taiwonton — KU: Aoyama Teruaki

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Name: Aoyama, Teruaki
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"
Date of Birth: July 17th
Degree: International Business
Year: 4th Year

Personality: Despite having once been a rather humble child, Teruaki's ego has become slightly over-inflated after years of praise and positive reinforcement. While he doesn't seek the limelight and isn't the type to do unusual things to get attention, he does enjoy being the center of things when the opportunity arises. Charisma coupled with relatively good looks and frequent socializing would make it seem as though he's easily approachable... but this is not quite the case. The young man carries himself with a bit of an air of self-confidence, pride, and a twinge of arrogance that may discourage people from thoughtlessly approaching him, though he doesn't seem to realize that he exudes a bit of an unfriendly air.

After realizing that hard-work achieves dreams, Teruaki's become a bit of a perfectionist in the sense that he knows that he can do and accomplish things so long as he puts in the proper time and effort-- and until he reaches the bar he's set for himself, he's unsatisfied and will relentlessly pursue "perfection". Knowing that anything can be done so long as one set's their mind to it, he's an optimist and thinks that things will always turn out fine in the end, even if they seem rough in the present. But due to setting such high expectations for himself, he's set quite a few for other people as well. As a result, he can be quite judgmental - and he's unintentionally open about it at times. He's not good about hiding distaste on his face, and he's not shy about openly avoiding people who aren't worth his time. And while he does try to be relatively polite about it, even then his scorn can sometimes be quite plain.

Though his temper is quite even, Teruaki can be quick to irritation, easily annoyed by big and little things alike. He has a tendency to hold grudges and rarely forgives unless he believes a truly honest apology and attempt at compromise has been extended. This stubbornness is not restricted to interpersonal relationships however, but also his internal mentality. Once he's convinced of something, it's hard to make his opinion sway, and he's a relatively decisive person who doesn't like letting anyone or thing other than himself dictate what he can or cannot do. But despite all this, to those whom he thinks match his standards in one way or another-- either aesthetically, academically or in extracurriculars, he can be quite kind and fun to be around. He's not well-liked for no reason, after all. With friends and successful people, he is a lively, typical young adult who seems quite carefree and agreeable. And if getting along with successful folk requires him to be nice to losers, then so be it. So long as the person he wishes to impress or be friends with is around, he'll extend this kind persona to anyone in the vicinity. But he far prefers the company of those whom he can freely say whatever he likes around, without rhyme or reason towards the rote of society.

Bio: Hailing from a middle-lower class family and having a relatively agreeable nature, Teruaki lived his early life facing few hardships and enjoying generally problem free teenage years. His father was a fisherman in the Ryukyu Islands of Japan, a hard-working man who would get up at ungodly hours and leave for days at a time on his expeditions in order to support his parents, wife and children. On the other hand his mother stayed at home to care for Teruaki and instill in him the prized traits of hard-work and a humble nature.

When time came for Teruaki to enter school, the family exploded into squabbles over tradition and what was proper-- but ultimately it was decided that the young and only son Teruaki would go to live with his maternal grandparents in Tokyo. There, they argued, he would receive a better education and perhaps face a future not so tiring and weary as fishing. But despite these efforts, Teruaki was nothing exceptional-- he did well in school, but not too well. He did well in sports, but was by no means the star player. He had friends, but was never the leader of the group. He settled very contentedly into the lull of mediocrity, the acceptance that he was not really destined for more than what he had ahead: a fisherman's life. And that was fine. There was nothing wrong with being mediocre and following a preset path, at least to Teruaki who felt that not everyone could succeed, and not everyone could be the best. He was never the child who dreamed of being a race car driver, or a secret agent, or anything extravagant like that. He was a practical child, lived day by day, and took things one step at a time-- too afraid to look into an unknown future to find the disappointment that could be waiting for him there.

At the time, he'd settled on a public school, practically sleeping through his middle school entrance exams and going to an educational institution as mediocre as he was. With grades like his, it was all he could ask for. Teruaki believed that the extraordinary ability to get into a high ranked school was not something within his power to do. That the extra talent to be extraordinary had not been born in him. At least, that was what he believed until he met his best friend two weeks into what was supposed to be his boring middle school life. The charismatic American-born-and-raised Yuuta, who had just moved back to Japan. Through Yuuta, Teruaki learned a number of things that would change his life: First, he learned to be more open, more assertive about what he wanted and who he wanted to be. Second, he learned to enjoy learning English, which improved his grades a notch and set the foundations for a strong fluency in the language in his later life. Third, he learned about a show called Hamonepu, of which Yuuta and his family were avid fans of. And fourth, he learned that fate could be shaped by his own hands through hard work and perseverance. Yuuta was the key to the cage of mediocrity Teruaki had built around himself, and he began to let himself dream little by little as he was roped into Yuuta's scheme to someday compete on the show as an acapella group...

