sabrella — Harvest Lunatone :: Daemon

#gijinka #houndoom #roleplayapp #harvestlunatone
Published: 2017-08-31 13:00:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 1235; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 2
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NameDaemon Harley
Age: 24
Birthday: 03.16
Sex / Gender: Cis male

■Home island: 
Rapture Retreat
■Occupation: Rancher

Height: 6'2'' | 187 cm
Weight: 166 lbs | 75 kg
■Body type: Muscular

Pokemon: Houndoom

Ability: Early bird
Sleep conditions lasts for half as long, rounding down.

Nature: Lonely
Characteristics: Likes to relax


Sunny day: 
The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves. It lowers the power of Water-type moves.

An all-out attack that becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.

The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.

The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.


{ Adventurous | Friendly | Hardworking | Loud | Protective | Ambitious | Careless | Self-Critical | Stubborn }

With hands in his pockets and a smile on his face, Daemon has a very happy and laid-back aura. He's a kind man that wears his heart on his sleeve. It's very easy to tell Daemon's mood, as he is not the best at hiding it. He is very honest and thus, horrible at keeping secrets. He will bluntly spill out whatever is on his mind and most likely become highly embarrassed about it afterwards. A hardworking individual who is very stubborn about being hardworking, Daemon will often work himself more than his body can handle. He has fainted from exhaustion on multiple occasions, but he never learns from it. Socially awkward, but tries very hard to not mess up. Daemon has little to no experience with having and making friends, so he does not really know how to act around people he wants to get to know better. He he no trouble making small talk however and enjoys a friendly conversation with a stranger. 

Because of his curios nature and love of adventure, he can be really reckless and ending up hurting himself in the process of satisfying his curiosity. Scabs and bruises was something he often got as a kid and the habit of hurting himself did not go away as an adult. He does not really mind though, he will smile and laugh the pain away. The thing with Daemon is that he is very stubborn about people worrying about him, he does not like to show weakness, he will deal with his injuries and problems on his own. Actually Daemon is very stubborn in general. It is really difficult to get him to do something he does not want to do, and it is equally difficult to stop him from doing something he wants to do, which includes putting himself in dangerous situations. He lives danger and adventure and is definitely an adrenaline addict. Anything from diving off a cliff to skiing down a mountain is something he and plan on doing, so those faint of heart might not enjoy Daemon's love for adrenaline, because stopping him from doing it would be impossible. He would apologize to them afterwards for worrying, but he can not promise that he will not do it again, he probably will.


Daemon was born to Nari and Benjamin Harley, they were very loving parents and Daemon was their second child. His parents made sure to introduce him to the rest of his family as soon as they could, as family was very important to he couple and they had a rather large one after all. Most of his family was spread throughout the Sinnoh region and lived far away from the big cities, unlike him, his sister and parents who lived in the big city Jubilife. Though, even with family far away from his home city, they visited them a lot. The Harley family was quite big, and quite close despite being so big, family gatherings were very common occurrences. The people he visited the most were his grandparents, they were breeders and lived on a big farm. Daemon loved spending time with the animals there, and by how a few of them followed him around, it was clear they loved him too. Because of his grandparents, his father was a huge animal lover and thus, Daemon grew up with a lot of pets. His mother's Delcatty and his father's Arcanine almost helped raise him, they always looked after him. There was even a time where daemon got lost in the city and the Delcatty had found him, calmed him down and carefully led him back to his panicked mother. Daemon had so much love and respect for the animals around him.

At five, Daemon got his totem. A Houndour was not exactly the most fitting totem for him, his parents thought. He shone brightly like a flame, so why was he then also a dark type? Daemon himself was the one that convinced them that his dark type did not bother him and that was quite happy to be a Houndour.

Before Daemon started school, his parents gave him his own pet. It was a tradition in the Harley family to give an animal before a life changing event would happen. His older sister had already gotten a Togedemaru a few years prior and now it was Daemon's turn. His pet turned out to be a lively Chimchar. He named his Chimchar Pyro and with Pyro by his side Daemon did not feel like he needed anyone else. Pyro quickly became his best and only friend, Daemon, despite his very friendly and outgoing personalty, had weirdly enough always shyed away from other children. It was not something his parents were worried about, he would grow out of it soon enough and become the popular and well-liked boy they knew he could be. However, it took a few years for him to reach out to other children and by the time his shy phase had passed and he began looking for human friends, he had no idea how to interact with them. He was disappointed at first, he really thought he could make friends, but he did reject their friendliness in his first school year, so he understood how they felt and quickly got over it. He had Pyro after all, what more did he really need?

