Tarizon — Casimir | WoLF

#avery #character #oc #rp #sanctuary #wolf #wolves #tarizon #canine #lunar
Published: 2016-07-05 02:48:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 10113; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 1
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Description Character in progress. Everyone, meet Avery! Hoping to have him join the sanctuary within a few months time.

:: I D E N T I T Y ::"I have no name, just a story. Let that be judgment enough, unless you dare judge me without well knowing."

Name: Casimir {Chosen name} 

     *Meaning: Peace.

        *Alias(es): Avery {Birth name} "Elf Counsel"
            *Nickname(s): Kaiser |Ruler| {Wolves of Gal'vore}, Avey {Family/close friends. Sometimes Irene}, Mon coeur |My heart| {Irene}, Cas {Common name}, Snake of the Forest.

Gender: Male

Age: Adult; approx. 6 years.
    Birthday: April 29th.

Height: 39"
Current and Mature height.

Weight: 178 lbs
Current and Mature weight.

Voice: Due to his upperclass upbringing and experience with diplomacy, Casimir speaks usually with a commanding voice that has long since matured into a deeper, husky tone. ||{Alan Rickman as Severus Snape) }

        *Mannerisms: Tends to call she-wolves princess or darling whether it be in an endearing way or to mock them. Has a vaguely foreign accent that tends to become more pronounced when infuriated or startled. Often speaks in a polite, formal matter.

Bloodline/s: 100% Valley || Massive size, Varying pelt colors {Brown, black, grey}, Long thick limbs, Built for power, Thick dense fur.

Physical Description: Cas is, simply put, built like a power house. His broad chest and large paws packed behind muscle bound limbs give him a rather imposing appearance. Small, pointed ears stand atop of his head. Just further down along the denser fur of his neck and chest rests a long, deep set scar; a reminder of his last fight before awaking in the sanctuary.

Pack or Guild: Loner

    Current Rank: N/a

:: P E R S O N A L I T Y ::


"Your eyes tell the tales of your experiences. I have time to listen, if you will let me."

Acerbic | Before being brought to the sanctuary, Avery was widely known to be forthright and blunt. Due to the sudden change of life and scenery this traits took on a more sardonic turn. His words more sharp and uncaring whether or not they leave a lasting sting.

Cunning | Once upon a time, the brute played by the rules of the book. That all went out the window, however, and now he does things his way. Be it by deceit or otherwise; he has the skills to get by and is no longer afraid to explore the alternatives to achieve what needs to be done.

Hostile | While on the surface, Cas seems put together and stoic deep down there's a raging fire. All it takes is just a little fuel to set the world on fire and his violent instincts take over, making him a foe to fear and leaving a path of destruction in his wake. This is due to events that occurred not long before his arrival and is still learning to tame his burning emotions.

Pedantic | He is obsessed with the smallest of details, mainly about himself and things that directly affect him. To him, things have to be just right.

Free-Agent | To put it simply, Cas works to benefit himself. Think Rumpelstiltskin in a sense. Whichever side has the best offer is the one he will take and no job is too risky for the Snake of the Forest. 

Determined | Casimir's main and most personal goal is to let his memories die in past and give meaning to life once more. He secretly yearns to be happy again, but finds himself lost on how to obtain it. 

Cultured | Growing up in an environment where manners and respect for forced upon one at a young age, Casimir has taken those teachings with him later in life. He has refined tastes and views of others, leaving his peers to feel judged in his presence at times. 

Adaptable | Things happens and life takes unpredictable turns often taking you along for the ride. From an early age the male found himself going with the flow majority of the time and molding himself to situations. This made him durable in most environments and stronger inside and out. 

Debonair | Along with being cultured, Cas is greatly known for his charming ways. He can be quite the conversationalist when he is in the mood. His aura exudes a confidence that is rarely tarnished. 

Droll | He finds amusement in most aspects of live, even if he finds life to be meaningless. Witty remarks can be seen as the norm for the male, as humor is his way of coping with the past. A moments laughter is another moment forgotten.

