Siryeehaw — An Alternate Africa

Published: 2021-12-21 05:14:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 23319; Favourites: 135; Downloads: 29
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Description As a sort of "X Nations" thing, but also not frankly, just something that popped in my head and continued on. May do a sequel of other nations colonizing Africa. Anyway, lets get this show on the road!

A: Italian Empire (1967): Italy had always been a third-rate power, taken seriously in European politics because it was ahead of Austro-Hungary and the Turks. And with thier collapse Italy became the laughing stock of Europe during the 20's and early 30's. Even during the Second Great War, the Italian Army underperformed and had to be supported by German officers and volunteers. 

So it is a miracle when- after the dust was settled and peace was brought under by the Axis powers, she received such vast and wonderful lands. Given to Italy as a pity prize and because the overworked and encumbered German Reich couldn't be bothered to, the Middle East and Northern Africa were given for Italy's efforts in the second Great War. Soon after the peace, Italy struck black gold. While oil production in the Middle East existed before the 1950's, under the Italian Empire, Libyan, Sudanese, Cameroonian, and Yemeni oil production boomed. AGIP became one of the largest oil company, only in third behind Standard Oil in the US, and the German Petroleum Company in well, Germany. 

Much of Italy's fortune came from Germany- a nation starved of oil- even with the Caucuses under its thumb, and the Norwegian oil deposits coming online in the same decade- saboteurs in the North Sea and the Caucasian mountains prevented much use out of these large caches of fuel. The German demand for petroleum and cheap oil propelled the Italian economy higher than ever, allowing its citizens to live nearly as comfortably as those of its European major and the US and Canada. And yet, all good things come at a price. And 4.25 Reichsmarks for a barrel of oil will soon come to an end. German and global demand for oil keep rising yearly. As Italy struggles to keep up with demands and the AGIP a state-backed monopoly on oil and its vanguard now growing old and decadent off thier post-war success- may see Italy be one of the first dominoes to fall. 

I mean that is what happens when your empire is built out of and off sand after all.

B: British Empire (1948): Britannia rules the waves and there be no doubt of it! She has cornered herself as the largest empire in all of Earth's history, greater than the Americans, Franks, and Russians combined! From the Freedmen's Coast to Oman, and from Kurdistan to Cape Town, Britain's success in the worlds stage can be attributed to her massive empire. Africa, Australia, and the Raj allow Britain full control over the Indian Ocean, and supply her with resources and goods from the world over. 

Indeed, British citizens have the luxury of South African cars, Congolese tires, Iraqi oil, Nigerian leather, and Kenyan driving instructors. An empire so massive, Britain could easily supply herself with her colonies alone if she so chose. Instead Britain chooses to instead open herself to the world- spreading the Imperial goods across the Earth, Transvaal diamonds adorn American rings, Abyssinian gold supplies French fanciness, and the rich shores from Lagos to Zanzibar are open to the tourists of the world. 

And yet this seemingly unshakable empire has a few cracks in its foundation. The Anglo-centric model of the empire means that while Dominions like Kenya, South Africa, and Rhodesia stand to gain greatly, the colonies and protectorates have seen thier economy slowly drain to London or have had once wide and diverse economies narrowed down to fit the needs of Britain. The Malagasy were once renowned for thier fishing, lumber, and rubber- now thier waters are barren of fish and what little industry is on the island is for the sole purpose of fish and fish accessories. Zanzibar has become devoted almost exclusively to tourism as the tiny island kingdom serves 7.7 million tourists and growing. The unnatural and artificial economy of Zanzibar can only be held through British authority, but for how much longer can the peoples tolerate being in the holds of Britain- she who rules the waves? How long will the elephant tolerate the whale telling it how to run the great Serengeti? 

For Britannia may rule the waves but her control and care for colonies is only shallow.