And so as they struggled through exams, had ups and down, fought and made-up, the duo gathered up a group of 6 singers with the simple goal of someday making it to Hamonepu. The six even went so far as to aim to enter the same high school despite their differences in grades and some members' parents' displeasure. But they prevailed, and in their second year of high school the six went to Hamonepu and presented their 90 second performance to great reception. Though they ultimately failed to win the competition, their dream had been fulfilled, and it was time to decide whether to go big or go home. But there was no question for Yuuta, who's long years of self-taught beatboxing had caused painful nodes to form on his vocal chords. Acapella was over for Yuuta, who had to save the money for surgery and University. The decision was easy: Teruaki resolved that the dream to be recording artists had not been his own, but his and Yuuta's, together. Happiness would not await him if he stepped into the limelight alone. And so, now in their third year of high school, their goals had been accomplished and there would be no part 2. It was time to turn their eyes away from their rose colored high school lives and turn to face the real world.

With his grades down the crapper thanks to his time investments in Hamonepu, Teruaki gave up hopes on universities like Waseda, Keio, or the unreachable Tokyo University, instead applying for Kamenoko. While Yuuta scrambled to make himself presentable to international student eligibility, intending to return to America, Teruaki swept their high school school with the Hamonepu wave of excitement, finding himself unexpectedly popular. This popularity followed him to Kamenoko, where he found that despite having relied on Yuuta's exuberance in their youth, he was now plenty capable of standing on his own-- and so he gathered around himself a number of social circles, particularly those of the overachieving elite. Those who valued excellence in every field, academics, socialization, philanthropy, and extracurriculars. But as he progressed through his first two years of University with outstanding grades and a comfortably drama-free life, he never gave up on being determined to shape his own future. He had one more dream to fulfill. It was a secret plan he'd researched on his own since the end of Hamonepu, when he decided that he would never let himself work the crack of dawn to midnight shifts of Japanese salarymen. Now in his last year of University, he's applied to internships in America- and while there, he intends to search and apply for a job that will give him a reason to stay in America and escape from the narrow-minded world of working-class Japan. And maybe, even get to experience the booming American acapella culture...

Club: N/A
Occupation: N/A

+ Dogs
+ Singing
+ Kendo
+ People who can sing well
+ Cute Girls
+ Hamonepu
+ The Sing Off
+ English
+ Shima Uta/Ryukun Music
+ Running

- Cats
- Drama
- Strawberries
- People who THINK they can sing well
- Little Kids
- Japanglish
- Choirs
- Autotune (but listens to it anyway)
- Bad Grades
- Giving up
- Religion

- Sings Lead or Tenor part in acapella groups-- lead using his head voice, and tenor in his falsetto.
- His favorite songs to sing are "For the Longest Time" and "Roman Hikou".
- Looking for a roommate, currently crashing in a friend's apartment after getting kicked out by his last roommate halfway through the year.
- From summer visits to Okinawa, Teruaki has a moderate proficiency at the Shima Uta style of singing, and it's his (secret) guilty pleasure.
- Is aiming to study abroad at Princeton University in America, and so spends a fair amount of his time studying in order to keep his grades up.
- Has a younger sister 7 years his junior, though he's only seen her on his summer visits back to Okinawa and so they're not very close.
- Wears silver rimmed reading glasses in class and at home.
- His voice, both singing and speaking is akin to that of Yuudai: [link] , [link] , [link]
- His speaking voice is... er... [link] The guy who sounds more tame on the left is Teruaki's V/A.

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Comments: 11

peachtail [2013-07-09 19:23:34 +0000 UTC]

creeps in and creeps back out

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

taiwonton In reply to peachtail [2013-07-10 06:56:18 +0000 UTC]


entertains the idea of bringing him to tanabata
but rly shouldn't

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sighlol [2013-02-11 05:53:13 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

taiwonton In reply to sighlol [2013-02-11 17:16:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dhirento [2013-02-09 12:58:57 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

taiwonton In reply to Dhirento [2013-02-11 17:16:16 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

3896 [2013-02-09 12:38:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

taiwonton In reply to 3896 [2013-02-11 17:16:53 +0000 UTC]



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3896 In reply to taiwonton [2013-02-11 20:54:01 +0000 UTC]


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Manyan [2013-02-09 12:37:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

taiwonton In reply to Manyan [2013-02-11 17:17:02 +0000 UTC]


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