In Depth:  Casimir is a tortured soul and thus his personality adapted to reflect his hurt and ire. Life is no longer the meaningful paradise he had taken pride in residing in and wants nothing more than to return the favor by spreading his pain. With that said, a part of him desires to find his happiness once more. He simply just doesn't know how to obtain it. He has taken on a new way of life and dictates helping others if it benefits him in return. Whether that makes him good or bad, he couldn't tell. There had to be a gray area among the figurative war of evil and good. That's where he had to be.. The world didn't need another hero, after all. His is a cultured fellow that holds everyone to the same standards of living. Those who lack manners don't deserve his respect and those that do can find an acquaintance in the adult. That said, it isn't hard to fall for Casimir's charming words and confidence that surrounds his whole being. Even his humor in the small things is alluring in most cases, even if most don't know he uses it as a way to cope. Few have dared to cross him, fewer have lived to tell of their feat. Furthermore, Cas is known as a free-agent of sorts. Meaning he will do jobs for others that are too coward or simply don't have the means to pull off the task at paw. If they can pay the price, of course. There's a reason why they call him the Snake of the Forest after all, and during his short time in the sanctuary the male has already had his fair share of sin on his paws. When angered, the brute is no longer recognizable as he sends flames in all directions leaving nothing, but blood and shattered souls in his wake. Most of the time he doesn't even realize what he's doing until it's already done and by then there is nothing he can do to fix things. He wasn't always so angry and short tempered.. it's just another casualty of life and what it's done to him. He is a shell of his former self, unable to latch onto the way things were before. He's complex and contradicting and just barely manages to keep things together in the face of others.  

:: H I S T O R Y ::

"Don't pity me, darling. I have confronted my demons and made peace with my past. Have you?"

Pre-Group History: Once upon a time, life was full of promise and meaning. Born to an aged pair of alphas, Avery grew up in a rather comfortable life. His upbringing taught him early on that manners and respect was the utmost importance. He was the heir two the throne and as such, he'd have to act that part. His parents groomed him and made sure he learned all they knew. Most of all, they cherished their only son and showed it every chance they had. 

    For years he lived a life of leisure and luxury. His parents were still reigning strong over the Gal'vore pack despite their age. He was just shy of 3 years old when he woke in the dead of night. A bad, nagging feeling rested in the depths of his gut. Something wasn't right. But what, he didn't know. What he did know was that he felt the strong need to check on his parents. At this age he had moved out of his parents den, though he was too far away. The trip only took a short minute before he was just a yard from their entrance. Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed a shadow move and at one rounded on it. "Dad?" He'd call out, mistaking the stranger for the alpha. No, it couldn't be him. He was much larger. "Hey, wh-" Before he was able to call out once more the shadowy figure took off with a sprint, silently weaving through the pack territory. A part of Avery urged him to pursue the wolf, but a stronger temptation pulled at him. His parents. What was that stranger doing so closed to their den? He'd soon find out.

    Blood was everywhere. There wasn't a spot on the hard rock that wasn't stained red. Avery's eyes stared in horror at the lifeless forms of both of his parents lying helplessly on the ground. No breath escaped either one of them. No calls for help. Nothing. Whoever that wolf was had to of been the one to do this. His father was sprawled out in front of his mother as if he were trying to protect her. Panic in his voice called out for help, hoping there was something they could do even if he knew better. The guards of the pack arrived before everyone else and soon after the royal dens were surrounded with crowds of wolves. Somewhere between the confusion and urgent mutterings, Avery slipped away and ran through the territory after the masked murderer. Yelling or him to come back and face him. But no one came. And Avery had been too late, whoever it was that did this was gone. 

    With the alphas gone, Avery was left with no other choice than to assume the role of alpha. All eyes were on him for direction, and while he knew he was ready.. he felt more self-conscious than ever. His uncertainty often led him to wander the outskirts of the pack, sometimes even drifting outside the territory for various amounts of time. This was against all orders from his guards whom told him that it was still unsafe. Whoever did this to his parents could be targeting him next as well. Avery didn't care. Let them come. He'd return the favor and more. It was on one of these walks that he noticed a pair of eyes following him. They were large and almond shaped.. golden and light. He didn't fear them whatsoever. If anything, they seemed to intrigue him. He'd draw the she-wolf out with a simple, "I see you." She was nothing like any wolf he'd ever seen before. Exotic features that told him she couldn't be from around here. He was hooked before he even learned her name. 