C: French Federation (1960): Rule by the people and for the people, that is what equality and freedom are all about, and the French Republic has instilled and drilled it into her colonial holds over the years. And over these years France has modeled her empire to be one of the best- to take from the Americans and thier breakaway from the British long ago the colonies of France are to be represented in the French Parliament and are to have thier voices heard.

After all they are French citizens of the French Empire and under protection of the French nation. And these colonies are organized in such ways- as to allow them to represent themselves and one another. Though obviously- some are more equal than others. Proper French settlers are the only ones eligible to serve "major positions" and were the first and only ones able to vote for the upwards of 30 years following the Federal Declaration which broke and remade the French colonies into the federations they are today. Now why this discrepancy you may ask? Well obviously, Frenchmen are more educated, knowledgeable, and well-versed in democratic tradition as opposed to the native peoples of the area. Afterall, who would you trust in a democratic election? Your own countrymen who understand the fine tune of democracy, or some rabid Islamist who desires gold and wealth for his clan?

This system however has come under fire, at home, abroad, and in the colonies. For the most part these rebellions have been able to be kept on the down low through minor reforms and small token reforms. France has done good keeping an image of prosperity and stability- especially with the completion of the Trans-Saharan Highway. Though past the smooth asphalt of the road lies the hard and dirty truth of French imperialism. Able to distract many in the world with its veneer of fanciness and culture, the French Federation has been ruthless and barbaric in its moves to keep itself afloat. Entire towns and tribes were moved or paved over to make the continental highway system that now supports the majority of the French Federations internal trade and movement. Though for how long the Federation can stand the march forward is another question as the passion project of many a French president already starts to crumble from the heat of the desert.

Liberty, equality, and fraternity. Except when they get in my way. Quite a nice way to run a show.

D: German Empire (1935): The victory of the 2nd Reich in the War to End All Wars was a great success at first, German prestige had never been higher, her domain across Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and Africa greatly expanded. With the Entente put in thier place, a century of German prosperity and greatness was assured and guaranteed!

So the Kaiser said. Its been nearly 20 years since the Reich's victory in the "War to End All Wars". And instead German troops find themselves on the frontiers of her large and cumbersome empire. Chinese partisans assault Qingdao every month, tribes in New Guinea rebel and wreck havoc on interior roads, the Turks and Austrians have collapsed from the ethnic strain on thier empires, and now the Dervs seek war against the last "colonial oppressor" in Eastern Africa- potentially sparking new war between Germany and Italy as the weeks go by. The German public has been supportive of the Kaiser and his ambitions, but now with more problems and more conflicts cropping up across the world, more than a few put thier faith in anti-Wilhelm parties.

In Africa and the Near East, colonial rebellions have sparked across the land as the borders have shifted and turned drastically over the last 30 years, the people- sick of being tossed around by outside powers far from caring about thier tribes, clans, and families have revolted. Germany however can't hold down permanent alliances, the Dervs and Senussi- despite being anti-foreigner are Germany's reliable hope of taking out other colonial powers on the continent, meanwhile the highly Judeo-Christian and highly militant junta of the Levant has to be told regularly to not butt heads with the legitimate Ottoman government. Not to mention the mess inherited in the Congo. What's even worse is some of the brightest German nobility and intelligentsia are sure of the next Great War starting somewhere in Africa. . .

When you ask for the rewards and power of others, you will also gain thier burdens and sorrows.

E: Belgian Empire (1910): Rather odd how the world pans out isn't it? But, fate lends the world its options and luck is for those who dare to risk it all. And Belgium- a new nation on the block with nothing to lose and everything to gain went for it. And like a lucky casino streak- it hit gold. Or to be precise- rubber and diamonds. 

