lives of his friends even when they hurt him or kill one another, he will try and mend the bridges.

Balanced - Ragnar has found a balance between his fighting spirit and his faith, and is grounded in who he is.

Warm - A family man at heart, yearning to start his own he hasn’t found his spitfire just yet. Though warm and fuzzy on the inside he doesn’t bust out when in love, but rather shows it in small gestures.

Simple - Ragnar is a simple wolf, he doesn’t like mind games or is particular strategic. He will try and do what is best, right here and now and hope that it’ll work out in the long run.

Devoted - Ragnar believes that and submits to the will of the gods and to the fate that was spun for him.

Stubborn - Don’t tell him what he can’t do, he will not start wars to get his way, but -

Brooding - Though a simple Wolf, that doesn’t mean he can’t think or mull things over.

Blunt - He speaks his mind and will not sugar coat it if he feels that you are wrong or doing something stupid.

Fearless - Ragnar will often go into battle without second-thought, if it is required of him, for his fate is already decided.

:: H I S T O R Y ::

Pre-Group History: 

  • Birth: Bjorn the oldest grandson of the Jarl, the alpha from an old pack in the north and was second in the line as successor, but he fell head over heels in love with the beautiful Sif, a Vølve (seer) in training. He courted the young seer for quite some time, young and cocky as he was, he was also charming and kind. She couldn’t keep him away for long. Bjorn had a good relationship with the old Jarl, Odin, who was much more of a father to him than his own were. As the old Jarl got older, Bjorn relationship with Sif was discovered, much to the dismay of his father. The two of them decided to run and leave the pack behind. 

    They reach as far as ranger station 3 before they settle down, just the two of them. As Loners Sif gave birth to 2 pups, a boy and a girl. They named them Tyr and Prue, names of strength to honor what they came from.

    After a year as a happy little family, Sif got pregnant, but as fate would have it with only one pup, who they named Ragnar.

  • Puppy (0 - 6 months): The life they had in the small pack was relatively free, not many hazards were out there and life was plentyfull. Tyr adored Ragnar and his fierceness, they played together a lot and went out with Bjorn, while Prue stayed with Sif. But even prue had to surrender to the young pups persistence and she came to adored him as well. The small family lived at relative peace with most of the other animals in the vicinity of the den, he even made friends with a female fox cub, Hayley and the two of them got into all sorts of mischief, chasing hares and quail and any manner of small creatures small enough to harass. 

  • Adolescent (6 months - 1 year): As time passed, the young vixen became a closer friend of the family and very close to Ragnar, so when she lost her family she “joined” the family - much to Prue's dismay. Tyr was calmer and more patient than Ragnar, even as a young adult and he tried his best to teach him. Tyr was first born and got to spend a lot of time with Bjorn - he was the next in line to lead the family, but Bjorn tried to teach both his sons as much as he could. Hayley and Ragnar became close, the closest thing to love between two species. That didn’t help with Prue’s dismay but she kept it at cleverly hidden offences in compliments and sweet words.

  • Young adult (1- 4.11 years): As they got older Hayley began to roam more and more, and though both very fond of each other Ragnar and Hayley grew apart, yet she was still part of the family. Sif got pregnant again. Sif, still a seer began have strange dreams. A white she wolf would appear in her dreams. The wolf didn’t say anything she just kept coming closer and closer. One night the dream changed, instead of the white wolf, there was a black one with pale eyes as the moon. “I am Night, I have come to warn you. The white wolf comes for your children, she comes a hunger rarely seen before, you cannot run, you cannot hide forever - she will find you. You have but one rotation of the moon before it happens”

    Scared of the black wolf she turned to her mate for comfort at advise - Bjorn talked to the other animals and tried to make sense of his mates dream. It soon became clear that a large grey wolf was working its way towards the family from the north. His father was on their tail. The family decided to try and run, but still each night the white wolf came closer, until Sif could barely stand it - she prayed to Night begging for help. He didn’t answer. In the time they ran Hayley strayed farther and farther away. The last night of the moon rotation Sif got another visitor in her dream. A Golden white wolf, with fiery eyes. “I am hope, I am courage, I am strength I am Day, and I have come to aid you” as she open her eyes the clearing was bathed in a golden light as day stood before her and Bjorn. He offered to merge med Bjorn to fight his father and buy the rest of the family time. Bjorn agreed.

    “No one cheats death forever, She will come for you all in time” was Days last warning as Sif and the children said goodbye to Bjorn. Bjorn fought and defeated his father, learning that after Odins death and Bjorns escape the old pack had suffered from a terrible sickness. Fenris had promised Death the life of Bjorn and his families instead of his own, with blood in his maw he scoffed.“She got more than she bargained for” Still burning bright with Days power, he watched the white wolf come and claim his father as she let him out of the clearing the stopped and waited for Bjorn. And as the lights faded from his body he followed her into the night. That was the last night they all saw Hayley.

    Later that night she gave birth to a single pup, one with golden fur. Magnus.

    Magnus was the light in the family and Ragnar was very protective of him, and stood up for him against Prue and her teasing. As they grew older the brothers became inseparable and began to venture farther from the den. One sunny summer day, the two of them were out exploring, They found a injured fox, it’s fur was the colour of sunshine. The fox limbered of, startled but the pups and the two of The decided to follow it. The brothers entered a quite clearing, with a large rock in the center. Sniffing around the rock trying to find the fox, they were ambushed by a golden cougar. As it attacked the boys, Ragnar charged right back to defend his baby brother. As he touched the fur they were engulfed in in sunlight and in front of them stood a golden wolf.

