Torracattos ā€” Swaggymon: Colin R. Wilkens

#anthro #app #lion #pokemon #litleo #swaggymon
Published: 2017-07-12 15:07:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 2207; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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My 2nd for Swaggymon! I'm sure a lot of people will recognize this guy! He's all grown up! I wanted to get him in as soon as I could to balance the negative attitude. I know this guy is already in Evenclair, but I wanted to also play the older Colin. He's not leaving the wizarding world, he'll just also exist in the Swaggyverse. So here's this goofball ready to go!

Basic Info

Colin R. Wilkens
18 19
April 4th, 1999
Aquacorde Town

Pokemon Information

Special Traits
This ability deals more damage to opponents of the same gender as the user


Nobel Roar

This move will lower the target's attack and special attack. It will always bypass any accuracy loss. This was a move Colin learned naturally when practicing his natural lion roar. When using this move, Colin will let out a mighty roar that will disorient his target for a brief moment, which could open an oppritunity for him to attack if he wished. He tended to use it to scare others instead though. The louder he roars, the more likely he will feel a very sudden and painful headache from using the move at such a high power.


The user will unleash a powerful breath of fire that has a 10% chance of burning the target. Learned through a TM when he was in his early teens, Colin will breath out a hot stream of fire from his mouth that has a chance of burning the target. He has some control over the intensity of the flames, whether its a puff of fire or a full stream of fire. Using this move though for more than a few seconds can leave his throat feeling sore from the burn of the flames he breaths.

Hidden Power

Hidden Power is a move unique move that deals damage to the target, though its type varies for the user. The most common variable for Hidden Power would be the user's personality. Colin, is a free spirit who is always open for adventure and tries to keep an open mind. Because of this, his Hidden Power manifests itself as the Flying type. When using this move, Colin will throw a punch, which will create a burst of air. The burst of air will hit the target and it will deal some damage, though the move is not yet capable of blasting opponents several feet back. As its power increase, using it can knock Colin back a bit if he doesn't have a stable stance


Somewhat of a clown
Full Presonality
Colin is often times a very sociable Litleo who is very eager to meet new Pokemon. He's typically very friendly in nature when meeting new Pokemon and he absolutely loves spending time with other Pokemon. He has a very fun-loving side on top of that. He loves to goof around, tell jokes, and playfully tease others, though unfortunately for others, Colin also has a bit of a mischievous and somewhat immature side. He loves to pull pranks on others and he has a fondness for intentionally annoying others. He tends to have an immature sense of humor and will often make immature jokes or crude comments. He knows when enough is enough though and when he shouldn't goof off. Despite being on the immature side at times, Colin tends to be immensely loyal though to his friends. He would never abandon a friend and he will always support them when needed. He'd actually feel really guilty if there was nothing he could do to help a friend. At times though, Colin will get a little lazy as he'd prefer to relax or goof off, despite having things he needs to do. He'll sometimes even give a half-assed job if he's not motivated or if he's uninterested. He's grown considerably more confident in his late teens than he was in his early teens about himself and his skills, though he seems to get a little over-confident at times and sometimes a bit cocky, thinking he won't fail or that he can easily beat someone at their own game. Despite this though, Colin is one friend who will always be true to you and never turn you away.


Born to a Luxray and Pyroar couple living in Aquacorde Town, Colin grew up with his two older siblings, under a rather strict Arecus-ist household. While he was kinda sheltered, the young Litleo was happy. He loved going camping with the family, running errands with his mom, and even fishing with his dad. He and his siblings were all homeschooled, though because they were home schooled, Colin often didn't get to spend time with kids his age. His parents felt like kids his age would corrupt their kids minds. It was around the time when he was 9 years old when he realy began to wish he had kids his age to play with. His parents always told him to just spend time with his siblings, who were 5 and 7 years older than him, though his siblings though were more interested in studying and planning their career paths ahead of time rather than playing childish games with Colin. He kinda felt lonely at times and distant from his siblings. Colin began trying to convince his parents to let him attend a public school, often begging his siblings to help. He had to talk them into helping, asking if they would rather have a normal school life rather than being at home all the time, rather than being away from others their age. His siblings, Jamie and Rose, soon decided to help Colin. When tallking to his parents, Colin promised to be on his best behavior around other kids and that he wouldn't disobey his parents. After much convincing, his parents finally agreed to send their kids to a private school.