Belgium's success starts with its acquisition of Guinea and Algeria- amassing enough wealth and being able to purchase colonial holds from France during a rather costly and unproductive year thanks to strikes and rebellions, Belgium scored the Oran Colony and Belgian Guinea. With these footholds in Africa secured, Belgium went to secure a small way-station to China- the locals called it Malindi, but to Leopold it would be named in his honor. Over the decades, Leopoldville grew as trade grew the small port-town into a fairly large trading spot. Leopold II- much like his father however, desired further lands for Belgium- and to have easier access to the Malindi Colony. And in 1868, after multiple negotiations with Britain, France, and Germany- Leopold would claim the Congo as his personal dominion. With the Congo and Malindi secured as Belgian possessions- or at least on paper, Leopold II began to expand south into Katanga and "Petersland", after the German East African Company failed to establish a meaningful presence in the area.

Belgian expansion would eventually hit a brick wall, the empires of Portugal and Britain stood in her way south- and they weren't willing to let the "small Emperor" expand any further. Fortunately, luck seems to play in Belgium's favor. Portugal experienced a severe economic crisis following a massive socialist wave- forcing it to sell off her colonies to raise money for an army and scab workers to keep the country afloat. One of these colonies was Mozambique- handed off to Belgium in 1880. Britain meanwhile would be busy dealing with the Boers and revolts in the Raj, meaning it couldn't protest the Belgian acquisition of Mozambique. And soon the Boers would fall into Leopold's II lap. Seeing them as the next best option to re-unite with the Dutch, or something similar to the Dutch, the Boers pledged allegiance to Leopold- who at his old age was beginning to become delusional0- quickly accepted. And not long after, a new opportunity would arise. Menelik II- who'd been recently crowned Emperor of Ethiopia was killed in the Italo-Ethiopian War, Leopold and his delusions- sensing an opportunity sent one of his sons to claim the throne of Ethiopia. After an intense campaign, Phillipe would be crowned Prince of the Belgians and Emperor of the Ethiopians. Though with these new acquisitions and rapid growth of the Belgian state she has made new enemies in the form of Italy and Britain. And war seems right on the horizon as Belgium's luck runs cold. . .

Luck may favor the fortunate- but you must also find room to spare for all the riches of your fortune. 

F: Portuguese Empire (1820): Portugal, with total adherence to the Treaty of Tordesillas, takes thier chunk of Brazil and the new world- they don't need much from it- besides its not India or China anyways. Africa became Portugal's playing ground, from Morocco to Zambia. And from the Spice Coast to the Zanzibari Coast. While Spain has the Americas, Portugal has Africa. 

Over the course of the late 1500's and early 1600's, Portugal would expand rapidly across Africa- creating a transcontinental empire through Angola and Mozambique. Though in the late 1700's it would see a massive decline in expansion, the 1700's saw the massive expansion of Portuguese settlement across the continent. The New Algarve Colony in particular would see a massive boom to her economy following the discovery of diamonds, gold, and precious metals- including uranium which started an interesting but niche craze throughout Enlightenment Europe of dying things green and orange. Of course, all good must come to an end- even for such a grand empire as Portugal. 

Following the American Revolution, the colonies in Spanish America began to get testy and uppity as thoughts of self-determination- though only in the minds of radicals. These thoughts spread to Portugal, while not in the same boat as Mexico or La Plata, the colonies of Africa always felt excluded from Portuguese politics and society thanks to thier mixed culture and race. Being viewed as second-class citizens within the Empire at large. It wouldn't be until Napoleons rampage across Europe that'd be the breaking point. While unsuccessful the Sao Tome Republic gave hope to the independence movements of Portuguese Africa. Even after Napoleons defeat, with the uproar in the Spanish colonies breaking out into all-out war and the US growing more powerful by the decade, many intellectuals and aristocrats of the colonies see it as thier time, sooner or later to rise up and throw off the Portuguese shackles and determine thier own nations path. 

If you rise early, you will also be sure to fall early. Nothing is forever, no matter how hard you try.

Anyways, thats gonna be one of my posts for a while. I hope you lot enjoy it. And Merry Christmas to all!

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