    “I am touched by your bravery young one, I will take you under my wing and make you my champion and your brother my oracle”  And with that, the golden wolf disappeared and the brothers kept their encounter a secret.

    The memory of the encounter with the gods soon faded, even though Sif retold the story of their fathers bavery many times. She took good care of the pups, as best she could alone and all them had to work together as family to survive. The siblings had a good relationship with one another  and rarely fought, they all knew their place. Tyr was the biggest and took on the role of protector, which gave Ragnar plenty of time to get to know his baby brother. Magnus and Ragnar became best buds, and he took very good care of his baby brother, all of the siblings did. It quickly became clear that Magnus had inherited Sifs abilities, much to his sisters dismay. She had wanted to follow in her mother's pawsteps, but were unable to. She grew distant and colder towards the youngest - Ragnar did his best to smooth it out between his siblings, but Prue remain distant at best. As “luck” would have it, she and Magnus were out together one day and the stumbled across a mother bear with cubs, the mother bear wanted to defend her children and attacked. Prue got injured and to the rescue came Tyr ready to defend his family, Magnus helped Prue get away but the bear killed Tyr. Prue never forgave Magnus.

    As a young adult Ragnar began to roam, feeling uneasy in his young body and desperate to find reprieve from Prues, coldness and snarky remarks. Somewhere so recharge so that he could protect his younger brother. It was when he roam he met a she wolf about his age, Yuma. Hormones raging in both they fell head over heel for one another, their fire burned hot and she quickly became pregnant.Prue grew colder and more distant and shut herself in. Right now he lived two seperate lives, one with his matem Yuma and one with his mother and siblings. Ragnar still tried to smooth things over and make things bearable in the ever shrinking family, but thing just wouldn’t let up for them. Yuma Lost the litter before they were born, it took a toll on Ragnar even more so with Prue slowly faded, growing weaker eating less and less. Ragnar and Yuma, tried again and she got pregnant again. Prue got very ill in the end and as Magnus tried to help her she snapped at him. “ I lost everything because of you” so now there were only Sif and her two sons, and a pregnant Yuma. Ragnar introduce his family to his mate in hopes that it would lessen the stress and for a while it seem to work, but again Yuma lost the litter. Tired and worn thin, Yuma became with pups again. And just as they dared to hope that there might be a reprieve, she lost the last litter. Grief stricken, she lashed out at the family, blaming them saying they were cursed, blaming Magnus and with that, Ragnar and Yumas short ended. She left.

  • Adult (5 - 9 years *fully grown*): Ragnar took Magnus under his wing and they grew even closer, taking care of their mother. They lived in peace for a long time, but soon the white she-wolf would appear in Sifs dreams again, but his time she wasn’t scared. “I will go with you freely, just let my sons live out their lives to the full” The wolf agreed and the next morning she said goodbye to her sons, and that night she followed the white wolf into the night to be with, Bjorn, Tyr and Prue again. The brothers are now in the road north again trying to find a home.  

Group History: 
    Joining asgard
    The camp -Part 1A  | Part 1B   +4 antlers
    Watch your step (RP)  + 6
    The hunt Part 1 | Part 2  +10

    Memes and others
    Dogbreed meme  +8 antlers
    Species meme + 8 antlers
    Rank up - 8 antlers
    Human meme + 8
    26 Antlers in February, plus the 5 you received for Asgard’s Apex Predator win. 
    Rank up - 20 antlers
    Loss of the Alkir  + 6 antlers
    "Disease"  + 6 antlers
    You receive 5 for Asgard’s Apex Predator win. 

Antlers earned in total
66 (need to update as per 12/9-19)
Current antlers:

:: R E L A T I O N S H I P S ::

NPCs are allowed but must be marked as such!

Mate: None

    Offspring: None


    Great grandfather: Odin

    Grandfather: Fenris

    Father: Bjorn

    Mother: Sif

    Siblings: Tyr, Prue and Magnus


Has a preference for lighter wolfs


:: A V A I L A B I L I T Y ::

Timezone: GMt +1

Preferred Methods

Docs, discord or notes, if you rather want to do it differently let me know

:: E X T R A::

(Anything else you want to add that doesn't fit in the above sections. Stats, likes/dislikes, etc.)

(Ie, stats, scent, etc.)

    Application for WolvesofLunarForest !

Related content
Comments: 7

EbonyShadowCat [2019-01-04 09:56:43 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to WoLF and to Asgard! What a handsome guy!
I play Farkas, one of the new members. feel free to collab and rp with me

also funny note, i have a friend who has a character named ragnar who has a similar colour pallete and blue eyes... what an amazing coincidence! rest assured the pelt patterns are different lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThomasBlack1 In reply to EbonyShadowCat [2019-01-14 07:56:45 +0000 UTC]

I would really like to see that character! Just for fun and thank you for the warm welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EbonyShadowCat In reply to ThomasBlack1 [2019-01-14 19:01:15 +0000 UTC]

Sure thing! I'll ask my friend if I can DM a photo manipulation she made of her character to you on discord

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShadowCatsKey [2019-01-04 03:07:11 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to WoLF, and to Asgard!
I have two of Ragnar's now packmates, Manning and Pandora , which you can ask for RPs or collabs for anytime, should you ever wish~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThomasBlack1 In reply to ShadowCatsKey [2019-01-14 07:56:58 +0000 UTC]

awesome! Thanks

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Libertas268 [2018-12-29 17:04:41 +0000 UTC]

What a handsome fella! Cannot wait to meet him and see more of him

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThomasBlack1 In reply to Libertas268 [2019-01-14 07:56:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0