Colin and his siblings would be sent off to a private school in Aquacorde Town by the time he was 10. Colin wasn't too keen on the ugly uniforms they were forced to wear, but he'd finally get to spend time with kids his age. Unfortunately, being home schooled and sheltered did have one disadvantage. The young Litleo wasn't sure what to say at times, considering he was left in the dark about popular cartoons, video games, and more. His parents thought most kind of stuff would corrupt the minds of their children. Others would actually tease him, which actually made him feel upset and left out. He'd often write about these feelings in a journal he kept that he started writing in when he was 9. He always liked looking at blogs on the few sites his parents didn't block when he was bored at home, though he knew his parents would never let him write stuff online, so he had to settle for a personal journal. While he felt upset for some time, it wouldn't be long though before he met Ricky, Joey, and Evan, a Pancham, a Pikachu, and an Espurr in his grade.

Colin first met the trio a couple months into the school year. He spotted them stuffing letters into lockers. He was curious to see what they were doing. They didn't tell him at first and only asked for his help, but he'd soon learn it was for a prank. Colin wasn't sure what to do. He just helped three kids pull a prank on a handful of students. It was against the rules...But he finally felt a rush of excitement and like he was wanted. He'd start to hang around these three kids and as time went on, he started to befriend them. He started to get reguarly caught up in their antics and grew to love pulling pranks. He'd hang out with them regularly after school, just playing video games and watching cartoons. He finally had friends and he could finally enjoy everything he's been missing out on.

Over the course of the next two years, Colin's new friends had a heavy influence on him. His parents would notice a change in his behavior overtime. The perfect little angel they once knew was replace by a liar who often mouthed off and caused trouble. His relationship with his parents and his siblings was becoming strained overtime as he realized how much they sheltered him, and how nosey his siblings were becoming. His parents started to punish him for his behavior by sending him to his room for periods of time and they began to ask his siblings to keep a watch on him, which only put a greater strain on Colin's relationship with them. He'd often start to mouth off to his siblings and even make them a target of some of his friends pranks, which only led to more trouble at home. Despite this, the young Litleo continued though to cause trouble with his friends, whether it was pulling pranks, ding-dong-ditching, and egging homes at night. He and his friends were lucky to escape sometimes, though his parents soon caught him when one of their neighbors reported his antics after seeing him. At this point, his parents were starting to see that change was needed. Colin would be grounded, though it wouldn't stop him from sneaking out for another prank he and his friends planned. He and his friends decided to sneak out for a huge prank at the school. They were hoping to dress the founder's statue by the entrance like a clown, face paint and all. Unfortunately for Colin, his sibings managed to catch him as he was sneaking out. They quickly told their parents and Colin was soon caught by his parents. His parents decided at that point that he needed to be removed from these kids. They talked to the school principal and ultimately decided that Colin needed to be pulled from the school and sent to a different school.

By the time he was 12, Colin was sent off to a boarding school that his parents thought would straighten him out and keep him away from the influences he had in Aquacorde Town. While he missed his friends in Aquacorde and kept in touch with them, Colin was easily able to make some friends that he'd remain close to for most of his life. Most students and teachers there quickly saw how troublesome he was. He was regularly sent to the school counselor's office when his antics began to become a problem. He'd regularly tell the counselor that it was just him having fun rather than trying to get to the bottom of why he liked to cause trouble. He'd just shrug it off at first, though soon, a couple of his pranks on some of his closest friends went overboard and actually caused a huge fight between them. It was then when Colin started to actually talk to his counselor. His counselor told him that he needed to start thinking of the consequences of his actions. Colin would realize that he needed to be more careful with his friends and he needed to think about how they'd react. It ultimately would help him apologize and repair his friendships. He also should find more to occupy himself, rather than going around the school causing trouble. He also talked about his relationship with his parents and how they often pushed him away and close towards trouble. It was how strict they were that pushed him away. He needed to learn to respect them more though and be more honest with them. Talking with his counselor helped him see what needed to change...Kinda.