    They would strike a conversation right then and there and remained talking for about an hour before the sun began to set and Avery had to depart from the alluring she-wolf. "I hope to see you again," He'd say. "You will." And he did. Day after day he'd walk the same way and day after day she'd be there where they first met. It came to no surprise when he developed feelings for her, however when he brought her pack to his pack.. he welcome was less than charming. Most regarded her with suspicion, not trusting the outsider. They were on edge and Avery couldn't blame him. However, he could stand for their behavior towards his love, either. And so as a way to put them in their place he'd let her settle in and soon after take her as his mate. This outrage some of the older members of Gal'vore. How dare he allow some wolf that only just arrived be alpha along his side?! When there were so many other, better she-wolves more fit for the job. That was the problem though. They all saw this union as a job. But it was much more than that. The two were in love, and they'd remain so even without the title looming over their heads. It was something the rest would never understand. And something that'd change Avery's life for the worst. 

    A couple years after their union, the couple had been out for one of their daily walks. This time his mate took him down an age old path he hadn't ventured down in a long while. It was where they first met that she led him when suddenly she stopped, causing him to stop as well. After prodding her about whether or not things were okay and after she continuously insisted they were she blurted something out that both alarmed and excited him. 

"You're going to be a father, Avery." She'd repeated with a nervous laugh. Him? A father? Surprise swiftly turned to happiness after he laughed and pulled her into a loving embrace. He was going to be a father! 

After the excitement of the news was over, they continued their walk. Talk about names and the such became the top priority of their conversation. It was in the midst of the debate about whether or not Cecil was a silly name or not, when suddenly Avery found his back turned. His mate was laughing while defending the name when she let out a startled squeal, alerting Avery immediately. Spinning around, the alpha male found himself faced with not just one intruder, but four of them. 

"Hello, princess. Didn't expect to find you out here. Let alone with the pup." Spat the wolf, that was no doubt in charge of this ambush. 

"G-Go away, Gar." Wait.. She knew him? Did she knew all of them? Avery quickly found himself confused as he followed the conversation. 

"Oh, don't act so uptight now that you got that unfortunate alpha couples son." 

This peaked Avery's attention. What did he know of his parents? His mate only knew of things he told her of them so why bring it up? "Oh wait, he doesn't know of your participation that night does he? Shame, she did all that hard work for nothing." 

"Don't.. Please. Not now." The she-wolf pleaded with the other male. Avery was confused as he searched his mates face for answers. She knew all along?What did he mean by participated? He couldn't mean that.. 

"No." The alpha stepped defensively in front of his mate, driving a wedge between her and the others. "I don't know who you are, but I've made peace with what happened to my parents. This, here, is my mate and frankly I don't want to hear anything you have to say." 

"Oh? You tricked him into taking you as his mate? How delightful! Quite the plot twist. Very well, then. Boys, grab the overgrown pup and kill his the traitor bitch." 

Fighting and struggling against to of the four males, Avery quickly found himself overwhelmed. He was strong, but tying to block two targets coming from more than one angle was like trying to catch a shooting star. Soon, he was pinned between the paws of some brute and the ground watching the event before him unfold. More than once he called out to his love. Then pleaded to the wolves that assaulted her. They didn't care, nor did they listen. If he struggled to get up, one of the two males would inflict pain to subdue him. He was useless. Forced to watch his mate be torn to shreds. 

"IRENE!!" He'd call out as loud as he could as he watched the wolf he loved fall to the ground in a puddle of her own blood. With the last bit of adrenaline he could muster, he managed to shove one of the wolves off of him, tackling him to the ground and beginning to rip, tear and mutilate any piece of him he could. He saw nothing, but red. Red like the blood he stepped through the night his parents were killed, red like the blood his mate laid lifeless in. Red like burning flames of his rage. He was in a frenzy and wouldn't stop even after the lead male, Gar, tackled him off his comrade and the two engaged in a fight. They were equal in size and strength, proving to make for a long battle for the others head. Gar managed to get a good hit on him, cutting him along the side of his neck down halfway of his chest. Avery had the upperhand however. He was in a blind rage and just lost the love of his life... and he had taken the most innocent loves from him just a moment ago. His pups would never know of life and love. He'd never get to have the pleasure of naming them, or playing with them. He'd never get to teach them all the things his parents taught him. He'd forever have to live knowing he was a father without ever meeting his children. And that alone fueled his ire, giving him the strength to break his opponent down. Even after Gar was left bloodied and unrecognizable, Avery kept going. The other wolves, the cowards, just watched in horror. 

Suddenly a sharp pain ripped through his backside, although he barely paid any attention to it. It was only after a few moments when his eyes began drooping that he came out of his rage induced stupor. By the time he had seen what he'd done, he was on the ground. Only after he got one last look as Irene did he allow his eyes to shut.

