xVerdelet — [MA] Frazier Underwood

Published: 2014-03-16 10:28:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 893; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 9
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Name: Frazier Underwood

Age: 525
Appears 24

Orientation: Pansexual

Height: 177.8 cm // 5'10"

Weight: 59.1 kg // 130 lbs

Species: Vampire

Glamor: Eyepatch

Class: Alchemy

Natural weapons:
Enhanced physical abilities
Enhanced senses

Trained weapons:
Dream Walk

Injuries caused by pure silver (and only pure silver) will cause increased agony for Frazier. If the weapon remains embedded in his flesh, it will cause the wound to bubble. Such injuries will not be affected by his accelerated healing either, and Frazier will heal at a slower, human rate. Physical contact with pure silver (without damaging his skin) will cause his skin to blister as if burnt. Holy objects:
Physical contact with anything blessed with holy power will have much the same effect as silver has on him. However, symbols of holy power (wooden crosses, for example) would at most get you an annoyed scoff, unless it has been blessed prior. Holy water will also burn him like acid. Sunlight:
If his bare skin is touched by sunlight, it will redden rapidly and eventually begin to blacken and blister. If too much of him is exposed to sunlight, Frazier will eventually begin to bleed from the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. When this starts, he has five minutes to be taken to safety before he dies. Though he can walk around in the open if given shade (like an umbrella), it is very uncomfortable for him and borderline intolerable. Recovery from a sunlight-based burn can take from a few days to two months, depending on severity.

In his glamour, Frazier can walk in broad daylight without protection for a few hours without injury, but doing so makes him extremely nervous. Loud sounds/smells or bright lights
Due to his heightened senses, anything of the aforementioned nature is not only unpleasant and distracting, but also very annoying for him. Blood:
Frazier needs to feed at least once a week. How much he drinks in one sitting dictates when he needs to feed again and how much. Though he has only ever taken human blood, the blood of another creature will do just as well (though animal blood has a noticeably weaker effect on him and he will slowly weaken if he only drinks that). The longest he can last without feeding (and that's provided he has drained a whole body of blood) is 4 weeks.

The longer he goes without blood, the more his sanity degrades. His abilities will begin to fluctuate at random upon the third week. He can be insanely dangerous one moment, and completely harmless the next. On the fourth week or so, his condition will decline rapidly until he has wasted away.

The sight of blood tends to visibly affect him as well. He is naturally drawn towards it and must use a lot of willpower to remain in control of himself. Explicit invitation:
Frazier must be invited personally into any area of residence or he cannot step in. Even if he is invited, withdrawing the invitation will seal him out once more. Should he be in the room when the invitation is withdrawn, he will be put through immense pressure, as if being crushed. Mortality:
Vampires are not immortal. They simply age at a much slower rate than humans, able to live up to a thousand years given the right circumstances. However, they can still be killed through mortal means. Anything that can kill a human can kill a vampire, though the latter tend to need a little more push to kick the bucket.
Major Skills:
Enhanced physical abilities:
He has four times the strength, speed, stamina, agility and endurance of a fit, healthy human. Trance:
Frazier can put anyone he wants to sleep within certain limitations
  • It can only work on one person at a time.
  • Eye contact must be made for at least 5 seconds. During this time, Frazier's eye will appear to glow.
After 5 seconds, the subject will fall into a trance that will last approximately 10 seconds. Provided that the trance is not broken, Frazier must:
  • Give a command for the subject to sleep
  • Not give any other command
Giving a different command will cause the trance to be broken. It can also be broken if:
  • The subject has a mental block or is resistant to mental influence
  • The subject possesses a strong and sound (completely untroubled) mind, on top of being a hell of a lot stubborn and determined.
The sleep that the subject falls into typically can last anywhere between 2 and 10 hours. Often times, it is dreamless, though that is not always the case.  Dream Walk:
Frazier can enter the dream of anyone he chooses regardless of distance if certain conditions are met:
  • He must have something belonging to the person he chooses to 'visit' and it must remain in physical contact with him throughout.
  • That person must have given him his/her consent.
In the dream, there are only certain things that he can do:
  • He can alter his appearance in the dream.
  • He can communicate with the dreamer.
  • He can alter the dream itself, but only if granted permission by the dreamer.
  • He cannot end the dream. It will end if the dreamer wakes up, or the item he is holding slips from his grasp.
  • He can create the dream should the subject not be dreaming, but he cannot control it if the subject does not want him to.
The ability to create something out of nothing. Through the use of alchemy, Frazier can alter the shape of objects to suit his needs. However, he cannot create what is not there (he can't turn iron into gold, for example). Long-distance alchemy, while tedious (and generally a huge pain for him to use), is possible. All the circles drawn can be reused unless tailored to be only used once or destroyed. Conversion:
The ability to turn a human into a vampire. To do so, the subject must drink Frazier's blood. It will take a full month before the subject becomes a full-fledged vampire. However, this works only on humans, and Frazier has never turned anyone into a vampire, nor does he ever want to.
Minor Skills:
Enhanced senses:
His sense of touch, taste, sound, sight and smell is twice as acute as a normal human. Resistant:
While not invincible or invulnerable, it's noticeably more difficult to kill him than it would be to kill a human. Accelerated healing:
Save for special circumstances (see 'Weaknesses'), Frazier recovers from injuries three times faster than a healthy human. Grace:
A natural talent from his vampire blood. Frazier moves with a careless sort of liquid grace that makes him near-silent and impossible to notice if one does not pay attention. Medical skills:
It isn't a magical ability. Though he certainly can't carry out surgery, Frazier knows the steps for first aid like the back of his hand, as well as proper treatments for various illnesses.
Passive-Aggressive: If he's against something or unwilling, you can be sure he won't say it... However, his manner will shift accordingly that he might as well just scream it out from the rooftop.
Sulky: Being forced to go through something regardless of his (highly unsubtle) opinion will lead to him sulking and grumbling like a child until he gets over it (which may or may not take a while depending on peace offerings).
Proud: He's the kind of person who will refuse help unless it is absolutely impossible without. He doesn't appreciate backtalk either, nor does he enjoy being proven wrong.
Somewhat Conservative: He tends to see things as 'my side' and 'the wrong side'. He remains firm in his beliefs and nothing but solid evidence will convince him to change his mind. Despite this, he does not impose his opinion on others, giving the illusion of an accepting person. In truth, he simply avoids thinking about it to preserve relationships.
Deliberate: He is definitely the kind to avoid running head-first into something without prior thought and planning.
Factual: He tends not to believe anything without some sort of proper evidence.
Flirty: If he likes you, he will flirt and tease and use every opportunity for sexual innuendo, though it tends to be in jest more often than not.
Snarky: He tends to use sarcasm and general snarks without actually realizing that he is.