By the time he was 14, Colin decided to join an outdoors club for stuff like camping and hiking, though he also wanted to join a newspaper club. He always wanted to have stuff he wrote published and this was finally his chance, though there was just one issue. The club leader was very picky about who they'd let write for the paper and Colin actualy was a little intimdated. While he always wanted to have his own writing published, he wasn't sure he had what it took. He decided to ask his friends and even his writing teacher for their thoughts. While his friends laughed at his journal and only called it a diary, his teacher gave him the confidence he needed when he showed her some of the entries he felt comfortable showing, as well as a goofy story he was trying to write. He was able to get into the club, though it wouldn't last long at all. While Colin has been trying to shape up his act, which was another reason why he joined, there were just some temptations he couldn't resist. Colin would continually insert unnecessary jokes into serious stories and edit headlines before the paper was printed. He'd even pull a stunt where he snuck into the editing suite to insert an photocopied image of his own butt at one point. While some of his friends would laugh, his antics would ultimately get him banned from the club. Colin actually felt ashamed of himself for once. This was a real wake up call for him. He was trying to shape up a bit and still have a bit of fun, he still took a lot of things as a joke. While he couldn't rejoin, he promised himself that he would take things more seriously once he got to high school.

His time at this boarding school would soon come to a close, as it was only for grades 7-9. He'd head back home, though not without heartfelt goodbyes from his friends. He would soon return to Aquacorde Town to his family. It actually felt refreshing to be around his family after all this time. Now that he was back home, he finally decided to talk to his parents and apologize for all the problems he caused, though he also explained how he felt like he had too many restrictions. His parents were pleased that Colin was finally growing up and agreed to be a little less strict with him, though with him headed to Aquacorde High, he had to be more careful about who he affiliated himself with. While Colin wouldn't turn his back on old friends, he promised he would find something to keep himself out of trouble.
Colin would start at Aquacorde High the following fall. Learning from his past mistakes, when he joined the school newspaper, he would take it more seriously. He'd save his jokes for more lighthearted stories and the actual joke section. He'd stop editing the paper when nobody was looking. Overtime, he'd gain more confidence in himself and even start to realize he wanted to do this for a living.

Now 18 years old, Colin would soon be graduating from high school and moving onto college. Colin decided to apply for colleges, hoping to find a good school for journalism. He applied to the Lumiose Grand University, which he thankfully got into. Not too long after moving into his dorm, he received a very strange email from someone called "Mr. Cool". Was this some sort of club recruiter? Whatever this was, Colin was pretty curious about it. He recently heard about laws that were starting to restrict move usage, which actually irritated him. As someone who loved to camp, his Flamethrower was an extremely convenient thing to have for starting a campfire. He ultimately decided that he would respond to this email and join the Argo Navis.

Cafe Info

Cafe Affiliation
Cafe Avior
Cafe Proposal
Yo! I'm just the kinda lion you're looking for! I'd be lion if I said I hate social crud and stuff! I'm the most social guy you'll meet! I love meeting new Pokemon and Cafe Avior sounds like a nice place to do it! Besides, I'm not digging the whole move thing going around! If they wanna try to stop me from lighting a campfire with Flamethrower, they can kiss my ass! I'm in!

Extra Info
-His Twitter is @TheNobelRAWR
-His theme song is Renegades by X Ambassadors.
-He is voiced by Roger Craig Smith, the current voice of Sonic the Hedgehog.
-The R. in his name stands for Riley.
-While he considers himself heterosexual, he does have an interest in experimenting.
-He has been in a relationship before.
-He is actually lactose intolerant
-He got his ear piercing when he was 13.
-He likes pop-punk music.
-His hobbies include writing, fishing, telling jokes, hiking, and pulling pranks.
-Rick and Morty fan. Wubba lubba dub dub!
-He has a guitar that he's been learning to play.
-Do. Not. Let. Him. Drink. A Lot. He is an obnoxious drunk.
-He is currently looking for a part time job.

-Currently living with Mimi Ha'awe in her apartment.
-Here's Colin's heart chart docs.google.com/spreadsheets/dā€¦

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