That day was the last day he called himself by his birth name. He had awoken in strange lands unknown to him. His head was in a fog as he wandered around groggily. Yesterday was still fresh in his fragile mind. The sight of his dead mate, what he did to that murderer... It was all too much to handle. He had more questions than he had answers at the moment. Lost and broken, the male limped through the sanctuary aimlessly and without a care. He had lost everything in a blink of an eye. He had lost his happiness and life had lost its meaning. For a while he refused to give his name to anyone. Which earned him a couple nicknames. It wasn't until he discovered his new identity that he became a dark shadow upon the forest. Avery was dead and in his wake, Casimir was born.

Group History:

:: R E L A T I O N S H I P S ::

Mate: N/A
    Previous Mate: Irene {Deceased}

        Father: Darian {Deceased}
        Mother: Naveen {Deceased}
        Siblings: N/a
        Offspring: 3 unnamed {Deceased ??}

:: A V A I L A B I L I T Y ::


Preferred Methods: 
        Other: I can do dA chatrooms as well!

:: O T H E R    N O T E S ::

.:Avery's Playlist:.

  Avery's Song
  Jet Black Heart
  Avery's Fight Theme
  Fields of Hope
  Stressed Out
  Unravel (Acoustic)

-Walks during the night where he can be alone, often finds himself stargazing.
-Being on the move.
-The songs the birds sing every morning

- Being a sitting duck
- Unintelligent beings
- Snow
- Maybe you

Art & Character/Concept (c) Tarizon

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Comments: 22

VonTriggers [2016-10-18 11:37:50 +0000 UTC]

Your boy and my girl Lilith should meet!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tarizon In reply to VonTriggers [2016-10-25 20:09:08 +0000 UTC]

Hopefully I'll be able to get to bring him into the RP soon!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

scowle [2016-10-13 13:32:35 +0000 UTC]

screams I just saw this and I love this guy???? His personality is so unique and we'll written oml.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tarizon In reply to scowle [2016-10-15 14:43:43 +0000 UTC]

Aaah thanks so much >o<; Hopefully I can get active enough again to bring him in to cause havoc

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

scowle In reply to Tarizon [2016-10-15 16:47:06 +0000 UTC]

pleaSE he is perfection

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ImAHungryNacho [2016-07-08 22:53:07 +0000 UTC]

I love his colors! So rich and sultry! I love them reds tho Can't wait to see this guy in!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tarizon In reply to ImAHungryNacho [2016-07-08 23:05:07 +0000 UTC]

Very soon! Less than a month to gooo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ImAHungryNacho In reply to Tarizon [2016-07-09 00:31:57 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Encharm In reply to ImAHungryNacho [2016-07-09 23:30:48 +0000 UTC]

cirvery is coming............

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ImAHungryNacho In reply to Encharm [2016-07-11 04:31:00 +0000 UTC]

Ohmygodstahp XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Encharm In reply to ImAHungryNacho [2016-07-11 05:11:38 +0000 UTC]

its too late this ship has sailed there's no such thing as sTOPPING

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ImAHungryNacho In reply to Encharm [2016-07-11 05:24:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

C3lestialWolf [2016-07-05 21:04:44 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness he's lookin' wonderful so far : D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tarizon In reply to C3lestialWolf [2016-07-05 21:47:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, Celes!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DrekaWolf [2016-07-05 15:13:53 +0000 UTC]

Loving this design! :'D 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tarizon In reply to DrekaWolf [2016-07-05 17:08:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! >o<

Though knowing me, I'm probably going to continue playing around with this design for a while. So picky //shot

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CoffeeHunter [2016-07-05 05:44:30 +0000 UTC]

Hhhhh so handsome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tarizon In reply to CoffeeHunter [2016-07-05 17:08:54 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, Hunts!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Copperhaven [2016-07-05 03:29:13 +0000 UTC]

He's so pretty!! I love the way you draw fur amg

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tarizon In reply to Copperhaven [2016-07-05 17:10:33 +0000 UTC]

Aaaah thank you! ;___; Really wanted to put effort into this instead of leaving it as a sketch like usual

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AnimeFan4Eternity23 [2016-07-05 03:07:30 +0000 UTC]

Pretty boy! What pack are you gonna put him into?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tarizon In reply to AnimeFan4Eternity23 [2016-07-05 17:11:52 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, Ani  
& I'm thinking Na"em. Either that or loner whenever they open up! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0