Pyro and Daemon were pretty much inseparable after that. A strong bond had grown between the two of them, his parents were honestly surprised at how much time they spent together. The duo went on small adventures around the city and often got into trouble for being too reckless. Did they learn or care? Not really. They had too much fun together to stop. Pyro was an extremely curious ape, and since Daemon followed him everywhere, they had no trouble going on small adventures together. They loved it! However, one time Pyro got seriously hurt, Daemon was terrified. What if he lost his best friend? What would he do then? He felt so helpless waiting for his friend to get better. It was there he decided that he was the one who would prevent Pyro for getting hurt again, and if there came a time the Chimchar would get hurt, Daemon would be the one to fix it. Daemon wanted to become a veterinarian. However, Daemon's grades were never the best, nor was he that good at studying either. The dream was short lived, his scholarship was denied and despite having saved up since he was fifteen, Daemon could not afford college. Instead of wasting the money he had saved up on trivial things, Daemon decided to use it on something big. So, at eighteen he decided to pack his bags and leave. Not to move out, but to travel. He was used to traveling a lot due to his family living all across the region, but this time Sinnoh would not be his destination. He would travel the world. As he grew that small love for adventure he had as a child had grown tenfold, so it was only a matter of time before he wanted to leave the region. His parents were not worried, he had his newly evolved Monferno with him, and he was about to get a Shinx for extra protection. It was a life changing event, after all. A new pet was an obvious farewell gift, he named his new friend Shock.

Daemon enjoyed his journey a lot, and he really did go all over the place. Hoenn, Johto, Kalos, Kanto and at last to Unova, and they were all incredible places that he would love to travel back to. As his two partners evolved, so did he, both physically and mentally. Backpacking around the world really gives a person a whole new perspective on things. He got to meet so many new people and listen to so many stories, it really gave him a different kind of knowledge he would never have gotten at home. At twenty-two, Daemon went back home to his parents. It was a welcomed returned and very joyous until his parents asked where his Luxray was. Daemon relived the memories of walking out of Icirrus City and getting attacked by a Bearatic to his parents. Shock, as brave as he was, leaped in front of Daemon to protect him. His Luxray died saving him and Daemon would never stop blaming himself, if he only had reacted quicker, maybe Shock would have survived. Sadly, his Luxray would not be the only death he would end up blaming himself for. Only one year later, his Infernape grew ill. Despite everyone's effort, Pyro did not get better and he passed away peacefully in Daemon's arms. Having his two best friends taking away from him during such a short time span was too much for him and Daemon broke. The man who once was all smiles and excited, was left almost utterly emotionless. Daemon was so choked up with grief that he fell into a deep depression. For maybe the first time in Daemon's life, his parents were extremely worried for him. They had always seen him as a boy who would figure out everything in the end and overcome his struggles, but it did not happen this time, he definitely needed a small push from them.

To keep his mind off of his grief, his parents suggested he went to work with his grandparents for a short while, Daemon agreed immediately. For Daemon, working on something was the best way to keep him away from the things that bothered him. He got that from his mother, she always started cleaning something when she was stressed or angry. Working with his grandparents turned out to be the best decision he had made, his stress was greatly reduced and getting away from the city helped his mood. He did not miraculously get better, but he was in a way better mood than he was back in Jubilife. The workload was high and his chores were heavy, but he did not mind. He would much rather work hard in the slow and calming environment on the country than in the fast pace in the city. He loved to take care of the animals that lived there and few crops they had. There were even days where Daemon did most, if not all, of the day's work himself. He was so grateful for the opportunity that his grandparents had given him, he really loved working with them. His grandparents were actually the ones that eventually convinced him that working with animals was something he was good at and that he should do it full time. Daemon was reminded of his veterinarian dream, but he had failed the one person he promised he would take care of. He let Pyro die, he even let Shock die. How could he become a veterinarian if he could not even save his best friends? That is when his grandparents suggested ranching. His grandmother knew of an island very popular with beginning farmers and ranchers called Raccolto. He was not sure if he liked the idea that much in the beginning, would not ranching be very lonely? He would be all alone, after all. Then again, maybe being alone was what he needed. Living on a different island than his family could exactly be what Daemon needed, it would be completely new territory for him too. With both his parents and grandparents help, he managed to get himself a small plot of land. Daemon thanked them all for helping him with everything and promised he would repay them someday. As a last thanks for helping out at the farm, his grandparents presented him with a Rockruff puppy that belonged to one of their Lycanrocs. Daemon did not know what to say, he had no idea how to thank them enough. He did not need to work alone on his ranch, he had his newest partner, lovingly named Peanut, with him now.