Frazier Underwood was born in London in the 1400s. He was an ordinary human boy, an only-child aspiring to become a medical practitioner. His family was middle-class, his father a college teacher, his mother a seamstress. That all changed when he was 21. He was walking home late one night when he was attacked. At first, he thought it was a thief. He struggled, a hand covering his mouth preventing him from screaming.

Unfortunately for him, that was no thief. That night, Frazier was drained of almost all his blood and forced to drink the blood of his attacker. "A game," the creature had called it. "Let's see how attached you are to the world of the living." He was left there, at the mouth of an alley, barely alive. In his last moments of consciousness, he heard footsteps approach. A voice, different from the one belonging to the person that had assaulted him, spoke.

"Well. That looks messy."

He woke up a few days later in an unfamiliar room, confused and disoriented. Next to him was a young man, barely over the age of eighteen.
"About time," he said. It was the same voice as the person who had found him. Still barely clinging to consciousness, it took Frazier a week before he had recovered enough to walk around on his own. During that time, he learned of what transpired while he was unconscious.

The boy who had saved him was Kevin Halgarth. His father was a member of an organisation called The Hunters. Their job was hardly one that needed explaining. The only reason Frazier was still alive was because Kevin had said he wanted to keep him.
"Like a pet," he had said. "Though I won't make you walk around with a collar and a leash. Unless you're into that kind of thing, but get someone else to hold it because I'm not going to."
Kevin was interested, apparently, in the vampires' ability to live for so long. His objective was different though. He wanted to unlock the secrets to immortality.

Time passed. Frazier's first taste of human blood was Kevin's. It took him three months before he made himself walk out of his room. It took him another two weeks to accept the fact that he was a vampire. It took him another month for him to stop hating himself. He started learning alchemy as well. It was a subject that Kevin studied religiously, and Frazier learned with him, at first to fight off his boredom, and later, in earnest.

He returned home two years later, at night. He was greeted enthusiastically by his family. Though he could have, and wanted to, lived there, he left within a few hours. He never went back.

Forty years after his turning, he re-encountered the same vampire that had changed his life. Their meeting was short, Kevin stepping in to remove Frazier before he tried to kill the older vampire. It didn't make much difference in the end, really. The man was killed a few hours later. If he felt guilty for laughing and lamenting over how he wasn't there to see it, he never thought about it.

