Fable-Glitch96Ver2 — Superhero OC #1: Moon rabbit Redesign

#magic #moon #oc #superhero #superherooc
Published: 2020-10-04 17:07:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 4216; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 0
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Description [NOTE: This OC is not connected to DC universe, MARVEL universe etc,  it is meant to be part of it's own non-existent universe. And the pose I used to make this character belongs to DeviantArt user, MOMOpJonny]

Pose link:  www.deviantart.com/momopjonny/…

Looking back at my older vision for my firs superhero OC who was called Netherius the white rabbit, it wasn't really that impressive to look at any more so I decided to give him a complete do over and I think it's a big improvement visually, the one thing that sort of annoyed me it the ears, in the end I just had to settle on the ones you see now but all in all I'm pleased with the result.


Name: Noah Mason (Formerly), Robert Mason (legally changed)

Hero alias: Netherius (After the creator of the Netherius stone/ Nidrius), The Moon Rabbit (by the public) 

Birthday: May 17th

Height: 6'5''

Weight: 201lbs

Residence: Stronghold City


Prime personality: Noah Mason: Noah is very quiet and shy, stuttering with his words. He mainly keeps to himself and despises conflict of any kind, he mainly takes up his time with things involving history and languages.

Secondary personality: Robert White: Robert is the opposite to Noah, being overconfident and causing fights for his own amusement and being violent when someone disagrees with him, he is also more physical than Noah, being able to do quite well in a hand to hand fight.

Third (Three year timeskip/prime) personality: Robert Mason: Robert Mason was born when Noah Mason and Robert White were facing off against a Cthulhu type entity and after reclaiming the Nethrius stone they settle their differences to merge themselves into one personality, resulting in Robert Mason. He is more level headed and more heroic in his actions than careless and violent, able to embody all that the previous personalities to be effective going forward.

Origin story: WARNING: [The origin story contains dark themes that some may find upsetting, I apologise if this does end up happening in anyway but you have been warned.]

Noah was a third born child in Stronghold City with an abusive upbringing thanks to his father (john Mason), his mother (Maria Mason) and two siblings (Lucy & Curtis Mason) did their best to protect each other, but one day John crossed the line when he came home drunker than usual and started beating on Noah repeatedly and unprovoked. As expected a huge commotion broke out and the police had to get involved thanks to nearby neighbours and though Noah's father was arrested, things didn't get better as the family were each evaluated on their psychological states and his mother was deemed unfit to look after her children and placed in a mental asylum for their safety and her own. Noah siblings were taken to an orphanage and unfortunately separated during adoptions.

Noah was the hardest to put for adoption as he developed violent outbursts at random times and experienced nightmares of the night his family was forever torn apart, only as he described how it all happened slightly differently, with him killing his father after watching him attack his mother and eventually struggled to recall anything and anyone from the event. When he was adopted, the foster home made sure it was with people who knew how to handle children with traumatic backgrounds, a nice couple who were doctors with their kindness were convinced to take a chance with Noah.

It was barely a month in and the couple got a very clear idea on how bad Noah's outbursts were, with him being calm one minute, then destroying everything in his room shouting violently the next, eventually they came to the conclusion he had a separate personality, violent not because he wants to, but because he doesn't share the same memories as Noah. So they spent time with both halves of the young boy to give some form of normality.

Years passed and by the time Noah reached his early thirties the second personality seemed to disappear completely, giving Noah the chance to concentrate on his future instead of worrying when his alter ego, who named himself as ''Robert White'', would start the next school or bar fight with his short temper and cruel way of thinking. He became a part-time Artefact researcher for the Stronghold City's Alabaster Museum of national history and an antique store owner to keep his life quiet for as long as possible before the control he worked so long to gain gets taken away, which seemed to happen when he went to his bed one night and woke up 3:00 in the morning two blocks away from where he lived. He spent the whole day off from work trying to calm himself about it.