With a heartfelt and very teary goodbye, Daemon set out for Raccolto.

Ranch and Pokemon

■Ranch name: Snow Day ranch
■Ranch type: Basic
■Home type: Basic


■Dog name: Peanut

■Dog gender: 
■Dog species: Rockruff 
■Dog personality: 
Energetic | Loyal | Wary | Impatient | Lazy
■Dog moveset: 

A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.

■Thunder fang:
The user bites with electrified fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it with paralysis.

■Sand attack:
Sand is hurled in the target's face, reducing the target's accuracy.


The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. This may also make the target flinch.


■ Can play drums and recently started learning how to play guitar. 
■ Has a fear of ice types.
■ Is an insomniac. 
■ Really good at skateboarding.
■ Has a huge collection of bad movies. 
■ Is a big memer.
■ Has zero (0) experience with romance.
■ His favourite movie is "The Room"
■ Playlist: No one as hella
■ Pinterest board: Daemon

■ Loved Gifts: Badly directed movies, baked good, candles, coffee
"Really? You're giving this to me? Wow, thanks, I'll cherish it!"

■ Liked Gifts: Animal products, homemade food, alcohol, books, flowers, spicy food
"Aw, man. You didn't have to get me this. I really appreciate though, thanks."

■ Disliked Gifts: Blockbuster movies, potted plants without flowers, junk
"I appreciate the thought, but no thanks."

■ Hated Gifts: Ice types, mushrooms
"No, I'm not going near that."

   weight [ 166 lbs : 75 kg ]      height [ 6'2" : 187 cm ]      horoscope [ ♓ ]      hair color [ blonde ]      eye color [ brown ]   

   ethnicity [ korean . british ]      sexuality [ homosexual / rom ]      identity [ male . he/him]      myers briggs [ enfp ]     shipping [ closed ] 

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Comments: 13

CreativeBomb [2018-09-14 01:54:32 +0000 UTC]

Hi there! If I've already met you, then you get a free hi~ If we haven't, then this is the first! I'm hopping around apps to see who my character hasn't officially met yet, and your's fits the bill! I'd love to do an art trade or RP with you, so hit me up if you're interested via notes, a comment back, or on the Discord Chat!
Here's my boy here; I hope to hear from you soon!

((Followup, but I just realized we're in HMMRI together, too~! Lemme know if my blind biologist sounds more interesting xD))

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

anubis213 [2018-01-31 22:50:20 +0000 UTC]

looks hot

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

3nVee [2017-09-17 21:39:14 +0000 UTC]

Handsome boi. Welcome to the group!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sabrella In reply to 3nVee [2017-09-18 08:24:11 +0000 UTC]

aaaah, thank you so much!! ;; o ;;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kaitanium [2017-09-16 04:07:38 +0000 UTC]

what a handsome man! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sabrella In reply to Kaitanium [2017-09-17 18:19:17 +0000 UTC]

hnnn thank you!! ;; u ;;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kaitanium In reply to sabrella [2017-09-17 23:15:24 +0000 UTC]

Hope we can rp sometime?? 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sabrella In reply to Kaitanium [2017-09-18 08:24:26 +0000 UTC]

of course!! i'm always open to rp :' )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kaitanium In reply to sabrella [2017-09-19 18:28:14 +0000 UTC]

Awesome!! Any particular way you prefer to rp?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sabrella In reply to Kaitanium [2017-09-22 20:53:44 +0000 UTC]

ah, i also have an rp comfort meme if you'd like to read it, i should actually add it to the app lol 
Roleplay comfort meme

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kaitanium In reply to sabrella [2017-09-22 21:16:19 +0000 UTC]

Oh nice, I like the idea of a Rp meme! I may have to do one as well!!

And Discord is fine with me, I go by the same name as here! If you want we can discuss the rp there~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RockyDee [2017-09-05 21:46:11 +0000 UTC]

Omg having a pinterest board for a character is SUCH a good idea! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sabrella In reply to RockyDee [2017-09-06 09:12:53 +0000 UTC]

thank you! Yeah, I really feel like it's easier to understand your character's general interest and style with a pinterest board! :' )

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