Right on the edge of this uplifted geological fault, at 10,440 feet above sea level, is a small shelter. It was built in 1936 during the Depression by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps). It is called the Kiwanis Cabin. In the 1920s the Kiwanis Club had built a log cabin there, but it burned down. They rebuilt it, but it was then destroyed by high winds in the 1930s. The Kiwanis Club asked the CCC to build a more permanent structure. It was constructed of local limestone. There is a fireplace, but it has been sealed off. The windows were all broken out in the 1940s, and it takes three days to clean the graffiti off once a year, every year, under the supervision of three archeologists. I'm very sad that no-nothing people feel free to desecrate things they care nothing about. The CCC in New Mexico built hundreds of roads and rails, lookout towers, large dams and reservoirs, and installed millions of rods of fences and planted millions of trees for reforestation and to prevent gully erosion. The CCC gave hope to 54,585 New Mexicans at a time when our country was in desperate shape, and 25 percent of the U.S. population was unemployed.
<-- This is a telescopic view of the cabin.
Closeup of the doorway -->