Later that day He received a knock on his door, a woman claiming to be a journalist asked Noah about things he never talked when he explained that he didn't understand what she was saying, the woman acted confused, saying that they have been meeting up for months, talking about strange happenings such as kidnappings and murders with similar methods of how they were committed. Noah asked how he was acting every time when they met up and the woman said he was  more or less an asshole for the most part but he listened to her theories of a supernatural nature and said he new people who had proof of them. Noah explained that he lied about all of that and that he had a split personality that most likely had other reasons and that she should leave. The woman pulled out searched through her bag and pulled out a poorly carved totem of sorts with a face and an odd symbol on each side, she began to beg by saying she was looking for her brother who she lost contact with four months ago and that she believes he is still alive. She told Noah to think about it and left the totem on a tableside with a card and left out the door 

With hesitation, Noah examined the totem a little more closely, besides the large symbols, there were tiny symbols which he actually recognised. His curiosity grew and grew and when he learned the full inscription he called the mysterious woman to meet him at the museum at night and when they did, he explained it was not a proper totem, but a message about a sacrificial ritual that would take place in an old abandoned sewer lines, the woman began to suggesting that the two of them go there, which Noah disagrees with, saying that they should get the police on it. The woman said to do it if he wanted but she was still going anyway.

They drove for hours and along the way they talked for a while and the woman finally revealed to be Lucy Mason, she explained that she kept her last name and that she had two brothers the older brother was missing and a younger brother which she lost contact with when she was a child after a terrifying experience. They reached where the message said to go, a large sewer line that went under the city. They treaded lightly through the labyrinth, encountering the common rodent, the squeaks were over lapped by people chanting in sync along with crying and moaning. What was supposed to be a large area that allowed waste water to be filtered, was turned into a temple with candles and banners that all turned to a cult.

there were six crosses with people tied to them, and in between them was a leader figure preaching. Noah and Lucy stayed hidden and recorded footage of it, little did they know they were somehow figured out and taken down in front of them all, when asked how the two found them, Noah was the first to answer before Lucy called them something that would have gotten them killed there and then by saying he deciphered the message on a totem. No one in the cult knew what he was on about until he showed them.

The leader pulled out a stone tablet with similar symbols and threatened him to translate them or Lucy would be killed. With a stuttering voice, he managed to make out the words written on the stone and the writing started to glow purple and a black oval stone started to release black lightning with a red glow everywhere, the temple started to shake and collapse, everyone started running for their lives, some weren't so lucky. Some of the structure was still being held, rubble everywhere, Lucy looked around for Curtis while Noah was trying to find her, instead the black stone, suspended in front of him and began whispering to him , he reached out ad grabbed it, meanwhile Lucy found her brother, lower half crushed under rubble and near death. they managed to exchange a few word and  Noah finally caught up to them and too managed to see him, when he had finally passed, the stone started to jump to life with a burst of energy, teleporting Noah  and Lucy to the surface.

Lucy screamed in outrage and despair, begging  to go back for Curtis, Noah was quiet and so was Lucy as they looked at the giant crack in the sky that allowed creatures too small to see then closed up, Noah walked ahead, ignoring Lucy's question of what was happening and he grabbed her by the throat and it was then she realised it wasn't him anymore, he replied by apologising that Noah was no longer in control, getting covered in black lightning, releasing her as his casual clothes turned into a smarter attire with a plain white mask with rabbit ears and that the world has just gotten stranger.

Noah gasped as though he had just woken up, standing in an empty black void, alerted to a cough behind him he saw himself sitting in an old fashioned chair or something that looked like him with black, he asked where he was and his double replied with in his own mind, our mind. he then took a guess that the lookalike was his split personality, Robert White and was confirmed, Robert started talking about what was happening and that for years he felt like he was lucid dreaming constantly and now he could summon the magic powers of the Netherius stone he has turned himself into a separate being. He snapped his fingers causing the floor beneath Noah to ripple and pull him in, and red chains wrapped round him, preventing him from struggling and Robert said to him before he was completely consumed was that not to worry, he needed him alive and that he was going to have fun sharing dominance over their shared body.

Robert white used his new found freedom and powers to fight magical beings who want the Netherius stone for their own purposes and demonic creatures that roamed Stronghold city to more so boost his personal gain and somewhat maintain balance of the world, along with sister as she keeps him in check and makes sure to protect Noah through these new found struggles of insanity. 


Lucy Mason: She is Noah's older sister and the only family member to try and find him and their older brother, Curtis. She got a job as a journalist for the stronghold city newspaper, and managed to keep in touch with Curtis in her spare time and when he disappeared with no explanation, she used all the resources she could to find him, and by chance meeting Noah who at first she didn't recognise, they worked together to find him and uncover a bigger mystery no one could expect.

Curtis Mason: After being separated during their childhood, Curtis was separated from his family and unfortunately wouldn't get the chance to enjoy being united with his siblings as he would die in a chaotic underground collapse just moments after reuniting with both siblings.

Jerzith: Jerzith is a demon which takes on an appearance of a eyeless clown who Moon Rabbit can summon and control to some degree, his abilities appear cartoon inspired with his own gruesome touch. He can only communicate using a variety forms of laughter and giggling which comes off as creepy. 


