Actual Fallout: New Vegas dialogue, taken way wrong.
The kind of hijinx you get up to when you’re entertaining an epic headache, really.
Arcade: No offence intended, but why should I go anywhere with you?
Courier: [Confirmed Bachelor] I need a good-looking doctor to help take care of me in the big, bad wasteland.
Given that my Courier just about chats up everything on two legs in the Mojave and NV (including a sex bot, which leaves him temporarily unable to feel his own…), it probably comes as a blessing that Arcade, for all his snark, is unable to comment on most of Courier’s behaviour. [Even more of a blessing that there isn’t a romance subquest in the game, especially one involving either of the above. Disaster would ensue.]
[You can see it now. Any of Dr. Richard’s opening lines, followed by Arcade commenting sarcastically, “Oh, I see. Unleashing the full, blinding force of your charisma - this is something you do to every doctor you meet on your travels, is it?”]
Originally posted to Tumblr on 3 October '13.
Fallout: New Vegas created by Obsidian Entertainment.