Kevin died at the age of 65. Frazier was at his bedside, looking exactly the way he had been found, as if not a year had passed.
"I could turn you," he told the dying man.
"There's a difference between a long life and an eternal life," Kevin responded.

Frazier travelled on his own after that. He wandered all over the United Kingdom, furthering his knowledge on alchemy. It was for his own interest, but he would have been lying had he said not even a little of it was in Kevin's memory. At some point, he had settled in Scotland for a few years, after meeting a rainbow dragon*. He parted ways with them though, going off again to travel.

She appeared out of nowhere. He didn't know how she had found him, nor did he think he would ever find out. Her offer was a strange one. She wanted him to teach at her academy. An academy for those like him. Monsters. She left afterwards, returning a week later for his answer.
He grinned.
"You got a class for Alchemy?"

*potential future student(s)....?


People stealing his food
His need to drink blood
Making mistakes

Carries around a bag of marshmallows everywhere. Everywhere
His heartbeat is slower than regular humans and his skin is generally cool to the touch.
He will never share his marshmallows with anyone, unless he genuinely likes them as a close friend or a lover.
He doesn't have a set sleep schedule, often taking naps whenever he can during the day. He even does it during class, should he find the opportunity. 
He's a very light sleeper.
Spends a good portion of the night simply wandering outside.
He has physiological anisocoria. His left eye is far more sensitive to light than his right eye, hence why he wears an eyepatch most of the time. 

Roleplay Info:
Preferred RP Methods:
Notes > Comments

Chatroom = When the Sun and the moons align with the planets

Skype - Only if we roleplay constantly Roleplay Samples
  • Script

    Frazier: *he lands on the floor in a tangled bundle of vampire and blankets, groaning softly, both from having knocked his head on the floor right after waking up, and the fact that he was awake in the first place. With plenty of grumbling, he disentangles himself, clothes and hair a rumpled, ruffled mess from his constant tossing and turning during the first few hours just before dawn. Still sitting amongst the crumpled mess that was his blankets, he rubs his right eye before scratching around the left one, keeping it squeezed shut out of sheer habit. Yawning, he drags his feet over to the bathroom, his usual careless grace absent in his morning-time grogginess. After getting ready for the day, he secures his eyepatch over his face, taking a much needed sugar-shot (a fluffy white marshmallow with a delicious strawberry jam center) before shuffling out of his room.*

  • Paragraph

    The door opened silently, and he slipped into the classroom a good two hours before it was scheduled to even start. One of the perks of having a considerate headmistress was that his class time slots were closer to the evening, at a time when he was a little more awake and alert. Looking around the empty space, he sighed, hopping onto the teacher's desk and kicking his feet, much like a child. His heels knocked against the hard wood, bouncing off again, and he used the momentum from that to swing it upwards again before letting his leg drop back down.

    "Wait, why am I early, again?" he wondered aloud, lightly twisting his body over the table to land behind it. Tugging a drawer open, he pulled a piece of chalk out from a little cardboard box set in a corner, skipping over to the blackboard and outlining the day's (evening's) lesson. A basic transmutation circle, plus a few variations in one corner. A few notes here and there. When he was done, he returned to the table, plopping down onto the chair and twirling the chalk between his fingers. He still had well over an hour left....

    With a indifferent little shrug, Frazier folded his arms on the table, tucking his face in the crook of one elbow before promptly falling asleep.

A million and one thanks to Liver for this dumbass o'er here~

Frazier Underwood (C) xVerdelet
Art and design (C) vi-puppetcino
App (C) nachuu95
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Comments: 6

Yumikerr [2014-03-19 14:20:52 +0000 UTC]

I feel like eating his scarf. ono

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xVerdelet In reply to Yumikerr [2014-03-19 14:45:39 +0000 UTC]

Ditto. Let's have a marshmallow party one day and we'll all throw up from marshmallow overload.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

V-Oblivion [2014-03-19 05:32:34 +0000 UTC]

Smooth vampire is smooth.

Nice oc Verde !
Buth he looks quite the same on both forms

Just an observation, not a critism.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xVerdelet In reply to V-Oblivion [2014-03-19 11:13:43 +0000 UTC]

And damn does he know it.

It's fine. I know XD
Vampires look like humans anyway so not much to change there. And I don't think we need a Dracula ||D 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

V-Oblivion In reply to xVerdelet [2014-03-19 13:49:35 +0000 UTC]

It would be nice to have one though, a damn old and classy lord of the night...

Oh wait, Twi has it covered 030b

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xVerdelet In reply to V-Oblivion [2014-03-19 14:45:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0