Netherius stone: The Netherius stone is the main tool Noah's second personality, Robert White uses to tap into a near endless pool of magic. it chose Noah to be it's vessel,failing to take over his body and giving the second personality freedom and all it's powers over chaos magic. It was forged in a chaotic dimension by a dark wizard of the same name, who died before he could use it. The Netherius stone whould often be conflicted when being used by Robert White as it sees him and Noah as two different people and would often stop working until they became one identity.

Rogues gallery:

-Nidrius Vanddor: 
A dark elf of a separate realm and the apprentice and best friend of the dark elf wizard Netherius. He killed his friend out of envy and greed for power and control but in his victory the stone vanished to earth. thousands of years later he waited until a portal was opened to allow him to pass through and take the stone back from it's current vessel, Noah Mason's second personality, Robert White and later their third combined personality, Robert Mason.

Doctor Moldark (Arch enemy): Doctor Moldark is a elderly scientist who was under instruction to learn of what he could about the dimensional portal that hovered above Stronghold City and gather information on the vigilante, Moon rabbit and the mythical creatures that emerged. He grew fascinated with the skeletal remain of what he believed to be a Vampire, growing all the more sure he could build a machine that could harness what he called ''Mystic energy'' to resurrect the the creature but on the day he went through with the process, the machine malfunctioned and the remains turned to dust and as if sentient, made its way into his body, changing his body to be bigger and muscular while his face somewhat remained the same except his eyes were now gone yet still able to see.

He gained the ability to perform some levels of magic and the full powers and some weaknesses of a real vampire, now on the journey to claim the Nethrius stone for himself in his senseless quest for power and knowledge.

Elemetrix: Elementrix is a complex attempt to merge elemental mystic energies with an android. Created by an unknown scientist kidnapped by Doctor Moldark, The semi-aware android proved a challenge for Moon Rabbit, being able to replicate any and all elemental magic forms he had mastery over.

 powers/abilities: Netherius mainly relies on magic more than physical abilities and magic is vast to name and mysterious so I will list the main magic powers he uses in a random order.

Adapt martial arts: Moon rabbit occasionally finds himself in situations where simply using magic isn't enough or doesn't work so he gave himself mental and physical knowledge in hand to hand combat.

- Knowledge of al sorts of magical items and creatures

- Black lightning (with a reddish glow around it)

- Flight

- Energy constructs (same colours as his black lightning)

- Object materialisation

- Teleportation via portals

- Illusions 

- Various Spell casting methods (verbal incantations/Runes for traps)

- Telekinesis

- Magic sensing 

- Limited reality warping

- Summoning:
Moon Rabbit has a contract with a clown demon that was once sent to kill him but managed to win him over to fight for him whenever needed.


- Powerful spells take time to cast depending on scale and amount and could leave him vulnerable

- Any form of the white arts can be very harmful to those gifted with dark arts ( and vice versa) 

- As powerful as he is, Moon Rabbit is still human, if he fails to react and protect or heal himself, he can still get hurt like one
- If Moon Rabbit were to be separated in some way from the Netherius stone, he'd revert back into his Noah Mason personality and be rendered powerless.

Stronghold city Description:

Stronghold city is a combination of DC comic's, Gotham city and real world's city of London (It would also use UK currency to sort of differentiate it a little more.) it would stand out among other cities in the (Deviant/ Superhero OC-verse) world due to the fact that it has a giant portal to a fantasy magic realm hovering on top of it, occasionally releasing and imprisoning mystical creatures and Moon Rabbit's rogues gallery with magical affinities from both worlds. ...


- The list of characters that I used to create this redesign/superhero OC go a follows: Batman (clothing/animal inspiration), Jekyll and hyde (Split personality), Sorcerer type comic book characters (Magic type powers), ...

- This new design Is my vision takes place three years into his hero career when (During a world ending evvent with a Cthulhu type entity), Noah Mason and his split personality, Robert White, talk things out ''Psychic style'' to sort out their differences and become one being, combining all their pros and cons all rolled up into one to finally form balance and be the hero their world needs.

- The character of what was ''White rabbit'' came from a comic book idea that was based on a man with super strength, a woman who could turn into iron and another man who could manipulate reality in in minor ways in form of magic tricks, they'd get their powers from an extra part of the brain simply called ''tumours'' that regulate their powers. Thinking back now, it was a pretty dark idea for a kid and wouldn't go down well with people.


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